home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ident "@(#)preinstall 1.3"
- #ident "$Header: $"
- #
- # For cases when request script is not run, we set up for LOCALE
- # specific menus here.
- #
- # Make sure LOCALE environment variable is set. If it's not set
- # coming in to this script, then default to the C-locale.
- #
- MENU_DIR=/etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/${PKG}
- [ -d ${MENU_DIR} ] || mkdir -p ${MENU_DIR}
- MENUS="menu.nsu"
- for i in $MENUS
- do
- if [ ! -f ${MENU_DIR}/$i ]
- then
- if [ -f ${REQDIR}/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/${PKG}/$i ]
- then
- cp ${REQDIR}/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/${PKG}/$i ${MENU_DIR}
- else
- cp ${REQDIR}/${PKG}/$i ${MENU_DIR}
- fi
- fi
- done
- #
- # Set up to use menu_colors; default to C-locale if ${LOCALE}'s dir has
- # no menu_colors.sh
- #
- if [ -f /etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/menu_colors.sh ]
- then
- . /etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/menu_colors.sh
- else
- . /etc/inst/locale/C/menus/menu_colors.sh
- fi
- environ=$1
- >${environ}
- addenv () {
- eval echo $1 >>${environ}
- }
- ##########
- #
- # ${VARSPOOLLP} and ${ETCLP} are the names of the new directories where
- # things are now kept.
- ##########
- addenv VARSPOOL=/var/spool > /dev/null
- addenv VARSPOOLLP=${VARSPOOL}/lp > /dev/null
- addenv ETCLP=${ETC}/lp > /dev/null
- addenv USRLIBLP=${USRLIB}/lp > /dev/null
- addenv OLD_VERSION=NONE > /dev/null
- #
- #
- # if ls ${VARSPOOLLP}/requests/*/* 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- # then
- # echo "
- #There are still some print requests queued for printing. Installation
- #of the new Spooler over the old configuration will DESTROY them."
- #
- # If you answer \"n\" (or \"no\") installation will stop
- # to give the queued print requests a chance to be printed.
- # If you answer \"y\" (or \"yes\") installation will proceed
- # WITHOUT SAVING any currently queued jobs.
- #\n\n
- # If you suspect that there really are no requests still
- # queued, look for strange files in the directories under
- # ${SPOOLDIR}/request."
- # fi
- ##########
- ##
- ## Shutdown Spooler
- ##
- ##
- ##########
- if [ -x "/usr/sbin/lpshut" ]
- then
- /usr/sbin/lpshut >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- ##########
- ##
- ## Save Non-networking Spooler and lpadmin
- ##
- ##
- ##########
- #echo "Saving non-networking lpsched. . ."
- cp /usr/lib/lp/lpsched /usr/lib/lp/lpsched.LPM
- #echo "Non-networking lpsched saved in /usr/lib/lp/lpsched.LPM"
- #echo "Saving non-networking lpadmin. . ."
- cp /usr/sbin/lpadmin /usr/sbin/lpadmin.LPM
- #echo "Non-networking lpadmin saved in /usr/sbin/lpadmin.LPM"
- ############# Begin UPGRADE AND OVERLAY #######################
- SCRIPTS=/usr/sbin/pkginst
- . ${SCRIPTS}/updebug
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && {
- set -x
- goany
- }
- UPINSTALL=/etc/conf.sav
- UPGRADE_STORE=/etc/inst/save.user
- # If $UPGFILE exists than either this is an upgrade or overlay
- # done during boot-floppy installation or the request script
- # created it. If request was run, then $UPGFILE contains NREG.
- # Otherwise, NREG must be set now.
- [ -f $UPGFILE ] && . $UPGFILE
- [ "$NREG" ] || {
- # Since NREG is not set, this is either a boot-floppy
- # installation or we are pkgadding a set and installing
- # nsu in automatic mode. Do not determine PKGINSTALL_TYPE
- # or AUTOMERGE if this is a boot-floppy install since these
- # variables are in UPGFILE already.
- if [ ! -f /etc/inst/scripts/postreboot.sh ]
- then
- # We are installing nsu by pkgadding a set.
- # Call chkpkgrel to determine installation type.
- ${SCRIPTS}/chkpkgrel
- case $PKGVERSION in
- *) ;;
- esac
- rm -f $UPGFILE
- fi
- # Since the new mtune.d/ptm is not installed yet, we get the
- # number of default pseudo-ttys from the pkginfo file.
- if [ -f /etc/inst/scripts/postreboot.sh ]
- then
- # We are installing from the boot floppy.
- else
- PTM=/etc/conf
- fi
- if [ -f $PTM/sdevice.d/ptm ]
- then
- # We are upgrading from a pre-UnixWare 2.0 release that used
- # different drivers for SCO and regular ptys. The sdevice.d/ptm
- # file will have only the number of regular ptys.
- grep "^ptm " $PTM/sdevice.d/ptm >/tmp/ptm.$$ 2>/dev/null
- IFS=" " #tab
- read Dev Conf LAST_REG x4 </tmp/ptm.$$
- [ "$Conf" = N ] && LAST_REG=$DFLT_REG
- rm -f /tmp/ptm.$$
- [ "$LAST_REG" -gt "$DFLT_REG" ] && NREG=$LAST_REG
- [ "$NREG" -gt "$MAX_REG_PTS" ] && NREG=$MAX_REG_PTS
- else
- # This is the odd case when we cannot find the old values.
- # Use the defaults.
- continue
- fi
- # We need to remove all existing smtp binaries because they have
- # been totally revised in UnixWare 2.x. Some of them still have
- # the same names, and some do not. We'll just remove them all
- # for completeness' sake. We also need to remove cron jobs
- # that run smtploop along with the comments for them.
- smtpdir="/usr/lib/mail/surrcmd"
- for file in in.smtpd smtp smtpbatch smtpd smtploop smtpqer smtpsched
- do
- if [ -f $smtpdir/$file ]
- then
- rm $smtpdir/$file
- fi
- done
- file=/var/spool/cron/crontabs/smtp
- cat $file | grep -v smtploop | grep -v "Run smtpsched once per hour" | grep -v "Clean up queues and send warnings" > $file.tmp
- cp $file.tmp $file
- rm $file.tmp
- if [ ! -s $file ]
- then
- rm $file
- fi
- }
- if [ -f /etc/inst/scripts/postreboot.sh ]
- then
- # We are installing from the boot floppy.
- if [ -f $PTM/node.d/pts ]
- then
- NREG=`cut -f2 $PTM/node.d/pts|grep ttyp|wc -l`
- [ "$NREG" -gt "$MAX_REG_PTS" ] &&
- else
- # We cannot calculate NREG from $PTM/node.d/pts.
- # Use the default value of NREG.
- continue
- fi
- else
- # We are installing using pkgadd on a running system.
- PTM=/etc/conf
- if [ -f $PTM/mtune.d/ptm ]
- then
- line=`/etc/conf/bin/idtune -g NUMREGPT`
- set - $line
- NREG=$1
- [ "$NREG" -gt "$MAX_REG_PTS" ] && NREG=$MAX_REG_PTS
- else
- # This is the odd case when we cannot find the old values.
- # Use the defaults.
- continue
- fi
- fi
- # We need to remove any smtp binaries from 1.1x that no longer
- # exist in UnixWare 2.x. These would be left over only if this
- # machine was upgraded from 1.x to 2.01 and is now being upgraded
- # to 2.1. We also need to remove cron jobs that run smtploop (an
- # old 1.x binary) along with the comments for them.
- smtpdir="/usr/lib/mail/surrcmd"
- for file in in.smtpd smtpbatch smtploop smtpsched
- do
- if [ -f $smtpdir/$file ]
- then
- rm $smtpdir/$file
- fi
- done
- file=/var/spool/cron/crontabs/smtp
- cat $file | grep -v smtploop | grep -v "Run smtpsched once per hour" | grep -v "Clean up queues and send warnings" > $file.tmp
- cp $file.tmp $file
- rm $file.tmp
- if [ ! -s $file ]
- then
- rm $file
- fi
- }
- }
- ############# End UPGRADE AND OVERLAY #######################
- # Save volatile files for upgrades and overlays
- ${SCRIPTS}/pkgsavfiles ${PKGINST}
- # pkgsavfiles may change AUTOMERGE to NULL if there are no
- # files to merge or if it is a new installation. Therefore,
- # find out what values it set. Don't just overwrite them.
- echo "AUTOMERGE=${AUTOMERGE}" >>$UPGFILE || exit 1
- echo "NREG=${NREG}" >>$UPGFILE || exit 1
- exit 0