home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ident "@(#)request 16.1 98/03/03"
- #ident "$Header: $"
- # Portions Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Intel Corporation.
- # Portions Copyright (C) 1990 Interactive Systems Corporation.
- # All Rights Reserved
- ## request script for the base system
- ## need to add request info for lp, mouse,
- ## and any other stuff that was put into the base pkg.
- trap 'exit 3' 15
- # main ()
- TAB=" "
- #
- # Make sure LOCALE environment variable is set. If it's not set
- # coming in to this request script, then default to the C-locale.
- #
- MENU_DIR=/etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/${PKG}
- [ -d ${MENU_DIR} ] || mkdir -p ${MENU_DIR}
- MENUS="chknode.1 warn.noboot"
- for i in $MENUS
- do
- if [ ! -f ${MENU_DIR}/$i ]
- then
- if [ -f ${REQDIR}/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/${PKG}/$i ]
- then
- cp ${REQDIR}/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/${PKG}/$i ${MENU_DIR}
- else
- cp ${REQDIR}/${PKG}/$i ${MENU_DIR}
- fi
- fi
- done
- #
- # Set up to use menu_colors; default to C-locale if ${LOCALE}'s dir has
- # no menu_colors.sh
- #
- if [ -f /etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/menu_colors.sh ]
- then
- . /etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/menu_colors.sh
- else
- . /etc/inst/locale/C/menus/menu_colors.sh
- fi
- ############### Begin UPGRADE AND OVERLAY #################
- ETCINST=/etc/inst
- SBINPKGINST=/usr/sbin/pkginst
- #
- # I need to move my menus into pkg.base and set components
- # If ${LOCALE} dirs not there, fall back to C-locale.
- #
- if [ -d /etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/hd ]
- then
- UP_MENUS=/etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/hd
- else
- UP_MENUS=/etc/inst/locale/C/menus/hd
- fi
- if [ -d /etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/upgrade ]
- then
- UPGRADE_MENUS=/etc/inst/locale/${LOCALE}/menus/upgrade
- else
- UPGRADE_MENUS=/etc/inst/locale/C/menus/upgrade
- fi
- UPGRADE_STORE=/etc/inst/save.user
- . $SBINPKGINST/updebug
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = YES ] && set -x
- #
- # The only time this file will exist is if we're going through the install
- # via the boot floppies. If the file does NOT exist, then we call
- # chkpkgrel just like any other package.
- #
- then
- # We need to do this because we're NOT calling chkpkgrel
- echo 2 >$UPGRADE_STORE/base.env
- # if it is overlay of an older SVR4.2, save the version
- # of the old base package in $UPGRADE_STORE/base.ver
- PKGINFO=/var/sadm/pkg/base/pkginfo
- [ "$OVERLAY_TYPE" = OLD_VER -a -f $PKGINFO ] && {
- V=`grep '^VERSION=' $PKGINFO | cut -d= -f2`
- echo $V >$UPGRADE_STORE/base.ver
- }
- }
- #
- # If we're UPGRADE'ing, we have to come through here and we
- # need to update CLASSES to install files required for upgrade.
- #
- CLASSES="$CLASSES upgrade up1"
- }
- [ "$PKGINSTALL_TYPE" = "UPGRADE2" ] && {
- CLASSES="$CLASSES upgrade up2"
- }
- else
- #
- # For now, we're NOT going to allow an upgrade or overlay of the
- # base system package without going through the boot floppies.
- # This may change for future releases.
- #
- menu_colors warn
- menu -f ${MENU_DIR}/warn.noboot -o /dev/null </dev/tty
- exit 3
- fi