PC World Komputer 1999 March B
Text File
1,058 lines
# This script upgrades a 1.1 Commerce or Communications server to 2.0
# It copies the configuration information from a 1.1 server to the 2.0
# server's area.
# It must be run from the install subdirectory of the 2.0 installation
# Usage: $0 [-s 1.1Root] [-p list of 1.1 servers space separated]
# [-n list 2.0 servers space separated. 1.1 will become corresponding 2.0]
# [-w passwds for 1.1 servers that had key files in the magnus.conf] [-o]
# -o tells the script that a partial install has already happened, and an
# obj.conf already exists in the 2.0 tree
# $Id: upgrade,v 1996/07/13 00:37:00 flc Exp $
# Copyright 1996, Netscape Communications Corporation
use Magnus;
use ObjConf;
$isNT = -d '\\'; # This will work unless someone created a directory
# call \ in the install directory. Very unlikely
$slash = $isNT ? '\\' : '/';
$slashPattern = $isNT ? '[\\\\/]' : '/';
$pathCS = $isNT ? '(?i)' : ''; # if NT, make substitution case insensitive
$| = 1;
umask( 022 );
until ( -d $srcDir ) {
if ( ! $srcDir ) {
if ( $isNT ) {
$srcDir = 'C:\Netscape\Server';
} else {
$srcDir = '/usr/ns-home';
print "Please enter the root path of the old server installation: [$srcDir] ";
$srcDir = $newDir if ( $newDir = <> ) !~ /^\s*$/;
chomp( $srcDir );
chop( $srcDir ) if $srcDir =~ /${slashPattern}$/;
if ( $isNT ) {
$ENV{'PROMPT'} = '$P$G';
chdir( '..' ) || die "Can't cd ..: $!\n";
$destDir = `cd`;
( $disk ) = $destDir =~ /^(\w+:)/;
chdir( 'install' ) || die "Can't cd install: $!\n";
} else {
$destDir = `cd .. ; pwd`;
$disk = '';
chomp( $destDir );
until ( -d $destDir ) {
$destDir = '/usr/ns-home' unless $destDir;
print "Please enter the root path of the new server installation: [$destDir] ";
$destDir = $newDir if ( $newDir = <> ) !~ /^\s*$/;
chomp( $destDir );
chop( $destDir ) if $destDir =~ /${slashPattern}$/;
$destDir =~ s@$slashPattern@/@g if $isNT; # standardize on /
# Figure out what kind of server we're installing
if ( -d "$destDir/bin/https" ) { # Enterprise
$serverType = 'https';
$serverDesc = "Netscape Enterprise Server";
} elsif ( -d "$destDir/bin/httpd" ) { # Fast Track
$serverType = 'httpd';
$serverDesc = "Netscape FastTrack Server";
} else {
die "Can't figure out what kind of server to which you're upgrading";
$oldServer = 0;
# Get the server list. Do some checking if it's Unix
if ( $isNT ) {
@servers = &serverList( $srcDir );
} else {
if ( -d "$srcDir/admserv" ) {
$adminConf = new Magnus( "$srcDir/admserv/ns-admin.conf" );
die "Couldn't read $srcDir/admserv/ns-admin.conf: $@\n" unless $adminConf;
if ( $adminConf->value( 'NetsiteRoot' ) ne $srcDir ) {
my $dev1;
my $dev2;
my $inode1;
my $inode2;
( $dev1, $inode1 ) = stat( $srcDir );
( $dev2, $inode2 ) = stat( $adminConf->value( 'NetsiteRoot' ) );
if ( $dev1 != $dev2 or $inode1 != $inode2 ) {
die "Confused because $srcDir has a $srcDir/admserver/ns-admin.conf
whose NetsiteRoot points to a different directory than $srcDir.\n";
$srcDir = $adminConf->value( 'NetsiteRoot' );
( $login, $pass, $uid, $gid ) = getpwnam( $adminConf->value( 'User' ) ) or
die $adminConf->value( 'User' ) . " not in passwd file\n";
die 'Not running as ' . $adminConf->value( 'User' ) . "\n"
unless $> == $uid;
@servers = &serverList( $srcDir );
die "No servers to upgrade\n" unless scalar( @servers );
} elsif ( -x "$srcDir/ns-httpd" ) { # ancient system
@servers = &oldServerList( $srcDir );
$oldServer = 1;
} else {
die "$srcDir doesn't look like any Netscape installation I know about\n";
open( SERVERS, "$destDir/admserv/servers.lst" ); # just in case it exists
while ( <SERVERS> ) {
push( @serverList, $_ );
( $type, $desc ) = split( /:/, $_ );
last if $type eq $serverType;
close( SERVERS );
if ( $type ne $serverType ) { # didn't find our type
open( SERVERS, ">>$destDir/admserv/servers.lst" ) ||
die "Can't create $destDir/admserv/servers.lst: $!\n";
print SERVERS "$serverType:$serverDesc\n";
close( SERVERS );
$minThreads = 4;
$maxThreads = 32;
$maxProcs = 4;
require 'threads.pl' if -f 'threads.pl';
unless ( -d "$destDir/authdb" ) {
mkdir( "$destDir/authdb", 0777 ) ||
die "Couldn't create $destDir/authdb: $!\n";
unless ( -d "$destDir/httpacl" ) {
mkdir( "$destDir/httpacl", 0777 ) ||
die "Couldn't create $destDir/httpacl: $!\n";
@complaints = ();
%dbs = ();
foreach $server ( @servers ) {
$nickname = shift @nicknames;
while ( ! $nickname ) {
print "Instead of being known by port number, your servers will be known\n";
print "by nickname. The nickname may only have letters, digits, '-'s and '_'s.\n";
print "I will add the $serverType-, so you don't have to.\n";
print "Choose a nickname for the $server server: ";
chomp( $nickname = <STDIN> );
if ( $nickname !~ /^[\w\-.]+$/ or $nickname =~ /^http[sd]-/ ) {
print "\nThat name has unwanted characters in it.\n";
$nickname = $serverType . '-' . $nickname;
print "Upgrading $server to $nickname...\n";
unless ( $partialUpgrade ) {
mkdir( "$destDir/$nickname", 0777 ) ||
die "Can't mkdir $destDir/$nickname: $!\n";
mkdir( "$destDir/$nickname/config", 0777 ) ||
die "Can't mkdir $destDir/$nickname/config: $!\n";
mkdir( "$destDir/$nickname/logs", 0777 ) ||
die "Can't mkdir $destDir/$nickname/config: $!\n";
if ( $isNT ) {
$configDir = "$destDir/$nickname/config";
} else {
$configDir = &findConfig( $srcDir, $server, $oldServer );
die "Couldn't find a config directory for $srcDir/$server\n"
unless $configDir;
$magnus = new Magnus( "$configDir/magnus.conf" );
die "Couldn't find magnus.conf in $configDir" unless $magnus;
if ( $magnus->{'source'}->[0] =~ /^#ServerRoot/i ) {
$magnus->{'source'}->[0] = "#ServerRoot $destDir/$nickname\n";
if ( $partialUpgrade ) { # obj.conf in 2.0 tree
©File( "$destDir/$nickname/config/obj.conf",
"$destDir/$nickname/config/chris.conf" );
$objSrc = "$destDir/$nickname/config/chris.conf";
} else {
( $login, $pass, $uid, $gid ) = getpwnam( $magnus->value( 'User' ) ) or
die "$user not in passwd file";
chown( $uid, $gid, "$destDir/$nickname/logs" ) ||
warn "Couldn't make $destDir/$nickname/logs owned by " .
$magnus->value( 'User' ) . "\n";
$objSrc = $configDir . '/' . $magnus->value( 'LoadObjects' );
die "Misleading $configDir/magnus.conf, couldn't find obj.conf\n"
unless -f $objSrc;
# trick the magnus object into writing the results out to the new dir
$magnus->{'file'} = "$destDir/$nickname/config/magnus.conf";
# Standardize
$magnus->set( 'ErrorLog', "$destDir/$nickname/logs/errors" );
$magnus->set( 'PidLog', "$destDir/$nickname/logs/pid" );
@complaints = ( @complaints,
&xlatePath( $objSrc,
"$srcDir/$server", "$srcDir",
"$destDir/$nickname", "$destDir",
'/logs/' ) );
unless ( $isNT ) {
foreach $utility ( 'stop', 'start', 'restart',
"../bin/$serverType/install/misc/rotate" ) {
open( SRC, $utility ) || die "Can't open prototype $utility: $!\n";
$utility =~ s@.*/@@; # trim path info
open( DEST, ">$destDir/$nickname/$utility" ) ||
die "Can't create $destDir/$nickname/$utility: $!\n";
while ( <SRC> ) {
if ( /%(ROOT|SERVER|STYPE)%/ ) {
print DEST $`;
if ( $1 eq 'ROOT' ) {
print DEST $destDir;
} elsif ( $1 eq 'SERVER' ) {
print DEST "$destDir/$nickname";
} elsif ( $1 eq 'STYPE' ) {
print DEST $serverType;
$_ = $';
redo; # see if there are more %%s in the file
} else {
print DEST;
close( SRC );
close( DEST );
chmod( 0755, "$destDir/$nickname/$utility" ) ||
die "Couldn't make $destDir/$nickname/$utility executable: $!\n";
©File( "$configDir/mime.types",
"$destDir/$nickname/config/mime.types" ) unless $partialUpgrade;
&keyToDB( $magnus,
$partialUpgrade ? "$srcDir/$server/config" : $configDir,
"$destDir/$nickname/config" );
&moveInits( $magnus, "$destDir/$nickname/config/obj.conf", undef, 2,
"$srcDir/$server", "$srcDir",
"$destDir/$nickname", "$destDir",
'/logs/' );
if ( $partialUpgrade ) {
foreach $line ( @{$magnus->{'source'}} ) {
if ( $line =~ /^#Security was\s+(\w+)/i ) {
$magnus->set( 'Security', $1 );
$magnus->set( 'Security', 'off' ) unless $magnus->value( 'Security' );
$magnus->set( 'SSL2', 'on' );
$magnus->set( 'SSL3', 'on' );
$magnus->set( 'Ciphers', '+rc4,+rc4export,+rc2,+rc2export,+des,+desede3' );
$magnus->set( 'SSL3Ciphers',
'+rsa_rc4_128_md5,+rsa_3des_sha,+rsa_des_sha,' .
'+rsa_rc4_40_md5,+rsa_rc2_40_md5,-rsa_null_md5' );
$magnus->set( 'MinThreads', $minThreads );
$magnus->set( 'MaxThreads', $maxThreads );
$magnus->set( 'MaxProcs', $maxProcs );
$magnus->set( 'ACLFile', "$destDir/httpacl/generated.$nickname.acl" );
&updateACL( "$destDir/$nickname/config/obj.conf", $nickname );
&updateLogsAndIcons( "$destDir/$nickname/config/obj.conf",
"$srcDir/$server", "$destDir/$nickname" );
# Since the livewire configuration is changing, it will now be configured
# after the installation/upgrade
# &addLiveWire( "$destDir/$nickname/config/obj.conf" );
mkdir( "$destDir/admserv/$nickname", 0777 ) unless $partialUpgrade;
©Config( "$destDir/$nickname/config", "$destDir/admserv/$nickname" );
print "\nUpgraded $server to $nickname\n\n";
print "Copying user databases. This could take a while if you have a big DB.\n";
&updateDBs( "$destDir/authdb", "$disk.${slash}ndbmdump ", '|', keys( %dbs ) );
&updateDBs( "$destDir/authdb", '', '', keys( %userFiles ) );
if ( scalar( @complaints ) ) {
open( LOG, '>upgrade.log' );
print "\nBe sure to read upgrade.log, which has suggestions about\n",
"how to get your new system to do the same things the old one did.\n";
print LOG "Some of these might have been fixed in later passes.\n\n";
print LOG @complaints;
close( LOG );
if ( $isNT ) { # in a DOS box, so don't go away, yet
print "Press Enter ";
$junk = <STDIN>;
# &moveInits( $magnus, 'to', 'bak', parameters for xlatePaths )
# This function moves the init directives from the magnus object to the
# head of the second file. Make a backup with extension '.bak'
sub moveInits {
my $magnus = shift;
my $dest = shift;
my $destBackup = shift;
my @newDest;
open( DEST, $dest ) || die "Can't open $dest";
#If the dest starts with a comment, keep it at the beginning
while ( <DEST> ) {
if ( m'^#' ) {
push( @newDest, $_ );
} else {
$savedDestLine = $_;
push( @newDest, "\n" );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $magnus->numInits() ; ++$i ) {
push( @newDest, xlatePaths( 'Init ' . $magnus->getInit( $i ) . "\n",
@_ ) );
push( @newDest, "\n" );
for ( $i = $magnus->numInits() ; $i-- ; ) {
$magnus->deleteInit( $i );
push( @newDest, $savedDestLine );
while ( <DEST> ) {
push( @newDest, $_ );
close( DEST ) ||
die "Couldn't close $dest";
&makeBackup( $dest, $destBackup ) || die "Can't backup $dest";
open( DEST, ">$dest" ) || die "Can't rewrite $dest";
foreach $line ( @newDest ) {
print DEST $line;
close( DEST );
# &makeBackup( $file, 5 );
# depending on the parameter, do one of three things: nothing( undef ),
# make a rolling backup with a maximum of $flag backups( digit ),
# or make a backup with .$flag as the suffix
# NOTE: the original file gets renamed, so it's not there anymore.
# returns the name of the backed up file if good,
# otherwise undef and $@ has the error
sub makeBackup
my $file = shift;
my $flag = shift;
my $previous;
return $file unless $flag;
if ( $flag =~ /^\d+$/ ) { # roll it
while ( $flag ) {
$previous = $flag - 1;
if ( $previous ) {
$previous = '.' . $previous;
} else {
$previous = '';
if ( -r "$file$previous" ) {
rename( "$file$previous", "$file.$flag" ) || return undef;
return "$file.1";
} else { # extension
return "$file.$flag" if rename( $file, "$file.$flag" );
return undef; # something wrong
sub serverList {
my $dir = shift;
my @result;
opendir( SERVERS, $dir ) || die "Can't open $dir";
@result = grep( /^http[sd]-[\d.]+$/, readdir( SERVERS ) );
closedir( SERVERS );
if ( scalar( @servers ) ) {
my @serverList = @servers;
@result = sort( @result );
@serverList = sort( @serverList );
if ( @result == @serverList ) {
my $i;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#result ; ++$i ) {
if ( $result[$i] !~ /$pathCS$serverList[$i]$/ ) {
warn "Passed server list does not match servers in $dir\n";
return ();
@result = @servers;
} else {
warn "Different number of servers in $dir than were passed in\n";
return ();
return @result;
sub oldServerList {
my $dir = shift;
my @result;
opendir( SERVERS, $dir ) || die "Can't open $dir";
@result = grep( /^start-http[sd]/, readdir( SERVERS ) );
@result = map { s/^start-//; $_; } @result;
closedir( SERVERS );
if ( scalar( @servers ) ) {
my @serverList = @servers;
@result = sort( @result );
@serverList = sort( @serverList );
if ( @result == @serverList ) {
my $i;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#result ; ++$i ) {
if ( $result[$i] ne $serverList[$i] ) {
warn "Passed server list does not match servers in $dir\n";
return ();
@result = @servers;
} else {
warn "Different number of servers in $dir than were passed in\n";
return ();
return @result;
sub keyToDB {
my $magnus = shift;
my $srcPath = shift;
my $destPath = shift;
my $backupPolicy = shift;
my $keyFile = $magnus->value( 'KeyFile' );
my $certFile = $magnus->value( 'CertFile' );
my $warnFailures = 0;
if ( $keyFile ) {
my $dbKey = $keyFile;
$dbKey =~ s/\.der/.db/;
$magnus->set( 'KeyFile', $dbKey );
if ( scalar( @passwds ) ) { # got me a password to feed in
open( KEY, "| .${slash}rkey11 $srcPath/$keyFile $destPath/$dbKey" ) ||
die "Can't run key conversion program: $!\n";
print KEY shift( @passwds ), "\n"; # pass it in
if ( ! close( KEY ) ) { # probably wrong passwd
do {
die "Too many failures\n" if ++$warnFailures > 10;
warn "Key conversion failed: $!\n";
print "Please enter Key File password: " if $isNT;
} while ( system( "$disk.${slash}rkey11 $srcPath/$keyFile $destPath/$dbKey" ) );
} else { # get the passwd from the user
print "Converting $srcPath/$keyFile\n";
print "Please enter Key File password: " if $isNT;
while ( system( "$disk.${slash}rkey11 $srcPath/$keyFile $destPath/$dbKey" ) ) {
die "Too many failures\n" if ++$warnFailures > 10;
warn "Key conversion failed: $!\n";
print "Please enter Key File password: " if $isNT;
if ( $certFile ) {
my $choppedCert = $certFile;
$choppedCert =~ s/\.der$//;
system( "$disk.${slash}rcert11 $srcPath/$certFile $destPath/$choppedCert" ) &&
die "Couldn't convert ServerCert $srcPath/$certFile\n";
$magnus->set( 'CertFile', $choppedCert );
sub quote {
my $name = shift;
if ( $name =~ /[\s\"\'\.\\,]/ ) { # needs quoting
$name =~ s/[\"\\]/\\$&/g;
$name = '"' . $name . '"';
return $name;
# Assumptions: only one AuthTrans/object
sub updateACL {
my $obj = new ObjConf( shift );
my $serverName = shift;
my $backupPolicy = shift;
my $objCount = 0;
my $authDirective;
my @pathChecks;
my $requireAuth;
my @denies;
my @users;
die $@ unless $obj;
open( NEWACL, ">$destDir/httpacl/generated.$serverName.acl" ) ||
die "Couldn't create $destDir/authdb/acl: $!\n";
foreach $type ( 'names', 'ppaths' ) {
foreach $object ( values( %{$obj->{$type}} ) ) {
undef( $authDirective );
undef( @pathChecks );
undef( @denies );
undef( @users );
# collect relevant pathchecks and denies
foreach $directive ( @{$object->{'directives'}} ) {
if ( $directive->{'type'} =~ /^pathcheck$/i ) {
if ( $directive->{'name'} eq 'require-auth' ) {
if ( $directive->{'params'}->{'auth-type'} eq 'basic' ) {
push( @pathChecks, $directive );
} elsif ( $directive->{'name'} eq 'deny-existence' ) {
push( @denies, $directive );
} elsif ( $directive->{'type'} =~ /^AuthTrans$/i ) {
$authDirective = $directive;
next unless ( scalar( @denies ) || scalar( @pathChecks ) );
# process them
print NEWACL "ACL ${serverName}_formgen-READ-ACL_deny-$objCount ",
" (GET, HEAD, POST, INDEX) {\n",
"\tDefault deny anyone;\n";
if ( $authDirective && scalar( @pathChecks ) ) {
# the server will be taking names
my @pathElements;
my $users;
my @users;
my $dbm;
my $closedAuth = 0;
# get database name
if ( defined( $authDirective->{'params'}->{'dbm'} ) ) {
$dbm = $authDirective->{'params'}->{'dbm'};
$dbs{$dbm} = 1;
} elsif ( defined( $authDirective->{'params'}->{'userfile'} ) ) {
$dbm = $authDirective->{'params'}->{'userfile'};
$userFiles{$dbm} = 1;
} else {
die "Can't understand why there's no dbm or userfile\n";
@pathElements = split( m'/', $dbm );
$dbm = "$destDir/authdb/" . pop( @pathElements );
$dbm =~ s/\.pwf$//; # trim .pwf extension
if ( scalar( @denies ) ) {
$obj->removeDirective( $object, $authDirective );
} else {
$obj->{'source'}->[$authDirective->{'sourceIndex'}] =
'PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="' .
"${serverName}_formgen-READ-ACL_deny-$objCount\"\n" .
'PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="' .
print NEWACL "\tDefault authenticate in {\n";
print NEWACL "\t\tDatabase \"$dbm\";\n";
print NEWACL "\t\tMethod basic;\n";
foreach $requireAuth ( @pathChecks ) {
unless ( $closedAuth ) {
if ( $requireAuth->{'params'}->{'realm'} ) {
print NEWACL "\t\tPrompt \"$requireAuth->{'params'}->{'realm'}\";\n";
print NEWACL "\t};\n";
$closedAuth = 1;
$users = $requireAuth->{'params'}->{'auth-user'};
$users = 'all' unless $users;
if ( $users =~ /^\(/ ) { # multiple
my $user;
chop( $users = $' );
foreach $user ( split( /\|/, $users ) ) {
push( @users, "e( $user ) );
} else {
@users[0] = "e( $users );
$obj->removeDirective( $object, $requireAuth );
# the ACL
print NEWACL &doACL( $serverName, $objCount, $obj,
\@denies, @users );
} else { # just checking hosts
print NEWACL &doACL( $serverName, $objCount, $obj,
\@denies, 'anyone' );
print NEWACL "}\n\n";
print NEWACL "ACL ${serverName}_formgen-WRITE-ACL_deny-$objCount ",
"\tDefault deny anyone;\n",
close( NEWACL );
$obj->write( $backupPolicy );
return ( %dbs );
# do a phrase or phrases depending on the deny-existence list
sub doACL {
my $serverName = shift;
my $objCount = shift;
my $obj = shift;
my $denies = shift; # reference to list
my @users = @_;
my $users;
my @denyHosts = ();
my @allowHosts = ();
my $deny;
my $client;
my $param;
my $otherParams = undef;
if ( scalar( @users ) > 1 ) {
$users = '(' . join( ', ', @users ) . ')';
} else {
if ( scalar( @users ) == 0 || $users[0] eq '*' ) {
$users = 'all';
} else {
$users = $users[0];
foreach $deny ( @$denies ) {
$client = $deny->{'client'};
$client = '*' unless $client;
foreach $client ( split( /\s+/, $client ) ) {
$client =~ s/^(dns|ip)\s*=\s*"?//i; # kill type info and quote
$client =~ s/"$//; # kill quote
if ( $client =~ /^\*~/ ) {
$client = &expandRE( $' );
$client =~ s/^\(//;
$client =~ s/\)$//;
push( @allowHosts, split( /\|/, $client ) );
} else {
push( @denyHosts, split( /\|/, &expandRE( $client ) ) );
# rewrite directive
if ( ! defined( $otherParams ) ) { # first deny
$otherParams = '';
foreach $param ( keys %{$deny->{'params'}} ) {
$otherParams .= ' ' . $param . '="' .
$deny->{'params'}->{$param} . '"';
$obj->{'source'}->[$deny->{'sourceIndex'}] =
'PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="' .
"${serverName}_formgen-READ-ACL_deny-$objCount\"$otherParams\n" .
'PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="' .
} else {
# delete the deny
$obj->{'deletedSource'}->{$deny->{'sourceIndex'}} = 1;
# QQQQ look into verifying otherParams
next unless $deny->{'client'};
# look for surrounding client and remove
for ( $i = $deny->{'sourceIndex'} ; $i > -1 ; --$i ) {
if ( $obj->{'source'}->[$i] =~ /^<\s*client/i ) {
$obj->{'deletedSource'}->{$i} = 1;
for ( $i = $deny->{'sourceIndex'} ;
$i < scalar( @{$obj->{'source'}} ) ; ++$i ) {
if ( $obj->{'source'}->[$i] =~ /^<\s*\/client/i ) {
$obj->{'deletedSource'}->{$i} = 1;
# return the acl for these denies
$result = '';
$result .= "\tDefault allow $users at (" .
join( ',', @allowHosts ) . ");\n" if scalar( @allowHosts );
$result .= "\tDefault deny $users at (" .
join( ',', @denyHosts ) . ");\n" if scalar( @denyHosts );
$result = "\tDefault allow $users;\n" unless scalar( @allowHosts ) ||
scalar( @denyHosts );
return $result;
sub expandRE {
my $in = shift;
if ( $in =~ m'\(([^)]+)\)(.)' ) { # expand RE
my $pre = $`;
my $post = $2 . $';
my $expand = $1;
$expand =~ s/(\||$)/$post$1/g;
$in = "($expand)";
return $in;
sub updateLogsAndIcons {
my $obj = new ObjConf( shift );
my $iconDir = shift;
my $srcPath = shift;
my $destPath = shift;
my $backupPolicy = shift;
my $directive;
my $object;
my $log;
my %logs;
my @newInits;
foreach $object ( @{$obj->{'objects'}} ) {
foreach $directive ( @{$object->{'directives'}} ) {
if ( $object->{'type'} eq 'name' &&
$directive->{'type'} =~ /^NameTrans$/i &&
$directive->{'name'} eq 'pfx2dir' &&
$directive->{'params'}->{'from'} eq '/mc-icons' ) {
# found the mc-icons translation
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] =
'NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/mc-icons" dir="' .
$iconDir . "\"\n" .
'NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/ns-icons" dir="' .
$iconDir . "\"\n";
# Kludge alert. The data structure no longer matches the
# source, but since the rest of this function doesn't care
# about NameTrans, that's OK.
if ( $object->{'type'} eq 'name' &&
$directive->{'type'} =~ /^NameTrans$/i &&
$directive->{'name'} eq 'pfx2dir' &&
$directive->{'params'}->{'from'} eq '/ns-icons' ) {
# found chris's ns-icons translation, so I'll delete it,
# since the above kludge should be doing it
$obj->removeDirective( $object, $directive );
next; # directive is gone, stop looking at it
if ( $directive->{'type'} =~ /^addlog$/i &&
$directive->{'name'} eq 'common-log' ) {
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] =~
if ( $directive->{'params'}->{'name'} ) {
$logs{$directive->{'params'}->{'name'}} = $directive;
} else {
$logs{'global'} = $directive;
if ( $directive->{'type'} =~ /^addlog$/i &&
$directive->{'name'} eq 'record-keysize' ) {
# obsolete directive
$obj->removeDirective( $object, $directive );
next; # directive is gone, stop looking at it
foreach $directive ( @{$obj->{'directives'}} ) {
if ( $directive->{'type'} =~ /^init$/i &&
$directive->{'name'} eq 'init-clf' ) { # Log
foreach $log ( keys( %{$directive->{'params'}} ) ) {
# translate the paths to the new directory
$directive->{'params'}->{$log} =~ s/$pathCS$srcPath/$destPath/;
foreach $log ( keys( %logs ) ) {
if ( $directive->{'params'}->{$log} ) {
push( @newInits, 'Init fn="flex-init" ' . $log . '="' .
$directive->{'params'}->{$log} . '" format.' .
$log . '="' .
'%Ses->client.ip% - %Req->vars.auth-user% ' .
'[%SYSDATE%] \"%Req->reqpb.clf-request%\" ' .
'%Req->srvhdrs.clf-status% ' .
'%Req->srvhdrs.content-length%"' );
delete $directive->{'params'}->{$log};
} else {
die "Mention of $log in the AddLogs, but not init-clf\n";
# remove logs that are now flex-logs
if ( scalar( %{$directive->{'params'}} ) ) {
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] =
'Init fn="init-clf"';
foreach $log ( keys( %{$directive->{'params'}} ) ) {
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] .=
' ' . $log . '="' . $directive->{'params'}->{$log} .
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] .= "\n";
} else { # no logs left
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] = '';
# put new flex-inits in, tagged onto the init-clf.
# This messes up the structure, so just write the obj.conf out
foreach $log ( @newInits ) {
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] .= $log . "\n";
# comment out home page specifier, and warn, if one was specified
sub hideHomePage {
my $obj = new ObjConf( shift );
my $default = $obj->{'names'}->{'default'};
my $directive;
my $foundOne = 0;
foreach $directive ( @{$default->{'directives'}} ) {
if ( $directive->{'type'} =~ /^NameTrans$/i &&
$directive->{'name'} eq 'home-page' ) { # found a home page
warn "Commenting out home page specification, look in $obj->{'file'}\n";
$obj->{'source'}->[$directive->{'sourceIndex'}] = '# ' .
$foundOne = 1;
$obj->write() if $foundOne;
# Add the necessary directives to enable LiveWire
sub addLiveWire {
my $obj = new ObjConf( shift );
my $default = $obj->{'names'}->{'default'};
my $directive;
my $foundIt = 0;
# Not quite the right way to go about this, but until ObjConf.pm gets
# better, the way I will do it.
foreach $directive ( @{$default->{'directives'}} ) {
if ( $directive->{'type'} =~ /^nametrans$/i &&
$directive->{'name'} eq 'livewireNameTrans' ) {
$foundIt = 1;
if ( ! $foundIt ) { # piggyback the directive onto the last directive
$obj->{'source'}->[$default->{'sourceIndex'}] .=
"NameTrans fn=livewireNameTrans name=LiveWire\n";
push( @{$obj->{'source'}},
"\n<Object name=LiveWire>\nService fn=livewireService\n</Object>\n" );
sub updateDBs {
my $destDir = shift;
my $commandPrefix = shift;
my $commandSuffix = shift;
my @dbs = @_;
my $dbName;
my @elements;
foreach $db ( @dbs ) {
@elements = split( m@/@, $db );
$dbName = pop( @elements );
$dbName =~ s/\.pwf$//; # trim .pwf extension
&toDB( $destDir, $dbName, "$commandPrefix$db$commandSuffix" );
# read the passwd db or file and make a user from it
sub toDB {
my $dir = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $openString = shift;
my $command;
open( PW, $openString ) || die "Couldn't read $openString: $!\n";
while ( <PW> ) {
( $user, $pw ) = split( /:/, $_ );
$user =~ s/([\s\(\)\?\*&'"])/\\$1/g; # ']);
$pw =~ s/([\s\(\)\?\*&'"])/\\$1/g; # ']);
$command = $isNT ? ".\\mkuser -p $pw $user $dir/$name |" :
"./mkuser -p $pw $user $dir/$name 2>&1 |";
open( MKUSER, $command ) ||
die "Couldn't start ./mkuser: $!\n";
while ( <MKUSER> ) {
if ( $_ !~ /success/i ) {
close( MKUSER );
close( PW );
sub copyFile {
my $src = shift;
my $dest = shift;
open( SOURCE, $src ) || die "Can't read $src: $!\n";
open( DEST, ">$dest" ) || die "Can't write to $dest: $!\n";
while ( <SOURCE> ) {
print DEST;
close( SOURCE );
close( DEST );
sub copyConfig {
my $srcDir = shift;
my $destDir = shift;
my $file;
opendir( SRCDIR, $srcDir ) || die "Can't read $srcDir: $!\n";
while ( $file = readdir( SRCDIR ) ) {
next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/; # skip . and ..
next if -d "$srcDir/$file"; # Don't recurse
©File( "$srcDir/$file", "$destDir/$file" );
# Do a file copy, but convert path names as the file gets copied
# Don't convert paths that don't point anywere, except for log files
# push non-converted paths to the results list
# If you are xlating paths that contain one another, the long paths must cone
# first
sub xlatePath {
my $src = shift;
$dest = shift;
open( SRC, $src ) || die "Can't open $src: $!\n";
open( DEST, ">$dest" ) || die "Can't open $dest: $!\n";
while ( <SRC> ) {
print DEST &xlatePaths( $_, @_ );
close( SRC );
close( DEST );
return @results;
# translate paths in the string
sub xlatePaths {
my $line = shift;
my @otherParams = @_;
my $numXs = shift;
my @srcPaths = splice( @_, 0, $numXs );
my @destPaths = splice( @_, 0, $numXs );
my @allowedEmpty = @_;
my @pathLengths = map { length( $_ ) } @srcPaths;
my $i;
my $pre;
my $post;
my $allowed;
my $path;
my $destPath;
grep { s/$slashPattern/$slashPattern/g } @srcPaths if $isNT;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numXs ; ++$i ) {
if ( $line =~ /$pathCS$srcPaths[$i]/ ) {
$pre = $`;
$post = $';
foreach $allowed ( @allowedEmpty ) {
if ( substr( $post, 0, length( $allowed ) ) eq $allowed ) {
return &xlatePaths( $pre, @otherParams ) .
$destPaths[$i] . $allowed .
&xlatePaths( substr( $post, length($allowed) ),
@otherParams );
$path = $& . $post;
$path =~ s/["'`\s>\*].*//s; # to " or space ]
( $destPath = $path ) =~ s/$pathCS$srcPaths[$i]/$destPaths[$i]/;
if ( -e $destPath ) {
return &xlatePaths( $pre, @otherParams ) .
$destPaths[$i] . substr( $post, 0, length( $path ) -
$pathLengths[$i] ) .
&xlatePaths( substr( $post, length( $path ) -
$pathLengths[$i] ),
@otherParams );
} else {
$complaint = "Not rewriting $path, which is in your old server.\nI suggest you look into copying it over, and fixing $dest.\n\n";
push( @results, $complaint ) unless $results[$#results] eq
return $line;
sub parseParams {
$param = shift( @ARGV );
$partialUpgrade = 0;
while ( defined( $param ) ) {
if ( $param eq '-s' ) { # old directory
$srcDir = shift( @ARGV );
} elsif ( $param eq '-n' ) { # names of new servers
@nicknames = &getArgList();
} elsif ( $param eq '-p' ) { # ports of old servers
@servers = &getArgList();
} elsif ( $param eq '-w' ) { # passwds for ServerKeys
@passwds = &getArgList();
} elsif ( $param eq '-o' ) {
$partialUpgrade = 1;
$param = shift( @ARGV );
sub getArgList {
my @result = ();
while ( defined( $ARGV[0] ) && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/ ) {
push( @result, shift( @ARGV ) );
return @result;
sub findConfig {
my $dir = shift;
my $server = shift;
my $oldServer = shift;
my $start;
my $configDir;
if ( $oldServer ) {
if ( -f "$dir/start-$server" ) {
$start = "start-$server";
} else {
die "Can't comprehend configuration for $dir/$server\n";
} else { # 1.12 server
if ( -f "$dir/$server/start" ) {
$start = "$server/start";
} elsif ( -f "$dir/$server/start-httpd" ) {
$start = "$server/start-httpd";
} else { # not sure
opendir( DIR, "$dir/$server" ) ||
die "Can't read $dir/$server: $!\n";
while ( $start = readdir( DIR ) ) {
last if $start =~ /start/; # start somewhere in the name
closedir( DIR );
if ( $start ) {
$start = "$server/$start";
} else {
die "Couldn't find a startup script for $dir/$server\n";
open( START, "$dir/$start" ) || die "Can't read $dir/$start: $!\n";
while ( <START> ) {
if ( /-d\s*([^\s]*)/ ) {
$configDir = $1;
close( START );
return $configDir;