home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/dt/bin/dtksh
- #####################################################################
- # #
- # dtappintegrate #
- # #
- # TriTeal Enterprise Desktop (TED) #
- # #
- # This is the TED application integration script to assist #
- # in integrating applications into the TriTeal Desktop. #
- # #
- # (c) Copyright 1994 TriTeal Corporation #
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company #
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp. #
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. #
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Unix System Labs, Inc., a subsidiary of #
- # Novell, Inc. #
- # #
- # syntax: dtappintegrate -s <source> [-t <target>] [-l <lang>] [-u]#
- # where #
- # -s indicates application's root location. #
- # source the path name of the application's root. #
- # -t indicates a new location for the #
- # application's group files. #
- # target the path name of the target location. #
- # -l indicates the language for this application. #
- # language the language name as used by $LANG #
- # environment variable. #
- # -u indicates to unintegrate the application. #
- # #
- # #
- #####################################################################
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # ShowSyntax #
- # #
- # This routine is used to echo the command line syntax. #
- # #
- # input: #
- # none #
- # #
- # return codes: #
- # 0 - success #
- # #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- function ShowSyntax
- {
- echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME -s <source> [-t <target>] [-l <language>] [-u]" | tee -a $LOGFILE
- return 0
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # GetAbsolutePath #
- # #
- # This routine is to resolve a path to its actual path, #
- # following links, etc. #
- # #
- # input: #
- # $1 = path #
- # #
- # output: #
- # absolute path #
- # #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- function GetAbsolutePath
- {
- if [ "/" = "$1" ]; then
- echo $2
- elif [ -L $1 ]; then
- GetAbsolutePath `ls -l $1 | awk '{print $NF}'` $2
- else
- {
- if [ "." = "$1" -o ".." = "$1" ]; then
- GetAbsolutePath / /`basename $1`$2
- else
- GetAbsolutePath `dirname $1` /`basename $1`$2
- fi
- }
- fi
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # GetRelativePath #
- # #
- # This routine is used to determine the relative path of #
- # of the source path from the target path. #
- # #
- # input: #
- # $1 = absolute source path #
- # $2 = absolute target path #
- # #
- # return codes: #
- # 0 - success #
- # 1 - error #
- # #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- function GetRelativePath
- {
- src = ARGV[1]
- dest = ARGV[2]
- a = split(src, A, "/");
- b = split(dest, B, "/");
- s = 0;
- for (i = 2; i < a && i < b; i++) {
- if (A[i] == B[i]) {
- ++s;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0 ; i <= (a - s - 2); i++) {
- printf("../")
- }
- for (i = 2 + s; i <= b; i++) {
- printf("%s%s", B[i], (i < b) ? "/":"\n");
- }
- }' $2 $1
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # LinkCfgs #
- # #
- # This routine creates the actual links from the application's#
- # root config files to the target location. #
- # #
- # input: #
- # #
- # return codes: #
- # n - number of files integrated or unintegrated #
- # #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- function LinkCfgs
- {
- typeset source=$1 target=$2 torf=$3 spath="" tpath="" cfgfile="" rpath=""
- typeset pattern="" files=""
- shift;shift;shift
- if [[ -L $source || -L $(dirname $source) ]] then
- spath=$(GetAbsolutePath $source)
- else
- spath=$source
- fi
- if [[ -L $target || -L $(dirname $target) ]] then
- tpath=$(GetAbsolutePath $target)
- else
- tpath=$target
- fi
- rpath=""
- for pattern in "$@"
- do
- if [[ $pattern = "ALLFILES" ]] then
- files=$(find $source -name "*" -type f -print)
- else
- files=$(find $source -name "*.$pattern" -type f -print)
- fi
- if [[ $? = 0 ]] then
- count=$(echo $files | wc -w)
- for cfgfile in $files
- do
- basecfg=$(basename $cfgfile)
- if [[ $torf = TRUE ]] then
- if [[ $rpath = "" ]] then
- rpath=$(GetRelativePath $spath $tpath)
- fi
- rm -f $tpath/$basecfg
- echo "ln -sf $rpath/$basecfg $tpath/$basecfg" >> $LOGFILE
- ln -sf $rpath/$basecfg $tpath/$basecfg >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
- else
- rm $tpath/$basecfg >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [[ $? = 0 ]] then
- echo "rm $tpath/$basecfg" >> $LOGFILE
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- return $count
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # IntegrateUnintegrate #
- # #
- # This routine integrates the files into the cose desktop #
- # environment or unintegrates them depending on the boolean #
- # input parameter. #
- # #
- # input: #
- # $1 = Integrate or not. TRUE=integrate. FALSE=unintegrate. #
- # #
- # return codes: #
- # 0 - work was done #
- # 1 - no work done #
- # #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- function IntegrateUnintegrate
- {
- typeset torf=$1 srcs="" trgs="" fpats="" langs="" tpath="" spath="" rpath="" k="" languages="" lang=""
- typeset cfgs="" srcabs="" trgabs=""
- integer i=0 icons=0 types=1 help=2 appmgr=3
- srcabs=$(GetAbsolutePath $APP_ROOT)
- trgabs=$(GetAbsolutePath $APP_TARGET)
- srcs[0]=$srcabs$ICONS$APP_LANG
- srcs[1]=$srcabs$TYPES$APP_LANG
- srcs[2]=$srcabs$HELP$APP_LANG
- srcs[3]=$srcabs$APPMANAGER$APP_LANG
- trgs[0]=$trgabs$ICONS$APP_LANG
- trgs[1]=$trgabs$TYPES$APP_LANG
- trgs[2]=$trgabs$HELP$APP_LANG
- trgs[3]=$trgabs$APPMANAGER$APP_LANG
- fpats[1]="$ACTIONDB_FILES"
- fpats[3]="$APPMAN_FILES"
- rc=1
- while (( i < 4 ))
- do
- if [[ $APP_LANG = "" ]] then
- languages=$(ls -d ${srcs[i]}/* 2>/dev/null)
- if [[ $? = 0 ]] then
- for lang in $languages
- do
- baselang=$(basename $lang)
- if [[ -d $lang ]] then
- if [[ $torf = TRUE ]] then
- if [[ ! -d ${trgs[i]}/$baselang ]] then
- mkdir -p ${trgs[i]}/$baselang
- fi
- fi
- LinkCfgs ${srcs[i]}/$baselang ${trgs[i]}/$baselang $torf ${fpats[i]}
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] then
- rc=0
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- else
- LinkCfgs ${srcs[i]} ${trgs[i]} $torf ${fpats[i]}
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] then
- rc=0
- fi
- fi
- i=i+1
- done
- return $rc
- }
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # ExitOut #
- # #
- # Exit the program. #
- # #
- # input: #
- # $1 = return code #
- # #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------#
- function ExitOut
- {
- typeset retcode=$1
- echo "See $LOGFILE file for more information"
- exit $retcode
- }
- # ----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-----
- # ----<<<<<<<<<<<.-------------------------.>>>>>>>>>>>-----
- # ----<<<<<<<<<<<| |>>>>>>>>>>>-----
- # ----<<<<<<<<<<<| START OF MAIN ROUTINE |>>>>>>>>>>>>-----
- # ----<<<<<<<<<<<|_________________________|>>>>>>>>>>>-----
- # ----<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-----
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Initialize variables
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- sFLAG=0
- tFLAG=0
- lFLAG=0
- uFLAG=0
- TYPES=/types
- APPMANAGER=/appmanager
- ICONS=/icons
- HELP=/help
- APPCONFIG=/dt/appconfig
- CONFIG_TOP=/etc/dt
- DT=`basename $CONFIG_TOP`
- ID=$(id)
- LOGFILE=/tmp/dtappint.log
- PATH=/usr/dt/bin:$PATH
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Save application's name in variable.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Check if root user. Exit if not.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ID=${ID##*uid=}
- ID=${ID#*\(}
- ID=${ID%%\)*}
- if [[ $ID != root ]] then
- echo "Error: Must be root user to run $0!" >&2
- exit 3
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Put prolog into log file.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Put the date of application integration into the log file.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- echo $(date) >> $LOGFILE
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Put the command line into the log file.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- echo "$SCRIPT_NAME $*" >> $LOGFILE
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Check if there are no command line arguments.
- # If none, then display the command syntax.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- if [[ $# = 0 ]] then
- ShowSyntax
- ExitOut 0
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Parse the command line into flags and variables.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- while getopts s:t:l:u flag
- do
- case $flag in
- s) sFLAG=1
- t) tFLAG=1
- l) lFLAG=1
- u) uFLAG=1;;
- ?) echo " "
- ShowSyntax
- ExitOut 2;;
- esac
- done
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Check if application's root was specified and is valid.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- if [[ $sFLAG = 0 ]] then
- echo "Error: Did not specify -s option!" >&2
- ExitOut 4
- else
- if [[ ! -d $APP_ROOT ]] then
- echo "Error: $APP_PATH is not a directory!" >&2
- ExitOut 4
- fi
- if [[ ! -r $APP_ROOT ]] || [[ ! -x $APP_ROOT ]] then
- echo "Error: Can not read $APP_PATH directory!" >&2
- ExitOut 4
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${APP_ROOT%%/*} != "" ]] then
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # If target is specified, do some sanity checks on this path.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- if [[ $tFLAG = 1 ]] then
- if [[ ! -d $APP_TARGET ]] then
- echo "Error: $APP_PATH is not a directory!" >&2
- ExitOut 4
- fi
- if [[ ! -r $APP_TARGET ]] || [[ ! -x $APP_TARGET ]] then
- echo "Error: Can not read $APP_PATH directory!" >&2
- ExitOut 4
- fi
- if [[ ${APP_TARGET%%/*} != "" ]] then
- fi
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set up variables.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- if [[ $APP_LANG != "" ]] then
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Unintegrate the application by un-doing the integration steps.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- if [[ $uFLAG = 1 ]] then
- IntegrateUnintegrate FALSE
- if [[ $? = 0 ]] then
- echo "Unintegration Complete"
- else
- echo "No files to unintegrate"
- fi
- ExitOut 0
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # See if these directories exist. If they don't, then create them.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- do
- if [[ ! -d $i ]] then
- mkdir -p $i
- fi
- done
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Determine which awk to use.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- $(type nawk > /dev/null 2>&1)
- if [[ $? != 0 ]] then
- AWK="awk"
- else
- AWK="nawk"
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Integrate the application.
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- IntegrateUnintegrate TRUE
- if [[ $? = 0 ]] then
- echo "Integration Complete"
- else
- echo "No files to integrate"
- fi
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Exit
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ExitOut 0