PC World Komputer 1999 March B
Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian
211 lines
Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00
COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
User or group %s/%s does not exist.
899: This utility cannot initialize NWCALLS.
441: Server %s does not have a station %d.
User %s/%s does not exist.
170: This utility cannot get connection numbers for user %s/%s.
User %s/%s is not logged in.
921: Either the Supervisor has locked the bindery or volume SYS: is not mounted.
442: Server %s cannot be found.
901: You are not attached to server %s.
410: This utility cannot get log information from server %s.
Error code: %04X.
No one is logged in to server %s station %d.
920: This utility was unable to allocate %d bytes of memory.
LaNgUaGe=English (English)
Your message was NOT sent to %s/CONSOLE.
165: The following context either is invalid or does not exist: "%s".
300: This utility cannot set the receive message mode.
Error code: %X.
This station will now accept broadcast messages from the console and other
This station will no longer accept any broadcast messages.
This station will accept broadcast messages from the console only.
400: The server name cannot be found.
Group %s/%s does not exist.
CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1987-1994, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
Workstation %d does not exist.
Group %s/%s is not logged in.
105: This utility cannot allocate enough memory for internal tables.
Your message was sent to %s/CONSOLE.
Your message was sent to %s/%s (station %d).
918: This utility was unable to get connection information.
The message may not have been sent. Error code: %X.
310: An invalid number of parameters was specified.
For help, type SEND /?
100: An unknown error has occurred.
For help, type SEND /?
Your message was NOT sent to %s/%s (station %d).
General Help Screen\hPurpose: Send messages or set how messages are received.
Syntax: SEND "message" [TO] [server/] name [[, server/] name ...]
[ [server/] <CONSOLE | EVERYBODY | station number n[,n...]> ]
SEND /A=[A] | /A=N | /A=C | /A=P |
SEND /S\hFor example to: Type:
Send a message to Jo SEND "Hi" Jo
Send a message to group
ENG on server IT SEND "Hello" it/eng
Send a message to
workstation 26 SEND "Wait!" 26
Castoff all incoming
messages SEND /A=N
General Help Screen\hPurpose: Send messages or set how messages are received.\hDirectory Services syntax:
SEND "message" [TO] <user, group or server object> |
SEND /A=[A] | /A=N | /A=C | /A=P |
SEND /P\hBindery syntax:
SEND "message" [TO] [server/]<user | group | CONSOLE |
EVERYBODY | station number> /B\hFor example to: Type:
Send message to .cn=Pat.o=novell SEND "Hi" .cn=Pat.o=novell
Send message to Lynn
on server BOO SEND "Hi" boo/Lynn /B
Castoff all incoming
messages SEND /A=N
General Help Screen\hTo: Use option:
Accept all messages /A=A | /A
Accept only console messages /A=C
Accept no messages /A=N
Accept messages only
when polled /A=P
Poll server for stored
messages /P
Show broadcast mode /S
Display version information /VER\hFor example to: Type:
Set broadcasting
mode to Poll SEND /A=P
Poll server for any
stored message SEND /P
Show current
broadcast mode SEND /S
Display version information SEND /VER
125: This utility cannot create a Directory Services context.
917: This utility was unable to set the context %s.
140: This utility cannot read object information for object %s.
505: User %s cannot be found.
520: A connection number cannot be found for user %s.
User %s is not logged in to default server %s.
135: This utility cannot process object %s from group %s.
150: A buffer initialization error has occurred.
130: This utility cannot get the syntax ID for Directory Services context %s
Error code: %X.
110: This utility's attempt to add a filter token failed.
Error code: %X.
120: A search error has occurred. Information on properties of group
objects cannot be found.
145: This utility cannot submit a filter buffer created to receive information
on a group object.
Error code: %X.
500: Your message was NOT sent to user %s.
443: You cannot attach to default server %s.
515: This utility could not get the user object ID for user %s
Error code: %X.
525: This utility cannot determine the maximum number of supported
connections for default server %s
Error code: %X.
530: This utility cannot get connection information for user %s
who is connected to default server %s through connection %d.
Error code: %X.
535: You cannot attach to default server %s
Error code: %X.
Your message was sent to user %s.
155: Message cannot be sent. Make sure user %s
has a defined default server.
531: This utility is unable to get the server name for connection %d.
Error code is %X.
This station will accept broadcast messages from the console and from the
connections which returned an error while setting the receive message
This station will no longer accept any broadcast messages, except from the
connections which did not return an error while setting the receive
message mode.
This station will now accept broadcast messages from the console and
other stations, except from connections which returned an error
while setting the receive message mode.
010: This utility cannot determine the broadcasting mode
on connection %d.
Error code: %4X.
This workstation is set to receive all incoming messages.
This workstation is only set to receive console messages.
This workstation is not set to receive any incoming messages.
This workstation must poll messages from the server to receive them.
020: This utility does not recognize the broadcast mode %d set
for this workstation on connection %d.
This workstation may or may not receive incoming messages.
No stored messages to poll.
030: Your connection (number 0x%4X) is invalid.
The program cannot poll the server to retrieve messages
that may be stored for this workstation.
Error code: 0x%4X.
031: A workstation error (0x%4X) has occurred on connection 0x%4X:
The program cannot poll the server to retrieve potentially stored messages for this workstation.
032: A shell or requestor error (0x%4X) has occurred on connection 0x%4X:
The program cannot poll the server to retrieve potentially stored messages for this workstation.
033: A NetWare error (0x%4X) has occurred on connection 0x%4X:
The program cannot poll the server to retrieve potentially stored messages for this workstation.
034: An unknown polling error (0x%4X) has occurred on connection 0x%4X:
The program cannot poll the server to retrieve potentially stored messages
for this workstation.
506: The specified user on this connection is unknown to Directory Services.
Error code: %d.
516: Directory Services error %X occurred. This utility cannot get information on user %s.
This workstation will need to poll the server to receive any broadcast message.
The message queue is full. User %s/%s must either clear the message at the
workstation or poll it before another message can be sent.
036: Your connection number is invalid. This message cannot be sent to user
%s/%s on connection %d.
User %s/%s is not logged in or is not currently accepting messages.
101: An unknown error occurred when this utility sent a broadcast
to user %s/%s. Error code: 0x%X.
206: A workstation error has occurred (error code: 0x%X).
Your message was not sent to user %s/%s
on connection %d.
203: A shell or requestor error has occurred (error code: 0x%X).
Your message cannot be sent to user %s/%s on connection %d.
201: A NetWare error has occurred (error code: 0x%x). Your message
cannot be sent to user %s/%s on connection %d.
035: Your connection number is invalid. This message cannot be sent to user
%s through message server %s.
The message queue is full. User %s (default server %s)
must either clear the message at the workstation or poll it before another
message can be sent.
User %s is not accepting messages at this time.
102: An unknown error occurred while this utility was sending a broadcast to user %s.
Error code: 0x%X.
040: A workstation error has occurred (error code: 0x%X). Your message was not sent to user %s.
420: Your message cannot be sent because the server did not
allocate space for this message.
970: The attempt to open the Unicode table files failed.
971: This workstation does not have enough memory to load the Unicode table files.
972: Access to the Unicode table files was denied.
973: The Unicode table files cannot be found in the NLS directory or in the search drives. Code Page: %03d Country: %03d
974: The Unicode table files are corrupt.
975: The Unicode table files cannot be opened because there are already too many open files.
Close some files or modify your CONFIG.SYS file.
>>> Enter = More C = Continuous Esc = Cancel
Action was terminated by operator.
General Help Screen\hTo: Use option:
Accept all messages /A=A | /A
Accept only console messages /A=C
Accept no messages /A=N
Accept messages only /A=P
when polled
Poll server for stored /P
Show broadcast mode /S
Display version information /VER\hFor example to: Type:
Set broadcasting
mode to Poll SEND /A=P
Poll server for any
stored message SEND /P
Show current
broadcast mode SEND /S
Display version information SEND /VER
925: This utility is not supported on Personal NetWare servers.
Use the Personal NetWare utilities.
903: The command line syntax is invalid.
For help, type SEND /?.