home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/sbin/sh
- #******************************************************************************
- # postinstall.dist
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Comments:
- # Postinstall script for the SCOadmin Gemini DK
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # @(#)postinstall 19.1 97/11/13
- #
- # Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1996.
- # This Module contains Proprietary Information of
- # The Santa Cruz Operation, and should be treated as Confidential.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Revision History:
- #
- # Mon Jun 17 19:10:16 PDT 1996 louisi
- # Created file.
- # Thu Jun 26 12:14:47 PDT 1997 chertzer
- # Merged 2 versions of postinstall
- # Mon Oct 27 13:01:13 PST 1997 chertzer
- # Removed most echos
- #===============================================================================
- CLASSCONF=/sbin/classconf
- OSACONF=/sbin/osaconf
- UNIX_SSO=/usr/lib/scoadmin
- ADMIN_SSO=/usr/lib/scoadmin
- echo "Registering object classes with the scoadmin framework"
- # register the remoteCommand and remoteCopy classes
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco remoteCommand rcmdOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco remoteCopy rcmdOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco rcmdOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${UNIX_SSO}/rcmd/rcmdOsa
- # register the user and users classes
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco users userOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco user userOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco userOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${UNIX_SSO}/user/userOsa
- # register the host classes
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco host selhostOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco selhost selhostOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco selhostOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${ADMIN_SSO}/selhost/selhostOsa
- # register the account, group and rhost classes
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco account accountOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco accounts accountOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco group groupOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco groups groupOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco rhosts rhostsOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco accountOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${UNIX_SSO}/account/account.tlib
- ${OSACONF} -A sco accounts LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${UNIX_SSO}/account/account.tlib
- ${OSACONF} -A sco groupOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${UNIX_SSO}/account/account.tlib
- ${OSACONF} -A sco groups LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${UNIX_SSO}/account/account.tlib
- ${OSACONF} -A sco rhostsOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${UNIX_SSO}/account/rhosts.tlib
- # register the netmgmt classes
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco genericrequest netmgmtOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco alarm netmgmtOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco alarmDB netmgmtOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco node netmgmtOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco nodeDB netmgmtOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco reportrequest netmgmtOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco MIBDB netmgmtOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco netmgmtOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${ADMIN_SSO}/netmgmt/netmgmtOsa
- echo "Registering the SCOadmin object files"
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${UNIX_SSO}/process/process.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${UNIX_SSO}/template/app.obj
- # Register with SCOadmin.
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c ${UNIX_SSO}/netmgmt/netmgmt.obj
- # register the filesystem osa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco filesystemList filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco filesystem filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsMountList filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsMount filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsAFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsCDFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsDOSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsDTFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsEAFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsHTFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsLMCFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsNFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsNUCFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsS51KOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco fsVXFSOpts filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco lmExportList filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco lmExport filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco nfsExportList filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco nfsExport filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco nfsServer filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco nwfsServerList filesystemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco nwfsServer filesystemOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco filesystemOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${ADMIN_SSO}/filesystem/filesystemOsa
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/filesystem/lock
- /bin/chmod 666 ${ADMIN_SSO}/filesystem/lock
- # touch tndx files so they don't get re-made later
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/filesystem/fsUtils.tndx
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco file fileOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco directory fileOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco fileOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${ADMIN_SSO}/file/fileOsa
- # printer OSA
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco id-oc-server printerOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco id-oc-printer printerOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco printerOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${ADMIN_SSO}/printer/printerOsa
- # snmpAgent OSA
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco snmpAgent snmpAgent
- ${OSACONF} -A sco snmpAgent LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/snmpAgentOSA
- # touch tndx files so they don't get re-made later
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/comm.tndx
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/generic.tndx
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/peer.tndx
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/snmpAgent.tndx
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/stats.tndx
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/system.tndx
- /bin/touch ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/trap.tndx
- # i18n OSA
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco id-oc-i18n i18nOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco i18nOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa ${ADMIN_SSO}/i18n/i18nOsa
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/i18n/i18n.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/tasksched/tasksched.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/systemlogs/systemlogs.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/account/account.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/sysstat/sysstat.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/defaults/defaults.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/printer/printer.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/shutdown/shutdown.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/printjob/printjob.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/security/security.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/filesystem/filesystem.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/systuner/systuner.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/sysmonitor/sysmonitor.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/admsetup/admsetup.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/snmpmgr/snmpmgr.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/reports/reports.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -p System -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/time/time.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Hardware -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/dcu/dcu.obj
- #
- # If we're running from install on boot, no need to setup owner since
- # the postreboot.sh will take care of it. if, however, this is an
- # after-the-fact pkgadd, the owner has to be setup here.
- #
- [ -f /etc/inst/scripts/postreboot.sh ] || {
- set `grep mail= /var/sadm/install/admin/* | cut -f2 -d=`
- while [ $# -ne 0 ]
- do
- [ "$1" != "root" ] && ${UNIX_SSO}/account/make-owner $1 2>/dev/null
- shift
- done
- }
- InstallInet() { # install the SCOadmin inet managers
- scoadminLib=/usr/lib/scoadmin
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Hardware -f -c $scoadminLib/serial/serial.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Hardware -f -c $scoadminLib/modem/modem.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $scoadminLib/incoming/incoming.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $scoadminLib/outgoing/outgoing.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $scoadminLib/pf/pf.obj
- ${OSACONF} -A sco uucpOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $scoadminLib/netosa/uucpOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco UUCPsystems uucpOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco UUCPdevices uucpOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco UUCPlogs uucpOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco callOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $scoadminLib/netosa/callOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco CallFilter callOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco CallService callOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco serialOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $scoadminLib/netosa/serialOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco Serial serialOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco SerialPorts serialOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco SerialSupport serialOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco SerialBoards serialOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco modemOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $scoadminLib/netosa/modemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco Modem modemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ModemVendor modemOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ModemModel modemOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco packetFilterOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $scoadminLib/netosa/packetFilterOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco packetFilter packetFilterOsa
- ${OSACONF} -A sco netOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $scoadminLib/netosa/netOsa
- ${CLASSCONF} -A sco net netOsa
- }
- InstallSmgmt() { # install the SCOadmin inet managers
- scoadminLib=/usr/lib/scoadmin
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -p "Software_Management" -f -c $scoadminLib/appinst/appinst.obj
- }
- InstallMail() {
- # install the SCOadmin mail managers
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c /etc/mail/admin/mail.obj
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c /etc/mail/admin/mhome.obj
- # register the vacation manager with the desktop
- VACDIR=/etc/mail/admin/dt
- LANGS="C de es fr ja"
- DTDIR=/etc/dt/appconfig/types
- for lang in $LANGS
- do
- if [ ! -d $DTDIR/$lang ]
- then
- mkdir -p $DTDIR/$lang
- fi
- ln -s $VACDIR/C/vacation.dt $DTDIR/$lang/vacation.dt
- ln -s $VACDIR/$lang/vacation.fp $DTDIR/$lang/vacation.fp
- done
- }
- # register the license manager under scoadmin
- InstallLicense () {
- /usr/bin/scoadmin -f -c ${ADMIN_SSO}/license/license.obj
- }
- ( InstallInet ) # install the SCOadmin inet managers
- ( InstallSmgmt ) # install the SCOadmin Softmgmt managers
- ( InstallMail ) # install the mail managers
- ( InstallLicense ) # install the license manager