PC World Komputer 1999 March B
Text File
2,211 lines
#ident "@(#)ncfgBE 29.4"
#ident "$Header: $"
# Based on OpenServer ncfgBE version 11.1
# Copyright (C) 1993-1997 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# The information in this file is provided for the exclusive use of
# the licensees of The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Such users have the
# right to use, modify, and incorporate this code into other products
# for purposes authorized by the license agreement provided they include
# this notice and the associated copyright notice with any such product.
# The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.
#cmdtrace on [ open /tmp/ncfgBE.log a+ ]
loadlibindex /usr/lib/sysadm.tlib
set NCFG_DIR /usr/lib/netcfg
set NDCFG_PATH $NCFG_DIR/bin/ndcfg
set PROMPTER_PATH /usr/sbin/ncfgprompter
source $NCFG_DIR/bin/ncfgBE.msg.tcl
source $NCFG_DIR/lib/libSCO.tcl
# This script manipulates the following objects:
# MESH: A structure representing all chains, both possible and
# actually configured, that can be manipulated given the
# current networking componentes installed into the netconfig
# framework.
# MESH = list of NODEs
# NODE: A structure representing one element of one chain.
# NODE = list of NODEs ( Children of that node )
# list of ELEMENTdescriptor ( The chain itself )
# element-index ( Index into above list )
# actually-configured ( 1=Yes, 0=Potentially, but not at mo. )
# ELEMENT: A structure containing all the information about an element
# in a chain.
# ELEMENT = component ( The name of the component )
# element ( The name of the element )
# info-path ( The path of the info file )
# description ( The description of the element )
# hw-sw ( 1=Hardware, 0=Software )
# up ( UP interface )
# down ( DOWN interface )
# reconfigurable ( 1=Yes,0=No )
# listable ( 1=Yes,0=No )
# Returns an ELEMENT when given an nodeinfo
proc GetElement {nodeinfo} \
global ELEMENT
set elementindex [ keylget nodeinfo INDEX ]
set chain [ keylget nodeinfo CHAIN ]
set elementdescriptor [ lindex $chain $elementindex ]
set indexes [array names ELEMENT]
if { [ lsearch $indexes $elementdescriptor ] == -1 } {
exit 1
return $ELEMENT($elementdescriptor)
proc IsWANInterface {if} \
if { [ crange $if 0 3 ] == "wan-" } {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc IsNetX {el} \
if [ regexp "^net(\[0-9\])+$" $el ] {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc SetElement {name {infofile ""}} \
global ELEMENT
set component $name
if { $infofile != "" } {
set element ${component}(${infofile})
set infoPath $NCFG_INFODIR/$component/$infofile
} else {
set element $component
set infoPath $NCFG_INFODIR/$component
set reconfable [ file exists $NCFG_RECONFDIR/$component ]
set listable [ file exists $NCFG_LISTDIR/$component ]
# Search Info file for DESCRIPTION=, HWSW=
set description ""
set hwsw ""
set up ""
set down ""
set sd [ scancontext create ]
set fd [ open $infoPath ]
scanmatch $sd "^DESCRIPTION=" {
set description [ string trim [ csubstr $matchInfo(line) 12 end ] \" ]
scanmatch $sd "^UP=" {
set up [ string trim [ csubstr $matchInfo(line) 3 end ] \" ]
scanmatch $sd "^DOWN=" {
set down [ string trim [ csubstr $matchInfo(line) 5 end ] \" ]
scanmatch $sd "^HWSW=" {
set hwsw [ string trim [ csubstr $matchInfo(line) 5 end ] \" ]
scanfile $sd $fd
scancontext delete $sd
close $fd
if { $down == "" } {
set ndcfgreturn [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "GETHWKEY $element" ] 0 ]
keylget ndcfgreturn INFO hwkey
set description "$description$hwkey"
if { $up == "" } {
set up NULL
if { $down == "" } {
set down NULL
if { $hwsw == "" && $down == "NULL" } {
if [ IsWANInterface $up ] {
set hwsw "SW"
} else {
set hwsw "HW"
keylset ELEMENT($element) COMPONENT $component
keylset ELEMENT($element) ELEMENT $element
keylset ELEMENT($element) DESCRIPTION $description
keylset ELEMENT($element) HWSW $hwsw
keylset ELEMENT($element) UP $up
keylset ELEMENT($element) DOWN $down
keylset ELEMENT($element) RECONFABLE $reconfable
keylset ELEMENT($element) LISTABLE $listable
return $element
proc AddChainToNode {node ni_list} \
global ELEMENT
#puts stderr "AddChainToNode(<$node> <$ni_list>"
if { [ llength $ni_list ] < 2 } {
return $node
set tail [ lrange $ni_list 0 [ expr { [ llength $ni_list ] - 2 } ] ]
set end [ lindex $tail [ expr { [ llength $tail ] - 1 } ] ]
set end_element [ GetElement $end ]
set end_name [ keylget end_element COMPONENT ]
set nodechildren [ lindex $node 0 ]
set nodeinfo [ lindex $node 1 ]
set found 0
set newchildren ""
foreach child $nodechildren {
set childinfo [ lindex $child 1 ]
set child_element [ GetElement $childinfo ]
set component_name [ keylget child_element COMPONENT ]
if { $component_name == $end_name } {
lappend newchildren [ AddChainToNode $child $tail ]
set found 1
} else {
lappend newchildren $child
set nodechildren $newchildren
if {! $found } {
set ni_tree ""
foreach i $tail {
if { $ni_tree == "" } {
set ni_tree [ list $ni_tree $i ]
} else {
set ni_tree [ list [ list $ni_tree ] $i ]
lappend nodechildren $ni_tree
set result [ list $nodechildren $nodeinfo ]
return $result
proc AddChainsToNode {node} \
global AOLOPCchains AOLOPCactually_configured ELEMENT
#puts stderr "AddChainToNodes(<$node>)"
set nodechildren [ lindex $node 0 ]
set nodeinfo [ lindex $node 1 ]
set element [ GetElement $nodeinfo ]
set component_name [ keylget element COMPONENT ]
set newchains ""
foreach i $AOLOPCchains {
set tail [ lindex $i [ expr { [ llength $i ] - 1 } ] ]
set name [ keylget ELEMENT($tail) COMPONENT ]
if { $name == $component_name } {
set ni_list ""
for {set j 0} { $j < [ llength $i ] } { incr j } {
keylset ni CHAIN $i
keylset ni INDEX $j
keylset ni CONFIGURED $AOLOPCactually_configured
lappend ni_list $ni
set node [ AddChainToNode $node $ni_list ]
} else {
lappend newchains $i
set AOLOPCchains $newchains
return $node
proc AddChainsToTree {tree} \
#puts stderr "AddChainsToTree(<$tree>)"
set children [ lindex $tree 0 ]
set nodeinfo [ lindex $tree 1 ]
set newchildren ""
foreach i $children {
lappend newchildren [ AddChainsToTree $i ]
set newtree [ list $newchildren $nodeinfo ]
return [ AddChainsToNode $newtree ]
proc AddOneLayerOfChains {mesh chains actually_configured} \
global AOLOPCactually_configured AOLOPCchains
set AOLOPCchains $chains
set AOLOPCactually_configured $actually_configured
set newmesh ""
foreach tree $mesh {
set AOLOPCchains $chains
lappend newmesh [ AddChainsToTree $tree ]
return [ list $newmesh $AOLOPCchains ]
# Return a list of the root components of a list of chains
proc FindRoots {chain_list} \
# Set roots to the list of all chain ends (ie last component of chain)
set roots ""
foreach i $chain_list {
set found 0
set end [ lindex $i [ expr { [ llength $i ] - 1 } ] ]
foreach j $roots {
if { $j == $end } {
set found 1
if { ! $found } {
lappend roots $end
# Filter out any chain ends which have corresponding chain heads
# E.g. nfs->tcp tcp->net0
set newroots ""
foreach k $roots {
set found 0
foreach l $chain_list {
if { [ llength $l ] != 1 } {
if { $k == [ lindex $l 0 ] } {
set found 1
if { ! $found } {
keylset nodeinfo CHAIN $k
keylset nodeinfo INDEX 0
keylset nodeinfo CONFIGURED 1
lappend newroots [ list "" $nodeinfo ]
return $newroots
# Read the chains file and build a list representing it
proc ReadChainsFile {} \
set list ""
if [ file exists $NCFG_CHAINSFILE ] {
set fd [ open $NCFG_CHAINSFILE ]
} else {
set fd [ open $NCFG_CHAINSFILE w+ ]
while { [ gets $fd line ] != -1 } {
set c [ translit "#" " " $line ]
if { [ llength $c ] > 0 } {
lappend list $c
close $fd
set sorted_list ""
while { $list != "" } {
set s [ lindex $list 0 ]
set s_len [ llength $s ]
set l ""
foreach i [ lrange $list 1 end ] {
set i_len [ llength $i ]
if { $i_len < $s_len } {
lappend l $s
set s $i
set s_len $i_len
} else {
lappend l $i
lappend sorted_list $s
set list $l
return $sorted_list
# Returns a list of chains, and a MESH representing all currently configured chains
proc GetCurrentChains {} \
global ELEMENT
if [ info exists ELEMENT ] { unset ELEMENT }
set olddir [ pwd ]
set file_list [ glob -nocomplain * ]
cd $olddir
foreach i $file_list {
if [ file isdirectory $NCFG_INFODIR/$i ] {
set file_list2 [ glob -nocomplain $i/* ]
cd $olddir
foreach j $file_list2 {
SetElement $i [ file tail $j ]
} else {
SetElement $i
set chain_list [ ReadChainsFile ]
set root_list [ FindRoots $chain_list ]
# Add all chains to root_list, creating a mesh of all currently
# configured nodes.
set c $chain_list
while { $c != "" } {
set x [ AddOneLayerOfChains $root_list $c 1 ]
set root_list [ lindex $x 0 ]
set new_c [ lindex $x 1 ]
if { $new_c == $c } {
# puts stderr "ncfg: Warning screwy chains DB"
set c $new_c
return [ list $root_list $chain_list ]
proc GPC {partial_chain} \
global ELEMENT GPCchains
set tail $ELEMENT([ lindex $partial_chain [ expr { [ llength $partial_chain ] -1 } ] ])
set up [ keylget tail UP ]
set down [ keylget tail DOWN ]
if { [ llength $partial_chain ] > 1 } {
foreach i $up {
if { $i == "NULL" } {
lappend GPCchains $partial_chain
foreach i $down {
if { $i == "NULL" } {
lappend GPCchains $partial_chain
foreach i [ array names ELEMENT ] {
set loop 0
foreach j $partial_chain {
if { $j == $i } {
set loop 1
if { $loop } {
set element $ELEMENT($i)
set up [ keylget element UP ]
set match 0
foreach j $down {
if { $down == "NULL" } {
foreach k $up {
if { $j == $k } {
set match 1
if { $match } {
set c $partial_chain
lappend c $i
GPC $c
# Returns a list of chains that are not currently configured in the system,
# but could be
proc GetPossibleChains {current_chains} \
global ELEMENT GPCchains
set GPCchains ""
# Find all the elements that can be at the end of a chain
foreach i [ array names ELEMENT ] {
set up [ keylget ELEMENT($i) UP ]
foreach u $up {
if { $u == "NULL" } {
GPC $i
set new_chains ""
foreach i $GPCchains {
set found 0
foreach j $current_chains {
if { $j == $i } {
set found 1
if { ! $found } {
lappend new_chains $i
return $new_chains
# This portion of the script filters a Mesh structure based on several
# criteria. It returns a flattened list:
# TREE: A flat list of icons and descriptions which is displayed
# within a DrawnList widget.
# TREE = list of TREL
# TREL: An element of the tree, represents one element in a chain
# TREL = selectable ( 1=Yes, 0=No )
# iconlist ( The list of icons to be displayed )
# indent ( Offset of text within list )
# description ( Description from NODEINFO )
# nodeinfodescriptor ( Pointer to nodeinfo )
proc BuildTree {node indent tree_type} \
set children [ lindex $node 0 ]
set nodeinfo [ lindex $node 1 ]
#puts stderr "BT(<$node>,<$indent>,<$tree_type>)"
#puts stderr "C($nodeinfo,$children)"
# Look up the element
set element [ GetElement $nodeinfo ]
set element_name [ keylget element DESCRIPTION ]
set element_hwsw [ keylget element HWSW ]
set element_up [ keylget element UP ]
# Build TREL
set t_indent $indent
set t_desc $element_name
set t_nodeinfo $nodeinfo
case $tree_type {
set t_is_solid [ expr { ! [ keylget t_nodeinfo CONFIGURED ] } ]
set t_selectable [ expr { $t_is_solid } ]
set t_is_solid 1
set t_selectable [ expr { ! [ keylget t_nodeinfo CONFIGURED ] } ]
set t_is_solid 1
set t_selectable 1
set prev_one_is_solid 0
set list ""
set c_len_minus_1 [ expr { [ llength $children ] -1 } ]
for {set i $c_len_minus_1} { $i >= 0 } {incr i -1} {
set child [ lindex $children $i ]
set new [ BuildTree $child [ expr { $indent + 2 } ] $tree_type ]
#figure out what to prefix the child tree with...
set one_is_solid 0
set new_len [ llength $new ]
set l ""
for {set j 0} {$j < $new_len} {incr j} {
set item [ lindex $new $j ]
set x_iconlist [ keylget item ICONLIST ]
set x_nodeinfo [ keylget item NODEINFO ]
case $tree_type {
set x_is_solid [ expr { ! [ keylget x_nodeinfo CONFIGURED ] } ]
# set x_is_solid [ expr { ! [ keylget x_nodeinfo CONFIGURED ] } ]
set x_is_solid 1
set x_is_solid 1
if { $x_is_solid } {
set one_is_solid 1
if { $j == 0 } {
if { $i == $c_len_minus_1 } {
if { $x_is_solid } {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 3 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 10 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
if { $x_is_solid } {
if { $prev_one_is_solid } {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 1 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 13 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
if { $prev_one_is_solid } {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 12 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 8 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
if { $i == $c_len_minus_1 } {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 5 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
if { $prev_one_is_solid } {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 2 $x_iconlist ]
} else {
set x_iconlist [ concat 5 9 $x_iconlist ]
keylset item ICONLIST $x_iconlist
lappend l $item
if { $one_is_solid } {
set prev_one_is_solid 1
set list [ concat $l $list ]
if { $indent == 2 } {
if { [ IsWANInterface $element_up ] } {
set t_iconlist [ list 18 21 ]
} else {
if { $t_is_solid } {
set t_iconlist [ list 6 20 ]
} else {
set t_iconlist [ list 17 22 ]
} else {
if { $list == "" } {
if { $t_is_solid } {
set t_iconlist [ list 0 15 ]
} else {
set t_iconlist [ list 7 16 ]
} else {
if { $t_is_solid } {
if { $prev_one_is_solid } {
set t_iconlist [ list 0 4 ]
} else {
set t_iconlist [ list 0 14 ]
} else {
if { $prev_one_is_solid } {
set t_iconlist [ list 7 19 ]
} else {
set t_iconlist [ list 7 11 ]
keylset t SELECTABLE $t_selectable
keylset t ICONLIST $t_iconlist
keylset t INDENT $t_indent
keylset t DESCRIPTION $t_desc
keylset t NODEINFO $t_nodeinfo
set result [ linsert $list 0 $t ]
return $result
# Turn a mesh into a tree
proc MeshToTree {mesh tree_type} \
set tree ""
foreach root $mesh {
if { $root != {} } {
set tree [ concat $tree [ BuildTree $root 2 $tree_type ] ]
return $tree
# Filter irrelevant chains out of mesh for LAN/WAN display modes
proc FilterMesh {mesh confchains lan_wan} \
global ELEMENT
case $lan_wan {
set bottomtype HW
set bottomtype SW
set bottomtype HW
default {
return $mesh
set nmesh ""
upvar lanwancount count
set count 0
loop inx 0 [ llength $confchains ] {
set chain [ lindex $confchains $inx ]
set bel [ lindex $chain end ]
if { [ keylget ELEMENT($bel) HWSW ] == $bottomtype } {
if { $lan_wan == "LAN" && [ keylget ELEMENT($bel) UP ] == "NULL" } {
if { $lan_wan == "WAN_HW" && [ keylget ELEMENT($bel) UP ] != "NULL" } {
lappend nmesh [ lindex $mesh $inx ]
incr count
return $nmesh
proc GetSerialPorts {} \
set objCall [ list ObjectGet -filter {state eq ENABLED} \
{sco SerialPorts} NULL {} ]
set bmipList [ SaMakeObjectCall $objCall ]
foreach bmip $bmipList {
lappend portlist [ BmipResponseObjectInstance bmip ]
set objCall [ list ObjectGet {sco UUCPdevices} NULL {} ]
set bmipList [ SaMakeObjectCall $objCall ]
foreach bmip $bmipList {
set attrs [ BmipResponseAttrValList bmip ]
lappend portlist [ keylget attrs port ]
set objCall [ list ObjectGet {sco ModemModel} [keylget attrs dialer] {} ]
set modembmipresponse [ SaMakeObjectCall $objCall ]
set modembmip [ lindex $modembmipresponse 0 ]
set modemattrs [ BmipResponseAttrValList modembmip ]
# puts [ keylget modemattrs desc ]
set portlist [ lrmdups $portlist ]
foreach port $portlist {
keylset tmp DESCRIPTION "$port"
lappend w $tmp
return $w
proc seriallist {} \
set DEVLIST ""
# Get Outgoing devices from uucp devices
set objCall [ list ObjectGet {sco UUCPdevices} NULL {} ]
set bmipList [ SaMakeObjectCall $objCall ]
foreach bmip $bmipList {
set DEVINFO ""
set attrs [ BmipResponseAttrValList bmip ]
if { [keylget attrs dialer] != "ISDN" } {
#get driver
set objCall [ list ObjectGet {sco SerialPorts} [ keylget attrs port ] {} ]
set driverbmipresponse [ SaMakeObjectCall $objCall ]
set driverbmip [ lindex $driverbmipresponse 0 ]
set driverattrs [ BmipResponseAttrValList driverbmip ]
keylset DEVINFO DRIVER [ keylget driverattrs driver ]
#get port
keylset DEVINFO PORT [ keylget attrs port ]
keylset DEVINFO DESC [ keylget attrs desc ]
#get modem type
set objCall [ list ObjectGet {sco ModemModel} [keylget attrs dialer] {} ]
set modembmipresponse [ SaMakeObjectCall $objCall ]
set modembmip [ lindex $modembmipresponse 0 ]
set modemattrs [ BmipResponseAttrValList modembmip ]
if { "$modemattrs" != {} } {
keylset DEVINFO MODEM [ keylget modemattrs desc ]
keylset DEVINFO DIRECTION [ keylget driverattrs direction ]
# Get ENABLED Incoming devices
# set objCall [ list ObjectGet -filter {state eq ENABLED} {sco SerialPorts} NULL {} ]
set objCall [ list ObjectGet {sco SerialPorts} NULL {} ]
set bmipList [ SaMakeObjectCall $objCall ]
foreach bmip $bmipList {
set DEVINFO ""
set attrs [ BmipResponseAttrValList bmip ]
# puts stderr "$attrs"
if { [keylget attrs state ret] && "$ret" == "ENABLED" } {
keylset DEVINFO DRIVER [ keylget attrs driver ]
set port [ BmipResponseObjectInstance bmip ]
keylset DEVINFO DESC [ keylget attrs desc ]
keylset DEVINFO PORT [ BmipResponseObjectInstance bmip ]
if { [ info exists DEVARRAY($port) ] } {
} else {
keylset DEVINFO MODEM ""
keylset DEVINFO DIRECTION [ keylget attrs direction ]
set DEVLIST [ lrmdups $DEVLIST ]
return [ lsort $DEVLIST ]
proc infoentry { select icon indent desc node } \
keylset item SELECTABLE $select
keylset item ICONLIST $icon
keylset item INDENT $indent
keylset item DESCRIPTION $desc
keylset item NODEINFO $node
return $item
proc serialtree {} \
set tlist [ seriallist ]
if { "$tlist" == "" } {
return ""
set olddriver ""
set port [ lindex $tlist 0 ]
foreach nextport [ lrange $tlist 1 end ] {
set iconlist ""
set driver [ keylget port DRIVER ]
set nextdriver [ keylget nextport DRIVER ]
set modem [ keylget port MODEM ]
keylset nodeinfo PORT [ keylget port PORT ]
if { $olddriver != $driver } {
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "driver"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 {6 20} 2 $driver $nodeinfo]"
if { $nextdriver == $driver } {
lappend iconlist 5 1 0
set miconlist { 5 2 5 3 0 15 }
} else {
lappend iconlist 5 3 0
set miconlist { 5 5 5 3 0 15 }
# jaw intl
set portdesc "[keylget port DESC] ([keylget port DIRECTION])"
if { $modem != "" } {
lappend iconlist 4
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "port"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 $iconlist 4 $portdesc $nodeinfo]"
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "modem"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 $miconlist 6 $modem $nodeinfo]"
} else {
lappend iconlist 15
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "port"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 $iconlist 4 $portdesc $nodeinfo]"
set olddriver $driver
set port $nextport
set iconlist ""
set miconlist ""
set driver [ keylget port DRIVER ]
set modem [ keylget port MODEM ]
keylset nodeinfo PORT [ keylget port PORT ]
# jaw intl
set portdesc "[keylget port DESC] ([keylget port DIRECTION])"
if { $olddriver != $driver } {
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "driver"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 {6 20} 2 $driver $nodeinfo]"
lappend iconlist 5 3 0
set miconlist { 5 5 5 3 0 15 }
if { $modem != "" } {
lappend iconlist 4
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "port"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 $iconlist 4 $portdesc $nodeinfo]"
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "modem"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 $miconlist 6 $modem $nodeinfo]"
} else {
lappend iconlist 15
keylset nodeinfo WHAT "port"
lappend olist "[ infoentry 1 $iconlist 4 $portdesc $nodeinfo]"
return $olist
# uses uucpOSA to add netx devices to the uucp Devices file
proc AddOutgoing {netx} \
keylset attrs type ISDN_SYNC
keylset attrs port /dev/$netx
keylset attrs dialerline -
keylset attrs speed -
keylset attrs dialer ISDN
keylset attrs tokens {}
set objcall [list ObjectCreate \
{sco UUCPdevices} DUMMY $attrs]
set bmipResponse [SaMakeObjectCall $objcall]
set firstBmip [lindex $bmipResponse 0]
set errStack [BmipResponseErrorStack firstBmip]
if { ! [lempty $errStack] } {
#puts stderr "AddOutgoing: $errStack"
keylset attrs type ISDN_ASYNC
keylset attrs port /dev/$netx
keylset attrs dialerline -
keylset attrs speed -
keylset attrs dialer ISDN
keylset attrs tokens {}
set objcall [list ObjectCreate \
{sco UUCPdevices} DUMMY $attrs]
set bmipResponse [SaMakeObjectCall $objcall]
set firstBmip [lindex $bmipResponse 0]
set errStack [BmipResponseErrorStack firstBmip]
if { ![lempty $errStack] } {
#puts stderr "AddOutgoing: $errStack"
# returns 1 if port monitor is configured with sac, else 0
proc PortMonitorConfigured { portmonitor } \
set results [CallNonStdCmd /usr/sbin/sacadm "-L -p $portmonitor" \
if {[string length $errStack] == 0} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
# configures port monitor with sac
proc ConfigurePortMonitor { portmonitor } \
set results [CallNonStdCmd /usr/sbin/sacadm \
"-a -p $portmonitor -t isdnmon -c /usr/lib/saf/isdnmon -v 1" \
return $results
# adds a service to the port monitor, starts port monitor if necessary
proc AddIncoming {netx} \
if { ![PortMonitorConfigured isdnmon] } {
ConfigurePortMonitor isdnmon
set results [CallNonStdCmd /usr/sbin/pmadm "-a -p isdnmon -s $netx -m auto -v 1" \
# Build the TREE structure for the main screens
proc BuildMainTree {lan_wan tree_count} \
set x [ GetCurrentChains ]
set mesh [ lindex $x 0 ]
set confchains [ lindex $x 1 ]
set mesh [ FilterMesh $mesh $confchains $lan_wan ]
if { $tree_count == "TREE" } {
set tree [ MeshToTree $mesh MAIN ]
if { $lan_wan == "WAN_HW" } {
# jaw put serial stuff here
# set tmp [ GetSerialPorts ]
set tmp [ serialtree ]
# set tmp ""
foreach tmp2 $tmp {
lappend tree $tmp2
#puts stderr "BluidMainTree ($tmp)"
#puts stderr "BluidMainTree ($tree)"
flush stderr
return $tree
} else {
set wan_sw_chains 0
if { $lan_wan == "WAN" } { # also count WAN hardware
set wan_sw_chains $lanwancount
set mesh [ FilterMesh $mesh $confchains WAN_HW ]
return [ expr $wan_sw_chains + $lanwancount ]
# Generate parameter list for prompter
proc PrompterList {basadv adv_button ncfg_element} \
global ATTR
set Plist ""
foreach attr [ keylget ATTR ] {
#puts stderr "PrompterList $attr: [ keylget ATTR $attr ]"
if { [ keylget ATTR $attr.BASADV ] == "$basadv" } {
if { [ cequal [ keylget ATTR $attr.VALUES ] "__STRING__" ] } {
if { [ cequal [ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ] "__STRING__" ] } {
keylset ATTR $attr.CURRENT {}
lappend Plist "$attr {[ keylget ATTR $attr.LABEL ]} LABEL {[ keylget ATTR $attr.SHELP ]}"
} else {
case [ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ] {
__STRING__ {
keylset ATTR $attr.CURRENT {}
lappend Plist "$attr {[ keylget ATTR $attr.LABEL ]} LABEL {[ keylget ATTR $attr.SHELP ]}"
__TOGGLE__ {
set inout {}
if [ InDevices $ncfg_element ] {
lappend inout "Outgoing"
if [ InPortMonitor $ncfg_element ] {
lappend inout "Incoming"
keylset ATTR $attr.CURRENT [ list $inout ]
lappend Plist "$attr {[ keylget ATTR $attr.LABEL ]} TOGGLE {[ keylget ATTR $attr.SHELP ]}"
__SKIP__ {
__UNUSED__ {
default {
lappend Plist "$attr {[ keylget ATTR $attr.LABEL ]} ROLIST {[ keylget ATTR $attr.SHELP ]}"
if { "$basadv" == "BASIC" && $adv_button } {
#puts stderr "PrompterList Plist: <$Plist>"
return $Plist
# Prompt communicates with ncfgprompter
proc Prompt {action item} \
set isdn_param __ISDN_inout__
set do_adv 0
set topo ""
#puts stderr "Prompt(action=<$action> item=<$item>)"
set ATTR ""
if { $action == "INIT" } {
set bus [ keylget item GHOST.BUS ]
set bcfgindex [ keylget item GHOST.BCFGINDEX ]
set description [ keylget item GHOST.DESCRIPTION ]
set ncfg_element [ keylget item GHOST.NCFGELEMENT ]
set topo [ keylget item GHOST.TOPOLOGIES ]
set helpfile [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWVARIABLE $bcfgindex HELPFILE" ] 0 ]
} else {
set ncfg_element $item
set ndbi [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "ELEMENTTOINDEX $ncfg_element" ] 0 ]
set bcfgindex [ keylget ndbi INDEX ]
set ndbus [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWBUS $bcfgindex" ] 0 ]
set bus [ keylget ndbus BUS ]
set nddesc [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWNAME $bcfgindex" ] 0 ]
set description [ keylget nddesc NAME ]
set kkey [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "RESSHOWKEY $ncfg_element" ] 0 ]
set key [ keylget kkey KEY ]
set ktopo [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "RESGET $key TOPOLOGY,s" ] 0 ]
set topo [ keylget ktopo VALUE ]
set helpfile [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWVARIABLE $bcfgindex HELPFILE" ] 0 ]
set helpfile [ keylget helpfile HELPFILE ]
if { $helpfile == "foo bar" } {
set helpfile "{} {}"
if { $action == "LIST" } {
set umsg [ IntlLocalizeMsg SCO_NETCONFIG_BE_MSG_PROMPTER_VIEW_UPPER [ list $description ] ]
} else {
set umsg [ IntlLocalizeMsg SCO_NETCONFIG_BE_MSG_PROMPTER_UPPER [ list $description ] ]
set ckey [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWCUSTOMNUM $bcfgindex" ] 0 ]
set custom_params [ keylget ckey CUSTOM_NUM ]
if { $bus == "ISA" } {
if { $action != "INIT" } {
set ic [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWISACURRENT $ncfg_element" ] 0 ]
set isa [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWALLISAPARAMS $ncfg_element" ] 0 ]
} else {
set isa [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWISAPARAMS $bcfgindex" ] 0 ]
foreach param [ keylget isa ] {
set vals [ keylget isa $param ]
keylset ATTR $param.RESMGR $param
keylset ATTR $param.LABEL "[ IntlLocalizeMsg SCO_NETCONFIG_BE_MSG_$param ]"
keylset ATTR $param.BASADV BASIC
keylset ATTR $param.SHELP ""
keylset ATTR $param.VALUES $vals
if { $action != "INIT" } {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT [ keylget ic $param ]
} else {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT [ lindex $vals 0 ]
set aparam "_$param"
if [ keylget item GHOST.$aparam autoval ] {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT $autoval
set cur [ keylget ATTR $param.CURRENT ]
if { [ cequal "$cur" { } ] || [ cequal $cur {} ] } {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT __SKIP__
} else {
if { ! $custom_params && "$topo" != "ISDN" } {
return "0 $ATTR"
if { $custom_params } {
if { $action != "INIT" } {
set cc [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWCUSTOMCURRENT $ncfg_element" ] 0 ]
for {set i 1} {$i <= $custom_params} {incr i} {
set c($i) [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "SHOWCUSTOM $bcfgindex $i" ] 0 ]
set cptopo [ keylget c($i) TOPOLOGIES ]
set numtopos [ llength $cptopo ]
for {set j 0} {$j < $numtopos} {incr j} {
if { [ cequal [lindex $cptopo $j] "$topo" ] } {
if { $j == $numtopos } {
set param [ keylget c($i) RESMGRPARAM ]
keylset ATTR $param.RESMGR $param
keylset ATTR $param.CUSTOM 1
keylset ATTR $param.LABEL [ keylget c($i) CHOICETITLE ]
keylset ATTR $param.BASADV [ keylget c($i) BASADV ]
if { [ keylget c($i) BASADV ] == "ADVANCED" } {
set do_adv 1
keylset ATTR $param.SHELP ""
set vals [ keylget c($i) CHOICES ]
keylset ATTR $param.VALUES $vals
set resvals [ keylget c($i) RESVALUES ]
keylset ATTR $param.RESVALUES $resvals
if { $action != "INIT" } {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT [ keylget cc $param ]
} else {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT [ lindex $vals 0 ]
if [ keylget item GHOST.$param autoval ] {
if { [ cequal $autoval "__UNUSED__" ] } {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT $autoval
} else {
set custidx [ lsearch -exact $resvals $autoval ]
if { $custidx != -1 } {
set dispval [ lindex $vals $custidx ]
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT $dispval
if { "$topo" == "ISDN" } {
keylset ATTR $isdn_param.RESMGR $isdn_param
keylset ATTR $isdn_param.CURRENT __TOGGLE__
if { $action == "INIT" } {
AddIncoming $ncfg_element
AddOutgoing $ncfg_element
keylset ATTR $isdn_param.LABEL "Line Direction"
keylset ATTR $isdn_param.VALUES "Incoming Outgoing"
keylset ATTR $isdn_param.RESVALUES [ keylget ATTR $isdn_param.VALUES ]
keylset ATTR $isdn_param.BASADV BASIC
keylset ATTR $isdn_param.SHELP "[ IntlLocalizeMsg SCO_NETCONFIG_BE_MSG_ISDN_SHELP ]"
set args no_output
if { $action == "LIST" } {
lappend args readonly
pipe a Pstdin
pipe Pstdout b
set childPid [ fork ]
case $childPid {
-1 {
exit 1
0 {
close $Pstdin
close $Pstdout
dup $a stdin
close $a
dup $b stdout
close $b
execl $PROMPTER_PATH "$args"
close $a
close $b
while { [ gets $Pstdout line ] != -1 } {
#puts stderr "line <$line>"
case [ lindex $line 0 ] {
case [ lindex $line 1 ] {
puts $Pstdin "{[ IntlLocalizeMsg SCO_NETCONFIG_BE_MSG_PROMPTER_TITLE ]} {$umsg} $helpfile {} {}"
puts $Pstdin "{[ IntlLocalizeMsg SCO_NETCONFIG_BE_MSG_ADV_TITLE ]} {$umsg} $helpfile {} {}"
puts $Pstdin [ PrompterList [ lindex $line 1 ] $do_adv $ncfg_element ]
set Pcurr ""
foreach attr [ keylget ATTR ] {
set cur [ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ]
if { [ cequal "$cur" "__UNUSED__" ] || [ cequal "$cur" "__SKIP__" ] } {
if { [ keylget ATTR $attr.BASADV ] == [ lindex $line 1 ] } {
lappend Pcurr "$attr 1 [ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ]"
puts $Pstdin "$Pcurr"
set attr [ lindex $line 1 ]
puts $Pstdin "[ keylget ATTR $attr.VALUES ]"
set attr [ lindex $line 1 ]
set val [ lrange $line 2 end ]
keylset ATTR $attr.CURRENT "$val"
puts $Pstdin OK
puts $Pstdin OK
flush $Pstdin
# map custom values from prompter labels to RESVALUES for idinstall
for {set i 1} {$i <= $custom_params} {incr i} {
set cptopo [ keylget c($i) TOPOLOGIES ]
set numtopos [ llength $cptopo ]
for {set j 0} {$j < $numtopos} {incr j} {
if { [ cequal [lindex $cptopo $j] "$topo" ] } {
if { $j == $numtopos } {
set param [ keylget c($i) RESMGRPARAM ]
set choices [ keylget c($i) CHOICES ]
set resvalues [ keylget c($i) RESVALUES ]
set current [ keylget ATTR $param.CURRENT ]
if { [ cequal "$current" "__UNUSED__" ] } {
set custidx [ lsearch -exact $resvalues "__UNUSED__" ]
set current [ lindex $choices $custidx ]
keylset ATTR ${param}_.RESMGR ${param}_
keylset ATTR ${param}_.CURRENT $current
set idx -1
if { "$choices" != "__STRING__" } {
set idx [ lsearch $choices $current ]
if { $idx != -1 } {
keylset ATTR $param.CURRENT [ lindex $resvalues $idx ]
# If this card has been isaautodetected and the IOADDR has been
# changed we need to give ndcfg the old IOADDR
if { $action == "INIT" } {
if [ keylget ATTR IOADDR.CURRENT curio ] {
if [ keylget item GHOST._IOADDR autoio ] {
if { $curio != $autoio } {
#puts stderr "OLDIO = $curio AUTOIO = $autoio"
# JAW - not needed for idmodify
#else {
# if [ info exists origioaddr ] {
# if [ keylget ATTR IOADDR.CURRENT curio ] {
# if { $curio != $origioaddr } {
#puts stderr "ORIGIO = $origioaddr NEWIO = $curio"
# keylset ATTR OLDIOADDR.CURRENT $origioaddr
# }
# }
# }
# }
if { "$topo" == "ISDN" } {
set isdninout [ lindex [ keylget ATTR $isdn_param.CURRENT ] 0 ]
RemoveIncoming $ncfg_element
RemoveOutgoing $ncfg_element
foreach inout $isdninout {
case $inout {
Incoming {
AddIncoming $ncfg_element
Outgoing {
AddOutgoing $ncfg_element
flush $Pstdin
set ret [ wait $childPid ]
close $Pstdin
close $Pstdout
return "[ lindex $ret 2 ] [ list $ATTR ]"
# Send a request to the Network Driver component back end tool, ndcfg
proc SendNDRequest {request} \
global NDstdin NDstdout ErrorCode
#puts stderr "SendNDRequest(<$request>)"
puts $NDstdin $request
catch { flush $NDstdin }
if { [ gets $NDstdout message ] == -1 } {
exit 1
while { [ select "$NDstdout" {} {} 0 ] != {} } {
if { [ gets $NDstdout msg ] == -1 } {
exit 1
append message $msg
# returns a list, first element is error code, NOERROR is magic string
# error code should be an internationalized string name, if not just die
set NDResponse [ lindex $message 0 ]
if { $NDResponse != "NOERROR" } {
exit 1
} else {
set message [ lrange $message 1 end ]
#puts stderr "SendNDRequest: message <$message>"
return $message
# Build the list structure for the AddHW confirmation box
proc StartNDSCRIPT {} \
global NDstdin NDstdout
pipe a NDstdin
pipe NDstdout b
set childPid [ fork ]
case $childPid {
-1 {
#puts stderr "netconfig: Unable to fork back-end-script"
exit 1
0 {
close $NDstdin
close $NDstdout
dup $a stdin
close $a
dup $b stdout
close $b
if {[id userid] == "0"} {
execl $NDCFG_PATH "-t -b"
} else {
set RETCODE [ catch { exec /sbin/tfadmin -t NETCFG: $NDCFG_PATH ] } ]
if { $RETCODE == "0" } {
execl /sbin/tfadmin "$NDCFG_PATH -t -b"
} else {
#should never get here but execl
#just in case
execl $NDCFG_PATH "-t -b"
# execl $NDCFG_PATH "-t -b"
close $a
close $b
proc StopNDSCRIPT {} \
global NDstdin NDstdout
if { [ info exists NDstdin ] } {
puts $NDstdin QUIT
catch { flush $NDstdin }
close $NDstdin
close $NDstdout
unset NDstdin
proc GhostTOTree {ghost node} \
if { $node == "netX" } { # called from AddHWVendorList
keylset nodeinfo CHAIN [ keylget ghost NCFGELEMENT ]
set node net00000000
} else {
keylset nodeinfo CHAIN $node
keylset nodeinfo INDEX 0
keylset nodeinfo CONFIGURED 0
keylset result SELECTABLE 1
keylset result INDENT 2
keylset result NODEINFO $nodeinfo
if [ IsNetX $node ] {
keylset result DESCRIPTION [ keylget ghost DESCRIPTION ]
if { ! [ keylget ghost DANGEROUS_SEARCH detectable ] } {
set detectable 0
keylset result DETECTABLE $detectable
keylset result ICONLIST [ list 6 20 ]
keylset result GHOST $ghost
} else {
global ELEMENT
keylset result DESCRIPTION [keylget ELEMENT($node) DESCRIPTION ]
keylset result DETECTABLE 0
set up [ keylget ELEMENT($node) UP ]
if { [ IsWANInterface $up ] } {
keylset result ICONLIST [ list 18 21 ]
} else {
keylset result ICONLIST [ list 17 22 ]
return $result
proc RemoveHW {element} \
set NetISL 0
# puts stderr "RemoveHW($element)\n"
RemoveOutgoing $element
RemoveIncoming $element
set result [ SendNDRequest "IDREMOVE $element $NetISL" ]
return $result
proc TestHW {element} \
#puts stderr "TestHW($element)"
set result [ SendNDRequest "TEST $element" ]
return $result
proc ListORReconfHW {action element} \
global ErrorCode
set NetISL 0
set result ""
set idargs {}
#puts stderr "ListORReconfHW(<$action> <$element>)"
set prompter_ret [ Prompt $action $element ]
case [ lindex $prompter_ret 0 ] {
3 { # user cancelled prompter session - return OK
set result [ list [ list {STATUS cancel} ] ]
0 {
set ATTR [ lindex $prompter_ret 1 ]
foreach attr [ keylget ATTR ] {
case [ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ] {
__SKIP__ {}
{} {
lappend idargs "[ keylget ATTR $attr.RESMGR ]=__STRING__"
default {
if { [ keylget ATTR $attr.CUSTOM ret ] } {
lappend idargs "[ keylget ATTR $attr.RESMGR ]=\{[ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ]\}"
} else {
lappend idargs "[ keylget ATTR $attr.RESMGR ]=[ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ]"
default {
set result [ lindex $prompter_ret 0 ]
if { $idargs != {} && $action == "RECONF" } {
set result [ SendNDRequest "IDMODIFY $element $idargs" ]
return $result
proc AddHWSelect {lan_wan topo charm item} \
global NDVList ErrorCode
keylset item GHOST.TOPOLOGIES $topo
set FailOver 0
set result ""
set idargs {}
set key [ keylget item GHOST.KEY ]
if { $key != {} } {
set idargs KEY=$key
set prompter_ret [ Prompt INIT $item ]
#puts stderr "AddHWSelect: $prompter_ret"
case [ lindex $prompter_ret 0 ] {
3 { # user cancelled prompter session - return OK
set idargs {}
set result [ list [ list {STATUS cancel} ] ]
0 {
set ATTR [ lindex $prompter_ret 1 ]
foreach attr [ keylget ATTR ] {
case [ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ] {
__SKIP__ {}
{} {
lappend idargs "[ keylget ATTR $attr.RESMGR ]={__STRING__}"
default {
if { [ keylget ATTR $attr.CUSTOM ret ] } {
lappend idargs "[ keylget ATTR $attr.RESMGR ]=\{[ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ]\}"
} else {
lappend idargs "[ keylget ATTR $attr.RESMGR ]=[ keylget ATTR $attr.CURRENT ]"
default {
set result [ lindex $prompter_ret 0 ]
if { $idargs != {}} {
set bi [ keylget item GHOST.BCFGINDEX ]
case $lan_wan {
set lw 1
set lw 2
if { $charm } {
lappend idargs __CHARM=1
} else {
lappend idargs __CHARM=0
set result ""
keylset result STATUS IDINSTALL
keylset result ARGS [ list IDINSTALL $bi $topo $FailOver $lw $idargs ]
#puts stderr "ncfgBE result=$result"
return [list $result]
# jaw - never get here
set result [ SendNDRequest "IDINSTALL $bi $topo $FailOver $lw $idargs" ]
return $result
proc IdInstall { args } {
set arg2 [ lindex $args 0 ]
#puts stderr "IdInstall args=$args\n arg2=$arg2"
set result [ SendNDRequest "$arg2" ]
return $result
proc AddHWAutoDetect {item searchtype} \
global NDVList
#puts stderr "AddHWAutoDetect($item)"
set list ""
set nodeinfo [ keylget item NODEINFO ]
set elementname [ keylget nodeinfo CHAIN ]
set desc [ keylget item DESCRIPTION ]
set found [ keylget item GHOST ]
#puts stderr "F($found)"
set bcfgindex [ keylget found BCFGINDEX ]
case $searchtype {
set list [ SendNDRequest "ISAAUTODETECT GET $bcfgindex" ]
set list [ SendNDRequest "DANGEROUSISAAUTODETECT GET $bcfgindex" ]
} }
# puts stderr "L($list)"
set tree ""
if { $list != "\{ \}" } {
foreach i $list {
set y [ concat $found $i ]
# puts stderr "y($y)"
set desc [ keylget y DESCRIPTION ]
set ioaddr [ keylget y _IOADDR ]
keylset y DESCRIPTION "$desc (IO=$ioaddr)"
lappend tree [ GhostTOTree $y $elementname ]
return $tree
proc BuildNDHWRoots {} \
global ELEMENT
global NDHWRoots
if { [ info exists NDHWRoots ] } {
set x [ GetCurrentChains ]
set mesh [ lindex $x 0 ]
set possible_roots ""
foreach i [ array names ELEMENT ] {
set down [ keylget ELEMENT($i) DOWN ]
if { $down == "NULL" } {
lappend possible_roots $i
set NDHWRoots ""
foreach i $possible_roots {
set found 0
foreach j $mesh {
set nodeinfo [ lindex $j 1 ]
set element [ keylget nodeinfo CHAIN ]
if { $i == $element } {
set found 1
if {!$found} {
lappend NDHWRoots $i
proc AddHWSafeDetect { lan_wan } \
set result ""
set desclist ""
set x [ SendNDRequest "RESSHOWUNCLAIMED $lan_wan" ]
if { $x != "\{ \}" } {
foreach i $x {
lappend desclist [ linsert $i 0 "DESCRIPTION \{[ keylget i NAME ]\}" ]
set sortlist [ lsort $desclist ]
foreach i $sortlist {
lappend result [ GhostTOTree $i "netX" ]
return $result
proc AddHWTopologies {lan_wan} \
set result ""
set Topologies [ SendNDRequest "SHOWALLTOPOLOGIES $lan_wan" ]
foreach i $Topologies {
keylset i DESCRIPTION [ keylget i FULLNAME ]
keylset i ICONLIST " "
keylset i SELECTABLE 1
keylset i INDENT 1
lappend result $i
return $result
# AddHWVendorList no longer returns existing HardWare devices
proc AddHWVendorList {lan_wan {topo ""}} \
global NDHWRoots NDVList ELEMENT
#puts stderr "AddHWVendorList(<$lan_wan> <$topo>)"
set NDVList ""
set result ""
set desclist ""
if { $lan_wan == "WAN" } {
set Topologies [ SendNDRequest "SHOWALLTOPOLOGIES WAN" ]
foreach t $Topologies {
if [ keylget t TOPOLOGY topo ] {
append NDVList [ SendNDRequest "SHOWTOPO $topo" ]
} else {
set NDVList [ SendNDRequest "SHOWTOPO $topo" ]
foreach i $NDVList {
set j [ linsert $i 0 "DESCRIPTION \{[ keylget i NAME ]\}" ]
if [ keylget i BUS bustype ] {
if { $bustype == "ISA" } {
set hasvrfy [ lindex [ SendNDRequest "BCFGHASVERIFY [ keylget i BCFGINDEX ]" ] 0 ]
if { [ keylget hasvrfy ANSWER ] == "Y" } {
lappend j "DANGEROUS_SEARCH \{1\}"
lappend desclist $j
#puts stderr "desclist = $desclist"
set sortlist [ lsort $desclist ]
foreach i $sortlist {
# ODI/DLPI drivers may not have netcfg elements before USER_SELECT
# GhostTOTree has a kludge to treat these as netX elements for now
lappend result [ GhostTOTree $i netX ]
#puts stderr $result
return $result
# Build the TREE structure for the AddSW (and 2nd stage of the AddHW)
# confirmation box
proc BuildAddSWTree {nodeinfo} \
set x [ GetCurrentChains ]
set mesh [ lindex $x 0 ]
set configured_chains [ lindex $x 1 ]
set chain_list [ GetPossibleChains $configured_chains ]
set tree [ list {} $nodeinfo ]
foreach i $mesh {
set root_ni [ lindex $i 1 ]
if { $root_ni == $nodeinfo } {
set tree $i
set x [ AddOneLayerOfChains [ list $tree ] $chain_list 0 ]
set mesh [ lindex $x 0 ]
set tree [ MeshToTree $mesh ADD_SW ]
return $tree
proc DeleteFilterTree {tree node node_counts removecount} \
global ELEMENT
#puts stderr "DeleteFilterTree(<$tree> <$node> <$node_counts> <$removecount>)"
set nodeinfo [ lindex $tree 1 ]
set dep 0
foreach nds [ keylget node_counts ] {
set count [ keylget node_counts $nds ]
if { $nodeinfo == $nds } {
if {$nds == $node || $count==$removecount} {
set dep 1
#puts stderr "DFT nodeinfo <$nodeinfo> dep <$dep>"
keylset nodeinfo CONFIGURED [ expr {!$dep} ]
set el [ lindex [ keylget nodeinfo CHAIN ] [ keylget nodeinfo INDEX ] ]
#puts stderr "DFT el <$el>"
keylset nodeinfo HWSW [ keylget ELEMENT($el) HWSW ]
set new_tree ""
set newdep $dep
foreach i [ lindex $tree 0 ] {
set x [ DeleteFilterTree $i $node $node_counts $removecount]
if { $x != "" } {
lappend new_tree $x
set newdep 1
if { $newdep } {
#puts stderr "NT($new_tree)"
set result [ list $new_tree $nodeinfo ]
} else {
set result ""
#puts stderr "R($result)"
return $result
proc I {indent str} \
for {set i 0} {$i<$indent} {incr i} {
puts stderr " " nonewline
puts stderr $str
proc MergeCounts {current new ignore indent} \
foreach x [ keylget new ] {
set x_c [ keylget new $x ]
#I $indent "X($x)"
set found 0
foreach y [ keylget current ] {
set y_c [ keylget current $y ]
#I $indent "Y($y)"
if { $x != $ignore && $x == $y } {
set found 1
set total [expr {$y_c+$x_c}]
keylset current $x $total
#I $indent ">>$x==$total"
if { !$found } {
keylset current $x $x_c
#I $indent "++$x==$x_c"
return $current
proc ScanDepNodes {tree dep {indent 0}} \
global DepNodes
set nodeinfo [ lindex $tree 1 ]
set chain [ keylget nodeinfo CHAIN ]
set component [ lindex $chain [ keylget nodeinfo INDEX ] ]
#I $indent "SDN($DepNodes,$chain||$component||,$dep)"
set result ""
foreach n $DepNodes {
#I $indent " N($n) nodeinfo($nodeinfo)"
if { $nodeinfo == $n } {
set dep 1
if { $dep } {
keylset result $nodeinfo 1
#I $indent " ND($DepNodes)"
foreach i [ lindex $tree 0 ] {
set d [ ScanDepNodes $i $dep [ expr {$indent+1}]]
set result [ MergeCounts $result $d $nodeinfo $indent ]
#I $indent "R($result)"
return $result
proc FindDepNodes {tree dep {indent 0}} \
global DepNodes
set nodeinfo [ lindex $tree 1 ]
set chain [ keylget nodeinfo CHAIN ]
set component [ lindex $chain [ keylget nodeinfo INDEX ] ]
#I $indent "FDN($DepNodes,$chain||$component||,$dep)"
set found 0
foreach n $DepNodes {
#I $indent " N($n)"
if { $nodeinfo == $n } {
#I $indent " FOUND($nodeinfo)"
set dep 1
set found 1
if { $dep && !$found } {
#I $indent " F($chain||$component||)"
lappend DepNodes $nodeinfo
#I $indent " ND($DepNodes)"
foreach i [ lindex $tree 0 ] {
FindDepNodes $i $dep [ expr {$indent+1} ]
# Build the TREE structure for the DeleteSW confirmation box
proc BuildDeleteSWTree {node_2_delete} \
global DepNodes
#puts stderr "BuildDeleteSWTree(<$node_2_delete>)"
set chain_2_delete [ keylget node_2_delete CHAIN ]
set DepNodes [ list $node_2_delete ]
set x [ GetCurrentChains ]
set mesh [ lindex $x 0 ]
set configured_chains [ lindex $x 1 ]
foreach root $mesh {
FindDepNodes $root 0 1
#puts stderr "DepNodes <$DepNodes>"
set ndc ""
foreach root $mesh {
set d [ ScanDepNodes $root 0 1 ]
set ndc [ MergeCounts $ndc $d NoChainToIgnore 0 ]
set DepNodes $ndc
#puts stderr "DepNodes_ndc <$DepNodes>"
set deps ""
foreach root $mesh {
set removecount [ keylget DepNodes $node_2_delete ]
set x [ DeleteFilterTree $root $node_2_delete $DepNodes $removecount ]
if { $x != "" } {
lappend deps $x
#puts stderr "H($deps)"
set tree [ MeshToTree $deps DEL_SW ]
return $tree
proc ChainDescription {chain} \
global ELEMENT
set products ""
foreach i $chain {
if { [ scan $i "%\[^(\](%\[^)\])" element personality ] != 1 } {
SetElement $element $personality
} else {
SetElement $element
set el $ELEMENT($i)
lappend products [ keylget el DESCRIPTION ]
return $products
# Cleanup: cleans up the mess left after a parital install of a
# netdriver. Run at startup of ncfgBE.
proc Cleanup { } \
set elements ""
set chains [ ReadChainsFile ]
foreach chain $chains {
while { $chain != "" } {
lappend elements [ lvarpop chain ]
set elements [ lrmdups $elements ]
set infofiles [ readdir $NCFG_INFODIR ]
set notinchains [ lindex [ intersect3 $infofiles $elements ] 0 ]
set noinfofile [ lindex [ intersect3 $infofiles $elements ] 2 ]
#First cleanup extra NIC files in the info dir
foreach element $notinchains {
set infoPath $NCFG_INFODIR/$element
set drivertype ""
set sd [ scancontext create ]
set fd [ open $infoPath ]
scanmatch $sd "^DRIVER_TYPE=" {
set drivertype [ string trim [ csubstr $matchInfo(line) 12 end ] \" ]
scanfile $sd $fd
scancontext delete $sd
close $fd
if { [ lsearch -exact { MDI ODI DLPI } $drivertype ] != -1 } {
RemoveHW $element
if { [ llength $noinfofile ] == 0 } {
# Now cleanup the chains file
set list ""
if [ file exists $NCFG_CHAINSFILE ] {
set fd [ open $NCFG_CHAINSFILE ]
} else {
set fd [ open $NCFG_CHAINSFILE w+ ]
set badchains ""
while { [ gets $fd line ] != -1 } {
set c [ translit "#" " " $line ]
if { [ llength $c ] > 0 } {
while { $c != "" } {
set element [ lvarpop c ]
if { [ lsearch -exact $infofiles $element ] == -1 } {
lappend badchains $line
close $fd
foreach badchain [ lrmdups $badchains ] {
RemoveChainEntry $NCFG_CHAINSFILE $badchain
proc RemoveChainEntry {file chain {newchain ""}} \
#puts stderr "RemoveChainEntry $file $chain $newchain"
set ifd [ open $file r ]
lassign [ tmpfile $NCFG_TMP_CHAINS_FILE ] ofd tmpfilename
while { [ gets $ifd line ] != -1 } {
if { $line != $chain } {
puts $ofd $line
} else {
if { $newchain != "" } {
puts $ofd $newchain
close $ofd
close $ifd
TfadminMv $tmpfilename $file
# main Main MAIN
# This portion of the script analyses the requests from the UI and calls
# the appropriate handler function. Then it returns the result. This is
# done to minimize the complexity of the code in the UI. Since the interface
# to this script is well defined, and programatic it can be tested
# automatically.
ErrorTopLevelCatch {
while { [ gets stdin line ] != -1 } {
set ErrorCode "NOERROR"
set Output ""
case [ lindex $line 0 ] {
set Output [ BuildMainTree [ lindex $line 1 ] COUNT ]
set Output [ BuildMainTree [ lindex $line 1 ] TREE ]
set Output [ AddHWSafeDetect [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ AddHWTopologies [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ AddHWVendorList LAN [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ AddHWVendorList WAN ]
set Output [ AddHWAutoDetect [ lindex $line 1 ] [ lindex $line 2 ] ]
set Output [ AddHWSelect [ lindex $line 1 ] [ lindex $line 2 ] [ lindex $line 3 ] [ lindex $line 4 ] ]
set Output [ IdInstall [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ ListORReconfHW LIST [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ ListORReconfHW RECONF [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ RemoveHW [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ TestHW [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
global NDHWRoots
if { [ info exists NDHWRoots ] } {
unset NDHWRoots
set Output [ BuildAddSWTree [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
set Output [ BuildDeleteSWTree [ lindex $line 1 ] ]
case [ lindex $line 1 ] {
set Output [ GetElement [ lindex $line 2 ] ]
set Output [ ChainDescription [ lindex $line 2 ] ]
default {
if { "$ErrorCode" != "" } {
puts stdout "$ErrorCode $Output"
flush stdout
set Output [ StopNDSCRIPT ]
} ncfgBE