set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_HOSTNAME) {2 {Must specify hostname}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_CHAR1) {3 {Invalid input: %s\nOnly alpha-numeric, '-' or '.' are allowed.}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_CHAR2) {4 {Invalid character input at: %s}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_UNDERBAR) {5 {Using '_' in hostnames does not\nconform to RFC 952}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_HOSTNAME) {6 {You have specified a fully qualified hostname,\nbut have not terminated the hostname with \".\", so the\ncurrent zone name will get appended to the hostname.\n\nSelect OK to continue adding the host, Cancel to go\nback and change the hostname.}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_IP_ADDR) {7 {Must specify IP address}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_IP_ADDR1) {8 {IP address must be in standard dot notation:\nn.n.n.n, where n is a digit 0-255}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_IP_ADDR2) {9 {IP address must start with one of the\nnetwork addresses for this zone:\n%s}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_HINFO) {10 {Must specify both hardware and\noperating system information}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_HARDWARE) {11 {Must specify hardware information}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_OS) {12 {Must specify operating system information}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_MX) {13 {Must specify both mail exchanger and\npreference level}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_GATEWAY) {14 {Must specify mail exchanger}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_RP) {15 {Must specify both owner's mail address\nand TXT record location}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_OWNER) {16 {Must specify owner's mail address}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_OWNER) {17 {Owner's mail address must be in DNS form\n(replace \"@\" with \".\")}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_MX) {18 {Must specify mail exchanger}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_TXT) {19 {Must specify description}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_TXT) {20 {Description cannot exceed 256 characters}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_ZONE_NAME) {21 {Must specify zone name}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_NETWORKS) {22 {Must specify at least one network address}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_SERVER) {23 {Must specify name server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_SERVER_NAME) {24 {Must specify name server hostname}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_SERVER_IPADDR) {25 {Must specify name server IP address}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_SERVERS) {26 {Secondary and stub servers must specify\nat least one other name server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_TOO_MANY_SERVERS) {27 {No more that 10 additional name servers may be defined}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_FORWARDERS) {28 {Must specify at least one forwarder}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_SOA) {29 {Unable to determine SOA for zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_FIX_SOA) {30 {Incomplete Start Of Authority record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_PIC) {31 {Must specify person in charge}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_PIC) {32 {Person in charge mail address must be in DNS form\n(replace \"@\" with \".\")}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_REFRESH) {33 {Must specify refresh rate}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_REFRESH) {34 {Refresh rate must be 1-99999999}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_RETRY) {35 {Must specify transfer retry value}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_RETRY) {36 {Transfer retry must be 1-99999999}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_EXPIRE) {37 {Must specify expire value}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_EXPIRE1) {38 {Expire time must be 2-99999999}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_EXPIRE2) {39 {Expire time must be greater than refresh and retry times}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_NO_TTL) {40 {Must specify minimum time-to-live value}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BAD_TTL) {41 {Version number must be 1-99999999}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_SERVER_CONFIG) {42 {FATAL ERROR: Unable to determine current configuration}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_UPDATE_ROOT) {43 {Unable to obtain latest list of root servers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_BUILD_PTR_FILES) {44 {Unable to rebuild configuration files}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_ADD_ZONE) {45 {Unable to add new zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_DEL_ZONE) {46 {Unable to delete zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_MOD_ZONE) {47 {Unable to modify zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_FORWARDERS) {48 {Unable to get list of forwarders}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_SAVE_FORWARDERS) {49 {Unable to change list of forwarders}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_BOGUSNS) {50 {Unable to get list of bogus name servers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_SAVE_BOGUSNS) {51 {Unable to change list of bogus name servers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_XFRNETS) {52 {Unable to get list of zone transfer requestors}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_SAVE_XFRNETS) {53 {Unable to change the list of networks zone transfer requestors}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_SORTLIST) {54 {Unable to get list of prefered networks}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_SAVE_SORTLIST) {55 {Unable to change list of prefered networks}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_SERVER_LIST) {56 {Unable to get list of additional name servers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_ADD_HOST) {57 {Unable to add new host}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_MOD_HOST) {58 {Unable to modify host}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_ADD_RECORD) {59 {Unable to add record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_DEL_RECORD) {60 {Unable to delete record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_MOD_RECORD) {61 {Unable to modify record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_LIMITS) {62 {Unable to get server limits}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(ERR_GET_OPTIONS) {63 {Unable to get server options}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TIME_NAME) {64 {year week day hour minute second}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TIME_NAMES) {65 {years weeks days hours minutes seconds}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NULL) {66 { }}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD) {67 Add}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DELETE) {68 Delete}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MODIFY) {69 Modify}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_CLOSE) {70 Close}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_APPLY) {71 Apply}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DELETE_ENTRY) {72 {Delete this entry?}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_UPDATE_ROOT) {73 {Get latest list of root servers for the cache file?}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MORE_SERVERS) {74 {It is recommended that at least two servers\nare used per zone.\n\nSelect \"OK\" to continue, \"Cancel\" to go back\nand add additional name servers.}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_REPLACE_ZONE) {75 {Changing zone name or type will delete\nold zone data.}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_YES) {76 Yes}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NO) {77 No}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_PRIMARY) {78 Primary}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SECONDARY) {79 Secondary}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_STUB) {80 Stub}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_CACHING) {81 Caching-only}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_CONF_CACHING) {82 {Configure as caching-only server ?}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORTLIST_TITLE) {83 {Preferred Networks}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_ADDRESS_SH) {84 {New network to add to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_ADDRESS_SH) {85 {Add the new network to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_ADDRESS_SH) {86 {Delete the selected network from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_LIST_SH) {87 {Networks to query after local network addresses}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_PROMOTE) {88 Promote}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_PROMOTE_SH) {89 {Promote selected network}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEMOTE) {90 Demote}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEMOTE_SH) {91 {Demote selected network}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_FWDERS_TITLE) {92 Forwarders}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SLAVE_MODE) {93 {Use forwarders only:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SLAVE_YES_SH) {94 {Set server in slave mode}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SLAVE_NO_SH) {95 {Do not set server in slave mode}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_FWDERS) {96 {Name servers:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_FWDERS_SH) {97 {New name server to add to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_FWDERS_SH) {98 {Add name server to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_FWDERS_SH) {99 {Delete selected name server from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_FWDERS_LIST_SH) {100 {Name servers to act as forwarders}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_XFERNETS_TITLE) {101 {Zone Transfer Requestors}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NETWORKS) {102 Networks:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_NETWORK_SH_) {103 {New network or address to add to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NETWORK_LIST_SH_) {104 {Networks that can request zone transfers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_BOGUSNS_TITLE) {105 {Bad Name Servers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_BOGUSNAMESRVS) {106 {Name servers:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_BOGUSNS_SH) {107 {New name server to add to bogus list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_BOGUSNS_SH) {108 {Add name server to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_BOGUSNS_SH) {109 {Delete selected name server from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_BOGUSNS_LIST_SH) {110 {Name servers to ignore results/requests from}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NS_TITLE) {111 {Name Server (NS) Records}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_SERVER_SH) {113 {New name server to add to server list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_SERVER_SH) {114 {Add the name server to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_SERVER_SH) {115 {Delete selected name server from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVER_LIST_SH) {116 {Additional name servers for this zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_NS_TITLE) {117 {New Name Server (NS) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MOD_NS_TITLE) {118 {Modify Name Server (NS) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_NAMESERVER_SH) {119 {Add new name server to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MOD_SERVER_SH) {120 {Modify selected name server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVER_NAME) {121 Nameserver:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVER_NAME_SH) {122 {Hostname of name server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVER_IP) {123 {IP address:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVER_IP_SH) {124 {IP address of name server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVERS_HDR) {125 {Nameserver \"IP address\"}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MOD_ZONE_TITLE) {127 {Modify Zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONE_NAME) {128 {Zone name:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONE_NAME_SH) {129 {Unique name for this zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONE_TYPE) {130 {Server type:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONE_TYPE_SH) {131 {Type of server that host will act as for zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_NETWORK_SH) {133 {New network to add to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_NETWORK_SH) {134 {Add network to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_NETWORK_SH) {135 {Delete selected network from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NETWORK_LIST_SH) {136 {Networks this zone contains}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EDIT_SOA) {137 {Start of Authority...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EDIT_SOA_SH) {138 {Edit Start of Authority record for this zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EDIT_NS) {139 {Name servers...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EDIT_NS_SH) {140 {List additional name servers (NS records) for this zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONES) {142 Zones}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONES_SH) {143 {DNS zones for which this server maintains data}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONES_HDR) {144 {Zone \"Server type\" Networks}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_ZONE) {145 Add...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_ZONE_SH) {146 {Add a zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MOD_ZONE) {147 Modify...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MOD_ZONE_SH) {148 {Modify selected zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_ZONE) {149 Delete}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_ZONE_SH) {150 {Delete selected zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SOA_TITLE) {151 {Start Of Authority (SOA) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEFAULT_SOA_TITLE) {152 {Default Start Of Authority (SOA) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_PIC) {153 {Person in charge:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_PIC_SH) {154 {Mail address (in DNS form) of responsible person}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_REFRESH) {155 {Refresh rate:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_REFRESH_SH) {156 {How often secondary servers should check if zone transfer is required}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_RETRY) {157 {Transfer retry:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_RETRY_SH) {158 {Seconds secondary server waits to retry failed zone transfer}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EXPIRE) {159 Expire:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EXPIRE_SH) {160 {Max time unrefreshed data can be used by secondary server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TTL) {161 Time-to-live:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TTL_SH) {162 {Default minimum time records can be cached}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LIMITS_IN) {164 {Transfer limit:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LIMITS_IN_SH) {165 {Maximum simultaneous named-xfer processes}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LIMITS_PER_NS) {166 {Transfer per name server:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LIMITS_PER_NS_SH) {167 {Maximum named-xfer processes to any name server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LIMITS_DATASIZE) {168 {Data segment size:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LIMITS_DATASIZE_SH) {169 {Maximum data cache size in Mbytes}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_RECURSION_SH) {172 {Allow recursive queries}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_NO_RECURSION_SH) {173 {Do not fetch data for recursive queries}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_FETCH_GLUE) {174 {Fetch glue:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_FETCH_GLUE_SH) {175 {Fetch missing glue}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_NO_FETCH_GLUE_SH) {176 {Do not fetch missing glue}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_QUERY_LOG) {177 {Query log:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_QUERY_LOG_SH) {178 {Log all queries to syslog}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTS_NO_QUERY_LOG_SH) {179 {Do not log queries}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_CNAME_TITLE) {180 {Host Alias (CNAME) Records}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_CNAMES) {181 Aliases:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_CNAME_SH) {182 {New alias to add to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_CNAME_SH) {183 {Add the alias to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_CNAME_SH) {184 {Delete selected alias from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_CNAME_LIST_SH) {185 {Aliases for host}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HINFO_TITLE) {186 {Host Information (HINFO) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEFAULT_HINFO_TITLE) {187 {Default Host Information (HINFO) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HARDWARE) {188 Hardware:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HARDWARE_SH) {189 {Description of host's hardware}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OS) {190 {Operating system:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OS_SH) {191 {Operating system running on host}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MX_TITLE) {192 {Mail Exchanger (MX) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEFAULT_MX_TITLE) {193 {Default Mail Exchangers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_GATEWAY) {194 {Mail exchanger:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_MX_SH) {195 {New mail exchanger to add to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_MX_SH) {196 {Add mail exchanger to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_MX_SH) {197 {Delete selected mail exchanger from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_PROMOTE_MX_SH) {198 {Increase priority of selected mail exchanger}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEMOTE_MX_SH) {199 {Decrease priority of selected mail exchanger}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_GATEWAY_SH) {200 {Prioritized list of mail exchangers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_RP_TITLE) {201 {Responsible Person (RP) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEFAULT_RP_TITLE) {202 {Default Responsible Person (RP) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OWNER) {203 {Mail address:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OWNER_SH) {204 {RP's mail address (in DNS form)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MAILX) {205 {TXT address:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MAILX_SH) {206 {RP's TXT record (in DNS form)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONE_TXT_TITLE) {207 {Zone Description (TXT) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TXT_TITLE) {208 {Host Description (TXT) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TXT_PROMPT) {209 Description:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_TITLE) {210 {Add Host (A) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_MULTI_TITLE) {211 {Add Multi-Homed Host (A) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MOD_TITLE) {212 {Modify Host (A) Record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HOSTNAME) {213 Hostname:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HOSTNAME_SH) {214 {Fully qualified hostname for this record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_IPADDRESS) {215 {IP address:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_IPADDRESS_SH) {216 {IP address to associate with hostname}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_IP_SH) {217 {New IP address to add to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ADD_IP_SH) {218 {Add IP address to list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DEL_IP_SH) {219 {Delete selected IP address from list}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_IP_LIST_SH) {220 {IP addresses to associate with hostname}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_OPTIONAL_DATA) {221 {Optional records}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ALIASES) {222 Aliases...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ALIASES_SH) {223 {Names that are aliases for the IP address (CNAME)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HINFO) {224 {Host info...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HINFO_SH) {225 {Hardware and operating system info for this host (HINFO)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MAIL) {226 {Mail exchangers...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MAIL_SH) {227 {Hosts that know how to deliver mail to this host (MX)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_RESPONSIBLE_SH) {229 {The responsible person for this host (RP)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DESC) {230 Description...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_DESC_SH) {231 {Free-form text describing this host (TXT)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_CHANGE_TITLE) {232 {Switch Zones}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_ZONE) {233 {New zone:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NEW_ZONE_SH) {234 {New zone to configure}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_NONE) {236 {Do not sort (faster)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_BY) {237 {Sort by}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_BY_HOST) {238 Hostname}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_BY_IP) {239 {IP Address}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_ORDER) {240 {Sort order}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_UP) {241 Ascending}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORT_DOWN) {242 Descending}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SORTING) {243 Sorting...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SEARCH) {245 {Hostname or IP address:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SEARCH_SH) {246 {Hostname or IP address to search for}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SEARCHING) {247 Searching...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NOT_FOUND) {248 {\"%s\" not found}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TRANSFER_TITLE) {249 {Zone Transfer}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONE) {250 Zone:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONE_SH) {251 {Zone to transfer data for}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVER) {252 Server:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_SERVER_SH) {253 {Server to transfer zone data from}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TEST_TITLE) {254 {Test Configuration}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TEST_PROMPT_SH) {256 {Host name or IP address to query}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_QUERY) {257 Query}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_QUERY_SH) {258 {Obtain all DNS records associated with the host name or IP address}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_RESULTS) {259 Results:}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_RESULTS_SH) {260 {Results of query}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_VERSION) {261 {DNS Manager %s}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_APP_TITLE) {262 {DNS Manager}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_TITLE) {263 {DNS Manager on %s}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_INITIALIZING) {264 Initializing...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LOAD_CONFIG) {265 {Reading server configuration...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LOAD_DEFAULTS) {266 {Reading defaults...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_LOAD_ZONE) {267 {Reading zone database...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_IMPORTING) {268 {Importing file...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_UPDATING) {269 {Getting latest list of root servers...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_REBUILDING) {270 {Building configuration files for %s...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EXITING) {271 {Saving configuration...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NETWORK) {272 Network}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_HOSTS) {273 {Records for zone \"%1$s\" on %2$s:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_NO_ZONES) {274 {No primary zones configured}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_ZONES_TITLE) {275 {Zones configured on %1$s:}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_OPEN_HOST) {278 {Open Host...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_OPEN_HOST_SH) {280 {Manage DNS server on another host}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_EXIT_SH) {283 {Exit DNS Manager}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_VIEW_ZONEREC_SH) {287 {View selected zone records}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SETUP) {290 {Setup wizards}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_PRIMARY) {291 Primary...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_PRIMARY_SH) {292 {Configure host as primary DNS server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SECONDARY) {293 Secondary...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SECONDARY_SH) {294 {Configure host as secondary DNS server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_CACHE) {295 Caching-only...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_CACHE_SH) {296 {Configure host as caching-only DNS server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_ZONES_SH) {299 {Define zones for which this host maintains data}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_LIMITS) {300 Limits...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_LIMITS_SH) {301 {Define limits for which this host maintains data}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_OPTS) {302 Options...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_OPTS_SH) {303 {Define options for which this host maintains data}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_FORWARDERS) {304 Forwarders...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_FORWARDERS_SH) {305 {Define the list of forwarder name servers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SORTLIST) {306 Preferred...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SORTLIST_SH) {307 {Define which networks to prefer}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_BOGUSNS) {308 {Bad servers...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_BOGUSNS_SH) {309 {Define certain name servers to be ignored}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_XFERNETS) {310 Requesters...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_XFERNETS_SH) {311 {Define which networks can request zone transfers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_ENABLED) {312 {Stop Server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_ENABLED_SH) {313 {named is running}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DISABLED) {314 {Start Server}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DISABLED_SH) {315 {named is not running}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_REC) {316 Records}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_ADD) {318 Add...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_ADD_SH) {320 {Add zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_NAMESERVER) {321 Nameserver...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_NAMESERVER_SH) {322 {Add name server record to current zone (required)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_MX) {323 {Mail Exchangers...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_MX_SH) {324 {Define mail exchangers for zone (MX)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_RP) {325 Owner...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_RP_SH) {326 {Define responsible person for zone (RP)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_HINFO) {327 {Host Info...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_HINFO_SH) {328 {Define default host configuration for zone (HINFO)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_TXT) {329 Description...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_TXT_SH) {330 {Describe zone (TXT)}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_HOSTS) {331 Host...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_HOSTS_SH) {332 {Add new host (and associated records) to zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_MULTIHOSTS) {333 {Multi-homed host...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_MULTIHOSTS_SH) {334 {Add new multi-homed host (and associated records) to zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_MOD) {335 Modify...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_MOD_SH) {336 {Modify selected record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DEL) {337 Delete}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DEL_SH) {338 {Delete selected record}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_CHANGE_ZONE) {341 {Switch zone...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_CHANGE_ZONE_SH) {342 {Switch to another zone}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SORT) {343 Sort...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SORT_SH) {344 {Define how to sort entries in zone database}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SEARCH) {345 Search...}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SEARCH_SH) {346 {Search for particular host or IP address in database}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EXPAND_ALL) {347 {Expand All}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EXPAND_ALL_SH) {348 {Expand all records in zone database}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_COLLAPSE_ALL) {349 {Collapse All}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_COLLAPSE_ALL_SH) {350 {Collapse all records in zone database}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EXPAND) {351 Expand}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_EXPAND_SH) {352 {Expand selected record in zone database}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_COLLAPSE) {353 Collapse}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_COLLAPSE_SH) {354 {Collapse selected record in zone database}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_SOA) {359 {Start Of Authority...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DEFSOA_SH) {360 {Default Start of Authority (SOA) record for new zones}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DEFMX_SH) {361 {Default mail exchanger (MX) records for new zones}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DEFRP_SH) {362 {Default responsible person (RP) record for new zones}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_DEFHINFO_SH) {363 {Default host information (HINFO) record for new zones}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_IMPORT) {364 {Import file...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_IMPORT_SH) {365 {Import host records from file}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_UPDATE) {366 {Update Cache File}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_UPDATE_SH) {367 {Get latest list of root servers}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_TRANSFER) {368 {Zone Transfer...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_TRANSFER_SH) {369 {Initiate zone transfer}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_TEST) {370 {Test Configuration...}}
set SCO_DNS_MSGS(MSG_MENU_TEST_SH) {371 {Test current configuration can resolve names}}