PC World Komputer 1999 March B
Text File
294 lines
#ident "@(#)drf:cmd/drfram.proto"
d--775 0 3
.sh_history l--777 0 3 /dev/null
TIMEZONE ---555 2 2 /etc/TIMEZONE
funcrc ---755 2 2 /usr/lib/drf/funcrc
inst ---755 2 2 $PROTO/drf_inst
step1rc ---555 0 0 /usr/lib/drf/step1rc
step2rc ---555 0 0 /usr/lib/drf/step2rc
isl d--755 0 3
do_install ---555 0 3 $PROTO/drf_inst
install d--775 0 3
stand d--755 0 3
boot ---644 0 0 $PROTO/boot
bootmsgs ---644 0 0 $PROTO/bootmsgs
tmp d--775 0 3
log d--755 0 3
mnt d--775 0 3
sbin d--755 0 3
autopush ---555 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/autopush.dy
dcu ---555 0 2 /sbin/dcu
init ---555 0 2 /usr/lib/drf/bootstrap
modadmin ---555 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/modadmin.dy
putdev ---555 0 3 $PROTO/putdev
sh ---555 0 3 /usr/bin/winxksh
tapeop ---555 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/tapeop
wsinit ---555 0 2 /usr/lib/drf/wsinit.dy
usr d--775 0 3
bin d--755 0 3
# The flop2 comment means that this file goes on the second boot floppy if the
# boot floppy is 5.25-inch. (A 3.5-inch boot floppy contains files both with
# and without the #flop2 comment.) If you want to add a file to the second boot
# floppy, you must add the flop2 comment. You must also add some code to the
# prep_flop2 function in sysinst/cmd/cut.flop.sh
# This file (ls) determines whether or not we are on a two-boot-disk system.
# The init process (bootstrap.c) looks for this file. If it's not there it
# assumes we need to read in the second install disk.
cpio ---555 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/cpio.boot
stty ---555 0 3 /usr/bin/stty
kb_remap ---555 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/kb_remap
bootparam ---555 0 3 /usr/bin/bootparam
ksh l--777 0 3 /sbin/sh
xksh l--777 0 3 /sbin/sh
winxksh l--777 0 3 /sbin/sh
sadm d--755 0 3
install d--755 0 3
bin d--755 0 3
libdecomp.so ---555 2 2 /usr/sadm/install/bin/libdecomp.so
sbin d--755 0 3
adpt_type ---555 0 3 /usr/sbin/adpt_type
check_devs ---555 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/check_devs
labelit l--777 0 3 /sbin/mkfs
mkfs l--777 0 3 /sbin/mkfs
partsize l--777 0 3 /usr/sbin/fdisk
share d--775 0 2
lib d--775 0 2
terminfo d--775 0 2
A d--775 0 2
ANSI ---644 0 3 /usr/share/lib/terminfo/a/ansi
lib d--775 0 2
libc.so.1 ---555 2 2 /usr/lib/libc.so.1
libdl.so.1 l--777 0 3 /usr/lib/libc.so.1
iconv d--755 2 2
iconv_data ---644 2 2 $PROTO/iconv_data
locale d--755 2 2
etc d--755 0 3
emulator ---777 0 3 /etc/emulator
group ---644 0 3 $PROTO/group
loadmods ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/stand/loadmods
passwd ---644 0 3 $PROTO/passwd
scsi d--755 2 2
format.d d--755 2 2
sd00.0 ---555 2 2 /etc/scsi/format.d/sd00.0
sd01.1 ---555 2 2 /etc/scsi/format.d/sd01.1
tc.index ---555 2 2 /etc/scsi/tc.index
bmkdev ---555 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/bmkdev
pdimkdev ---555 0 3 /usr/bin/true
dcu.d d--755 0 3
winxksh l--777 0 3 /sbin/sh
dculib d--755 0 2
dculib.so ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/dculib/dculib.so
scripts d--755 0 2
funcrc l--777 0 3 /etc/dcu.d/scripts/funcrc
start ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/scripts/start
scr_init ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/scripts/scr_init
dcu ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/scripts/dcu
dculib.sh ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/scripts/dculib.sh
dcurc ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/scripts/dcurc
menus d--755 0 2
choose l--777 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/menus/choose
boards ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/menus/boards
dcumain ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/menus/dcumain
category ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/menus/category
locale d--755 0 2
$LANG d--755 0 2
txtstrings ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/locale/$LANG/txtstrings
config ---555 0 2 /etc/dcu.d/locale/$LANG/config
help d--755 0 2
locale_hcf.z ---555 2 2 $PROTO/locale/$LANG/menus/help/dcu.d/locale_hcf.z
helpwin l--777 2 2 $PROTO/locale/$LANG/menus/help/dcu.d/helpwin
inst d--755 2 2
scripts d--755 2 2
funcrc l--777 0 3 /funcrc
helpwin ---555 2 2 /usr/lib/drf/helpwin
scr_init ---555 2 2 /usr/lib/winxksh/scr_init
winrc ---555 2 2 /usr/lib/winxksh/winrc
locale d--755 2 2
$LANG d--755 2 2
menus d--755 2 2
txtstrings ---555 2 2 /usr/lib/drf/locale/$LANG/txtstr
help d--755 2 2
locale_hcf.z ---555 2 2 /usr/lib/drf/locale/$LANG/locale_hcf.z
#If you add any kboards or code sets here, be sure to add them to
#sysinst/desktop/files/hd.list as well.
keyboards d--755 2 2
code_sets d--755 2 2
88591 ---644 0 3 /usr/lib/drf/88591
ap d--755 0 3
chan.ap ---444 0 3 $PROTO/chan.ap.flop
default d--755 0 3
workstations ---444 0 3 $PROTO/work.1
fstyp ---444 0 3 /etc/default/fstyp
vxfs ---444 0 3 /etc/default/vxfs
bfs ---444 0 3 /etc/default/bfs
ufs ---444 0 3 /etc/default/ufs
sfs ---444 0 3 /etc/default/sfs
s5 ---444 0 3 /etc/default/s5
conf d--755 0 3
drvmap.d d--755 0 3
asyc ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/drvmap.d/asyc
atup ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/drvmap.d/atup
cram ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/drvmap.d/cram
dma ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/drvmap.d/dma
kd ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/drvmap.d/kd
rtc ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/drvmap.d/rtc
mdevice.d d--755 0 3
asyc ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/mdevice.d/asyc
atup ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/mdevice.d/atup
cram ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/mdevice.d/cram
dma ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/mdevice.d/dma
kd ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/mdevice.d/kd
rtc ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/mdevice.d/rtc
sdevice.d d--755 0 3
asyc ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/sdevice.d/asyc
atup ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/sdevice.d/atup
cram ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/sdevice.d/cram
dma ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/sdevice.d/dma
kd ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/sdevice.d/kd
rtc ---444 0 3 $ROOT/.$MACH/etc/conf/sdevice.d/rtc
mod.d d--755 0 3
hbamod.d d--755 0 3
dev d--775 0 3
vt00 c--622 0 3 5 0
cram c--666 0 3 18 0
resmgr c--644 0 3 4 0
dsk d--775 0 0
f0 b--666 0 3 1 196
f0t b--666 0 3 1 192
f03e b--666 0 3 1 132
f03et b--666 0 3 1 128
f03m b--666 0 3 1 148
f03mt b--666 0 3 1 144
f03n b--666 0 3 1 164
f03nt b--666 0 3 1 160
f1 b--666 0 3 1 197
f1t b--666 0 3 1 193
f03ht b--666 0 3 1 112
f1q15dt b--666 0 3 1 1
f1q15d b--666 0 3 1 5
f13e b--666 0 3 1 117
f13et b--666 0 3 1 113
f13ht b--666 0 3 1 113
f0q15d b--666 0 3 1 4
f0q15dt b--666 0 3 1 0
kd d--775 0 0
kd00 c--400 3 3 30 0
kd01 c--400 3 3 30 1
kd02 c--400 3 3 30 2
kd03 c--400 3 3 30 3
kd04 c--400 3 3 30 4
kd05 c--400 3 3 30 5
kd06 c--400 3 3 30 6
kd07 c--400 3 3 30 7
kd08 c--400 3 3 30 8
kd09 c--400 3 3 30 9
kd10 c--400 3 3 30 10
kd11 c--400 3 3 30 11
kd12 c--400 3 3 30 12
kd13 c--400 3 3 30 13
kd14 c--400 3 3 30 14
kdvm00 c--400 3 3 20 0
kdvm01 c--400 3 3 20 1
kdvm02 c--400 3 3 20 2
kdvm03 c--400 3 3 20 3
kdvm04 c--400 3 3 20 4
kdvm05 c--400 3 3 20 5
kdvm06 c--400 3 3 20 6
kdvm07 c--400 3 3 20 7
kdvm08 c--400 3 3 20 8
kdvm09 c--400 3 3 20 9
kdvm10 c--400 3 3 20 10
kdvm11 c--400 3 3 20 11
kdvm12 c--400 3 3 20 12
kdvm13 c--400 3 3 20 13
kdvm14 c--400 3 3 20 14
mem c--440 3 3 2 0
kmem c--440 3 3 2 1
pmem l--777 0 3 /dev/mem
null c--666 0 3 39 0
rdsk d--775 0 0
f0 c--666 0 3 1 196
f0t c--666 0 3 1 192
f03e c--666 0 3 1 132
f03et c--666 0 3 1 128
f03ht c--666 0 3 1 112
f0q15d c--666 0 3 1 4
f0q15dt c--666 0 3 1 0
f1 c--666 0 3 1 197
f1t c--666 0 3 1 193
f13ht c--666 0 3 1 113
f1q15d c--666 0 3 1 5
f1q15dt c--666 0 3 1 1
sad d--755 0 3
user c--666 0 3 25 0
admin c--600 0 3 25 1
sysmsg c--222 2 2 19 0
term d--775 0 3
tty c--666 2 2 16 0
tty00 c--666 2 2 3 0
tty01 c--666 2 2 3 2
vidadm c--666 2 2 29 1
video c--666 2 2 29 0
vtmon c--666 3 3 30 15
zero c--666 0 3 39 1
.extra.d d--775 0 3
var d--777 0 3
preserve d--777 0 3