home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ident "@(#)postinstall 1.2"
- #
- # Initialize FAILURE to 1 (fatal error)
- #
- # Create dummy /etc/dfs/lid_and_priv file
- #if [ ! -f /etc/dfs/lid_and_priv ]
- #then
- # echo "# specify access to be granted to NFS clients of this server" >> /etc/dfs/lid_and_priv
- # echo "# domain hostname MAC_level privilege_set" >> /etc/dfs/lid_and_priv
- #fi
- #installf $PKGINST /etc/dfs/lid_and_priv f 0644 root root 2 NULL NULL
- # Create empty /etc/dfs/sharetab file
- if [ ! -f /etc/dfs/sharetab ]
- then
- > /etc/dfs/sharetab
- fi
- installf $PKGINST /etc/dfs/sharetab v 0644 root root 2 NULL NULL
- #
- # change levels of some commands to SYS_PUBLIC so that OA&M may work for dfs
- # (cannot use chlvl)
- installf $PKGINST /usr/bin/tr f \? \? \? 1 NULL NULL
- #
- # add /sbin/init to the NET role so that
- # network administrator can go init 3
- #
- #adminrole -a init:/sbin/init:allprivs NET
- #
- # Add the dev and filesys privilege to the generic umount & mount
- # and also mountall & umountall commands since they are not set in the TCB.
- installf $PKGINST /sbin/umount f \? \? \? 2 NULL allprivs
- installf $PKGINST /sbin/mount f \? \? \? 1 NULL allprivs
- installf $PKGINST /sbin/mountall f \? \? \? 2 NULL allprivs
- installf $PKGINST /sbin/umountall f \? \? \? 2 NULL allprivs
- #
- # put /usr/bin/cp in NET role with privs .. so that OA&M works
- #
- # cp is needed by nsu and dfs, so both postinstalls add it
- # ignoring error. The packages can then remain independent.
- #
- #adminrole -a cp:/usr/bin/cp:macwrite:dacwrite:macread:dacread NET 2>/dev/null 1>&1
- #adminrole -a mkdir:/usr/bin/mkdir:dacread:dacwrite:macread:macwrite:multidir:fsysrange:setflevel NET 2>/dev/null
- #
- #
- # put /sbin/sh in NET role with privs .. so that OA&M works
- #
- #adminrole -a sh:/sbin/sh:macwrite:dacwrite:macread:dacread:filesys:dev NET
- #
- # Add dfs commands to TFM database
- #
- #while read cmd
- #do
- # base=`basename $cmd`
- # privs=`
- # egrep ":${cmd}$" /etc/security/tcb/privs |
- # sed -n '/%inher,.*:/s/^.*%inher,\(.*\):.*/\1/p' |
- # sed 's/,/:/gp'
- # `
- # if [ ! -f $cmd ]
- # then
- # echo "Warning: $cmd not found on the system.\c"
- # echo " Not adding to TFM."
- # continue
- # fi
- #
- # if [ -z "$privs" ]
- # then
- # adminrole -a $base:$cmd NET
- # else
- # adminrole -a $base:$cmd:$privs NET
- # fi
- #done <<!
- #/usr/sbin/dfshares
- #/usr/sbin/general
- #/usr/sbin/share
- #/usr/sbin/shareall
- #/usr/sbin/unshareall
- #/usr/sbin/lidload
- #/usr/sbin/fuser
- #/usr/bin/kill
- #!
- # Workaround for putting unshare and dfmounts in NET role with privs
- # /usr/sbin/unshare is a link to /usr/sbin/general and /usr/sbin/dfmounts
- # is a link to /usr/sbin/dfshares.
- #/usr/bin/adminrole -a unshare:/usr/sbin/unshare:dacread:dacwrite:dev:macread:macwrite:driver:fsysrange:filesys NET
- #/usr/bin/adminrole -a dfmounts:/usr/sbin/dfmounts:dacread:dacwrite:dev:macread:macwrite:driver:fsysrange NET
- # and modify generic umount and mount (they already have new privs in TCB
- #for role in SOP SSO
- #do
- # adminrole -r mount -a mount:/sbin/mount:allprivs $role
- # adminrole -r umount -a umount:/sbin/umount:allprivs $role
- #done
- #adminrole -a mount:/sbin/mount:allprivs NET
- #adminrole -a umount:/sbin/umount:allprivs NET
- #adminrole -a umountall:/sbin/umountall:allprivs NET
- #adminrole -a mountall:/sbin/mountall:allprivs NET
- # root must have the NET role ....
- TEST=`adminuser root | grep "roles:" | (read a b; echo $b)`
- echo $TEST | grep NET > /dev/null
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo $TEST | grep none > /dev/null
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- else
- fi
- adminuser -o $TEST root
- fi
- ############# Begin UPGRADE AND OVERLAY #######################
- SCRIPTS=/usr/sbin/pkginst
- . ${SCRIPTS}/updebug
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && set -x
- then
- ${SCRIPTS}/pkgmrgconf "$PKGINST" "$AUTOMERGE" "$NAME"
- fi
- ############# End UPGRADE AND OVERLAY #######################
- installf -f $PKGINST || exit FAILURE
- exit 0