`[ "$MSE_TYP" = "PS2" ] && echo "You cannot select a PS/2-Compatible Mouse, because interrupt vector #12 is\nbeing used by another device."`
`[ "$MSE_TYP" = "BUS" ] && echo "You cannot select a Bus Mouse, because interrupt vectors 2, 3 and 5 are\nbeing used by other devices."`
Select a different mouse
Shut the computer down to make hardware changes
Please type '1' or '2' and press 'ENTER' to continue:
For detailed instructions, press the 'F1' (or '?') key at any time.
`[ "$MSE_TYP" = "PS2" ] && echo "Because of the presence of other hardware on your computer that uses\ninterrupt vector 12, you cannot select a PS/2-Compatible Mouse."`
`[ "$MSE_TYP" = "BUS" ] && echo "Because of the presence of other hardware on your computer that uses\ninterrupt vectors 2, 3 and 5, you cannot select a Bus mouse."`
This hardware could be a networking board, a SCSI host bus
adapter, or some other device that is part of your computer.
You can choose to select a different type of mouse (including "None"),
or can bring the computer down so that you can power off the computer and
check your hardware. When you reboot the system, you will have the
opportunity to try your mouse hardware again.
ESC=Exit help F1=Instructions 1=Forward 2=Backward