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#ident "@(#)curses:common/lib/xlibcurses/screen/curses.ed"
#ident "$Header: /sms/sinixV5.4es/rcs/s19-full/usr/src/lib/xlibcurses/screen/curses.ed,v 1.1 91/02/28 21:14:00 ccs Exp $"
* Copyright (c) 1998 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended
* publication of such source code.
/* copyright "%c%" */
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988
* The Regents of the University of California
* All Rights Reserved.
* Portions of this document are derived from
* software developed by the University of
* California, Berkeley, and its contributors.
#ident "$Header: copyright.h 1.2 91/06/26 $"
* curses.h - this file is automatically made from caps and
* curses.ed. Don't make changes directly to curses.h!
#ifndef CURSES_H
#define CURSES_H /* define prevents multiple includes */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef _WCHAR_T
#define _WCHAR_T
typedef long wchar_t;
#define CSMAX 4
#include <stdio.h>
* This trick is used to distinguish between SYSV and V7 systems.
* We assume that L_ctermid is only defined in stdio.h in SYSV
* systems, but not in V7 or Berkeley UNIX.
#ifdef L_ctermid
# define SYSV
/* Some V7 systems define L_ctermid - we list those here */
#ifdef BSD
# undef SYSV
#ifdef SYSV
# ifndef VINTR
# include <termio.h>
# include <termios.h>
# endif /* VINTR */
#ifndef _SGTTY
#define _SGTTY
typedef struct termios SGTTY;
#else /* !SYSV */
# ifndef _SGTTYB_
# include <sgtty.h>
# endif /* _SGTTYB_ */
typedef struct sgttyb SGTTY;
* Here we attempt to improve portability by providing some #defines
* for SYSV functions on non-SYSV systems.
# define memcpy(dst, src, len) bcopy((src), (dst), (len))
# define strchr index
# define strrchr rindex
#endif /* SYSV */
#ifndef _BOOL
typedef char bool;
#define _VR3_COMPAT_CODE
* chtype is the type used to store a character together with attributes.
* It can be set to "char" to save space, or "long" to get more attributes.
#ifndef _CHTYPE_T
#define _CHTYPE_T
#ifdef CHTYPE
typedef CHTYPE chtype;
typedef unsigned long chtype;
#endif /* CHTYPE */
#endif /* _CHTYPE_T */
Define for the 'old' definition of chtype is required
when we are running in compatibility mode
typedef unsigned short _ochtype;
/* TRUE and FALSE get defined so many times, */
/* let's not get in the way of other definitions. */
#if !defined(TRUE) || ((TRUE) != 1)
#define TRUE (1)
#if !defined(FALSE) || ((FALSE) != 0)
#define FALSE (0)
#if !defined(ERR) || ((ERR) != -1)
#define ERR (-1)
#if !defined(OK) || ((OK) != 0)
#define OK (0)
/* short-hand notations */
typedef struct _win_st WINDOW;
typedef struct screen SCREEN;
typedef struct _Mouse MOUSE_STATUS;
struct _win_st
short _cury, _curx; /* current coordinates */
short _maxy, _maxx; /* max coordinates */
short _begy, _begx; /* (0,0) screen coordinates */
char _flags;
short _yoffset; /* actual begy is _begy+_yoffset */
bool _clear, /* clearok() info */
_leave, /* leaveok() info */
_immed, /* window in immediate mode */
_sync; /* auto syncup of parent */
WINDOW *_padwin; /* "pad" area for current window */
_ochtype **_y16; /* MUST stay at this offset in WINDOW */
short *_firstch; /* first change in line */
short *_lastch; /* last change in line */
short _tmarg, _bmarg; /* scrolling region bounds */
/* MUST stay at this offset in WINDOW */
unsigned _scroll : 1; /* scrollok() info */
unsigned _use_idl : 1;
unsigned _use_keypad : 1;
unsigned _notimeout : 1;
unsigned _use_idc : 1;
chtype _attrs; /* current window attributes */
chtype _bkgd; /* background, normally blank */
int _delay; /* delay period on wgetch
* 0: for nodelay
* <0: for infinite delay
* >0: delay time in units of millisec
short _ndescs; /* number of descendants */
short _parx, _pary; /* coords relative to parent (0,0) */
WINDOW *_parent; /* the parent if this is a subwin */
chtype **_y; /* lines of data */
short _nbyte; /* number of bytes to come */
short _index; /* index to store coming char */
char _waitc[CSMAX]; /* array to store partial m-width char*/
bool _insmode; /* TRUE for inserting, */
/* FALSE for adding */
/* _lastch is initially set to this, _firstch is set to win->_maxx */
#define _NOCHANGE -1
#define _INFINITY 16000 /* no line can be longer than this */
/* values for win->_flags */
#define _ISPAD 001
#define _WINCHANGED 002
#define _WINMOVED 004
#define _WINSDEL 010
#define _CANT_BE_IMMED 020
#define _WIN_ADD_ONE 040
#define _WIN_INS_ONE 100
struct _Mouse {
int x, y;
short button[3];
int changes;
#define CURS_STUPID 0
#define CURS_UNKNOWN 1
* Various tricks to shut up lint about things that are perfectly fine.
#if defined(lint) && !defined(CURSES) /* if not internal to curses source */
struct screen {
int _nobody_;
#endif /* lint */
/* common external variables */
extern short curs_errno;
extern WINDOW *stdscr, *curscr;
extern MOUSE_STATUS Mouse_status;
extern char ttytype[];
extern char curs_parm_err[],
/* Function declarations */
extern _ochtype *acs_map;
extern chtype *acs32map;
/* definitions for Vr3 source compatibility */
#define initscr initscr32
#define newterm newterm32
#define waddch w32addch
#define wechochar w32echochar
#define pechochar p32echochar
#define winsch w32insch
#define vidputs vid32puts
#define vidattr vid32attr
#define wattroff w32attroff
#define wattron w32attron
#define wattrset w32attrset
#define acs_map acs32map
#define box box32
#ifdef __STDC__
extern WINDOW *initscr();
extern SCREEN *newterm(char *, FILE *, FILE *);
extern WINDOW *initscr();
extern SCREEN *newterm();
/* declarations for mini-curses */
#ifdef __STDC__
extern WINDOW *m_initscr(void);
extern SCREEN *m_newterm(char *, FILE *, FILE *);
extern int m_addch(int), m_addstr(char *), m_clear(void), m_erase(void),
m_move(int, int), m_refresh(void);
#else /* __STDC__ */
extern WINDOW *m_initscr();
extern SCREEN *m_newterm();
extern int m_addch(), m_addstr(), m_clear(), m_erase(),
m_move(), m_refresh();
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#else /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */
extern chtype *acs_map;
#endif /* _VR3_COMPAT_CODE */
#ifdef __STDC__
extern SCREEN *newscreen(char *, int, int, int, FILE *, FILE *),
*setcurscreen(SCREEN *);
extern WINDOW *initscr(void),
*newwin(int, int, int, int),
*newpad(int, int),
*derwin(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int),
*dupwin(WINDOW *),
*getwin(FILE *);
extern int wgetch(WINDOW *); /* it can return KEY_*, for instance. */
extern char *longname(void), /* long name of terminal */
*termname(void), /* effective terminal name */
*keyname(int), /* name of token returned by wgetch() */
extern chtype termattrs(void);
extern void vidupdate(chtype, chtype, int (*)(int)),
wsyncup(WINDOW *), wsyncdown(WINDOW *),
delscreen(SCREEN *), curserr(void),
wcursyncup(WINDOW *);
extern int cbreak(void), nocbreak(void),
reset_prog_mode(void), reset_shell_mode(void),
def_prog_mode(void), _setecho(int), _setnonl(int),
def_shell_mode(void), raw(void),
savetty(void), traceon(void), _meta(int),
traceoff(void), noraw(void), flushinp(void),
_getsyx(int *, int *),
_ring(int), resetty(void),
ripoffline(int, int (*)(WINDOW *, int)),
setsyx(int, int), slk_refresh(void),
wstandend(WINDOW *), wstandout(WINDOW *),
wattroff(WINDOW *, chtype), wattron(WINDOW *, chtype),
wattrset(WINDOW *, chtype),
wrefresh(WINDOW *);
extern int copywin(WINDOW *, WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int, int),
curs_set(int), delay_output(int), delwin(WINDOW *),
doupdate(void), draino(int), endwin(void), isendwin(void),
baudrate(void), has_ic(void), has_il(void),
keypad(WINDOW *, int),
mvcur(int, int, int, int);
extern int mvprintw(int, int, ...), mvscanw(int, int, ...),
mvwprintw(WINDOW *, int, int, ...),
mvwscanw(WINDOW *, int, int, ...),
printw(char *, ...), scanw(char *, ...),
wprintw(WINDOW *, ...), wscanw(WINDOW *, ...);
/* in the following 2 functions 'void *' is really va_list */
/* however, we cannot include <stdarg.h> in curses.h, */
/* because some applications may be using <varargs.h> that */
/* conflicts with <stdarg.h> */
extern int vwprintw(WINDOW *, char *, void *),
vwscanw(WINDOW *, char *, void *);
extern int mvwin(WINDOW *, int, int), mvderwin(WINDOW *, int, int),
napms(int), newkey(char *, int, int),
_overlay (WINDOW *, WINDOW *, int),
pechochar(WINDOW *, chtype),
pnoutrefresh(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int),
prefresh(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
extern void filter(void);
extern int putwin(WINDOW *, FILE *), wredrawln(WINDOW *, int, int),
scr_dump(char *), setupterm(char *, int, int *);
extern int slk_attron(chtype), slk_attroff(chtype), slk_attrset(chtype),
slk_clear(void), slk_noutrefresh(void),
slk_set(int, char *, int),
slk_start(int, int *), slk_touch(void), start_color(void),
extern bool can_change_color(void), has_colors(void);
extern int waddch(WINDOW *, chtype),
waddchnstr(WINDOW *, chtype *, int),
waddnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int),
wbkgd(WINDOW *, chtype),
wborder(WINDOW *, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype),
wclrtobot(WINDOW *), wclrtoeol(WINDOW *),
wdelch(WINDOW *), wechochar(WINDOW *, chtype),
wgetstr(WINDOW *, char *),
wgetnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int),
whline(WINDOW *, chtype, int),
wvline(WINDOW *, chtype, int),
winchnstr(WINDOW *, chtype *, int),
winchstr(WINDOW *, chtype *),
winnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int),
winsch(WINDOW *, chtype),
winsdelln(WINDOW *, int), /* internal */
winsnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int),
winstr(WINDOW *, char *),
wmove(WINDOW *, int, int),
wnoutrefresh(WINDOW *),
wredrawln(WINDOW *, int, int),
wscrl(WINDOW *, int),
wsetscrreg(WINDOW *, int, int),
wtouchln(WINDOW *, int, int, int);
extern int crmode(void), nocrmode(void), ungetch(int);
extern int mouse_set(long int), mouse_on(long int),
mouse_off(long int), request_mouse_pos(void),
map_button(unsigned long);
extern void wmouse_position (WINDOW *, int *, int *);
extern unsigned long getmouse(void), getbmap(void);
/* the following declarations take integers as arguments */
/* to keep the CI5 compiler happy. what we really want */
/* to pass is given in comments. (by the way, we don't */
/* save anything by passing short or bool, since compiler*/
/* expands them to integers any way */
extern int pair_content(int /*short*/, short *, short *),
color_content(int /*short*/, short *, short *, short *),
init_color(int, int, int, int /*all 4 ints */),
init_pair(int, int, int /*all 3 ints */),
idlok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/);
extern void immedok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/);
extern chtype winwch(WINDOW *);
extern int pechowchar(WINDOW *, chtype), ungetwch(int),
waddnwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *, int),
waddwch(WINDOW *, chtype),
waddwchnstr(WINDOW *, chtype *, int),
wechowchar(WINDOW *, chtype),
wgetnwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *, int),
wgetwch(WINDOW *),
wgetwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *),
winnwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *, int),
winsnwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *, int),
winswch(WINDOW *, chtype),
winwchnstr(WINDOW *, chtype *, int),
winwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *);
#else /* __STDC__ */
extern SCREEN *newscreen(/*termname,lines,cols,tabsiz,fout,fin*/),
extern WINDOW *initscr(),
extern int wgetch(); /* because it can return KEY_*, for instance. */
extern char *longname(), /* long name of terminal */
*termname(), /* effective terminal name */
*keyname(/*int*/), /* name of token returned by wgetch() */
extern chtype termattrs();
extern void vidupdate(), wsyncup(), wsyncdown(),
delscreen(), curserr(),
extern int cbreak(), nocbreak(),
reset_prog_mode(), reset_shell_mode(), def_prog_mode(),
_setecho(), _setnonl(),
def_shell_mode(), raw(),
savetty(), traceon(), _meta(),
traceoff(), noraw(), flushinp(), _getsyx(),
_ring(), resetty(), ripoffline(), setsyx(), slk_refresh(),
slk_restore(), wstandend(), wstandout(),
wattroff(), wattron(), wattrset(), wrefresh();
extern int color_cont(), copywin(), curs_set(), delay_output(), delwin(),
doupdate(), draino(), endwin(), isendwin(),
baudrate(), has_ic(), has_il(), idlok(),
init_color(), init_pair(), keypad(), mvcur();
extern int mvprintw(), mvscanw(), mvwprintw(), mvwscanw(),
printw(), scanw(), wprintw(), wscanw(), vwprintw(), vwscanw();
extern int mvwin(), mvderwin(), napms(), newkey(), _overlay(),
pair_content(), pechochar(), pnoutrefresh(), prefresh();
extern void filter();
extern int putwin(), wredrawln(), scr_dump(), setupterm();
extern int slk_attrof(), slk_attrof(), slk_attrset(),
slk_clear(), slk_noutrefresh(), slk_set(),
slk_start(), slk_touch(), start_color(),
extern bool can_change_color(), has_colors();
extern int waddch(), waddchnstr(), waddnstr(), wbkgd(),
wborder(), wclrtobot(), wclrtoeol(), wdelch(), wechochar(),
wgetstr(), wgetnstr(), whline(), wvline(), winchnstr(),
winchstr(), winnstr(), winsch(),
winsdelln(), /*internal */
winsnstr(), winstr(), wmove(), wnoutrefresh(), wredrawln(),
wscrl(), wsetscrreg(), wtouchln();
extern int crmode(), nocrmode(), ungetch();
extern int mouse_set(), mouse_on(), mouse_off(),
request_mouse_pos(), map_button();
extern void wmouse_position();
extern unsigned long getmouse(), getbmap();
extern chtype winwch();
extern int pechowchar(), ungetwch(), waddnwstr(), waddwch(),
waddwchnstr(), wechowchar(), wgetnwstr(), wgetwch(),
wgetwstr(), winnwstr(), winsnwstr(), winswch(),
winwchnstr(), winwstr();
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#define getsyx(y,x) _getsyx(&(y),&(x))
* Functions to get at the window structure.
#define getyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getcury(win), (x) = getcurx(win))
#define getbegyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getbegy(win), (x) = getbegx(win))
#define getmaxyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getmaxy(win), (x) = getmaxx(win))
#define getparyx(win,y,x) ((y) = getpary(win), (x) = getparx(win))
#if defined(CURS_PERFORMANCE) && !defined(lint)
#define getcury(win) ((win)->_cury)
#define getcurx(win) ((win)->_curx)
#define getbegy(win) ((win)->_begy)
#define getbegx(win) ((win)->_begx)
#define getmaxy(win) ((win)->_maxy)
#define getmaxx(win) ((win)->_maxx)
#define getpary(win) ((win)->_pary)
#define getparx(win) ((win)->_parx)
#define getbkgd(win) ((win)->_bkgd)
#define getattrs(win) ((win)->_attrs)
#else /* defined(CURS_PERFORMANCE) && !defined(lint) */
#ifdef __STDC__
extern int getcury(WINDOW *), getcurx(WINDOW *),
getbegy(WINDOW *), getbegx(WINDOW *),
getmaxy(WINDOW *), getmaxx(WINDOW *),
getpary(WINDOW *), getparx(WINDOW *);
extern chtype getbkgd(WINDOW *), getattrs(WINDOW *);
#else /* __STDC__ */
extern int getcury(), getcurx(), getbegy(), getbegx(),
getmaxy(), getmaxx(), getpary(), getparx();
extern chtype getbkgd(), getattrs();
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#endif /* defined(CURS_PERFORMANCE) && !defined(lint) */
#if defined(NOMACROS) || defined(lint)
#ifdef __STDC__
extern SCREEN *newterm(char *, FILE *, FILE *),
*set_term(SCREEN *);
extern WINDOW *subpad(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int),
*subwin(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
extern char *unctrl(int);
extern chtype inch(void), winch(WINDOW *), mvinch(int, int),
mvwinch(WINDOW *, int, int);
extern int addch(chtype), addchnstr(chtype *, int), addchstr(chtype *),
addnstr(char *, int), addstr(char *),
attroff(chtype), attron(chtype), attrset(chtype),
beep(void), bkgd(chtype),
border(chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype),
box(WINDOW *, chtype, chtype),
clear(void), clearok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
clrtobot(void), clrtoeol(void),
crmode(void), delch(void), deleteln(void),
echo(void), echochar(chtype), erase(void),
/* MORE */ fixterm(void),
flash(void), garbagedlines(WINDOW *, int, int),
garbagedwin(WINDOW *),
getch(void), getstr(char *), gettmode(void),
halfdelay(int), hline(chtype, int),
inchnstr(chtype *, int), inchstr(chtype *),
innstr(char *, int), insch(chtype),
insdelln(int), insertln(void), insnstr(char *, int),
insstr(char *), instr(char *), intrflush(WINDOW *, int),
is_linetouched(WINDOW *, int), is_wintouched(WINDOW *),
leaveok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/), meta(WINDOW *, int),
move(int, int), mvaddch(int, int, chtype),
mvaddchnstr(int, int, chtype *, int),
mvaddchstr(int, int, chtype *),
mvaddnstr(int, int, char *, int),
mvaddstr(int, int, char *),
mvdelch(int, int),
mvgetch(int, int),
mvgetstr(int, int, char *),
mvhline(int, int, chtype, int),
mvinchnstr(int, int, chtype *, int),
mvinchstr(int, int, chtype *),
mvinnstr(int, int, char *, int),
mvinsch(int, int, chtype),
mvinsnstr(int, int, char *, int),
mvinsstr(int, int, char *),
mvinstr(int, int, char *),
mvvline(int, int, chtype, int),
mvwaddch(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype),
mvwaddchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int),
mvwaddchstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *),
mvwaddnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int),
mvwaddstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *),
mvwdelch(WINDOW *, int, int),
mvwgetch(WINDOW *, int, int),
mvwgetstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *),
mvwhline(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int),
mvwinchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int),
mvwinchstr(WINDOW *, int, int,chtype *),
mvwinnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int),
mvwinsch(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype),
mvwinsnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int),
mvwinsstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *),
mvwinstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *),
mvwvline(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype, int),
nl(void), nocrmode(void), nodelay(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
noecho(void), nonl(void), notimeout(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
overlay(WINDOW *, WINDOW *), overwrite(WINDOW *, WINDOW *),
redrawwin(WINDOW *), refresh(void),
resetterm(void), saveterm(void), scr_init(char *),
scr_restore(char *), scr_set(char *), scrl(int),
scroll(WINDOW *), scrollok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
setscrreg(int, int), setterm(char *),
slk_init(int), standend(void), standout(void),
syncok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
touchline(WINDOW *, int, int), touchwin(WINDOW *),
untouchwin(WINDOW *), vline(chtype, int),
waddchstr(WINDOW *, chtype *), waddstr(WINDOW *, char *),
wclear(WINDOW *),
wdeleteln(WINDOW *), werase(WINDOW *),
winchstr(WINDOW *, chtype *), winsertln(WINDOW *),
winsstr(WINDOW *, char *), winstr(WINDOW *, char *),
wstandend(WINDOW *), wstandout(WINDOW *);
extern void bkgdset(chtype), idcok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
wbkgdset(WINDOW *, chtype),
qiflush(void), timeout(int), wtimeout(WINDOW *, int),
use_env(int /*char*/);
extern chtype inwch(void),
mvinwch(int, int),
mvwinwch(WINDOW *, int, int);
extern int addnwstr(wchar_t *, int),
addwchnstr(chtype *, int),
addwchstr(chtype *),
addwstr(wchar_t *),
getnwstr(wchar_t *, int),
getwstr(wchar_t *),
innwstr(wchar_t *, int),
insnwstr(wchar_t *, int),
inswstr(wchar_t *),
inwchnstr(chtype *, int),
inwchstr(chtype *),
inwstr(wchar_t *),
mvaddnwstr(int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvaddwch(int, int, chtype),
mvaddwchnstr(int, int, chtype *, int),
mvaddwchstr(int, int, chtype *),
mvaddwstr(int, int, wchar_t *),
mvgetnwstr(int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvgetwch(int, int),
mvgetwstr(int, int, wchar_t *),
mvinnwstr(int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvinsnwstr(int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvinswch(int, int, chtype),
mvinswstr(int, int, wchar_t *),
mvinwchnstr(int, int, chtype *, int),
mvinwchstr(int, int, chtype *),
mvinwstr(int, int, wchar_t *),
mvwaddnwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvwaddwch(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype),
mvwaddwchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int),
mvwaddwchstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *),
mvwaddwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *),
mvwgetnwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvwgetwch(WINDOW *, int, int),
mvwgetwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *),
mvwinnwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvwinsnwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *, int),
mvwinswch(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype),
mvwinswstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *),
mvwinwchnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype *, int),
mvwinwchstr(WINDOW *, int, int,chtype *),
mvwinwstr(WINDOW *, int, int, wchar_t *),
waddwchstr(WINDOW *, chtype *),
waddwstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *),
winswstr(WINDOW *, wchar_t *),
winwchstr(WINDOW *, chtype *);
#else /* __STDC__ */
extern SCREEN *newterm(/*termname,fout,fin*/),
extern WINDOW *subpad(),
extern chtype inch(), winch(), mvinch(), mvwinch();
extern char *unctrl();
extern int addch(), addchnstr(), addchstr(), addnstr(), addstr(),
attroff(), attron(), attrset(), beep(), bkgd(),
border(), box(), clear(), clearok(), clrtobot(), clrtoeol(),
crmode(), delch(), deleteln(), echo(), echochar(),
/* MORE */ fixterm(),
flash(), garbagedlines(), garbagedwin(),
getch(), getstr(), gettmode(), halfdelay(), hline(),
inchnstr(), inchstr(), innstr(), insch(),
insdelln(), insertln(), insnstr(), insstr(), instr(),
is_linetouched(), is_wintouched(), leaveok(), meta(),
move(), mvaddch(), mvaddchnstr(), mvaddchstr(), mvaddnstr(),
mvaddstr(), mvdelch(), mvgetch(), mvgetstr(), mvhline(),
mvinchnstr(), mvinchstr(), mvinnstr(), mvinsch(), mvinsnstr(),
mvinsstr(), mvinstr(), mvvline(), mvwaddch(), mvwaddchnstr(),
mvwaddchstr(), mvwaddnstr(), mvwaddstr(), mvwdelch(),
mvwgetch(), mvwgetstr(), mvwhline(), mvwinchnstr(),
mvwinchstr(), mvwinnstr(), mvwinsch(), mvwinsnstr(),
mvwinsstr(), mvwinstr(), mvwvline(),
nl(), nocrmode(), nodelay(),
noecho(), nonl(), notimeout(),
overlay(), overwrite(), redrawwin(), refresh(),
resetterm(), saveterm(), scr_init(),
scr_restore(), scr_set(), scrl(),
scroll(), scrollok(), setscrreg(), setterm(),
slk_init(), standend(), standout(),
syncok(), touchline(), touchwin(), untouchwin(), vline(),
waddchstr(), waddstr(), wclear(),
wdeleteln(), werase(), winchstr(), winsertln(),
winsstr(), winstr(), wstandend(), wstandout();
extern void bkgdset(), wbkgdset(), idcok(), noqiflush(),
qiflush(), timeout(), wtimeout(), use_env();
extern unsigned long getmouse(), getbmap();
extern chtype inwch(), mvinwch(), mvwinwch();
extern int addnwstr(), addwch(), addwchnstr(), addwchstr(),
addwstr(), echowchar(), getnwstr(), getwch(),
getwstr(), innwstr(), insnwstr(), inswch(),
inswstr(), inwchnstr(), inwchstr(), inwstr(),
mvaddnwstr(), mvaddwch(), mvaddwchnstr(), mvaddwchstr(),
mvaddwstr(), mvgetnwstr(), mvgetwch(), mvgetwstr(),
mvinnwstr(), mvinsnwstr(), mvinswch(), mvinswstr(),
mvinwchnstr(), mvinwchstr(), mvinwstr(), mvwaddnwstr(),
mvwaddwch(), mvwaddwchnstr(), mvwaddwchstr(), mvwaddwstr(),
mvwgetnwstr(), mvwgetwch(), mvwgetwstr(), mvwinnwstr(),
mvwinsnwstr(), mvwinswch(), mvwinswstr(), mvwinwchnstr(),
mvwinwchstr(), mvwinwstr(), waddwchstr(), waddwstr(),
winswstr(), winwchstr();
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#else /* NOMACROS || lint */
* The defines from here down to the #endif for NOMACROS
* define macros, which may be more efficient than their
* function versions. The functions may be accessed by defining
* NOMACROS in C code. This is useful for debugging purposes.
#include <unctrl.h>
/* pseudo functions for stdscr */
#define addch(ch) waddch(stdscr, ch)
#define addnstr(s,n) waddnstr(stdscr,s,n)
#define addstr(str) waddstr(stdscr, str)
#define attroff(at) wattroff(stdscr,at)
#define attron(at) wattron(stdscr,at)
#define attrset(at) wattrset(stdscr,at)
#define bkgd(c) wbkgd(stdscr,c)
#define border(ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br) wborder(stdscr, ls, rs, ts, bs, tl, tr, bl, br)
#define clear() wclear(stdscr)
#define clrtobot() wclrtobot(stdscr)
#define clrtoeol() wclrtoeol(stdscr)
#define delch() wdelch(stdscr)
#define deleteln() wdeleteln(stdscr)
#define echochar(ch) wechochar(stdscr, ch)
#define erase() werase(stdscr)
#define getch() wgetch(stdscr)
#define getstr(str) wgetstr(stdscr, str)
#define inch() winch(stdscr)
#define insch(c) winsch(stdscr,c)
#define insdelln(id) winsdelln(stdscr,id)
#define insertln() winsertln(stdscr)
#define insnstr(s,n) winsnstr(stdscr,s,n)
#define insstr(s) winsstr(stdscr,s)
#define move(y, x) wmove(stdscr, y, x)
#define refresh() wrefresh(stdscr)
#define scrl(n) wscrl(stdscr,n)
#define setscrreg(t,b) wsetscrreg(stdscr, t, b)
#define standend() wstandend(stdscr)
#define standout() wstandout(stdscr)
#define timeout(tm) wtimeout(stdscr,tm)
#define hline(c,num) whline(stdscr,c,num)
#define vline(c,num) wvline(stdscr,c,num)
#define addchstr(str) waddchstr(stdscr,str)
#define addchnstr(str,n) waddchnstr(stdscr,str,n)
#define instr(str) winstr(stdscr,(str))
#define innstr(str,n) winnstr(stdscr,(str),(n))
#define inchstr(str) winchstr(stdscr,str)
#define inchnstr(str,n) winchnstr(stdscr,str,n)
#define bkgdset(c) wbkgdset(stdscr,c)
#define addnwstr(ws,n) waddnwstr(stdscr,ws,n)
#define addwch(ch) waddwch(stdscr,ch)
#define addwchnstr(str,n) waddwchnstr(stdscr,str,n)
#define addwchstr(str) waddwchstr(stdscr,str)
#define addwstr(ws) waddwstr(stdscr,ws)
#define echowchar(ch) wechowchar(stdscr,ch)
#define getnwstr(ws,n) wgetnwstr(stdscr,ws,n)
#define getwch() wgetwch(stdscr)
#define getwstr(ws) wgetwstr(stdscr, ws)
#define innwstr(ws,n) winnwstr(stdscr,ws,n)
#define insnwstr(ws,n) winsnwstr(stdscr,ws,n)
#define inswch(c) winswch(stdscr,c)
#define inswstr(ws) winswstr(stdscr,ws)
#define inwch() winwch(stdscr)
#define inwchnstr(str,n) winwchnstr(stdscr,str,n)
#define inwchstr(str) winwchstr(stdscr,str)
#define inwstr(ws) winwstr(stdscr,ws)
/* functions to define environment flags of a window */
#define wbkgdset(win,c) (((win)->_attrs = (((win)->_attrs & ~((win)->_bkgd & A_ATTRIBUTES)) | (c & A_ATTRIBUTES))), ((win)->_bkgd = (c)))
#define syncok(win,bf) ((win)->_parent?(win)->_sync=(bf):ERR)
#define notimeout(win,bf) (((win)->_notimeout = ((bf) ? TRUE : FALSE)),OK)
#define clearok(win,bf) (((win)->_clear = (bf)), OK)
#define leaveok(win,bf) (((win)->_leave = (bf)), OK)
#define scrollok(win,bf) (((win)->_scroll = ((bf) ? TRUE : FALSE)), OK)
#define idcok(win,bf) ((win)->_use_idc = ((bf) ? TRUE : FALSE))
#define nodelay(win,bf) (((win)->_delay = (bf) ? 0 : -1), OK)
#define is_wintouched(win) ((win)->_flags & _WINCHANGED)
#define is_linetouched(win,line) ((((line) >= (win)->_maxy) || \
((line) < 0)) ? ERR : \
(((win)->_firstch[(line)] == _INFINITY) ? \
#define subwin(win,nl,nc,by,bx) derwin((win),(nl),(nc),(by-win->_begy),(bx-win->_begx))
#define touchwin(win) wtouchln((win),0,(win)->_maxy,TRUE)
#define redrawwin(win) wredrawln((win),0,(win)->_maxy)
#define winchstr(win,str) winchnstr((win),str,((win)->_maxx - (win)->_curx))
#define winstr(win,str) winnstr((win),str,((win)->_maxx - (win)->_curx))
#define untouchwin(win) wtouchln((win),0,((win)->_maxy),FALSE)
#define winch(win) ((win)->_y[(win)->_cury][(win)->_curx])
#define wtimeout(win,tm) ((win)->_delay = (tm))
#define use_env(bf) (_use_env = (bf))
#ifdef __STDC__
extern void wbkgdset(WINDOW *, chtype),
idcok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
wtimeout(WINDOW *, int), use_env(int /*char*/);
extern int syncok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
notimeout(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
clearok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
leaveok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
scrollok(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
nodelay(WINDOW *, int /*bool*/),
is_linetouched(WINDOW *, int), is_wintouched(WINDOW *),
touchwin(WINDOW *), redrawwin(WINDOW *),
winchstr(WINDOW *, chtype *), winstr(WINDOW *, char *),
untouchwin(WINDOW *);
extern chtype winch(WINDOW *);
extern WINDOW *subwin(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
#else /* __STDC__ */
extern void wbkgdset(), idcok(), wtimeout(), use_env();
extern int syncok(), notimeout(), clearok(), leaveok(),
scrollok(), nodelay(), is_linetouched(), is_wintouched(),
touchwin(), redrawwin(), winchstr(), winstr(),
extern chtype winch();
extern WINDOW *subwin();
#endif /* __STDC__ */
/* functions for move and update */
#define mvaddch(y,x,ch) mvwaddch(stdscr,y,x,ch)
#define mvaddnstr(y,x,s,n) mvwaddnstr(stdscr,y,x,s,n)
#define mvaddstr(y,x,str) mvwaddstr(stdscr,y,x,str)
#define mvdelch(y,x) mvwdelch(stdscr,y,x)
#define mvgetch(y,x) mvwgetch(stdscr,y,x)
#define mvgetstr(y,x,str) mvwgetstr(stdscr,y,x,str)
#define mvinch(y,x) mvwinch(stdscr,y,x)
#define mvinsch(y,x,c) mvwinsch(stdscr,y,x,c)
#define mvinsnstr(y,x,s,n) mvwinsnstr(stdscr,y,x,s,n)
#define mvinsstr(y,x,s) mvwinsstr(stdscr,y,x,s)
#define mvaddchstr(y,x,str) mvwaddchstr(stdscr,y,x,str)
#define mvaddchnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwaddchnstr(stdscr,y,x,str,n)
#define mvinstr(y,x,str) mvwinstr(stdscr,y,x,(str))
#define mvinnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwinnstr(stdscr,y,x,(str),(n))
#define mvinchstr(y,x,str) mvwinchstr(stdscr,y,x,str)
#define mvinchnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwinchnstr(stdscr,y,x,str,n)
#define mvhline(y,x,c,num) mvwhline(stdscr,y,x,c,num)
#define mvvline(y,x,c,num) mvwvline(stdscr,y,x,c,num)
#define mvaddnwstr(y,x,ws,n) mvwaddnwstr(stdscr,y,x,ws,n)
#define mvaddwch(y,x,ch) mvwaddwch(stdscr,y,x,ch)
#define mvaddwchnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwaddwchnstr(stdscr,y,x,str,n)
#define mvaddwchstr(y,x,str) mvwaddwchstr(stdscr,y,x,str)
#define mvaddwstr(y,x,ws) mvwaddwstr(stdscr,y,x,ws)
#define mvgetnwstr(y,x,ws,n) mvwgetnwstr(stdscr,y,x,ws,n)
#define mvgetwch(y,x) mvwgetwch(stdscr,y,x)
#define mvgetwstr(y,x,ws) mvwgetwstr(stdscr,y,x,ws)
#define mvinnwstr(y,x,ws,n) mvwinnwstr(stdscr,y,x,ws,n)
#define mvinsnwstr(y,x,ws,n) mvwinsnwstr(stdscr,y,x,ws,n)
#define mvinswch(y,x,c) mvwinswch(stdscr,y,x,c)
#define mvinswstr(y,x,ws) mvwinswstr(stdscr,y,x,ws)
#define mvinwch(y,x) mvwinwch(stdscr,y,x)
#define mvinwchnstr(y,x,str,n) mvwinwchnstr(stdscr,y,x,str,n)
#define mvinwchstr(y,x,str) mvwinwchstr(stdscr,y,x,str)
#define mvinwstr(y,x,ws) mvwinwstr(stdscr,y,x,ws)
#define mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddch(win,ch))
#define mvwaddnstr(win,y,x,s,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddnstr(win,s,n))
#define mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddstr(win,str))
#define mvwdelch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wdelch(win))
#define mvwgetch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetch(win))
#define mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetstr(win,str))
#define mvwinch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?(chtype) ERR:winch(win))
#define mvwinsch(win,y,x,c) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsch(win,c))
#define mvwinsnstr(win,y,x,s,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsnstr(win,s,n))
#define mvwinsstr(win,y,x,s) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsstr(win,s))
#define mvwhline(win,y,x,c,num) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:whline(win,c,num))
#define mvwvline(win,y,x,c,num) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wvline(win,c,num))
#define mvwaddchstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddchstr(win,str))
#define mvwaddchnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddchnstr(win,str,n))
#define mvwinstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winstr(win,str))
#define mvwinnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winnstr(win,str,n))
#define mvwinchstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winchstr(win,str))
#define mvwinchnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winchnstr(win,str,n))
#define mvwaddnwstr(win,y,x,ws,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddnwstr(win,ws,n))
#define mvwaddwch(win,y,x,ch) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddwch(win,ch))
#define mvwaddwchnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddwchnstr(win,str,n))
#define mvwaddwchstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddwchstr(win,str))
#define mvwaddwstr(win,y,x,ws) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:waddwstr(win,ws))
#define mvwgetnwstr(win,y,x,ws,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetnwstr(win,ws,n))
#define mvwgetwch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetwch(win))
#define mvwgetwstr(win,y,x,ws) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:wgetwstr(win,ws))
#define mvwinnwstr(win,y,x,ws,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winnwstr(win,ws,n))
#define mvwinsnwstr(win,y,x,ws,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winsnwstr(win,ws,n))
#define mvwinswch(win,y,x,c) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winswch(win,c))
#define mvwinswstr(win,y,x,ws) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winswstr(win,ws))
#define mvwinwch(win,y,x) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?(chtype)ERR:winwch(win))
#define mvwinwchnstr(win,y,x,str,n) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winwchnstr(win,str,n))
#define mvwinwchstr(win,y,x,str) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winwchstr(win,str))
#define mvwinwstr(win,y,x,ws) (wmove(win,y,x)==ERR?ERR:winwstr(win,ws))
#define waddwchstr(win,str) waddwchnstr(win,str,-1)
#define winwchstr(win,str) winwchnstr(win,str,-1)
#define waddwstr(win,ws) waddnwstr(win,ws,-1)
#define winswstr(win,ws) winsnwstr(win,ws,-1)
#define overlay(src,dst) _overlap((src),(dst),TRUE)
#define overwrite(src,dst) _overlap((src),(dst),FALSE)
#define wdeleteln(win) winsdelln((win),-1)
#define winsertln(win) winsdelln((win),1)
#define wstandend(win) wattrset((win),A_NORMAL)
#define wstandout(win) wattron((win),A_STANDOUT)
#define beep() _ring(TRUE)
#define flash() _ring(FALSE)
#define scroll(win) wscrl((win),1)
#define slk_init(f) slk_start(((f == 0) ? 3 : 2),NULL)
#define scr_init(file) _scr_all(file,0)
#define scr_restore(file) _scr_all(file,1)
#define scr_set(file) _scr_all(file,2)
#define subpad(win,nl,nc,by,bx) derwin((win),(nl),(nc),(by),(bx))
#define box(win,v,h) wborder((win),(v),(v),(h),(h),0,0,0,0)
#define newterm(type,fout,fin) newscreen((type),0,0,0,(fout),(fin))
#define touchline(win,y,n) wtouchln((win),(y),(n),TRUE)
#define waddstr(win,str) waddnstr((win),(str),-1)
#define werase(win) (wmove((win),0,0), wclrtobot(win))
#define wclear(win) (clearok((win),TRUE), werase(win))
#define intrflush(win,flag) _setqiflush(flag)
#define meta(win,flag) _meta(flag)
#define setterm(name) setupterm((name),1,(char*)NULL)
#define gettmode() (OK)
#define halfdelay(tens) ttimeout((tens)*100)
#define echo() _setecho(TRUE)
#define noecho() _setecho(FALSE)
#define nl() _setnonl(FALSE)
#define nonl() _setnonl(TRUE)
#else /* CURS_MACROS */
#ifdef __STDC__
extern int overlay(WINDOW *, WINDOW *), overwrite(WINDOW *, WINDOW *),
wdeleteln(WINDOW *), winsertln(WINDOW *),
wstandend(WINDOW *), wstandout(WINDOW *),
beep(void), flash(void), scroll(WINDOW *), slk_init(int),
scr_init(char *), scr_restore(char *), scr_set(char *),
box(WINDOW *, chtype, chtype), touchline(WINDOW *, int, int),
waddstr(WINDOW *, char *), werase(WINDOW *),
wclear(WINDOW *), intrflush(WINDOW *, int),
meta(WINDOW *, int), setterm(char *), gettmode(void),
halfdelay(int), echo(void), noecho(void), nl(void), nonl(void);
extern WINDOW *subpad(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
extern SCREEN *newterm(char *, FILE *, FILE *);
#else /* __STDC__ */
extern int overlay(), overwrite(), wdeleteln(), winsertln(),
wstandend(), wstandout(), beep(), flash(),
scroll(), slk_init(), scr_init(), scr_restore(), scr_set(),
box(), touchline(), waddstr(), werase(),
wclear(), intrflush(), meta(), setterm(), gettmode(),
halfdelay(), echo(), noecho(), nl(), nonl();
extern WINDOW *subpad();
extern SCREEN *newterm();
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#endif /* CURS_MACROS */
#define garbagedlines wredrawln
#define garbagedwin redrawwin
#define crmode cbreak
#define nocrmode nocbreak
#define saveterm def_prog_mode
#define fixterm reset_prog_mode
#define resetterm reset_shell_mode
#define waddchstr(win,str) waddchnstr((win),(str),-1)
#define winsstr(win,str) winsnstr((win),(str),-1)
/* iocontrol functions */
#define qiflush() _setqiflush(TRUE)
#define noqiflush() _setqiflush(FALSE)
#define set_term setcurscreen
#endif /* NOMACROS || lint */
* Standard alternate character set. The current ACS world is evolving,
* so we support only a widely available subset: the line drawing characters
* from the VT100, plus a few from the Teletype 5410v1. Eventually there
* may be support of more sophisticated ACS line drawing, such as that
* in the Teletype 5410, the HP line drawing set, and the like. There may
* be support for some non line oriented characters as well.
* Line drawing ACS names are of the form ACS_trbl, where t is the top, r
* is the right, b is the bottom, and l is the left. t, r, b, and l might
* be B (blank), S (single), D (double), or T (thick). The subset defined
* here only uses B and S.
#define ACS_BSSB (acs_map['l'])
#define ACS_SSBB (acs_map['m'])
#define ACS_BBSS (acs_map['k'])
#define ACS_SBBS (acs_map['j'])
#define ACS_SBSS (acs_map['u'])
#define ACS_SSSB (acs_map['t'])
#define ACS_SSBS (acs_map['v'])
#define ACS_BSSS (acs_map['w'])
#define ACS_BSBS (acs_map['q'])
#define ACS_SBSB (acs_map['x'])
#define ACS_SSSS (acs_map['n'])
* Human readable names for the most commonly used characters.
* "Upper", "right", etc. are chosen to be consistent with the vt100 manual.
#define ACS_S1 (acs_map['o']) /* scan line 1 */
#define ACS_S9 (acs_map['s']) /* scan line 9 */
#define ACS_DIAMOND (acs_map['`']) /* diamond */
#define ACS_CKBOARD (acs_map['a']) /* checker board (stipple) */
#define ACS_DEGREE (acs_map['f']) /* degree symbol */
#define ACS_PLMINUS (acs_map['g']) /* plus/minus */
#define ACS_BULLET (acs_map['~']) /* bullet */
/* Teletype 5410v1 symbols */
#define ACS_LARROW (acs_map[',']) /* arrow pointing left */
#define ACS_RARROW (acs_map['+']) /* arrow pointing right */
#define ACS_DARROW (acs_map['.']) /* arrow pointing down */
#define ACS_UARROW (acs_map['-']) /* arrow pointing up */
#define ACS_BOARD (acs_map['h']) /* board of squares */
#define ACS_LANTERN (acs_map['i']) /* lantern symbol */
#define ACS_BLOCK (acs_map['0']) /* solid square block */
/* Funny "characters" enabled for various special function keys for input */
/* This list is created from caps and curses.ed. Do not edit it! */
#define KEY_MIN 0401 /* Minimum curses key */
#define KEY_BREAK 0401 /* break key (unreliable) */
#define KEY_DOWN 0402 /* Sent by terminal down arrow key */
#define KEY_UP 0403 /* Sent by terminal up arrow key */
#define KEY_LEFT 0404 /* Sent by terminal left arrow key */
#define KEY_RIGHT 0405 /* Sent by terminal right arrow key */
#define KEY_HOME 0406 /* Sent by home key. */
#define KEY_BACKSPACE 0407 /* Sent by backspace key */
#define KEY_F0 0410 /* function key f0. */
#define KEY_F(n) (KEY_F0+(n)) /* Space for 64 function keys is reserved. */
#define KEY_DL 0510 /* Sent by delete line key. */
#define KEY_IL 0511 /* Sent by insert line. */
#define KEY_DC 0512 /* Sent by delete character key. */
#define KEY_IC 0513 /* Sent by ins char/enter ins mode key. */
#define KEY_EIC 0514 /* Sent by rmir or smir in insert mode. */
#define KEY_CLEAR 0515 /* Sent by clear screen or erase key. */
#define KEY_EOS 0516 /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key. */
#define KEY_EOL 0517 /* Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key. */
#define KEY_SF 0520 /* Sent by scroll-forward/down key */
#define KEY_SR 0521 /* Sent by scroll-backward/up key */
#define KEY_NPAGE 0522 /* Sent by next-page key */
#define KEY_PPAGE 0523 /* Sent by previous-page key */
#define KEY_STAB 0524 /* Sent by set-tab key */
#define KEY_CTAB 0525 /* Sent by clear-tab key */
#define KEY_CATAB 0526 /* Sent by clear-all-tabs key. */
#define KEY_ENTER 0527 /* Enter/send (unreliable) */
#define KEY_SRESET 0530 /* soft (partial) reset (unreliable) */
#define KEY_RESET 0531 /* reset or hard reset (unreliable) */
#define KEY_PRINT 0532 /* print or copy */
#define KEY_LL 0533 /* Sent by home-down key */
/* The keypad is arranged like this: */
/* a1 up a3 */
/* left b2 right */
/* c1 down c3 */
#define KEY_A1 0534 /* Upper left of keypad */
#define KEY_A3 0535 /* Upper right of keypad */
#define KEY_B2 0536 /* Center of keypad */
#define KEY_C1 0537 /* Lower left of keypad */
#define KEY_C3 0540 /* Lower right of keypad */
#define KEY_BTAB 0541 /* Back tab key */
#define KEY_BEG 0542 /* beg(inning) key */
#define KEY_CANCEL 0543 /* cancel key */
#define KEY_CLOSE 0544 /* close key */
#define KEY_COMMAND 0545 /* cmd (command) key */
#define KEY_COPY 0546 /* copy key */
#define KEY_CREATE 0547 /* create key */
#define KEY_END 0550 /* end key */
#define KEY_EXIT 0551 /* exit key */
#define KEY_FIND 0552 /* find key */
#define KEY_HELP 0553 /* help key */
#define KEY_MARK 0554 /* mark key */
#define KEY_MESSAGE 0555 /* message key */
#define KEY_MOVE 0556 /* move key */
#define KEY_NEXT 0557 /* next object key */
#define KEY_OPEN 0560 /* open key */
#define KEY_OPTIONS 0561 /* options key */
#define KEY_PREVIOUS 0562 /* previous object key */
#define KEY_REDO 0563 /* redo key */
#define KEY_REFERENCE 0564 /* ref(erence) key */
#define KEY_REFRESH 0565 /* refresh key */
#define KEY_REPLACE 0566 /* replace key */
#define KEY_RESTART 0567 /* restart key */
#define KEY_RESUME 0570 /* resume key */
#define KEY_SAVE 0571 /* save key */
#define KEY_SBEG 0572 /* shifted beginning key */
#define KEY_SCANCEL 0573 /* shifted cancel key */
#define KEY_SCOMMAND 0574 /* shifted command key */
#define KEY_SCOPY 0575 /* shifted copy key */
#define KEY_SCREATE 0576 /* shifted create key */
#define KEY_SDC 0577 /* shifted delete char key */
#define KEY_SDL 0600 /* shifted delete line key */
#define KEY_SELECT 0601 /* select key */
#define KEY_SEND 0602 /* shifted end key */
#define KEY_SEOL 0603 /* shifted clear line key */
#define KEY_SEXIT 0604 /* shifted exit key */
#define KEY_SFIND 0605 /* shifted find key */
#define KEY_SHELP 0606 /* shifted help key */
#define KEY_SHOME 0607 /* shifted home key */
#define KEY_SIC 0610 /* shifted input key */
#define KEY_SLEFT 0611 /* shifted left arrow key */
#define KEY_SMESSAGE 0612 /* shifted message key */
#define KEY_SMOVE 0613 /* shifted move key */
#define KEY_SNEXT 0614 /* shifted next key */
#define KEY_SOPTIONS 0615 /* shifted options key */
#define KEY_SPREVIOUS 0616 /* shifted prev key */
#define KEY_SPRINT 0617 /* shifted print key */
#define KEY_SREDO 0620 /* shifted redo key */
#define KEY_SREPLACE 0621 /* shifted replace key */
#define KEY_SRIGHT 0622 /* shifted right arrow */
#define KEY_SRSUME 0623 /* shifted resume key */
#define KEY_SSAVE 0624 /* shifted save key */
#define KEY_SSUSPEND 0625 /* shifted suspend key */
#define KEY_SUNDO 0626 /* shifted undo key */
#define KEY_SUSPEND 0627 /* suspend key */
#define KEY_UNDO 0630 /* undo key */
#define KEY_MOUSE 0631 /* Mouse event has occured */
#define KEY_MAX 0777 /* Maximum curses key */
The definition for 'reg' is not standard, and is provided for
compatibility reasons. User's are discouraged from using this.
#define reg register
/* Various video attributes */
#define A_STANDOUT 000000200000L
#define _STANDOUT A_STANDOUT /* for compatability with old curses */
#define A_UNDERLINE 000000400000L
#define A_REVERSE 000001000000L
#define A_BLINK 000002000000L
#define A_DIM 000004000000L
#define A_BOLD 000010000000L
#define A_ALTCHARSET 000100000000L
/* The next two are subject to change so don't depend on them */
#define A_INVIS 000020000000L
#define A_PROTECT 000040000000L
#define A_NORMAL 000000000000L
#define A_ATTRIBUTES 037777600000L /* 0xFFFF0000 */
#define A_CHARTEXT 000000177777L /* 0x0000FFFF */
#define A_COLOR 017600000000L
#define COLOR_PAIR(n) ((n) << 25)
#define PAIR_NUMBER(n) (((n) & A_COLOR) >> 25)
/* definition of 8 basic color */
#define COLOR_BLACK 0
#define COLOR_RED 1
#define COLOR_GREEN 2
#define COLOR_YELLOW 3
#define COLOR_BLUE 4
#define COLOR_CYAN 6
#define COLOR_WHITE 7
/* mouse related macros: don't change these definitions or bit-masks. */
/* they are interdependent (used by _map_button() in tgetch() */
#define MOUSE_X_POS (Mouse_status.x)
#define MOUSE_Y_POS (Mouse_status.y)
#define A_BUTTON_CHANGED (Mouse_status.changes & 7)
#define MOUSE_MOVED (Mouse_status.changes & 8)
#define MOUSE_POS_REPORT (Mouse_status.changes & 16)
#define BUTTON_CHANGED(x) (Mouse_status.changes & (1 << ((x) - 1)))
#define BUTTON_STATUS(x) (Mouse_status.button[(x)-1])
/* definition of mouse bit-masks */
#define BUTTON1_RELEASED 000000000001L
#define BUTTON1_PRESSED 000000000002L
#define BUTTON1_CLICKED 000000000004L
#define BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED 000000000010L
#define BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED 000000000020L
#define BUTTON2_RELEASED 000000000040L
#define BUTTON2_PRESSED 000000000100L
#define BUTTON2_CLICKED 000000000200L
#define BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED 000000000400L
#define BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED 000000001000L
#define BUTTON3_RELEASED 000000002000L
#define BUTTON3_PRESSED 000000004000L
#define BUTTON3_CLICKED 000000010000L
#define BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED 000000020000L
#define BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED 000000040000L
#define ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS 000000077777L
#define REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION 000000100000L
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* CURSES_H */