home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Korn shell script | 1998-08-19 | 17.6 KB | 702 lines |
- #!/bin/ksh
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Xsession
- #
- # TriTeal Enterprise Desktop (TED)
- #
- # Configuration script for the Login Manager
- #
- # (c) Copyright 1994 TriTeal Corporation
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp.
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- # (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc.
- #
- # ************** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE **************
- #
- # /usr/dt/bin/Xsession is a factory-default file and will
- # be unconditionally overwritten upon subsequent installation.
- # Modification is discouraged.
- #
- # $XConsortium: Xsession.src /main/cde1_maint/7 1995/11/17 14:43:10 gtsang $
- #
- # @(#)TED Version: TED 4.2 Alpha 99-4200-00
- # @(#)TED FileVersion: Xsession: $Id: Xsession.src,v 1.6 1997/11/26 19:37:07 marye Exp $
- #
- # ###########################################################################
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- #
- # This script starts the user's session. It searches for one of three
- # types of startup mechanisms, in the following order:
- #
- # DT existence of CDE DT Session Manager on the system
- # XDM "$HOME/.xsession" (executable)
- # xinit "$HOME/.x11start" (executable)
- #
- # If none of these startup mechanisms exist, a default window manager
- # and terminal emulator client are started.
- #
- # ##########################################################################
- #
- # Variables must be explicitly exported
- #
- set +a
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Initialize session startup logging
- #
- # ##########################################################################
- #
- # send startlog setup errors to a temporary log file so problems are easier
- # to debug. the file is /var/dt/tmp/<username>_DISPLAY=<display>.
- # this works when there are only one or two users obtaining a session from a
- # host, but there is a potential to fill up /var (or even use all inodes) if
- # there are, say, two hundred users with X terminals trying to obtain
- # sessions. so if the file doesn't contain anything, we will remove it below,
- # after the startlog has been setup.
- #
- exec >/var/dt/${USER}_DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} 2>&1
- if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ]; then
- \mkdir $LOGDIR
- if [ -d $LOGDIR ]; then
- \chmod 755 $LOGDIR
- fi
- fi
- [ -f $LOGFILENAME.older ] && \rm -f $LOGFILENAME.older
- [ -f $LOGFILENAME.old ] && \mv -f $LOGFILENAME.old $LOGFILENAME.older
- if [ -w $LOGFILENAME ]; then
- \exec >>$LOGFILENAME 2>&1
- fi
- #
- # remove the temporary log file used to track startlog setup errors, if and
- # only if it is empty.
- #
- if [ ! -s /var/dt/${USER}_DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} ]
- then
- \rm /var/dt/${USER}_DISPLAY=${DISPLAY}
- fi
- Log()
- {
- echo "--- $1" >>$LOGFILENAME 2>&1
- }
- Log "$(date)"
- Log "$0 starting..."
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Global environment section
- #
- # DT pre-sets the following environment variables for each user.
- #
- # (internal)
- #
- # DISPLAY set to the value of the first field in the Xservers file.
- # HOME set to the user's home directory (from /etc/passwd)
- # LANG set to the display's current NLS language (if any)
- # LC_ALL set to the value of $LANG
- # LOGNAME set to the user name
- # PATH set to the value of the Dtlogin "userPath" resource
- # USER set to the user name
- # SHELL set to the user's default shell (from /etc/passwd)
- # TZ set to the value of the Dtlogin "timeZone" resource
- #
- #
- # (Xsession)
- #
- # TERM set to xterm
- # EDITOR set to the default editor
- # KBD_LANG set to the value of $LANG for certain languages
- # MAIL set to "/var/mail/$USER"
- #
- #
- # Three methods are available to modify or add to this list depending
- # on the desired scope of the resulting environment variable.
- #
- # 1. X server and/or all users on a display (Xconfig file)
- # 2. all users on a display (Xsession file)
- # 3. individual users (.dtprofile file)
- #
- # See DT on-line help, the DT Users Guide, or the Dtlogin(1X) man
- # page for details on setting environment variables.
- #
- #
- #
- # ###########################################################################
- [ -z "$EDITOR" ] && EDITOR=/usr/dt/bin/dtpad
- [ -z "$LANG" ] && LANG="C"
- TERM=dtterm
- set `LANG=C LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/id`
- if [ $1 != "uid=0(root)" ]; then
- export PATH=/sbin:$PATH
- fi
- SESSION_SVR=`uname -n`
- if [ -z "$XFILESEARCHPATH" ]
- then
- XFILESEARCHPATH=/usr/lib/X11/locale/%L/%T/%N%C%S:/usr/lib/X11/locale/%l/%T/%N%C%S:/usr/lib/X11/locale/%L/%T/%N%S:/usr/lib/X11/locale/%l/%T/%N%S:/usr/lib/X11/%L/%T/%N%C%S:/usr/lib/X11/%l/%T/%N%C%S:/usr/lib/X11/%T/%N%C%S:/usr/lib/X11/%L/%T/%N%S:/usr/lib/X11/%l/%T/%N%S:/usr/lib/X11/%T/%N%S:/usr/lib/X11/locale/C/%T/%N%C%S:/usr/lib/X11/locale/C/%T/%N%S
- fi
- DT=no export DT
- #
- # check if network is configured. If not, set environment variable
- # so that tooltalk will use localhost/loopback rather than system
- # name
- status="1"
- netstat -i | awk ' \
- { \
- if ( NR > 1 && NF > 1 ) \
- { \
- if ( $3 != "loopback" ) \
- { \
- if ( ( $3 == "none" && $4 == "none" ) || \
- ( $3 == "0" && $4 == "" ) ) \
- { \
- #Network is not connected \
- exit 0 \
- } \
- else \
- { \
- #Network is connected \
- exit 1 \
- } \
- } \
- } \
- }'
- status=$?
- if [ "$status" = "0" ]
- then
- export DTNONETWORK=true
- fi
- #
- # Locate configuration file directories
- #
- XDIR="/usr/bin/X11"
- DT_BINPATH=/usr/dt/bin
- DT_INSTALL_CONFIG=/usr/dt/config
- DT_CONFIG=/etc/dt/config
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Default desktop component configuration variable settings
- #
- # This section sets the default value for variables controlling
- # some desktop components.
- #
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Input method server startup
- #
- if [ -z "$DTSTARTIMS" ]; then
- fi
- if [ "$DTSTARTIMS" = "False" ]; then
- fi
- #
- # Default desktop screen saver action list
- #
- export DTSCREENSAVERLIST="StartDtscreenSwarm StartDtscreenQix \
- StartDtscreenFlame StartDtscreenHop StartDtscreenImage StartDtscreenLife \
- StartDtscreenRotor StartDtscreenPyro StartDtscreenWorm StartDtscreenBlank"
- #
- # Session startup clients and args
- #
- if [ "$SESSIONTYPE" = "altDt" ]; then
- dtstart_session[0]="$SDT_ALT_SESSION"
- dtstart_hello[0]="$SDT_ALT_HELLO"
- else
- dtstart_session[0]="$DT_BINPATH/dtsession"
- dtstart_hello[0]="$DT_BINPATH/dthello &"
- fi
- dtstart_session[1]="$HOME/.xsession"
- dtstart_session[2]="$HOME/.x11start"
- dtstart_session[3]="$XBIN/xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10"
- dtstart_hello[1]="$XDIR/xsetroot -default &"
- dtstart_searchpath="$DT_BINPATH/dtsearchpath -ksh"
- dtstart_ttsession="$DT_BINPATH/ttsession -s"
- dtstart_dtdbcache="$DT_BINPATH/dtdbcache -init"
- dtdbcacherm="rm -f /tmp/dtdbcache_$DISPLAY"
- dtstart_appgather="$DT_BINPATH/dtappgather &"
- dtstart_dsdm="$DT_BINPATH/dsdm &"
- xdmstart_session[0]="$HOME/.xsession"
- xdmstart_session[1]="/usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession"
- xdmstart_session[2]="xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls"
- xdmstart_hello="$XDIR/xsetroot -default &"
- if [ ! -d $SESSIONLOGDIR ]; then
- if [ -d $SESSIONLOGDIR ]; then
- \chmod 755 $SESSIONLOGDIR
- fi
- fi
- if [ -w $SESSIONLOGFILENAME ]; then
- dtstart_sessionlogfile="$SESSIONLOGFILENAME"
- else
- dtstart_sessionlogfile="/dev/null"
- fi
- #
- # Determine Xsession parent
- #
- pexec=$(LC_TIME=C ps -p $PPID | awk 'NR==2 {print $6}')
- Log "Xsession started by $pexec"
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Append desktop font aliases to font path
- #
- # ###########################################################################
- if [ "${pexec##*/}" != "dtlogin" ]; then
- #
- # If Xsession launched by dtlogin, it is assumed that the desktop
- # font path has already been added by Xsetup, so no need to add it here.
- #
- $XDIR/xset fp default
- #
- # Append desktop font paths. Note: these directories should be
- # accessable by the X server. The file precedence is:
- #
- # /etc/dt/config/xfonts/C
- # /usr/dt/config/xfonts/C
- # /etc/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG
- # /usr/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG
- #
- Log "setting font path..."
- if [ "$DTXSERVERLOCATION" != "remote" ]; then
- #
- # Since X server is local, optimize by checking local desktop
- # font directories and making one call to xset.
- #
- if [ -f /etc/dt/config/xfonts/C/fonts.dir ]; then
- fontpath=/etc/dt/config/xfonts/C
- fi
- if [ -f /usr/dt/config/xfonts/C/fonts.dir ]; then
- if [ -z "$fontpath" ]; then
- fontpath=/usr/dt/config/xfonts/C
- else
- fontpath=$fontpath,/usr/dt/config/xfonts/C
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$LANG" != "C" ]; then
- if [ -f /etc/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG/fonts.dir ]; then
- if [ -z "$fontpath" ]; then
- fontpath=/etc/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG
- else
- fontpath=$fontpath,/etc/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$LANG" != "C" ]; then
- if [ -f /usr/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG/fonts.dir ]; then
- if [ -z "$fontpath" ]; then
- fontpath=/usr/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG
- else
- fontpath=$fontpath,/usr/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG
- fi
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$fontpath" ]; then
- $XDIR/xset fp+ $fontpath
- fi
- else
- #
- # Since X server not local, we don't know if the desktop font
- # directories exist on the X server machine, so we have to
- # set them one at a time.
- #
- $XDIR/xset fp+ /etc/dt/config/xfonts/C 1>/dev/null
- $XDIR/xset fp+ /usr/dt/config/xfonts/C 1>/dev/null
- if [ "$LANG" != "C" ]; then
- $XDIR/xset fp+ /etc/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG 1>/dev/null
- fi
- if [ "$LANG" != "C" ]; then
- $XDIR/xset fp+ /usr/dt/config/xfonts/$LANG 1>/dev/null
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Source user's desktop profile
- #
- # This section determines if the user has a desktop profile in their
- # home directory. If not, the desktop default profile is copied to
- # the home directory. The desktop profile is then sourced. The purpose
- # is to incorporate any per-user/per-session environment customizations
- # and thereby propagate them to applications and desktop components.
- #
- # ###########################################################################
- DTSYSPROFILE=sys.dtprofile
- DTPROFILE=.dtprofile
- if [ ! -f $HOME/$DTPROFILE ]; then
- for i in $DT_CONFIG_PATH
- do
- if [ -f $i/$DTSYSPROFILE ]; then
- /usr/bin/awk '
- BEGIN {printit=1}
- /SYSPROFILE COMMENT START/ {printit=0; next}
- /SYSPROFILE COMMENT END/ {printit=1; next}
- printit==1 {print}' <$i/$DTSYSPROFILE >$HOME/$DTPROFILE
- /bin/chmod 755 $HOME/$DTPROFILE
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- #
- # source the .dtprofile.
- #
- if [ -f $HOME/$DTPROFILE ]; then
- Log "sourcing $HOME/$DTPROFILE..."
- fi
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # External Xsession processing section
- #
- # This section searches the Xsession.d subdirectory and sources
- # the files contained therein. The purpose is to set up any
- # per-user/per-session environment customizations and thereby propagate
- # them to applications and desktop components.
- #
- # ##########################################################################
- DT_XSESSION_DIR=Xsession.d
- for i in $DT_CONFIG_PATH
- do
- if [[ -d $i/$DT_XSESSION_DIR ]]; then
- #
- # Run custom Xsession scripts for this session.
- #
- for SCRIPT in $(ls $i/$DT_XSESSION_DIR); do
- if [ -x $i/$DT_XSESSION_DIR/$SCRIPT -a \
- \( ! -d $i/$DT_XSESSION_DIR/$SCRIPT \) ]; then
- Log "sourcing $i/$DT_XSESSION_DIR/$SCRIPT..."
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Startup section.
- #
- # Note: The ksh syntax ${parameter%% *} is used when appropriate to
- # remove any command line options that may have been included
- # in the definition of a DT executable below.
- #
- # ###########################################################################
- #
- # Return first command in array named by $1 that is executable
- #
- GetFirst()
- {
- let i=0
- while true; do
- eval "cmd=\${$1[$i]}"
- [ -z "$cmd" ] && break
- [ -x "${cmd%% *}" ] && echo "$cmd" && break
- Log "could not start $cmd"
- let i=$i+1
- done
- }
- #
- # Start first command in array named by $1 that is executable. If
- # $2 is 'eval', command result will be 'eval'ed.
- #
- StartFirst()
- {
- first=$(GetFirst $1)
- if [ ! -z "$first" ]; then
- Log "starting $first"
- if [ "$2" = "eval" ]; then
- eval `eval "PATH=$DT_BINPATH:$PATH $first"`
- else
- eval "PATH=$DT_BINPATH:$PATH $first"
- fi
- fi
- }
- #
- # Prepare for session startup
- #
- if [ "$DTSOURCEPROFILE" = "true" ]
- then
- case ${SHELL##*/} in
- sh | ksh | dtksh) shellprofile="$HOME/.profile";;
- bash) shellprofile="$HOME/.bash_profile";;
- csh | tcsh) shellprofile="$HOME/.login";;
- *) Log "non-standard shell $SHELL"
- esac
- fi
- if [ "$shellprofile" -a ! -f "$shellprofile" ]
- then
- Log "could not read $shellprofile"
- unset shellprofile
- fi
- if [ "$SESSIONTYPE" = "xdm" ]; then
- startup=$(GetFirst xdmstart_session) # get xdm session client
- StartFirst xdmstart_hello # start xdm hello client
- else
- startup=$(GetFirst dtstart_session) # get desktop session client
- StartFirst dtstart_hello # start desktop hello client
- StartFirst dtstart_searchpath eval # setup desktop search paths
- . /etc/default/man
- export MANPATH
- tooltalk=$(GetFirst dtstart_ttsession) # get tooltalk client
- dtdbcache=$(GetFirst dtstart_dtdbcache) # get dtdbcache client
- if [ -z "$SDT_NO_DSDM" ]; then
- StartFirst dtstart_dsdm # start drag and drop proxy
- fi
- StartFirst dtstart_appgather # setup session applications
- fi
- #
- # Start the session.
- #
- if [ $shellprofile ]; then
- Log "execing $startup using $shellprofile..."
- source_profile=". $shellprofile"
- source_login="source $shellprofile"
- else
- Log "execing $startup..."
- source_profile="echo 'not sourcing $HOME/.profile (see $HOME/.dtprofile)'"
- source_login="echo 'not sourcing $HOME/.login (see $HOME/.dtprofile)'"
- fi
- if [ -z "$dtdbcache" ]; then
- dtdbcache="echo could not start $dtstart_dtdbcache"
- fi
- export DT=true;
- case ${SHELL##*/} in
- sh | bash) $SHELL -c "$source_profile; \
- unset DT; \
- $dtdbcache; \
- PATH=/usr/dt/bin:\$PATH $tooltalk; \
- $startup > $dtstart_sessionlogfile 2>&1" ;;
- ksh | dtksh) $SHELL -c "$source_profile; \
- unset DT; \
- $dtdbcache; \
- PATH=/usr/dt/bin:\$PATH $tooltalk;\
- $startup >| $dtstart_sessionlogfile 2>&1" ;;
- csh | tcsh) $SHELL -c "unsetenv _ PWD; \
- $source_login; \
- unsetenv DT; \
- $dtdbcache; \
- (set path = ( $DT_BINPATH \$path ); $tooltalk ); \
- $startup >&! $dtstart_sessionlogfile" ;;
- *) unset DT
- $dtdbcache
- StartFirst dtstart_ttsession
- $startup >| $dtstart_sessionlogfile 2>&1 ;;
- esac
- $dtdbcacherm # remove the actions/datatypes cachefile
- # #################### eof #################################