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Novell/C-Worthy Message Librarian | 1998-08-19 | 15.8 KB | 292 lines |
- Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00
- COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- 875: The Rename-Inhibit attribute is not supported in v2.x.
- Search Mode Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [/M=mode]]\hSearch modes:
- 0 - (shell default search mode)
- 1 - (search on all opens with no path)
- 2 - (do not search)
- 3 - (search on read-only opens with no path)
- 4 - (reserved, do not use)
- 5 - (search on all opens)
- 6 - (reserved, do not use)
- 7 - (search on all read-only opens)\hFor example, to: Type:
- Set the search mode to 7 for all
- executable files in the current directory FLAG *.EXE /M=7
- Set the search mode to the default (0) for
- *.COM files in the volume (from the root) FLAG \*.COM /M=0 /S
- 903: The command line syntax was invalid.
- For help, type FLAG/?.
- 909: You are not mapped to the specified drive.
- 901: You are not attached to the specified server.
- 908: The specified path is invalid.
- 910: This utility was unable to parse the specified path.
- 225: The mode you specified is reserved.
- 250: The assigned mode was invalid.
- 275: Specify a file before assigning a mode.
- File Attributes Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] /FO\h File Attributes
- --------------------------------------
- Ro Read-only Rw Read-write
- Sh Shareable H Hidden
- Sy System T Transactional
- P Purge A Archive-needed
- Ci Copy-inhibit Di Delete-inhibit
- Ri Rename-inhibit X eXecute-only
- All All N Normal\hFor example, to: Type:
- Give files on drive Z:
- Read-only attribute FLAG Z:*.* RO /FO
- Give local files on drive A:
- Read-write attribute FLAG A:*.* RW
- General Help\hPurpose: Modifies or displays the attributes of files and directories.\hFor help on: Type:
- File attributes FLAG /? FO
- Directory attributes FLAG /? DO
- Search modes FLAG /? MODE
- Syntax FLAG /? SYNTAX
- Miscellaneous options FLAG /? OPTIONS
- All help screens FLAG /? ALL\hFor example, to: Type:
- See attributes of files FLAG *.*
- and directories in the
- current directory
- Directory Attributes Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] /DO\h Directory Attributes
- --------------------
- N Normal
- Sy System
- H Hidden
- Di Delete-inhibit
- P Purge
- Ri Rename-inhibit\hFor example, to: Type:
- Set directories to Delete-inhibit FLAG *.* DI /DO
- Set the current volume to Purge FLAG \ P
- Set all directories throughout the
- directory tree on drive Z: to Normal FLAG Z:*.* N /S /DO
- Other Options Help\hSyntax: FLAG path [ALL | N] [/S] [/D] [/C] [/NAME=user] [/OWNER=user]\hTo: Use:
- Set all attributes ALL
- Set attributes to default N
- Scroll continuously /C
- Search subdirectories /S
- Display detailed output /D
- View files and directories a user owns /OWNER=
- Set the owner /NAME=\hFor example, to: Type:
- Set all files and directories to Normal
- and display them in detailed format FLAG \*.* N /D
- Make KIM the owner of the files
- in the current directory FLAG *.* /NAME=KIM
- List all files owned by KIM on drive G: FLAG G:*.* /OWNER=KIM
- >>> Enter = More C = Continuous Esc = Cancel
- Syntax Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] [/M=mode] [/FO] [/DO]
- [/C] [/S] [/<NAME|GROUP>=]
- FLAG /VER\hTo: Use:
- Set the search mode /M=
- Continuous scrolling /C
- Display version information /VER
- Search subdirectories /S
- Set the owner /[NAME|GROUP]=
- View files and directories a user owns /OWNER=
- Access all on-line help /? ALL
- View/modify files only /FO
- View/modify directories only /DO
- View other options on-line help /? OPTIONS
- -Only
- 001: Action has been terminated by the operator.
- 905: This utility was unable to initialize the country information.
- File Attributes Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] /FO\h File Attributes
- ---------------
- Ro Read Only
- Rw Read Write
- H Hidden
- Sy System
- A Archive\hFor example, to: Type:
- Give local files on drive c:
- Read-only attribute FLAG C:*.* RO
- CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1994, Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Files %s Attr NetWare Attr Owner Mode
- 300: Access is denied.
- 325: You do not have rights to change file or directory attributes.
- The specified file is in use.
- 350: This utility was unable to set the attributes.
- 911: Directory Services is not active at this time.
- 400: This utility was unable to set the DOS file.
- 425: The specified attribute(s) is not supported in this version of NetWare.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Directories NetWare Attr Owner
- -Write
- Archive
- 450: The Shareable attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Transactional attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Index attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Purge attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Write-Audit attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Read-Audit attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Copy-Inhibit attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Delete-Inhibit attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Rename-Inhibit attribute is not supported for local files.
- 450: The Search mode is not supported for local files.
- Hidden
- 450: Owners cannot be assigned to local drives or files.
- System
- File:
- 879: Migration is not enabled on the server.
- The executable file will look for instructions in the NET.CFG file.
- If a directory path leading to the data file is specified in the executable file itself, the executable file will search only that path.
- Reserved.
- Files %s Attr
- ----------------------------------
- If a directory path is specified, the executable file searches the path first and then the search drives.
- %s Attributes:
- Private
- Shareable
- Execute-Only
- Indexed
- Transactional
- Directory:
- Owner:
- Search mode:
- Purge
- Delete-Inhibit
- Rename-Inhibit
- Copy-Inhibit
- 912: The specified file cannot be found.
- 913: The specified directory cannot be found.
- 914: The specified file or directory cannot be found.
- 441: The /DO command is not supported for local drives.
- 575: This owner was not found.
- 915: The specified volume does not exist.
- 625: This utility was unable to allocate the volume handle.
- 650: This utility cannot assign volume attributes in v2.x.
- 675: This utility was unable to change the volume attributes.
- Volume NetWare Attr Owner
- Volume:
- If a directory path is specified, the executable file searches the path first.
- Volume object:
- Owner object name:
- 700: The Execute Only attribute cannot be assigned to local files.
- 725: The Private attribute cannot be assigned to local files.
- 750: The Index attribute is not supported in v3.x or V4.x.
- 775: The Private attribute is not supported in v3.x or v4.x.
- 800: The Purge attribute is not supported in v2.x.
- 825: The Copy-Inhibit attribute is not supported in v2.x.
- 850: The Delete-Inhibit attribute is not supported in v2.x.
- Directory Attributes Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] /DO\h Directory Attributes
- --------------------
- N Normal
- Sy System
- H Hidden
- Pr Private\hFor example, to: Type:
- Set directories to Delete-inhibit FLAG *.* DI /DO
- Set the current volume to Private FLAG \ Pr
- Set all directories throughout the
- directory tree on drive Z: to Normal FLAG Z:*.* N /S /DO
- File Attributes Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] /FO\h File Attributes
- ----------------------------------------
- Ro Read-only Rw Read-write
- Sh Shareable T Transactional
- N Normal A Archive-needed
- H Hidden Sy System
- X eXecute-only All All
- I Indexed\hFor example, to: Type:
- Give files on drive Z:
- Read-only attribute FLAG Z:*.* RO /FO
- Give local files on drive A:
- Read-write attribute FLAG A:*.* RW
- Files = The name of the files found
- Directories = The name of the directories found
- %s Attr = The %s attributes for the specified file
- NetWare Attr = The NetWare attributes for the specified file or directory
- Owner = The current owner of the file or directory
- Mode = The search mode set for the current file
- Volume = The name of the volume found
- NetWare Attr = The NetWare attributes for the specified volume
- Owner = The current owner of the volume
- Files %s Attr NetWare Attr Status Owner Mode
- NetWare Attributes:
- Files = The name of the files found
- Directories = The name of the directories found
- %s Attr = The %s attributes for the specified file
- NetWare Attr = The NetWare attributes for the specified file or directory
- Status = The current status of migration and compression for a file
- or directory
- Owner = The current owner of the file or directory
- Mode = The search mode set for the current file
- Dont-Compress
- Immediate-Compress
- Dont-Migrate
- 877: The Compress attribute is supported only with NetWare v4.x.
- 876: The Migrate attribute is supported only with NetWare v4.x.
- File-Migrated
- File-Compressed
- File Status:
- Cant-Compress
- File Attributes Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] /FO\h File Attributes Status Flags
- ------------------------------------------------- ----------------
- Ro Read-only Rw Read-write Co Compressed
- H Hidden Sy System Cc Can't compress
- P Purge A Archive-needed M Migrated
- Di Delete-inhibit Ri Rename-inhibit
- Sh Shareable T Transactional
- Ci Copy-inhibit X eXecute-only
- Dm Don't migrate Ic Immediate compress
- Dc Don't compress Ds Don't suballocate
- ALL ALL N Normal\hFor example, to: Type:
- Give files on drive Z:
- Read-only attribute FLAG Z:*.* RO /FO
- Directory Attributes Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] /DO\h Directory Attributes
- -----------------------------------------------
- N Normal Sy System
- H Hidden Di Delete-inhibit
- P Purge Ri Rename-inhibit
- Dc Don't compress Ic Immediate compress
- Dm Don't migrate\hFor example, to: Type:
- Set directories to Delete-inhibit FLAG *.* DI /DO
- Set the current volume to Purge FLAG \ P
- Set all directories throughout the
- directory tree on drive Z: to Normal FLAG Z:*.* N /S /DO
- 878: You cannot set both the Immediate Compress and Don't Compress attributes.
- 973: The Unicode table files (*.001) cannot be found in the NLS directory or in the search drives.
- 917: This utility was unable to set the context.
- VeRsIoN=4.1
- LaNgUaGe=English (English)
- The Delete-Inhibit attribute can be removed only when Read-Write is set.
- Rename Inhibit can be removed only when Read-write is set.
- 916: This utility only supports 25 levels of directories.
- 819: You cannot assign a user and group at the same time.
- Dont-Suballocate
- 874: The Dont-Suballocate attribute is only supported with v4.x
- 975: The Unicode table files cannot be opened because there are already too many open files.
- Close some files or modify your CONFIG.SYS file.
- 972: Access to the Unicode table files was denied.
- 970: The attempt to open the Unicode table files failed.
- 974: The Unicode table files are corrupt.
- 971: The workstation does not have enough memory to load the Unicode table files.
- 673: This utility was unable to get the connection information.
- 880: Compression is not enabled on the server.
- General Help\hPurpose: Modifies or displays the attributes of files and directories.\hFor help on: Type:
- File attributes FLAG /? FO
- Syntax FLAG /? SYNTAX
- Miscellaneous options FLAG /? OPTIONS
- All help screens FLAG /? ALL\hFor example, to: Type:
- See attributes of files FLAG *.*
- and directories in the
- current directory
- Syntax Help\hSyntax: FLAG [path [+|-]attribute(s)] [/C] [/S] [/FO]
- FLAG /VER\hTo: Use:
- Continuous scrolling /C
- Display version information /VER
- Search subdirectories /S
- Access all on-line help /? ALL
- View/modify files only /FO
- View other options on-line help /? OPTIONS
- Other Options Help\hSyntax: FLAG path [ALL | N] [/S] [/D] [/C] \hTo: Use:
- Set all attributes ALL
- Set attributes to default N
- Scroll continuously /C
- Search subdirectories /S
- Display detailed output /D\hFor example, to: Type:
- Set all files and directories to Normal
- and display them in detailed format FLAG \*.* N /D
- 925: This utility is not supported on Personal NetWare servers.
- User the Personal NetWare utilities.
- 930: This utility does not support local directories.
- 904: Mutually exclusive attributes were specified.
- 906: Attributes specified are not applicable to Directories.