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Text File | 1998-08-19 | 31.4 KB | 1,244 lines
#remaining task: one driver fails, or idinstall missing, pkgrm inet #ident "@(#)postinstall 1.28" #ident "$Header: $" # # STREAMware TCP # Copyright 1987, 1993 Lachman Technology, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # if [ "$RANDOM" = "$RANDOM" ] then exec /usr/bin/xksh $0 fi # # save any errors to a file..if sent to the screen it will # garble the winxksh screens.. # InetLog=/var/adm/log/inet.install.$$.err mkdir -p $InetLog 2>/dev/null && rmdir $InetLog exec 2>>$InetLog PS4='[$LINENO]+ ' SCRIPTS=/usr/sbin/pkginst . ${SCRIPTS}/updebug [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && set -x && : `date` && set >&2 # # This is used in tests to see if we must not disturb stdout/stderr # #if [ "${SILENT_INSTALL}" = "true" -o "${HOW_INSTALL}" = ON_BFLOP ] #then Screen_writable=false #else Screen_writable=true #fi cleanup_exit() { # $1 is the exit code # clean up any tmp files created by upnover tools and then exit. [ "$PKGINST" ] || PKGINST=inet [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && goany "cleanup_exit $1 $PKGINST" $SCRIPTS/up_cleanup "$PKGINST" exit $1 } # # set up tcp listener related files, requires /etc/inet/hosts # to have out IP address. # Listener_Setup () { # # listener set up and its uucp access points is now done by a # new script: listen.setup. # /etc/inet/listen.setup noinstallf >> /var/sadm/install/logs/${PKGINST}.log 2>&1 # # change the address of any remaining tcp services to 0's # the seventh field of the /etc/saf/tcp/_pmtab file, if not empty, # should be "\x========000000000000000000000000" # where the "========" means same as before and change the rest to # 24 zeros (0). # /usr/bin/awk ' { FS = ":" OFS = ":" if ( $7 != "" ) if ( length($7) == 34 ) if ( match($7, "000000000000000000000000") == 0 ) { $7 = sprintf ("%s000000000000000000000000", substr($7,1,10)) } printf ("%s\n", $0) } ' /etc/saf/tcp/_pmtab >/tmp/tcp_pmtab_hold cat /tmp/tcp_pmtab_hold >/etc/saf/tcp/_pmtab rm -f /tmp/tcp_pmtab_hold } # # open the please wait window if the screen is writable # #Open_Please_Wait () { # #---this long if only runs if we can write to the screen--- # #if $Screen_writable #then #---------------------begin winxksh functions--------------------------- # # # Pull in local winxksh functions (needed for clearing the screen) # # # # Set Necessary variables and structures # #STTYS=0 #STTYA=0 #STTYX=0 #struct termios_data c_iflag:short c_oflag:short c_cflag:short c_lflag:short c_line:char c_cc:'char [19]' #struct termiosx_data x_hflag:short x_cflag:short x_rflag:'short [5]' x_sflag:short # # # mysetcolor - this script will reset the color of the screen back to # what it should be after running winxksh # #function mysetcolor #{ # if [ $1 = "-n" ] # then # cdecl string_t fmt1='!\\\033[=%d%s!' # cdecl string_t cmd_ch1='!F!' # cdecl string_t cmd_ch2='!G!' # # ccall altprintf "@string_t:"!\\\033[0m!"" # ccall ioctl 0 24832 0 # ccall altprintf "@string_t:"!\\\033[=0E!"" # ccall altprintf fmt1 7 cmd_ch1 # ccall altprintf fmt1 0 cmd_ch2 # ccall altprintf "@string_t:"!\\\033[0m!"" # ccall altprintf "@string_t:"!\\\033[J!"" # fi #} # # # myclear - winxksh equivalent of "tput clear" # #function myclear #{ # ccall altprintf "@string_t:"!\\\033[2J\\\033[H!"" #} # # # mygetstty - get the current stty settings to use to reset the screen at end # #function mygetstty #{ # cdecl termios_data cbs={} # cdecl termios_data cba={} # cdecl termiosx_data cbx={} # # ccall ioctl 0 21517 cbs # retd=$_RETD # cprint -v STTYS cbs # ccall ioctl 0 21505 cba # retd=$_RETD # cprint -v STTYA cba # ccall ioctl 0 22529 cbx # retd=$_RETD # cprint -v STTYX cbx #} # # # mysetstty - reset the screen (uses variables from mygetstty function) # #function mysetstty #{ # cdecl termios_data cbs="$STTYS" # cdecl termios_data cba="$STTYA" # cdecl termiosx_data cbx="$STTYX" # ccall ioctl 0 21518 cbs # retd=$_RETD # ccall ioctl 0 21506 cba # retd=$_RETD # ccall ioctl 0 22530 cbx # retd=$_RETD #} # # # myrestore - mysetstty, endwin, mysetcolor, myclear # #function myrestore #{ # mysetstty # call endwin # mysetcolor -n # myclear #} # # #---------------------end winxksh functions--------------------------- # #---------------------begin, please wait screen------------------ # # save the stty settings and setup the screen # #mygetstty # # # Pull in global winxksh functions (taken from dcu scripts) # #. /etc/dcu.d/scripts/winrc # #if [[ -r /etc/dcu.d/locale/${LOCALE}/txtstrings ]] #then # . /etc/dcu.d/locale/${LOCALE}/txtstrings #else # . /etc/dcu.d/locale/C/txtstrings #fi # #. /etc/dcu.d/scripts/scr_init # #MSG1=`pfmt -s nostd -g ${PKGMSG}:107 "\n Setting up TCP/IP (%s) related files, please wait. \n \n" ${PKGINST:-inet} 2>&1` #display "${MSG1}" #WAIT=`gettxt inet.pkg:124 "Please Wait.\n"` #footer "$WAIT" #DISP_WID=$CURWIN #input_handler # #---------------------end, please wait screen------------------ # #fi #---close if for $Screen_writable--- #} # # # close the please wait window if the screen is writable # #Close_Please_Wait () { # if $Screen_writable # then # wclose ${DISP_WID} # fi #} PKGMSG=${PKGINST}.pkg LOCALE=${LC_ALL:-${LC_MESSAGES:-${LANG:-"C"}}} if [ ! -f /usr/lib/locale/${LOCALE}/LC_MESSAGES/${PKGMSG} ] then if [ -f ${REQDIR}/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/${PKGMSG} -a \ -d /usr/lib/locale/${LOCALE}/LC_MESSAGES ] then cp ${REQDIR}/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/${PKGMSG} \ /usr/lib/locale/${LOCALE}/LC_MESSAGES fi fi # If HOW_INSTALL = POSTREBOOT, then we've already installed # the files and run 97% of this postinstall script. # Now we run the 3% needing bootp and the address, and manipulate # files based on it. # # This is done even in a Silent Install since /etc/inet/menu # knows to check for it. if [ "${HOW_INSTALL}" = "POSTREBOOT" -a -x /usr/sbin/netcfg ] then # # execute netcfg to modify/obtain information. # ( # # Get the NICS parameters from the ifile. # if [ -f /isl/ifile ] then . /isl/ifile fi if [ "$NICS_DRIVER_NAME" -a "$NICS_TYPE" ] then if [ "$NICS_TYPE" = "MDI" ] then # # During the installation we will # only ever configure one interface. # In the MDI case NIC devices are # of the form netX. So it is safe # to assume that here we will be # adding net0. # netcfg -a tcp#net0 elif [ "$NICS_TYPE" = "ODI" -o "$NICS_TYPE" = "DLPI" ] then # # ODI/DLPI drivers have the form: # NIC_X, e.g. TCM59X_0. # netcfg -a tcp#${NICS_DRIVER_NAME}_0 fi else # # Looks like the network configuration was deferred. # Save aside /etc/resolv.conf if it exists and add # uname -n as an alias to localhost in /etc/inet/hosts. # if [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ] then mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/inet/resolv.save fi if [ -f /etc/inet/hosts ] then ed -s /etc/inet/hosts <<-EOF > /dev/null 2>&1 /^127/s/localhost/localhost $NODE/ . w q EOF fi fi Listener_Setup ) exit 0 fi REMF_FILES=/tmp/removef.files rm -f $REMF_FILES ls /tmp/inet/* >$REMF_FILES echo '/tmp/inet /tmp' >>$REMF_FILES # # Initialize FAILURE to 1 (fatal error) # FAILURE=1 # # Install INET drivers # CONF=/etc/conf TMP=/var/adm/log/inet.idinstall.err cd /tmp/inet ######################################### ## Make sure ID/TP tools are available ## ######################################### if [ -x ${CONF}/bin/idbuild -a -x ${CONF}/bin/idinstall ] then : else exit $FAILURE fi SDEV=/etc/conf/sdevice.d for DRV in arp icmp igmp incf inet ip ipip llcloop rip route slip tcp udp do mv ${DRV}_atup.o Driver_atup.o mv ${DRV}_mp.o Driver_mp.o grep -v "^[\*#]ident" ${DRV}.Master > Master rm -rf ${DRV}.Master if [ -f ${DRV}.Space ] then mv ${DRV}.Space Space.c fi if [ -f ${DRV}.Mtune ] then mv ${DRV}.Mtune Mtune fi if [ -f ${DRV}.Dtune ] then mv ${DRV}.Dtune Dtune fi if [ -f ${DRV}.Stubs ] then mv ${DRV}.Stubs Stubs.c fi if [ -f ${DRV}.Node ] then grep -v "^[\*#]ident" ${DRV}.Node > Node rm -rf ${DRV}.Node fi grep -v "^[\*#]ident" ${DRV}.System | sed 's/ N / Y /' > ./System rm -f ${DRV}.System #if any of the core files are missing, go on to next one [ ! -s System -o ! -s Master ] && continue; [ ! -s Driver_atup.o -a ! -s Driver_mp.o -a ! -s Driver.o ] && continue; ${CONF}/bin/idinstall -P ${PKGINST} -a ${DRV} 2>> $TMP if [ $? != 0 ] then ${CONF}/bin/idinstall -P ${PKGINST} -u ${DRV} 2>> $TMP if [ $? != 0 ] then for rem_drv in ${DRV_GOOD} do ${CONF}/bin/idinstall -P ${PKGINST} -d ${rem_drv} 2>> $TMP done exit ${FAILURE} fi fi ID_MODS="${ID_MODS} -M ${DRV}" DRV_GOOD="${DRV_GOOD} ${DRV}" done # # # # XXX dme - currently not done. should we move forward the 2.0/2.1 # # tunables into /etc/default/inet ? # # # #START-TUNABLES-START-TUNABLES-START-TUNABLES-START-TUNABLES-START-TUNABLES # # # # This is the begining of the uw1.1 tunables convertion to uw2.0 # # only do this if we are doing an upgrade("${PKGINSTALL_TYPE}" = "UPGRADE") # # and the Automerge was selected("$AUTOMERGE" = "Yes"). # # # IP_FORWARD=NO export IP_FORWARD # [ "${PKGINSTALL_TYPE}" = "UPGRADE" ] && [ "$AUTOMERGE" = "Yes" ] && { # # # # Convert uw1.1 "tunables" to uw2.0 tunables. # # Run during postinstall after all the modules have been idinstall'd # # but before the modules have been "idbuild -M"'d. # # # # The uw1.1 "tunables" that will be brought forward to uw2.0 are: # # # # uw2.0 name uw1.1 name uw1.1 location # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ARPHASHBCKTCNT ARPTAB_BSIZ pack.d/arp/space.c # # ARPHASHBCKTSIZE ARPTAB_NB pack.d/arp/space.c # # IP_UNITS IPCNT pack.d/ip/space.c # # IPFORWARDING IPFORWARDING pack.d/ip/space.c # # IPSENDREDIRECTS IPSENDREDIRECTS pack.d/ip/space.c # # RT_UNITS IPPROVCNT pack.d/ip/space.c # # INTTL ip_ttl pack.d/ip/space.c # # ICMPMASKREQ ICMP_ANSWERMASK pack.d/ip/space.c # # RTSUBNETSARELOCAL subnetsarelocal pack.d/ip/space.c # # TCPWINDOW TCPWINDOW pack.d/tcp/space.c # # TCPTTL tcp_ttl pack.d/tcp/space.c # # TCP_UNITS TCP_UNITS sdevice.d/tcp # # UDPTTL udp_ttl pack.d/udp/space.c # # UDPCKSUM udpcksum pack.d/udp/space.c # # UDP_UNITS UDP_UNITS sdevice.d/udp # # # # TCPROUNDMSS tcp_round_mss pack.d/tcp/space.c # # tcp_round_mss wasn't going to be a tunable (TCPROUNDMSS), but I have had # # second thoughts, as I believe this is a "tunable" that administrators may # # have changed. Therefore it should become a tunable and be brought forward. # # # # To be safer, since administrators might have taken the precedent set by # # TCPWINDOW and set values using arithmetic expressions, we will check each # # value using the ksh "$(( var ))" expression to convert an expression to # # a number. This "exits" non zero if there was a conversion problem. # # # # IPFORWARDING and IPSENDREDIRECTS are completely processed in # # postinstall now that idinstall is done during ON_BOOTFLOP. # # To assist /etc/inet/menu, if they are set, the environment variable # # IP_FORWARD will be set to "YES" so the inet.menu will know what to do. # # # OCONF=/etc/inst/save.user/etc/conf # O_PK=${OCONF}/pack.d # O_SY=${OCONF}/sdevice.d # NCONF=/etc/conf # N_PK=${NCONF}/pack.d # N_SY=${NCONF}/sdevice.d # # # # $1 - variable to check and convert # # is there an easier way to do this? # # # check_val () { # VAL=`( # TMP2=$(($1)) # RET=$? # echo ${TMP2} # exit $RET # ) 2>/dev/null` # } # # # # $1..$n - filename to collect "$defines" from # # output each in the form <name>=<value> # # # do_defines() { # grep -h "#define" $* | sed -e 's/#define[ ][ ]*//'\ # -e 's/[ ][ ]*/=/' -e 's/[ /].*//' # } # # # # $1..$n - filename to collect variable declarations (ints) from # # output each in the form <name>=<value> # # # do_ints() { # grep -h "int" $* | sed -e 's/int[ ][ ]*//'\ # -e 's/[ ][ ]*=[ ][ ]*/=/'\ # -e 's/;.*$//' # } # # # # $1 - UW2.0 file name # # $2 - module name to search for (will be anchored to beginning of the line) # # $3 - original field value # # $4 - new field value # # # modify_file() { # MF=$1 # NAME=$2 # OVAL=$3 # NVAL=$4 # if [ `echo $NVAL | awk '{printf NF}'` -ne 0 ] # then # ed ${MF} >/dev/null 2>&1 <<-! # /^${NAME} # s/${OVAL}/${NVAL}/ # w # q # ! # fi # } # #main # cat >/tmp/HOLD_defines.list <<! # ^ARPTAB_BSIZ # ^ARPTAB_NB # ^IPCNT # ^IPPROVCNT # ^IPFORWARDING # ^IPSENDREDIRECTS # ^ICMP_ANSWERMASK # ^TCPWINDOW # ^NO_DLPI_SERVICE_PROVIDERS # ! # cat >/tmp/HOLD_ints.list <<! # ip_ttl # subnetsarelocal # tcp_ttl # udp_ttl # udpcksum # ! # do_defines ${O_PK}/arp/space.c ${O_PK}/ip/space.c\ # ${O_PK}/tcp/space.c >/tmp/HOLD_tmpfile # # # # the file /tmp/HOLD_defines.list contains the list of #defines we care about # # # cat /tmp/HOLD_tmpfile | egrep -hf /tmp/HOLD_defines.list >/tmp/HOLD_uw1.1_defines # do_ints ${O_PK}/ip/space.c ${O_PK}/tcp/space.c ${O_PK}/udp/space.c\ # >/tmp/HOLD_tmpfile # # # # the file /tmp/HOLD_ints.list contains the list of integers we care about # # # cat /tmp/HOLD_tmpfile | egrep -hf /tmp/HOLD_ints.list >/tmp/HOLD_uw1.1_ints # rm /tmp/HOLD_tmpfile # # # # get the system's current systems file units field for UDP # # # UDP_UNITS=`grep "^udp" ${O_SY}/udp | sed 's/[ ][ ]*/:/g' | cut -d: -f3` # # # # get the system's current systems file units field for TCP # # # TCP_UNITS=`grep "^tcp" ${O_SY}/tcp | sed 's/[ ][ ]*/:/g' | cut -d: -f3` # # # # import the shell variables for the #defines and integers # # # . /tmp/HOLD_uw1.1_defines # . /tmp/HOLD_uw1.1_ints # # # # Modify tunables # # # check_val "${ARPTAB_BSIZ}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ge 1 -a "${VAL}" -lt 19 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c ARPHASHBCKTCNT ${VAL} # fi # check_val "${ARPTAB_NB}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ge 1 -a "${VAL}" -lt 9 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c ARPHASHBCKTSIZE ${VAL} # fi # # in UW1.1, ip_ttl was 255 by default, in UW2.0, INTTL is 64 by default # if [ "${ip_ttl}" != MAXTTL ] # then # check_val "${ip_ttl}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -gt 0 -a "${VAL}" -lt 255 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c INTTL ${VAL} # fi # fi # # # # set the IP_FORWARD variable to "YES" if != 0 # # # check_val "${IPFORWARDING}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ne 0 ] # then # IP_FORWARD="YES" # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c IPFORWARDING 1 # fi # # # # set the IP_FORWARD variable to "YES" if != 0 # # # check_val "${IPSENDREDIRECTS}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ne 0 ] # then # IP_FORWARD="YES" # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c IPSENDREDIRECTS 1 # fi # check_val "${ICMP_ANSWERMASK}" # if [ $? -eq 0 ] # then # VAL=$(( ${ICMP_ANSWERMASK} )) # if [ "${VAL}" -ne 0 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c ICMPMASKREQ 1 # fi # fi # check_val "${subnetsarelocal}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -eq 0 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c RTSUBNETSARELOCAL 0 # fi # check_val "${TCPWINDOW}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ne 4096 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c TCPWINDOW ${VAL} # fi # # # # (TCP_TTL (the UW1.1 default) == 60) != 64 (the UW2.0 default) # # # if [ "${tcp_ttl}" != TCP_TTL ] # then # check_val "${tcp_ttl}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ne 60 -a "${VAL}" -gt 0 -a "${VAL}" -lt 255 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c TCPTTL ${VAL} # fi # fi # if [ "${udp_ttl}" != UDP_TTL ] # then # check_val "${udp_ttl}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ne 30 -a "${VAL}" -gt 0 -a "${VAL}" -lt 255 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c UDPTTL ${VAL} # fi # fi # check_val "${udpcksum}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -eq 1 ] # then # /etc/conf/bin/idtune -c UDPCKSUM 1 # fi # # # # Modify system files # # # if [ "${TCP_UNITS}" -ne 512 ] # then # modify_file ${N_SY}/tcp tcp 512 ${TCP_UNITS} # fi # # # # UW1.1 default UDP_UNITS == 256, UW2.0 default UDP_UNITS == 512 # # # if [ "${UDP_UNITS}" -ne 256 ] # then # modify_file ${N_SY}/udp udp 512 ${UDP_UNITS} # fi # # # # UW1.1 default IPCNT == 8, UW2.0 default IP_UNITS == 16 # # # check_val "${IPCNT}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ne 8 ] # then # modify_file ${N_SY}/ip ip 16 ${VAL} # fi # check_val "${IPPROVCNT}" # if [ $? -eq 0 -a "${VAL}" -ne 16 ] # then # modify_file ${N_SY}/route route 16 ${VAL} # fi # rm -f /tmp/HOLD_uw1.1_defines /tmp/HOLD_uw1.1_ints # } # # # #END-TUNABLES-END-TUNABLES-END-TUNABLES-END-TUNABLES-END-TUNABLES # # IDBUILD_FLAG=0 ${CONF}/bin/idbuild ${ID_MODS} >>${TMP} 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] then IDBUILD_FLAG=1 fi # # add the appropriate devices # if pkginfo -i es >/dev/null 2>&1 then SYS_PUTDEV="range=SYS_PRIVATE-SYS_PRIVATE state=private mode=static ual_enable=y other=>y startup=y startup_level=SYS_PRIVATE startup_owner=root>rw- startup_group=other>--- startup_other=>---" USR_PUTDEV="range=SYS_RANGE_MAX-SYS_RANGE_MIN state=pub_priv mode=static ual_enable=y other=>y startup=y startup_level=USER_LOGIN startup_owner=root>rw- startup_group=other>rw- startup_other=>rw-" SUB_PUTDEV="range=SYS_RANGE_MAX-SYS_RANGE_MIN state=pub_priv mode=static ual_enable=y other=>y startup=y startup_level=USER_LOGIN startup_owner=root>rw- startup_group=other>rw- startup_other=>---" else SYS_PUTDEV="" USR_PUTDEV="" SUB_PUTDEV="" fi for DRV in arp icmp igmp incf ip ipip rip do putdev -a $DRV cdevlist="/dev/$DRV,/dev/inet/$DRV" \ desc="$DRV protocol" $SYS_PUTDEV 2>/dev/null done # For historical reasons, the name of the llcloop device is /dev/loop putdev -a llcloop cdevlist="/dev/loop,/dev/inet/loop" \ desc="$llcloop protocol" $SYS_PUTDEV 2>/dev/null # # These devices are intended to be opened by services # with only the P_DEV privilege, so the startup_level is set to # USER_LOGIN. # putdev -a tcp cdevlist="/dev/tcp,/dev/inet/tcp" \ desc="tcp protocol" $USR_PUTDEV 2>/dev/null # # create explicit tcp sub-devices -- needed by uucp # TCP_CDEV builds a string of these minor devices TCP_CDEV= for MINOR in 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 \ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 do # Build putdev cdevlist minor devices list if [ -z "$TCP_CDEV" ] then TCP_CDEV="/dev/inet/tcp${MINOR}" else TCP_CDEV="$TCP_CDEV,/dev/inet/tcp${MINOR}" fi done # # distinct device alias for subdevices, mode 660 putdev -a tcp_subdev desc="tcp subdevices" cdevlist=$TCP_CDEV $SUB_PUTDEV 2>/dev/null putdev -a udp cdevlist="/dev/udp,/dev/inet/udp" \ desc="udp protocol" $USR_PUTDEV 2>/dev/null # create the NET role; if it is already there, ignore error #/usr/bin/adminrole -n NET > /dev/null 2>&1 #The following for-loop assigns the commands to the NET role. Privileges #are gotten right from /etc/security/tcb/privs. # #for cmd in /usr/bin/rdate /usr/sbin/ifconfig /usr/sbin/in.routed \ # /usr/sbin/route /usr/sbin/nslookup /usr/sbin/slink /usr/sbin/arp \ # /usr/bin/ruptime /usr/bin/rwho /usr/sbin/in.rwhod /usr/sbin/in.named #do # base=`basename $cmd` # privs=` # egrep ":${cmd}$" /etc/security/tcb/privs| #Find command in tcb database # sed 's/^.*%inher,\(.*\):.*/\1/p' | # get the set of inher privs # sed 's/^.*%fixed,\(.*\):.*//p' | # delete the fixed privs # sed 's/,/:/gp' # changed ,'s to :'s # ` # if [ -z "$privs" ] # then # if [ ! -f $cmd ] # then echo "Warning: $cmd not found on the system.\c" # echo " Not adding to TFM." # continue # else adminrole -a $base:$cmd NET # fi # else # adminrole -a $base:$cmd:$privs NET # fi #done if [ ! -c /dev/pts/0 ] && [ $HOW_INSTALL != ON_BFLOP ] then SUBJ=`gettxt inet.pkg:105 "pseudo-terminals have not been installed"` TEXT=`gettxt inet.pkg:106 "WARNING: pseudo-terminals have not been installed on this machine.\nInternet commands such as rlogin and rsh require psuedo-terminals.\nPsuedo-terminals are part of the Networking Support Utilities package;\nplease re-install that package.\n"` /usr/bin/mailx -s "$SUBJ" root >/dev/null 2>&1 <<! $TEXT ! fi #--------------------begin /etc/netconfig setup------------------ # # add the appropriate entries to /etc/netconfig # rm -f /tmp/netconfig # Add $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 # tcp tpi_cots_ord v inet tcp /dev/tcp /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so # to $8 if not present in /etc/netconfig # Add_netconfig() { if grep "[ ]$4[ ][ ]*$5[ ][ ]*$6[ ]" /etc/netconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 then : Already there! else echo "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7" >> $8 fi } Add_netconfig tcp tpi_cots_ord v inet tcp /dev/tcp \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /tmp/netconfig Add_netconfig udp tpi_clts v inet udp /dev/udp \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /tmp/netconfig Add_netconfig icmp tpi_raw - inet icmp /dev/icmp \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /etc/netconfig Add_netconfig igmp tpi_raw - inet igmp /dev/igmp \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /etc/netconfig Add_netconfig rawip tpi_raw - inet - /dev/rawip \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /etc/netconfig # IPv6 entries Add_netconfig tcp6 tpi_cots_ord v inet6 tcp /dev/tcpipv6 \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /etc/netconfig Add_netconfig udp6 tpi_clts v inet6 udp /dev/udpipv6 \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /etc/netconfig Add_netconfig icmpv6 tpi_raw - inet6 icmpv6 /dev/icmpv6 \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /etc/netconfig Add_netconfig rawipv6 tpi_raw - inet6 - /dev/rawipv6 \ /usr/lib/tcpip.so,/usr/lib/resolv.so /etc/netconfig if [ -s /tmp/netconfig ] then if [ -r /etc/netconfig ] then grep -v "^#" /etc/netconfig >>/tmp/netconfig grep "^#" /etc/netconfig >>/tmp/netconfig fi cat </tmp/netconfig >/etc/netconfig fi rm -f /tmp/netconfig #--------------------end /etc/netconfig setup------------------ [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && goany # # Delete the tcp entry from the sac and then replace it. # sacadm -r -p tcp >/dev/null 2>&1 sacadm -a -p tcp -t listen -c "/usr/lib/saf/listen -m inet/tcp0 tcp 2>/dev/null" -v `nlsadmin -V` -n 3 2>/dev/null SACRET=$? [ "${SACRET}" != "0" -a "${SACRET}" != "10" ] && \ echo "sacadm -a -p tcp failed - returned ${SACRET}" >>${UPERR} [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && goany # ############# Begin UPGRADE AND OVERLAY ####################### # # if $1/$2 $3/$2 have the same data, do nothing. # If they do not, cd $1 and cpio $2 to $3 # preserve modes, date when transfering file. Copy () { if cmp -s $1/$2 $3/$2 2>/dev/null then : do nothing else [ -d $1 -a -d $3 -a -r $1/$2 ] && { cd $1 cpio -ump $3 << ! $2 ! } fi } [ "$PKGINSTALL_TYPE" != "NEWINSTALL" ] && { BackupETC=/etc/inst/save.user/etc [ -f $BackupETC/inet/bootptab ] && Copy $BackupETC/inet bootptab /etc/inet [ -f $BackupETC/bootptab ] && { [ ! -L /etc/bootptab ] && { mv /etc/bootptab /etc/inet ln -s /etc/inet/bootptab /etc/bootptab } Copy $BackupETC bootptab /etc/inet } #if the original 1.X - 2.01 /etc/inet/bootptab #is present, then the (2.1) /etc/inet/bootptab.samp will suffice, #since they are the same sample. # #there is no 2.1 /etc/inet/bootptab unless the administrator #creates one # #so if /etc/inet/bootptab is the same as the sample, we remove it # #NOTE this is run as a subshell as it creates lots of vars [ "$PKGINSTALL_TYPE" != "OVERLAY" -a \ -f /etc/inet/bootptab -a -f /etc/inet/bootptab.samp ] && grep '^/etc/inet/bootptab[ ]' 2>/dev/null \ /var/sadm/install/contents && ( #has it changed since install? if /usr/sbin/pkgchk -p /etc/inet/bootptab inet 2>/dev/null then pkgchk_bootptab=true else pkgchk_bootptab=false #acutally, pkgchk_bootptab may yet be set to true. #we are in the process of installing the inet package here, #so pkgchk may not find the contents file in a consistant #state. We will check the length, checksum, uid, grp by hand. if grep '^/etc/inet/bootptab[ ]' 2>/dev/null >&2 \ </var/sadm/install/contents | read fnm vrbs n md root sys len checksum sec security && [ "$fnm" = /etc/inet/bootptab -a root = "$root" -a \ sys = "$sys" -a -n "$len" -a -n "$checksum" ] then ls -l /etc/inet/bootptab 2>/dev/null | read lsmd lnks lsroot lsys lslen rest 2>/dev/null && [ "$sys" = "$lsys" -a "$root" = "$lsroot" -a \ "$len" = "$lslen" -a \ "X$checksum" = X"`sum </etc/inet/bootptab | awk '{print $1;}'`" ] 2>/dev/null && pkgchk_bootptab=true fi fi #if pkgchk_bootptab is true, then we need to remove #/etc/inet/bootptab, since a started in.bootpd will #read this sample file. $pkgchk_bootptab && { rm -f /etc/inet/bootptab 2>/dev/null /usr/sbin/removef inet /etc/inet/bootptab >/dev/null 2>&1 mv $BackupETC/inet/bootptab $BackupETC/inet/bootptab.old.$$ \ 2>/dev/null } ) } [ "$PKGINSTALL_TYPE" != "NEWINSTALL" ] && { # AUTOMERGE will be set when the system is being UPGRADED or # or OVERLAYED....If the package is being added via pkgadd # then the AUTOMERGE will be set to "Yes". # If AUTOMERGE=Yes, ${SCRIPTS}/pkgmrgconf will # merge the config files listed in $UPGRADE_STORE/${PKGINST}.sav. # If merge failed, it informs user which files the merge failed. # If AUTOMERGE=No, ${SCRIPTS}/pkgmrgconf will # inform user where there old config files live and that # the system will use new versions of the config. files ${SCRIPTS}/pkgmrgconf "${PKGINST}" "$AUTOMERGE" "$NAME" >/dev/null 2>&1 } [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && goany # cleanup patch files from /var/sadm/install/contents and rm them ${SCRIPTS}/up_cleanup "${PKGINST}" # # remove the nics map file # rm -f /etc/inst/nics/nics.map # ############# End UPGRADE AND OVERLAY ####################### # # # If HOW_INSTALL = ON_BFLOP, then we skip this step. # This may use nics to get addresses from bootp in postreboot. # if [ -x /usr/sbin/netcfg -a "${HOW_INSTALL}" = "NORMAL" ] then # # Case of pkgadd on running system. # netcfg fi # # If HOW_INSTALL = ON_BFLOP, then we skip this step. # This manipulates files based on the address. # [ "${HOW_INSTALL}" != ON_BFLOP ] && { Listener_Setup } # # Add /dev/inet to /etc/ttysrch to speed up ttyname # echo "/dev/inet MF" >>/etc/ttysrch # # Add /dev/_tcp mount entry to vfstab # echo "/dev/_tcp - /dev/_tcp specfs - yes dev=tcp" >> /etc/vfstab # # Create /etc/passwd and /etc/group entry for UID_NOBODY # so in.fingerd can run # UID_NOBODY="`grep '^nobody:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3`" GID_NOBODY="`grep '^nobody:' /etc/group | cut -d: -f3`" if [ -z "$UID_NOBODY" ] then touch /noshell chmod +x /noshell if [ -z "$GID_NOBODY" ] then useradd -c 'unprivileged user' -d /nonexistent \ -s /noshell nobody else # already have a group nobody -- use it useradd -c 'unprivileged user' -d /nonexistent \ -s /noshell -g ${GID_NOBODY} nobody fi rm -f /noshell UID_NOBODY="`grep '^nobody:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3`" fi if [ -z "$GID_NOBODY" -a ! -z "$UID_NOBODY" ] then if cut -d: -f3 </etc/group | grep "^${UID_NOBODY}\$" >/dev/null then # already have group using nobody's uid GID_NOBODY="`grep '^nobody:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f4`" else GID_NOBODY=$UID_NOBODY fi echo "nobody::${GID_NOBODY}:" >>/etc/group /usr/sbin/pwconv /sbin/creatiadb usermod -g ${GID_NOBODY} nobody fi # Create inetd as a port monitor. Version doesn't matter # since inetd doesn't use _pmtab. # # The following ( ) shell scripts are to capture WARNING # messages resulting from installing the package # in Maintenance mode (aka init S) when the sac # program is not running or has never yet been run. # The database files are correctly updated when these # error numbers are received, the messages usually read: # # warning - could not ascertain sac status ( SACOUT="`sacadm -a -p inetd -t inetd -c /usr/sbin/inetd \ -v 1 -y \"internet daemon\" 2>&1`" RET2=$? if [ 10 = $RET2 -o 0 = $RET2 ] then exit 0 else # display messages other than "inetd already exists" [ "$RET2" != 6 ] && echo "$SACOUT" 1>&2 exit $RET2 fi ) # If root is a defined user and has inetd in the TFM database, # then we do not need to add it again. adminuser root | grep "inetd:/usr/sbin/inetd" >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=$? [ $rc = 1 ] && { # Enable inetd to run under the SAC through tfadmin with privileges # The first try may fail due to root not added as a TFM user yet. CMD="inetd:/usr/sbin/inetd:allprivs" adminuser -a $CMD root >/dev/null 2>&1 # We may not be able to add TFM users without using the "-n" option. # If above fails, try again with -n. if [ $? -ne 0 ] then adminuser -n -a $CMD root fi } # # for security release, let them know how to disable inet services. # # #/usr/bin/mail root >/dev/null 2>&1 <<! #Subject: inet package installation: how to disable inet services # #The inet services have been installed. In order to disable access to #or from this system in the future, use the /etc/inet/inet.priv -d script. #If you need to enable the inet services afterwards, you can run #/etc/inet/inet.priv -e in single user mode to restore file modes #and privileges. #! # # Install the SCOadmin managers... # CLASSCONF=/sbin/classconf OSACONF=/sbin/osaconf SCOADMIN=/usr/lib/scoadmin /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $SCOADMIN/dns/dns.obj /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $SCOADMIN/ncm/ncm.obj /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $SCOADMIN/ftp/ftp.obj /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $SCOADMIN/aas/aas.obj /usr/bin/scoadmin -p Networking -f -c $SCOADMIN/dhcp/dhcp.obj /usr/bin/scoadmin -H /usr/lib/netcfg/wansw -f -c $SCOADMIN/slip/slip.obj ${OSACONF} -A sco dnsOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $SCOADMIN/netosa/dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dNSystem dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dNSPrimary dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dNSSecondary dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dNSStub dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dNSHint dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco hostTabs dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco hostTab dnsOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco hostTabEntry dnsOsa ${OSACONF} -A sco ncmOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $SCOADMIN/netosa/ncmOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco nis ncmOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ntp ncmOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco netconfig ncmOsa ${OSACONF} -A sco ftpOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $SCOADMIN/netosa/ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftp ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpDenyHost ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpDenyUser ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpAccess ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpMessage ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpClass ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpLimit ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpLog ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpShutdown ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpVirtual ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpAnon ftpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco ftpAnonHome ftpOsa ${OSACONF} -A sco netInterfaceOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $SCOADMIN/netosa/netInterfaceOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco netInterface netInterfaceOsa ${OSACONF} -A sco inconfigOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $SCOADMIN/netosa/inconfigOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco inconfig inconfigOsa ${OSACONF} -A sco aasOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $SCOADMIN/netosa/aasOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco aasPool aasOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco aasServer aasOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco aasDatabase aasOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco aasLocation aasOsa ${OSACONF} -A sco dhcpOsa LOOP_BACK sco_Tcl_osa $SCOADMIN/netosa/dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpSubnet dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpClient dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpUserClass dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpVendorClass dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpOption dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpGlobal dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpStandard dhcpOsa ${CLASSCONF} -A sco dhcpServer dhcpOsa # # If we're running from install on boot, no need to setup owner since # the postreboot.sh will take care of it. if, however, this is an # after-the-fact pkgadd, the owner has to be setup here. # [ -f /etc/inst/scripts/postreboot.sh ] || { set `grep mail= /var/sadm/install/admin/* | cut -f2 -d=` while [ $# -ne 0 ] do [ "$1" != "root" ] && ${SCOADMIN}/account/make-owner $1 2>/dev/null shift done } # Now clean up # removef $PKGINST - < ${REMF_FILES} >/dev/null 2>&1 removef -f $PKGINST rm -f ${REMF_FILES} # Do not clean up /tmp/inet since postreboot.sh uses it # to determine if the inet package was installed by the # boot floppy scripts. It it was, then postreboot.sh will # run the inet request script. rm -fr /tmp/inet/* 1>/dev/null 2>&1 # # wrap up with installf -f and exit message (required reboot) # installf -f $PKGINST # # if the idbuild failed then exit with error message.. # if [ ${IDBUILD_FLAG} -eq 1 ] then exit ${FAILURE} fi exit 10