PC World Komputer 1999 March B
Text File
124 lines
#ident "@(#)tftp.cfg 1.2"
# copyright "%c%"
# Example TFTP config file for HP network peripheral interface
# Comments begin with '#' and end at the end of the line.
# Blank lines are ignored. Entries cannot span lines.
# Name is the system name. It is displayed on the test page and
# when sysName is looked up with SNMP. This name can be provided
# in the BOOTP response. Alternately, it can be specified in this
# configuration file to prevent the BOOTP response from overflowing
# the packet. The domain is not necessary since the peripheral
# doesn't make any DNS lookups. Name is limited to 64 characters.
name: picasso
# Location describes the physical location of the peripheral.
# Location is limited to 64 characters.
location: 1st floor, south of post P2
# Contact is the name of the system's administrative contact,
# plus information on how to contact this person. Contact is limited
# to 64 characters.
contact: Bob Jones x2815
# The access list limits which hosts or networks of hosts
# can connect. The format is "allow: network-number [mask]" where
# network-number can be a network number or an host IP address.
# Mask is a mask of bits to apply to the network number
# and connecting host's IP address when doing the access check.
# The mask usually matches the network or subnet mask, but it
# doesn't have to. If network-number is a host IP address, the mask
# is and can be omitted. Up to 10 access list
# items are permitted.
# Allow all of network 10
# Allow a single host specifying the mask
# Allow a single host letting the mask default
# Idle timeout is the period in seconds after which an idle
# print data connection is closed. A value of zero disables
# the timeout mechanism. The default timeout is 90 seconds.
idle-timeout: 120
# If subnets-local is "on", the peripheral treats all the subnets
# of a network as local. This means that the peripheral expects all
# hosts on the network to send MTU size or smaller packets and the peripheral
# calculates window sizes appropriately. Turning subnets-local "on" when
# hosts crossing a gateway send 512 byte packets instead of MTU size packets
# will cause the printjob transfer performance to degrade.
# If subnets-local is "off", MTU sized packets are only expected from
# hosts attached to the same cable as the peripheral. Hosts that must
# cross a gateway are expected to send 512 byte or smaller packets.
subnets-local: off
# The SNMP get community name is used to validate SNMP GetRequest
# and GetNextRequests. By default, all SNMP get requests are answered.
# The get community name is limited to 32 characters.
# For hpnpstat and hpnpadmin, the community name must be stored in
# /usr/lib/hpnp/hpnpsnmp if it is to be found automatically
# instead of being supplied at the command line each time.
# Here is an example entry in /usr/lib/hpnp/hpnpsnmp:
# polar blue
# The first field is the peripheral name. The second field is the community
# name. Comments in the community name file start with a # and go to
# the end of the line.
get-community-name: blue
# The SNMP set community name is used to validate SNMP SetRequests.
# By default, no SNMP set requests are answered.
# The set community name is limited to 32 characters.
# The set community name can come from /usr/lib/hpnp/hpnpsnmp
# if it is the same as the get community name. We recommend that the
# set community name be different from the get community name though.
# You'll have to supply the set community name at the command line each time
# hpnpadmin is run with the -k, -r, or -D options if the set community name
# is different from the get community name.
set-community-name: yellow
# The SNMP trap community name is sent with SNMP traps. By default,
# "public" is used. The trap community name is limited to 32 characters.
trap-community-name: red
# The SNMP trap destination list specifies systems to which SNMP
# traps are sent. Up to four IP addresses are allowed. If no
# trap destinations are listed, traps are not sent.
# The SNMP authentication trap parameter turns on or off the sending
# of SNMP authentication traps. By default, the parameter is off.
authentication-trap: on
# Syslog messages are sent out as the facility lpr. The facility can
# be changed to local0 - local7.
# Example /etc/syslog.conf file entry for local0:
# local0.info: /usr/adm/hpnp
syslog-facility: local0