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Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian | 1998-08-19 | 14.4 KB | 329 lines |
- Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- %15.15s byte in extended attributes
- 852: Macintosh files are not supported on this server or drive.
- * = Files marked A are flagged for archiving.
- 854: Long names are not supported on this server or drive.
- 150: A missing or mistyped number was found after the SIZE operator:
- EA size:
- 160: SORT is followed by an unknown ordering.
- 140: The given date is missing or mistyped.
- The format mm-dd-yy is expected.
- You entered %s
- 142: The specified month does not exist.
- 144: The specified day does not exist.
- 146: A missing or mistyped year was found in the date.
- 170: An illegal or missing flag was found after the word NOT.
- DOS Attr
- NDIR is searching the directory. Please wait...
- No files of the given specification have been found or the directory is empty.
- 856: The specified display format is not valid for local drives.
- No Macintosh files were found.
- No Macintosh directories were found.
- 908: This utility found an invalid path or unmapped drive.
- 912: The specified path or filename is invalid:
- 130: An illegal or missing operator was found before the number
- or name.
- EA Size
- NDIR has been halted by the user.
- 810: The chain contains too many filenames.
- Statistics for removable volume
- Statistics for fixed volume
- Total volume space:
- %13ld
- NDIR found no matching files.
- Deleted space not yet purgeable:
- Space used by %s entry:
- Space used by %s entries:
- Space remaining on volume:
- Space available to %s:
- Directory entries available:
- 280: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to get volume
- information.
- 918: This utility was unable to get connection information.
- 260: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to read volume
- restriction information.
- VeRsIoN=4.1
- %s-%s-973: The Unicode table files can not be found in the NLS directory
- or in the search drives. Code Page: %03d Country: %03d
- MAC: %-65s
- 975: The Unicode table files can not be opened because there are
- already too many open files.
- Close some files or modify your CONFIG.SYS file.
- Syntax Help\hNDIR [path] [ [/<Formats>] [/[NOT]<Attributes>]
- [/[REV] SORT <Restrictions> | UNsorted]
- [/<Restrictions> [NOT] <Operator> value] ]
- [/<Options>]\hFormats: DA Dates D Detail L Long
- R Rights MAC Macintosh COMP Compressed
- Attributes: RO,RW,Sy,H,A,X,T,P,Sh,Ds,I,Ci,Di,Ri,Co,Ic,Dc,Cc,Dm,M
- Restrictions: OW Owner SI Size UP Update NAM Name space
- AC Access AR Archive CR Create
- Operators: LE Less than GR Greater than
- EQ Equal to BEF Before AFT After
- Options: FO Files only VOL Volume VER Version
- DO Directories only SPA Space
- SUB Sub-directories C Continuous FI Find
- %14.14s Directories
- 972: Access to Unicode table files was denied.
- %14d File
- 290: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to map drive %s:.
- 921: Either the supervisor has locked the bindery or SYS: is not mounted.
- 916: You have reached the maximum number of directory levels
- allowed.
- %14.14s Directory
- %15.15s byte
- %15.15s bytes
- in %u block allocated)
- Searching path %s....
- Files
- Last Update
- Created
- DOS Attr NetWare Attr Status
- Owner
- Accessed
- Archived
- Mac Files
- Max Rights
- Filter
- Rights
- Directories
- Mac Directories
- Last Update = Date file was last updated
- Owner = ID of user who created or copied the file
- Created/Copied = Date file was created or copied
- Accessed = Date file was last accessed
- Archived = Date file was last archived
- Mac Files = Macintosh Files
- Filter = Inherited Rights Filter
- Rights = Effective Rights
- Directories = Directories contained in this path
- Mac Directories = Macintosh Directories contained in this path
- Max Rights = Maximum Rights
- NFS: %-65s
- FTAM: %-65s
- OS/2: %-65s
- 920: This utility was unable to allocate %d bytes of memory.
- Use the /SORT UN option.
- 300: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to get the volume
- number.
- 909: You are not mapped to the specified drive. (%s).
- The specified server cannot be found. Type in a valid server name.
- 915: The specified volume could not be found.
- 903: The command line syntax is invalid.
- For help, type NDIR /?.
- 270: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to get server
- information.
- Restrictions = Physical or assigned space limitation in K bytes.
- 400: The Login Control property cannot be found.
- 410: The NetWare server cannot be accessed to get the number of
- volumes.
- In Use = Space in use at specified level.
- Available = Space available after restrictions applied.
- 190: This utility requires NetWare 386 file system support.
- 901: You are not attached to the specified server.
- 913: The specified directory cannot be found.
- 240: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to read path restriction
- information.
- Server: %s
- OS/2 Attr
- Restrictions In Use Available
- Volume Size
- User volume restrictions:
- User: %s
- %13lu
- 910: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to parse the given path.
- %15.15s bytes in extended attributes
- (when the file is not compressed)
- Version
- Version number not found.
- Checksum is %s
- Directory restrictions located at:
- DOS Attr = DOS file attributes
- 970: The attempt to open the Unicode table files failed.
- >>> Enter = More C = Continuous Esc = Cancel
- 991: An internal application error has occurred. Error code: %X
- NDIR found %d matching files.
- %12.12s byte in extended attributes
- Searching for %s
- General Usage Help\hPurpose: View information about files, directories, and volumes.\hFor help on: Type:
- Display format NDIR /? FOR
- Sorting features NDIR /? SORT
- Search filters (restrictions) NDIR /? RES
- Attribute filters NDIR /? AT
- Other options NDIR /? OPT
- Syntax NDIR /? SYN
- All help screens NDIR /? ALL\hFor example, to: Type:
- See all files in current directory NDIR *.*
- See only directories on drive C: NDIR C:\*.* /DO
- Format Specification Help\hPurpose: Set how filenames and details appear.
- Syntax: NDIR [path] [/DA | /R | /MAC | /L | /D | /COMP]\hTo display: Use:
- File date information /DA
- Filters and rights, file attributes /R
- Apple Macintosh files /MAC
- Long file name /L
- Detailed file information /D
- Compressed file information /COMP\hFor example, to: Type:
- Show rights information for all files NDIR *.* /R
- in the current directory
- Options Help\hSyntax: NDIR [path] [/FO | /DO] [/S] | [/VOL | /VER | /V | /SPA | /FI] [/C]\hTo: Use:
- View files only /FO
- View directories only /DO
- List information in all sub-directories /S
- Continuously through the information /C
- View volume information /VOL
- View directory space information /SPA
- View where a file is found in search drives /FI
- Display version information /VER or /V\hFor example, to: Type:
- Search for all *.bat files on NDIR C:\*.BAT /S
- drive C:
- Find where command.com is located NDIR command.com /FI
- in your search drives
- Attributes Specification Help\hPurpose: View files with specified attributes.
- Syntax: NDIR [path] [/[NOT] [attributes]]\hAttributes:
- Ro Read-only X Execute only Co File compressed
- Rw Read-write T Transactional Ic Immediate compress
- Sy System P Purge Dc Don't compress
- H Hidden Sh Shareable Cc Can't compress
- A Archive needed I Indexed
- Ds Don't Suballocate Ci Copy-inhibit Dm Don't migrate
- Di Delete-inhibit M File migrated
- Ri Rename-inhibit\hFor example, to: Type:
- Display all read-only files NDIR SYS:PUBLIC\*.* /RO
- Display files in current directory NDIR *.* /NOT RO
- that are not read-only
- Restrictions Specification Help\hPurpose: Restrict which files are shown.
- Syntax: NDIR [path] [/options [NOT] operator value]\hOptions: Operators:
- AC Last accessed date LE Less than
- AR Last archived date GR Greater than
- CR Created/copied date EQ Equal to
- OW Owner BEF Before
- SI Size AFT After
- UP Last updated date
- NAM Name space
- Date formats must be mm-dd-yy or mm/dd/yy.\hFor example, to: Type:
- Display all files updated NDIR *.* /UP BEF 6-05-91
- before June 5, 1991
- Display files not owned by the NDIR *.* /OW NOT EQ ADMIN
- user ADMIN
- Sort Specifications Help\hPurpose: Select the order in which files are shown.
- Syntax: NDIR [path] [/[REV] SORT option]\hSORT options:
- AC Last accessed date
- AR Last archived date
- CR Created / copied date
- OW Owner
- SI Size
- UP Last updated date
- UN Un-sorted (no specific sort order)\hFor example, to: Type:
- Display all files in current NDIR *.* /SORT SI
- directory (smallest first)
- Display all files on drive Z: NDIR Z:*.* /REV SORT AC
- sorted by most recently accessed
- Files:
- DOS: %-65s
- Rights:
- Owner:
- Miscellaneous NetWare information:
- Specific Name Space information:
- DOS, OS/2: Inherited:
- MAC: AFP Rights:
- DOS Attr NetWare Attr
- DOS, OS/2:
- OS/2 Attr NetWare Attr Status
- OS/2 Attr NetWare Attr
- Last update:
- Last archived:
- Last accessed:
- Created/Copied:
- Flags:
- DOS Attr = DOS file attributes
- NetWare Attr = NetWare file attributes
- Status = Compression/Migration status
- MAC:
- AFP creation date:
- Finder information:
- File type:
- OS/2 Attr = OS/2 file attributes
- NetWare Attr = NetWare file attributes
- Creator:
- Point value:
- Parent folder ID:
- OS/2 Attr = OS/2 file attributes
- NetWare Attr = NetWare file attributes
- Status = Compression/Migration status
- OS/2 Attr = OS/2 file attributes
- Comp Size = Number of bytes in allocated sectors for the compressed file
- Finder flags:
- System
- Has BNDL
- Shared
- Stationary
- No INITs
- Initialized
- Alias
- Invisible
- Use Custom Icon
- Resource fork:
- Attribute = Directory attributes
- Attribute
- Effective:
- File size:
- 120: Control characters cannot be used in the command line.
- Size = Number of bytes in the file
- DOS Attr = DOS file attributes
- NetWare Attr = NetWare file attributes
- Files = Files contained in this path
- EA Size = Extended attribute size
- %15.15s Files
- Created = Date directory was created
- (%s bytes
- in %ld blocks allocated)
- Created/Copied
- 974: The Unicode table files are corrupted.
- DOS:
- DOS: Inherited:
- Name spaces loaded:
- Space used by %s compressed files:
- Space used by %s compressed file:
- Space used by %s uncompressed files:
- Space used by %s uncompressed file:
- Space used if files were not compressed:
- Space used by compressed files:
- Space saved by compressing files:
- (when the files are not compressed)
- 917: This utility was unable to create context.
- Saved = Percent of sectors saved by having the file compressed
- Other = Compression/Migration attributes and status
- Comp Size
- Saved
- Other
- Copyright
- of disk space used)
- %12.12s byte
- %12.12s bytes
- %11d File
- %11s Files
- 858: The /COMPRESSED display option for compressed files is not
- supported on the specified server or drive.
- (disk space used by the compressed file)
- (disk space used by the compressed files)
- 971: The workstation does not have enough memory to load the
- Unicode table files.
- Percent of sectors saved by file compression
- Maximum directory entries:
- Available directory entries:
- Uncompressed space used:
- Space statistics are in KB (1024 bytes).
- CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1983-1994, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
- LaNgUaGe=English (English)
- NT: %-65s
- 925: This function is not supported on Personal NetWare servers.
- Use the Personal NetWare utilities.
- %12.12s bytes in extended attributes
- (disk space used by compressed and non-compressed files)
- <<< BAD MESSAGE >>>
- Owning namespace:
- NFS information:
- 905: An error occurred during NDIR's attempt to get the NFS file
- information.