PC World Komputer 1999 March B
Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian
86 lines
Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00
COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
LaNgUaGe=English (English)
CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1993-1994, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
>>> Enter = More C = Continuous Esc = Cancel
NPATH has been terminated by the user.
903: The command line syntax is invalid.
For help, type NPATH /?.
020: This utility was unable to get the current working directory path.
The search sequence for unicode files is:
035: %s was not found in the search sequence.
015: This utility was unable to open %s.
Language: %s
<String not found>
Version: %s
Your workstation is set to the following:
Code page: %03d
Country code: %03d
Based on this information, you need the following unicode files:
025: %s is an invalid file name.
030: %s contains illegal characters.
Date: %s
920: This utility was unable to allocate %d bytes of memory.
Time: %s
050: %s could not be found.
The specified utility %s is executing from:
Based on the following workstation information:
General Help\hPurpose: Provide diagnostic information for message and unicode files.\hFor help on: Type:
Message files NPATH /? M
Unicode files NPATH /? U
Troubleshooting NPATH /? T
All help screens NPATH /? ALL\hFor example, to: Type:
Display the message file
search sequence NPATH
Display the unicode file
search sequence NPATH /UNI
Display version information NPATH /VER
Message File Help\hPurpose: View message file information and location.
Syntax: NPATH [utility] [filename[,filename...] [/A] [/D]]\hThe search sequence depends on the directory the utility is loaded from.
Include the utility name to ensure that you use the right search sequence.
Message files are .MSG, .HEP, .XLT and .IDX files.\hTo: Use:
Display all locations of the message file /A
Display language, version, date,
and time of the message file /D\hFor example, to: Type:
Display all locations of NLIST.MSG NPATH nlist nlist.msg /a
Display language and version of FILER.HEP NPATH filer filer.hep /D
Unicode File Help\hPurpose: View unicode file information and location.
Syntax: NPATH [utility] filename[,filename...] /UNI [/A]
NPATH [utility] /UNI [/D [/A]]\hThe search sequence depends on the directory the utility is loaded from.
Include the utility name to ensure that you use the right search sequence.\hTo: Use:
Display all locations of the unicode files /A
Display unicode workstation settings /D\hFor example, to: Type:
Display all locations of the unicode files NPATH uni_mon.001 /UNI /A
Display workstation settings NPATH flag /UNI /D
Troubleshooting Help\hIf the message file language is incorrect, use the SET NWLANGUAGE= command
in the NET.CFG file. For example, type SET NWLANGUAGE=english.
If you can't find a message file, check the search drive mappings. If it's
not in the PUBLIC/NLS/<language> directory, use NWXTRACT to get it from
diskette or CD.
If the message file is the incorrect version, use NPATH <message file> /A /D
to find the correct version.\hIf you don't have the correct unicode files, your code page and country code
numbers may be incorrect. See the Utilities Reference manual.
If you can't find a unicode file, check the search drive mappings. If it's
not in the PUBLIC/NLS directory, use NWXTRACT to get it from diskette or CD.
973: The Unicode table files cannot be found in the NLS directory or in the search path. Code page: %03d Country: %03d
975: The Unicode table files cannot be opened because there are already to many open files. Close some files or modify your CONFIG.SYS file.
972: Access to the Unicode table files was denied.
974: The Unicode table files are corrupt.
971: The workstation does not have enough memory to load the Unicode tables.
970: The attempt tp open the Unicode table files failed.
917: This utility was unable to set the context.
999: The message file for this utility cannot be found. The default English message file will be used.
Press any key to continue.
998: The message file found %s is an incorect version. The correct version is %s. The default English message file will be used.
See your network supervisor for assistance.
Current working directory: %s
Utility load directory: %s
The search sequence for message and help files is:
The specified file %s is located at:
908: The specified path is invalid.