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Text File | 1998-08-19 | 35.9 KB | 1,248 lines |
- #ident "@(#)postinstall 16.2 98/03/03"
- # For an UPGRADE/OVERLAY, I may want to see what's going on here
- errflg=0
- DEBUGFILE=/etc/inst/up/updebug.sh
- [ -f $DEBUGFILE ] && {
- # if UPDEBUG is set to YES in updebug.sh on the boot floppy,
- # cp it over so that we can see what's going on in pkg installation
- # of other packages. This if for debugging only.
- grep "UPDEBUG=YES" $DEBUGFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? -eq 0 ] && cp $DEBUGFILE /usr/sbin/pkginst/updebug
- }
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && set -x && goany
- turnoff () {
- cd /etc/conf/sdevice.d
- for i in $*
- do
- if [ -f $i ]
- then
- ed $i << END > /dev/null 2>&1
- 1,\$s/ Y / N /
- w
- w
- q
- fi
- done
- }
- turnon () {
- cd /etc/conf/sdevice.d
- for i in $*
- do
- if [ -f $i ]
- then
- ed $i << END > /dev/null 2>&1
- 1,\$s/ N / Y /
- w
- w
- q
- fi
- done
- }
- turnon cdfs clone connld fdfs intp ipc lp nmi osm prf weitek
- error=no
- while read from to comment
- do
- echo $to # for installf
- # The following is being added to support Upgrade Installation.
- # This eliminates lots of WARNINGS about identical files.
- rm -f $to
- cp $from $to >&2 || error=yes
- done <<!ENDOFLIST! | installf $PKGINST -
- /etc/fs/bfs/mkfs /usr/lib/fs/bfs/mkfs
- /etc/fs/sfs/mkfs /usr/lib/fs/sfs/mkfs
- /sbin/fstyp /usr/sbin/fstyp
- /sbin/mkfs /usr/sbin/mkfs
- /sbin/rc1 /usr/sbin/rc1
- /sbin/rc3 /usr/sbin/rc3
- # /sbin/jsh is now hard-linked to /sbin/sh in sysutil file
- # Set up node name.
- # Note: uname -S creates the file /etc/nodename.
- #
- /bin/uname -S ${NODE:=`/bin/uname -n`}
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/nodename
- # Create files for the TCB and set security attributes.
- #
- # NOTE: files that are being installed by the OAM-EU, that also
- # require privilege, are candidates for having their privilege
- # set fall out of sync with those specified in the prototype file.
- # Since there isn't a user level command to see the privileges
- # set for those files at this point, this script *must* be kept
- # in sync with the prototype files.
- while read from to mac fixed inher
- do
- # Check for comments.
- test "$from" = "#" && continue
- # The following is being added to support Upgrade Installation.
- # This eliminates lots of WARNINGS about identical files.
- rm -f $to
- cp $from $to >&2 || error=yes
- installf ${PKGINST} $to f \? \? \? $mac $fixed $inher
- done <<!ENDOFLIST!
- /etc/fs/bfs/fsck /usr/lib/fs/bfs/fsck 2 NULL allprivs
- /etc/fs/bfs/mount /usr/lib/fs/bfs/mount 2 NULL allprivs
- /etc/fs/sfs/fsck /usr/lib/fs/sfs/fsck 2 NULL dacread,dacwrite,dev,compat,macread,macwrite
- /etc/fs/sfs/mount /usr/lib/fs/sfs/mount 2 NULL mount,dacwrite,macwrite,setflevel,macread,dacread
- /sbin/bcheckrc /usr/sbin/bcheckrc 2 NULL sysops,macwrite,dacwrite,setflevel,dev,mount,macread,dacread,compat,owner
- /sbin/brc /usr/sbin/brc 2 NULL NULL
- /sbin/fsck /usr/sbin/fsck 2 NULL macread,macwrite,dacread,dacwrite,dev,compat
- /sbin/init /usr/sbin/init 2 NULL audit,owner,dev,dacwrite,macwrite,macread
- /sbin/mknod /usr/sbin/mknod 1 NULL dacread,macread,dacwrite,macwrite,fsysrange,filesys,owner
- /sbin/mount /usr/sbin/mount 1 NULL mount,dacwrite,dacread,macwrite,macread,setflevel,owner
- /sbin/mountall /usr/sbin/mountall 2 NULL mount,dacwrite,dacread,macwrite,macread,setflevel,dev,compat,setspriv,setupriv,owner
- /sbin/rc0 /usr/sbin/rc0 2 NULL mount,setflevel,macwrite,dacwrite,macread,dacread,compat,owner,dev,sysops,driver,fsysrange,audit,setplevel
- /sbin/rc2 /usr/sbin/rc2 2 NULL sysops,macread,macwrite,dacwrite,dev,compat,mount,setflevel,setspriv,setupriv,dacread,filesys,multidir,driver,fsysrange,setplevel,audit,setuid,owner
- /sbin/rc6 /usr/sbin/rc6 2 NULL mount,setflevel,macwrite,dacwrite,macread,dacread,compat,owner,dev,sysops,driver,fsysrange
- # Although /sbin/sh is being installed by the ICD we're
- # not going to mark it here since it requires a seperate
- # set of privileges than the other shells.
- /sbin/shutdown /usr/sbin/shutdown 2 NULL mount,setflevel,macwrite,dacwrite,macread,dacread,compat,owner,dev,sysops,driver,fsysrange,audit,setplevel
- /sbin/uadmin /usr/sbin/uadmin 2 NULL sysops
- /sbin/umount /usr/sbin/umount 2 NULL mount,setflevel,macwrite,macread,dacread,owner,dacwrite
- /sbin/umountall /usr/sbin/umountall 2 NULL mount,setflevel,macwrite,dev,dacwrite,macread,dacread,owner,compat
- /etc/fs/sfs/df /usr/lib/fs/sfs/df 1 NULL macread,dacread,compat,dev
- /sbin/creatiadb /usr/sbin/creatiadb 2 NULL dacwrite,macwrite,setflevel
- /sbin/filepriv /usr/sbin/filepriv 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /sbin/sh f ? ? ? 1 NULL allprivs
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/chmod f ? ? ? 1 NULL owner,macread,macwrite,dacread
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/cpio f ? ? ? 1 NULL macread,macwrite,dacwrite,dacread,fsysrange,filesys,compat,owner,multidir,setplevel,setflevel
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/false f ? ? ? 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/find f ? ? ? 1 NULL dacread,dacwrite,macread,macwrite,compat
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/mkdir f ? ? ? 1 macupgrade multidir,setflevel,macread,dacread,macwrite,dacwrite,fsysrange
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/true f ? ? ? 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /sbin/sync f ? ? ? 2 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/TIMEZONE f ? ? ? 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/loadmods f ? ? ? 2 NULL NULL
- # In the prototype file, mv is listed as having inheritable
- # privileges, and ln/cp are listed as being links to mv. ln/cp don't
- # have privileges listed (can't specify attributes of a link), but
- # since they are all the same vnode -- and privs are associated with a
- # vnode, not a path -- they all have privs. This is what we want.
- #
- # But we also need explicit entries for ln and cp in the Privilege
- # Data File (PDF). This is needed, for example, by the code later in
- # this file that puts entries in the TFM based on the privileges
- # listed in the PDF. This filepriv puts ln/cp in the PDF.
- /sbin/filepriv -i macread,macwrite,dacread,dacwrite,owner,compat,fsysrange,filesys /usr/bin/ln /sbin/ln /usr/bin/cp /sbin/cp 2>/dev/null
- #make necessary links for files copied above
- if [ -f /usr/sbin/switchout ]
- then
- rm /usr/sbin/switchout
- fi
- installf $PKGINST /usr/sbin/switchout=/usr/sbin/mkfs l
- ## hard link the other shells
- if [ -f /usr/bin/jsh ]
- then
- rm /usr/bin/jsh
- fi
- if [ -f /usr/lib/rsh ]
- then
- rm /usr/lib/rsh
- fi
- if [ -f /usr/sbin/sh ]
- then
- rm /usr/sbin/sh
- fi
- if [ -f /usr/sbin/jsh ]
- then
- rm /usr/sbin/jsh
- fi
- installf $PKGINST /usr/bin/jsh=/usr/bin/sh l
- installf $PKGINST /usr/lib/rsh=/usr/bin/sh l
- installf $PKGINST /usr/sbin/sh=/usr/bin/sh l
- installf $PKGINST /usr/sbin/jsh=/usr/bin/sh l
- # These files do not reside in the TCB and are installed by ICD.
- # Installf the ICD portion which is not a part of TCB files.
- if [ -d /dev/rmt ]
- then
- installf ${PKGINST} /dev/rmt d \? \? \? 1 NULL NULL
- fi
- # nodes for log devices are made in nodes.d so we need to give labels now.
- installf ${PKGINST} /dev/log c 9 5 444 root root 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /dev/conslog c 9 0 222 root root 1 NULL NULL
- # SFS lost+found dirs get level from special file: SYS_PRIVATE
- cat /etc/vfstab | while read dev rdev dir fstype junk
- do
- case "${dev}" in
- /dev/dsk/c1d*s* | /dev/dsk/c1t1d*s* | /dev/idsk* )
- if [ ${fstype} = "sfs" ]
- then
- installf ${PKGINST} ${dir}/lost+found d \? \? \? 2 NULL NULL
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- installf ${PKGINST} /lost+found d \? \? \? 2 NULL NULL
- # cmds with level: USER_PUBLIC
- while read file type
- do
- installf ${PKGINST} $file $type
- done <<!ENDOFLIST!
- /etc/fs/s5/mount f
- /etc/fs/bfs/mkfs f
- /usr/bin/rmdir f
- # /sbin/setmnt sets these attributes for /etc/mnttab
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/mnttab v 0444 root sys 1 NULL NULL
- #run creatiadb for new IA data files
- /sbin/creatiadb
- if [ ! -d /proc ]
- then
- # make directory node for /proc since we
- # don't want to modify /proc if it is
- # already up and running!
- installf $PKGINST /proc d 555 root root || error=yes
- fi
- if [ ! -d /dev/fd ]
- then
- installf $PKGINST /dev/fd d 555 root root || error=yes
- fi
- #
- # install /var/sadm/install/contents since this file cannot be in pkgmap
- # and needs to be contained in itself(two installf lines are needed)
- # For an OVERLAY, the contents file already contains itself
- [ "$PKGINSTALL_TYPE" != "OVERLAY" ] && {
- installf -c inst $PKGINST /var/sadm/install/contents v 0644 root root
- installf -c inst $PKGINST /var/sadm/install/contents v ? ? ?
- }
- ############################################
- #
- #
- # echo directories to /etc/security/MLD/pkgcore file for
- # MLD creation, if ES gets installed.
- #
- echo "/var/mail" >/etc/security/MLD/pkgcore
- echo "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" >>/etc/security/MLD/pkgcore
- echo "/var/spool/cron/atjobs" >>/etc/security/MLD/pkgcore
- echo "/var/preserve" >>/etc/security/MLD/pkgcore
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/security/MLD/pkgcore f 0644 root sys 2 NULL NULL
- rm -f /etc/emulator.dflt
- ###############################################
- ## this portion is taken from BNU's postinstall
- ################################################
- #
- # Postinstall for "Basic Networking Utilities"
- #
- # Carefully install new local uucp information files if none exist or
- # old style files exist.
- INSPATH=/install/new
- TEMPROOT=/usr/tmp/root.$$
- TEMPUUCP=/usr/tmp/uucp.$$
- #### Make sure the spools have been converted to the new format
- /usr/lib/uucp/bnuconvert
- #### Setup initialization cleanup script for rc2
- installf $PKGINST /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp v 0600 uucp uucp 1 NULL NULL || error=yes
- #### These are the default crontab entries
- CLEANUP='45 23 * * * $TFADMIN /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.clean > /dev/null 2>&1'
- HOUR='41,11 * * * * $TFADMIN /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.hour > /dev/null'
- POLL='1,30 * * * * $TFADMIN /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.poll > /dev/null'
- ### The $TFADMIN will allow them to gain privilege on an ES system
- #### Install crontab entries if crontab exists and entries do not exist
- crontab -l root >$TEMPROOT 2>/dev/null
- crontab -l uucp >$TEMPUUCP 2>/dev/null
- if grep "uudemon.admin" $TEMPUUCP >/dev/null 2>&1
- then :
- else
- if grep "uudemon.admin" $TEMPROOT >>$TEMPUUCP 2>&1
- then :
- else :
- fi
- fi
- if grep "uudemon.clean" $TEMPUUCP >/dev/null 2>&1
- then :
- else
- if grep "uudemon.clean" $TEMPROOT >>$TEMPUUCP 2>&1
- then :
- else
- echo "$CLEANUP" >> $TEMPUUCP 2>/dev/null
- fi
- fi
- if grep "uudemon.hour" $TEMPUUCP >/dev/null 2>&1
- then :
- else
- if grep "uudemon.hour" $TEMPROOT >>$TEMPUUCP 2>&1
- then :
- else
- echo "$HOUR" >> $TEMPUUCP 2>/dev/null
- fi
- fi
- if grep "uudemon.poll" $TEMPUUCP >/dev/null 2>&1
- then :
- else
- if grep "uudemon.poll" $TEMPROOT >>$TEMPUUCP 2>&1
- then :
- else
- echo "$POLL" >> $TEMPUUCP 2>/dev/null
- fi
- fi
- # remove uudemon entries from root's crontab
- crontab -l root 2>/dev/null | grep -v uudemon > $TEMPROOT 2>/dev/null
- # replace uucp's crontab, and (if successful) root's
- if [ -r /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp ]
- then
- /usr/bin/chown uucp /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- if /sbin/su uucp -c "crontab $TEMPUUCP" >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- /sbin/su root -c "crontab $TEMPROOT" >/dev/null 2>&1
- else
- echo "**WARNING** ${PKGNAME} cannot install crontab entries."
- echo "Demons will not be running when installation is finished."
- echo "They will have to be added later."
- fi
- # change level of uucp if chlvl is installed
- # also remove root file if it is empty
- if [ -x /sbin/chlvl ]
- then
- /sbin/chlvl SYS_PRIVATE /var/spool/cron/crontabs/uucp
- if [ ! -s /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root ]
- then
- /usr/bin/rm -f /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
- fi
- fi
- rm -f $TEMPUUCP $TEMPROOT >/dev/null 2>&1
- #
- # We need to convert the /etc/device.tab file created
- # by the boot floppies from a 4.0 version to a "DDB"
- # version. Run ddbconv to do so.
- # This command will be run again with the "-s" option
- # if and when the "es" package is installed.
- #
- ddbconv
- ### allow uucp to get privilege for cron shell scripts
- ############### Begin UPGRADE AND OVERLAY #################
- #
- # For an OVERLAY case, we need to check if the user has already been
- # adminuser'ed. I could special case this for JUST the case where
- # PKGINSTALL_TYPE=OVERLAY, but that seems like a waste of effort.
- #
- # We can't just skip this for an OVERLAY, becasue the theory behind
- # doing an OVERLAY install if to recover a corrupted system. If the
- # TFM database is corrupted, then we need to add uucp again !
- #
- adminuser uucp >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? != 0 ] && /usr/bin/adminuser -n uucp
- /usr/bin/adminuser -a uudemon.poll:/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.poll:macread:setplevel:sysops uucp >/dev/null 2>&1
- /usr/bin/adminuser -a uudemon.hour:/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.hour:macread:setplevel:sysops uucp >/dev/null 2>&1
- /usr/bin/adminuser -a uudemon.clean:/usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.clean:macread:setplevel:sysops uucp >/dev/null 2>&1
- #
- # add entries for MLDs to the /etc/security/MLD/bnu file
- #
- echo "/var/uucp" >>/etc/security/MLD/bnu
- echo "/var/spool/uucp" >>/etc/security/MLD/bnu
- echo "/var/spool/uucppublic" >>/etc/security/MLD/bnu
- echo "/var/spool/locks" >>/etc/security/MLD/bnu
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/security/MLD/bnu f 0644 root sys 2 NULL NULL
- ##############################################
- # make sure serial mouse module configured, other
- # mice types are not configured.
- ##############################################
- turnon mse
- turnoff smse bmse m320
- ##############################################
- # portion of this is taken from lp postinstall
- ##############################################
- LPSCHED=/usr/lib/lp/lpsched
- VARSPOOLLP=/var/spool/lp
- nodename=`uname -n`
- VARSPOOLLP_TMP=${VARSPOOLLP}/tmp/${nodename}
- VARSPOOLLP_REQUESTS=${VARSPOOLLP}/requests/${nodename}
- cd /
- ${LPSCHED} >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "copy_files: nocopy" > /etc/default/lp
- /usr/bin/chmod 664 /etc/default/lp
- /usr/bin/chown lp /etc/default/lp
- /usr/bin/chgrp lp /etc/default/lp
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/default/lp v 0664 lp lp
- # Upgrade/Overlay case
- # postinstall - must be executed after the driver files have been copied from
- # the distribution media.
- #
- # Copy the files that have been installed into the /etc/conf tree
- # by the installation scripts so that they can be installed into the
- # system via idtools.
- #
- # NOTE: Header files should have been copied by the install.
- #
- PATH=${PATH}:/etc/conf/bin
- MFPD_DIR=/etc/inst/up/mfpdlp/mfpd
- LP_DIR=/etc/inst/up/mfpdlp/lp
- # Move the files for the mfpd driver
- mv /etc/conf/pack.d/mfpd/Driver.o $MFPD_DIR/Driver.o >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/pack.d/mfpd/Driver_atup.o $MFPD_DIR/Driver_atup.o >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/pack.d/mfpd/Driver_mp.o $MFPD_DIR/Driver_mp.o >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/pack.d/mfpd/space.c $MFPD_DIR/Space.c >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/drvmap.d/mfpd $MFPD_DIR/Drvmap >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/mdevice.d/mfpd $MFPD_DIR/Master >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/sdevice.d/mfpd $MFPD_DIR/System >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/node.d/mfpd $MFPD_DIR/Node >/dev/null 2>&1
- # Move the files for the lp driver
- mv /etc/conf/pack.d/lp/Driver.o $LP_DIR/Driver.o >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/pack.d/lp/Driver_atup.o $LP_DIR/Driver_atup.o >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/pack.d/lp/Driver_mp.o $LP_DIR/Driver_mp.o >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/mdevice.d/lp $LP_DIR/Master >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/sdevice.d/lp $LP_DIR/System >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv /etc/conf/node.d/lp $LP_DIR/Node >/dev/null 2>&1
- cd $MFPD_DIR
- if [ -f ./System.mfpd.save ]
- then
- # Replace the System file from the package with the saved one
- cp ./System.mfpd.save ./System
- rm -f ./System.mfpd.save
- else
- # There was no previous mfpd System file to use, so use the one from
- # a previous lp if it is available. If not available, then enable
- # the first default entry that does not have a HW conflict.
- if [ -f ./System.lp.save ]
- then
- # Update the mfpd System file with the HW config from the
- # old lp driver.
- grep -v "^mfpd" System > System.tmp
- # Change the name of each entry to mfpd and raise its
- # ipl to 5
- grep "^lp" ./System.lp.save | awk '{ \
- printf("mfpd\t%s\t%s\t5\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", \
- $2, $3, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12) \
- }' >> System.tmp
- mv System.tmp System
- # Enable the lp driver
- grep "^lp" ./System.lp.save | read aa conf_field bb
- [ "$conf_field" = "Y" ] && {
- sed -e 's/N/Y/' $LP_DIR/System > $LP_DIR/System.tmp
- mv $LP_DIR/System.tmp $LP_DIR/System
- }
- fi
- fi
- idinstall -d mfpd >/dev/null 2>&1
- idinstall -a mfpd
- cd $LP_DIR
- idinstall -d lp >/dev/null 2>&1
- idinstall -a lp
- }
- ### End of Upgrade/Overlay of lp and mfpd drivers
- ### end of LP portion of postinstall
- # Run hbacompat to determine whether SVR4.2 drivers are installed
- # in the current kernel. hbacompat does this by getting the value of
- # the symbol: sdi_phystokv_hbacnt
- # Remove hbacompat after execution.
- /tmp/hbacompat
- [ $? -ge 1 ] && {
- /etc/conf/bin/idtune -f PHYSTOKVMEM 1 >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- rm /tmp/hbacompat
- removef ${PKGINST} /tmp/hbacompat
- # Now, make sure root fs is not loadable and others are
- SDEVICE=/etc/conf/sdevice.d
- read ROOTFS < /etc/.fstype
- case $ROOTFS in
- ufs) sed '/$version/a\
- $static' $SDEVICE/ufs > /tmp/ufs;
- sed '/$version/a\
- $static' $SDEVICE/sfs > /tmp/sfs;
- mv /tmp/ufs $SDEVICE/ufs;
- mv /tmp/sfs $SDEVICE/sfs;
- chmod 644 $SDEVICE/ufs $SDEVICE/sfs;
- chgrp sys $SDEVICE/ufs $SDEVICE/sfs;
- chown root $SDEVICE/ufs $SDEVICE/sfs;;
- *) sed '/$version/a\
- $static' $SDEVICE/$ROOTFS > /tmp/$ROOTFS;
- chmod 644 $SDEVICE/$ROOTFS;
- chgrp sys $SDEVICE/$ROOTFS;
- chown root $SDEVICE/$ROOTFS;;
- esac
- # Some file sustems depend on DOW
- case $ROOTFS in
- sfs|ufs)
- sed '/$version/a\
- $static' $SDEVICE/dow > /tmp/dow;
- mv /tmp/dow $SDEVICE/dow;
- chmod 644 $SDEVICE/dow;
- chgrp sys $SDEVICE/dow;
- chown root $SDEVICE/dow;;
- esac
- # need this to configure multiple protocols for multiple boards.
- > /etc/confnet.d/netdrivers
- installf ${PKGINST} /etc/confnet.d/netdrivers v 0644 root sys
- ############### Begin UPGRADE AND OVERLAY #################
- # Potential problem: 3 premature exits before we get here !!
- ETCINST=/etc/inst
- SBINPKGINST=/usr/sbin/pkginst
- UPGRADE_STORE=/etc/inst/save.user
- UP_MSGS=$ETCINST/locale/C/menus/upgrade
- #
- # For all other scripts, I can edit updebug to turn debugging
- # on when I need it. The postinstall script is a special case,
- # since it will be executed right after installing a verison of
- # /usr/sbin/pkginst/updebug with debugging off, but before I can
- # make the edit. So, I'm giving myself a little back door to
- # still allow debugging this script.
- #
- [ -f $UPINSTALL/updebug.sh ] && UPDEBUG_SCRIPT=$UPINSTALL/updebug.sh
- # Restore Version 4 ip Master file if it was saved.
- [ -f /etc/conf/mdevice.d/ip.v4 ] &&
- mv -f /etc/conf/mdevice.d/ip.v4 /etc/conf/mdevice.d/ip
- # Do special stuff for "merge"
- [ -f /etc/conf/mdevice.d/merge.save ] && {
- mv -f /etc/conf/mdevice.d/merge.save /etc/conf/mdevice.d/merge
- turnon dosx
- chmod 644 /etc/conf/sdevice.d/dosx
- }
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && set -x
- #
- # Make sure we replace the stashed backup and restore commands.
- # 1) 4.2 bkrs version replaced, else
- # 2) V4 OA&M version replaced, else
- # 3) base package version already replaced above.
- #
- [ "${UPDEBUG}" = "YES" ] && set -x && goany
- if [ -f /usr/bin/.backup.4.2 ]
- then
- ln /usr/bin/.backup.4.2 /usr/bin/backup 2> /dev/null
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/.backup.4.2
- ln /usr/bin/.restore.4.2 /usr/bin/restore 2> /dev/null
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/.restore.4.2
- else
- [ -f /usr/bin/.backup.V4 -o -f /usr/sbin/.restore.V4 -o -f /sbin/.restore.V4 ] && {
- ln /usr/bin/.backup.V4 /usr/bin/backup 2> /dev/null
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/bin/.backup.V4
- ln /usr/sbin/.restore.V4 /usr/sbin/restore 2> /dev/null
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/sbin/.restore.V4
- ln /sbin/.restore.V4 /sbin/restore 2> /dev/null
- installf ${PKGINST} /sbin/.restore.V4
- }
- fi
- [ "${UPDEBUG}" = "YES" ] && goany
- #
- # We also need to replace any of the config files for the SAC
- # that we stashed away in the request script.
- #
- DBFCONV=/usr/lib/saf/dbfconv
- TAB=' '
- SPACE=' '
- #
- # Lastly, 'kick' the sac for every service in the _sactab
- # so that the new file is read and acted on.
- #
- SACLIST=`cut -d ':' -f 1 < /etc/saf/_sactab | \
- grep -v "[${SPACE}${TAB}]*#"`
- for SVC in ${SACLIST}
- do
- sacadm -x -p ${SVC} 2>>${UPERR}
- done
- [ "$AUTOMERGE" != "NULL" ] && {
- #
- # We need to do this here, because we don't go
- # through the generic scripts that would have
- # created a base.sav file when the installation
- # is an upgrade of Version 4.
- #
- cp $UPINSTALL/patch/base.LIST $UPGRADE_STORE/base.sav
- #
- # Another UPGRADE specific thing we have to do is
- # remove the "nobody" login from the saved Version 4
- # passwd file before we merge volatile files. We
- # need to do this because in v4, "nobody" was added
- # by the inet package, and in SVR4.2, it's in the
- # base passwd file. Since in v4 it could be added
- # after many other logins had been added, our generic
- # merge tool could NOT guarantee to correctly delete
- # the this login. Since passwd is such a critical
- # file, we thought it best to special case it here
- # to guarantee it ends up in a sane condition.
- #
- cp $UPGRADE_STORE/etc/passwd /tmp/passwd.$$
- grep -v "^nobody:" /tmp/passwd.$$ \
- > $UPGRADE_STORE/etc/passwd
- }
- #
- # We need to add boot.LIST to our file because those
- # files are not reflected in our base.sav file and
- # they do require merging.
- #
- cat $ETCINST/scripts/boot.LIST >>$UPGRADE_STORE/base.sav
- ed $UPGRADE_STORE/base.sav <<- EOF >>$UPERR 2>&1
- ?var/sadm/install/contents
- d
- w
- q
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && goany && set +x
- $SBINPKGINST/pkgmrgconf "base" "$AUTOMERGE" "Base System"
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && set -x
- #
- # Now I need to clean up /etc/shadow. Due to the
- # changing nature of the encrypted passwd field,
- # our generic merge tool cannot purge obsolete
- # entries.
- #
- IFS=" "
- rm -f /tmp/shadow.$$
- while read LINE
- do
- #
- # I need set IFS=: to get the set to work
- # correctly and then I have to reset IFS
- # so the echo will put the correct line
- # in the shadow file. If I don't reset
- # IFS everytime, the the echo LINE will
- # lack all the :'s.
- #
- IFS=:
- set $LINE
- IFS=" "
- grep "^${1}:" /etc/passwd >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? = 0 ] && echo $LINE >>/tmp/shadow.$$
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && goany
- done </etc/shadow
- # I'm doing a cp to preserve owner and group
- chmod 666 /etc/shadow
- cp /tmp/shadow.$$ /etc/shadow
- chmod 400 /etc/shadow
- rm /tmp/shadow.$$
- /usr/sbin/pwconv
- /sbin/creatiadb
- #
- # If it's NOT an UPGRADE, the upgrade specific files
- # were never installed, so we only need to cleanup
- # if we get to this section.
- #
- $SBINPKGINST/up_cleanup base
- }
- }
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && goany
- #
- # At this point, creatiadb needed to propogate the old
- # passwd/shadow entries to M&I files for OVERLAY case.
- #
- && /sbin/creatiadb
- #
- # By removing /etc/scsi/pdi_edt, we're forcing pdimkdev to create
- # new /dev nodes next time it's run. There are two cases:
- #
- # 1) We're "overlaying" via the boot floppy installation process.
- #
- # In this case, pdimkdev will run after the foundation set has
- # been installed, in the script that rebuilds the the kernel.
- # We need to do this, because we currently blow the original
- # /dev directory away and recreate it from scratch. Then when
- # pdimkdev runs, it notices that the scsi configuration has not
- # changed by checking pdi_edt, and decides it would be a waste
- # of effort to recreate the nodes since the system configuration
- # has not changed since the last reboot. This leads to
- # incorrect and missing /dev nodes.
- #
- # An alternative that requires some more thought, would be to
- # leave the existing /dev in place for an overlay. One problem
- # with this may be trouble trying to overlay from tape off the
- # boot floppies, since the boot floppies know what tape nodes
- # have just been created.
- #
- # 2) We're "overlaying" via pkgadd from the shell.
- #
- # In this case, pdimkdev will run the next time the system is
- # rebooted. Overlaying the base package without going through
- # the boot floppies will create new nodes, overwrite others and
- # leave other exisiting nodes alone. By forcing pdimkdev to run
- # in this case will allow the removal of nodes that are not
- # required.
- #
- && rm -f /etc/scsi/pdi_edt
- [ "$UPDEBUG" = "YES" ] && goany && set +x
- }
- ################ End UPGRADE AND OVERLAY ##################
- if [ -d /stand ]
- then
- chmod 755 /stand
- fi
- if [ ! -f /stand/unix ]
- then
- touch /stand/unix
- fi
- echo "Editing Package" > /usr/options/ed.name
- installf $PKGINST /usr/options/ed.name f 0644 root sys 1 NULL NULL
- echo "Form and Menu Language Interpreter" > /usr/options/fmli.name
- installf $PKGINST /usr/options/fmli.name f 0644 root sys 1 NULL NULL
- echo "Mouse Driver Package" > /usr/options/mouse.name
- installf $PKGINST /usr/options/mouse.name f 0644 root sys 1 NULL NULL
- echo "Cartridge Tape Utilities" > /usr/options/qt.name
- installf $PKGINST /usr/options/qt.name f 0644 root sys 1 NULL NULL
- echo "Termcap Compatibility Package" > /usr/options/termcap.name
- installf $PKGINST /usr/options/termcap.name f 0644 root sys 1 NULL NULL
- # Set up the base locale files.
- cd /usr/lib/locale/C
- montbl montbl_C
- colltbl colltbl_C
- chrtbl chrtbl_C
- mkmsgs -o -i C time_C Xopen_info >/dev/null 2>&1
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/C/LC_MONETARY f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/C/LC_COLLATE f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/C/LC_CTYPE f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/C/LC_NUMERIC f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES/Xopen_info f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- cd /usr/lib/locale/POSIX
- montbl montbl_POSIX
- colltbl colltbl_POSIX
- chrtbl chrtbl_POSIX
- mkmsgs -o -i POSIX time_POSIX Xopen_info >/dev/null 2>&1
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/POSIX/LC_MONETARY f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/POSIX/LC_COLLATE f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/POSIX/LC_CTYPE f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/POSIX/LC_NUMERIC f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- installf ${PKGINST} /usr/lib/locale/POSIX/LC_MESSAGES/Xopen_info f 444 root bin 1 NULL NULL
- # Add marker file to user directory skeleton so that all newly created
- # users are considered upgraded. Done here instead of through prototype
- # file so that can use uname -v and not have to update manually every release
- > /etc/skel/.UpgradeVer`uname -v`
- installf $PKGINST /etc/skel/.UpgradeVer`uname -v` f 0644 root sys 1 NULL NULL
- installf -f ${PKGINST}
- ############################################
- #
- #The following defines the users for the TFM database.
- #
- #
- for user in root bin sys adm lp
- do
- adminuser $user >/dev/null 2>&1 || adminuser -n $user
- done
- #
- #The following while-loop reads the commands and the users
- #to which these commands are to be assigned. If privileges,
- #separated by a colon, appear next to the user in the script that
- #this while-loop reads in, it means that those privileges are to
- #be shutoff for that command when it is assigned to the user.
- #
- #
- while read cmd users
- do
- base=`basename $cmd`
- privs=`
- egrep ":${cmd}$" /etc/security/tcb/privs|# Find command in tcb database
- sed 's/^.*%inher,\(.*\):.*/\1/p' | # get the set of inher privs
- sed 's/^.*%fixed,\(.*\):.*//p' | # delete the fixed privs
- sed 's/,/:/gp' # changed ,'s to :'s
- `
- if [ -z "$privs" ]
- then
- echo $cmd $users >> /tmp/userlist
- continue
- else
- prvd="yes"
- fi
- set $users
- save="$privs"
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- do
- user=$1
- if echo "$1" | grep ":" > /dev/null
- then
- user=`
- echo "$1" | sed 's/:.*$//p'`
- if [ "$prvd" = "yes" ]
- then
- shutoff=`
- echo "$1" | sed 's/[a-z]*:\(.*\)$/\1/p'`
- shutoff=`echo "$shutoff"|sed 's/:/ /gp'`
- fullset=`echo "$save"|sed 's/:/ /gp'`
- for i in $shutoff #check if privileges to be shut off
- do #are in full set of privilges
- found="false"
- for j in $fullset
- do
- if [ "$i" = "$j" ]
- then
- found="true"
- break
- fi
- done
- privs=""
- if [ "$found" = "false" ]
- then
- echo "Warning: \c"
- echo "$i privilege specified to be shut off for $cmd,"
- echo " but it is NOT in its set of privileges."
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "$shutoff" ]
- then
- privs="$save"
- else
- for i in $fullset
- do
- found="false"
- for j in $shutoff
- do
- if [ "$i" = "$j" ]
- then
- found="true"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ "$found" = "false" ]
- then
- if [ -z "$privs" ]
- then
- privs=$i
- else
- privs=$privs:$i
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- else
- privs="$save"
- fi
- if [ -z "$privs" ]
- then
- adminuser -a $base:$cmd $user
- else
- adminuser -a $base:$cmd:$privs $user
- fi
- shift
- done
- done <<!
- /usr/bin/ps root
- /sbin/metreg sys
- !
- #
- #The following defines the roles for the TFM database.
- #
- #
- for role in AUD OP SOP SSO
- do
- test -d /etc/security/tfm/roles/$role && adminrole -d $role
- adminrole -n $role
- done
- #The following while-loop reads the commands and the roles
- #to which these commands are to be assigned. If privileges,
- #separated by a colon, appear next to the role in the script that
- #this while-loop reads in, it means that those privileges are to
- #be shutoff for that command when it is assigned to the role.
- while read cmd roles
- do
- echo $cmd | egrep "^#" > /dev/null 2>&1 && continue # Skip comments
- base=`basename $cmd`
- privs=`
- egrep ":${cmd}$" /etc/security/tcb/privs| # Find command in tcb database
- sed 's/^.*%inher,\(.*\):.*/\1/p' | # get the set of inher privs
- sed 's/^.*%fixed,\(.*\):.*//p' | # delete the fixed privs
- sed 's/,/:/gp' # changed ,'s to :'s
- `
- if [ -z "$privs" ]
- then
- echo $cmd $roles >> /tmp/rolelist
- continue
- else
- prvd="yes"
- fi
- set $roles
- save="$privs"
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- do
- role=$1
- if echo "$1" | grep ":" > /dev/null
- then
- role=`
- echo "$1" | sed 's/:.*$//p'`
- if [ "$prvd" = "yes" ]
- then
- shutoff=`
- echo "$1" | sed 's/^[A-Z]*://p'`
- shutoff=`echo "$shutoff"|sed 's/:/ /gp'`
- fullset=`echo "$save"|sed 's/:/ /gp'`
- for i in $shutoff #check if privileges to be shut off
- do #are in full set of privilges
- found="false"
- for j in $fullset
- do
- if [ "$i" = "$j" ]
- then
- found="true"
- break
- fi
- done
- privs=""
- if [ "$found" = "false" ]
- then
- echo "Warning: \c"
- echo "$i privilege specified to be shut off for $cmd,"
- echo " but it is NOT in its set of privileges."
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "$shutoff" ]
- then
- privs="$save"
- else
- for i in $fullset
- do
- found="false"
- for j in $shutoff
- do
- if [ "$i" = "$j" ]
- then
- found="true"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ "$found" = "false" ]
- then
- if [ -z "$privs" ]
- then
- privs=$i
- else
- privs=$privs:$i
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- else
- privs="$save"
- fi
- if [ -z "$privs" ]
- then
- adminrole -a $base:$cmd $role
- else
- adminrole -a $base:$cmd:$privs $role
- fi
- shift
- done
- done <<!
- /sbin/df OP SOP SSO
- /sbin/fsck OP SOP SSO
- /sbin/init SOP SSO
- /sbin/mknod SOP SSO
- /sbin/mount SOP SSO
- /sbin/putdev SSO
- /sbin/umount SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/cancel SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/cat SSO
- /usr/bin/chgrp SSO
- /usr/bin/chmod SSO
- /usr/bin/chown SSO
- /usr/bin/cp SSO
- /usr/bin/cpio SOP:dacwrite:macwrite SSO
- /usr/bin/crontab SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/date SSO
- /usr/bin/defadm SSO
- /usr/bin/devattr SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/disable SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/du SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/enable SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/find SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/ipcrm SSO
- /usr/bin/ipcs SSO
- /usr/bin/kill SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/ln SSO
- /usr/bin/lp SSO
- /usr/bin/ls SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/mkdir OP SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/mv SSO
- /usr/bin/passwd SSO
- /usr/bin/priocntl SSO
- /usr/bin/ps SOP SSO
- /usr/bin/rm SSO
- /usr/lib/lp/lpsched OP SOP SSO
- /usr/lib/saf/sac SSO
- /usr/lib/saf/ttymon SSO
- /usr/sbin/cron SSO
- /usr/sbin/dispadmin SSO
- /usr/sbin/fuser SOP SSO
- /usr/sbin/groupadd SSO
- /usr/sbin/groupdel SSO
- /usr/sbin/groupmod SSO
- /usr/sbin/lpadmin SOP SSO
- /usr/sbin/lpshut SOP SSO
- /usr/sbin/pmadm SOP SSO
- /usr/sbin/prtconf OP SOP SSO
- /usr/sbin/sacadm SOP SSO
- /usr/sbin/shutdown SOP SSO
- /usr/sbin/ttyadm SSO
- /usr/sbin/useradd SSO
- /usr/sbin/userdel SSO
- /usr/sbin/usermod SSO
- /usr/sbin/wall OP SOP SSO
- !
- # mail goes here KMH if needed
- (cd /etc/mail; ./newaliases)
- #
- # Remove files in contents database.
- #
- # /dev/console, /dev/syscon, /dev/systty - pkgchk will always complain because
- # the owner changes depending on who logs in.
- removef ${PKGINST} /dev/console
- removef ${PKGINST} /dev/syscon
- removef ${PKGINST} /dev/systty
- removef -f ${PKGINST}
- #
- # basic backup links, done here so that extended backup
- # pkg can adjust.
- # Only do this if we're not replacing backup and restore
- # commands from 4.2 bkrs or V4 OA&M...
- # Before creating the link, check that it does not exist
- #
- [ ! -f /usr/bin/.backup.4.2 -a ! -f /usr/bin/.backup.V4 ] && {
- [ -f /usr/bin/backup ] || ln /usr/bin/.backup /usr/bin/backup
- [ -f /usr/bin/restore ] || ln /usr/bin/.restore /usr/bin/restore
- [ -f /usr/sbin/backup ] || ln /usr/sbin/.backup /usr/sbin/backup
- [ -f /usr/sbin/restore ] || ln /usr/sbin/.restore /usr/sbin/restore
- cp /usr/bin/restore /sbin/restore
- }
- #
- # Let's talk "kludge" -- I don't like them either,
- # but what can I say, I even used a "goto" once.
- #
- # An upgrade produces a pile of WARNING messages
- # that are really NO problem. We could just let
- # them stay in the log file, but if a real problem
- # occurs and the user is directed to the log, all
- # these WARNINGS could overwhelm a naive user and
- # they may not see what the REAL problem is.
- #
- LOGS=/var/sadm/install/logs
- [ -f $LOGS/$PKGINST.log ] && {
- cat $LOGS/$PKGINST.log |
- grep -v "^WARNING: /usr/share/lib/terminfo/" > $LOGS/$PKGINST.nlog
- mv -f $LOGS/$PKGINST.nlog $LOGS/$PKGINST.log
- }
- }
- if [ -f /etc/inst/scripts/postreboot.sh ]
- then
- serialid=`grep "^SerialID=" /isl/ifile`
- eval $serialid
- actkey=`grep "^ActKey=" /isl/ifile`
- eval $actkey
- licdata=`grep "^LicenseData=" /isl/ifile`
- eval $licdata
- if [ -z "$SerialID" ]
- then
- SerialID="UW7EVAL60"
- ActKey="ixazkcpi"
- LicenseData="d60;maz1g4b"
- fi
- if [ -z "$LicenseData" ]
- then
- /usr/sbin/brand -g $SerialID $ActKey
- else
- /usr/sbin/brand -g -a "$LicenseData" $SerialID $ActKey
- fi
- /etc/ifor_pmd -k
- fi
- exit $errflg