SubName = ErrorStackSize - get current size of error stack
SubName = ErrorId - get message identifier for error from stack frame
SubName = ErrorData - get error data from stack frame
SubName = ErrorText - get localized error text from stack frame
SubName = ErrorPush - push an error frame onto an error stack
SubName = ErrorPushUnix - push a UNIX error onto an error stack
SubName = ErrorAddData - add error data to entry on top of error stack
SubName = ErrorOutput - output error stack in human-readable format
Title = getopt(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = getopt - parse UNIX command line options
Title = IntlLocal(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = IntlLocal, IntlLocalizeMsg - localize message
SubName = IntlLocal - return localized text
SubName = IntlLocalizeMsg - return Tcl list structure rather than just localized text
Title = Lock(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = Lock: LockPread, LockPwrite, LockVread, LockVwrite - apply/release read/write locks on files
SubName = LockPread - applies read lock on given file
SubName = LockPwrite - applies write lock on given file
SubName = LockVread - release read lock
SubName = LockVwrite - release write lock
Title = Object(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = Object: ObjectCreate, ObjectDelete, ObjectAction, ObjectGet, ObjectReplaceWithDefault, ObjectReplace, ObjectAdd, ObjectRemove - perform operations on SCOadmin objects
SubName = ObjectCreate - create an object
SubName = ObjectDelete - delete an object
SubName = ObjectAction - perform a class-specific action on an object
SubName = ObjectGet - get attributes of an object
SubName = ObjectReplaceWithDefault - assign default values to attributes of an object
SubName = ObjectReplace - replace specified values of object
SubName = ObjectAdd - add values to attributes of object
SubName = ObjectRemove - remove values from attributes of object
Title = ObjectEventNotification(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = ObjectEventNotification - register notification function
Title = OFBinding(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OFBinding - bind a class description table
Title = OFEvaluateFilter(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OFEvaluateFilter - filter list of objects
Title = OFEvaluateOperation(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OFEvaluateOperation - perform BMIP request
Title = OFEvent(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OFThrowBmipEvent, OFCatchBmipEvent - send event to program making object call
SubName = OFThrowBmipEvent - send an event to originator of object request
SubName = OFCatchBmipEvent - send an event to originator of object request if error is returned
Title = OFGenerateHandleId(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OFGenerateHandleId - generate indentifier for BMIP request
Title = OFHandleScopedRequest(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OFHandleScopedRequest - perform scoped BMIP request
Title = OFReturnBmipResponse(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OFReturnBmipResponse - send BMIP response
Title = OsaLog(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = OsaLog: OsaLogOpen, OsaLogClose, OsaLog - interface for logging events to the SCOadmin event log
SubName = OsaLogOpen - open an I/O stream to SCOadmin event file
SubName = OsaLogClose - close I/O stream flush event data
SubName = OsaLog - log a message for an object instance and event type
Title = SaAlignedForm(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaAlignedForm - creates one or more vertically aligned widgets within a form, with right-justified localized labels
Title = SaAutoRefresh(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaAutoRefresh: SaAutoRefresh, SaAutoRefreshOn, SaAutoRefreshOff, SaAutoRefreshPause, SaAutoRefreshResume, SaAutoRefreshGetState, SaAutoRefreshGetInterval, SaAutoRefreshSetInterval, SaAutoRefreshLoad, SaAutoRefreshStore, SaAutoRefreshCalled, SaAutoRefreshIntervalCB - SCO Visual Tcl package for manual and automatic refreshing of data
SubName = SaAutoRefreshOn - starts auto refresh service
SubName = SaAutoRefreshOff - stops auto refresh service
SubName = SaAutoRefreshPause - pauses auto refresh service
SubName = SaAutoRefreshResume - resumes auto refresh service
SubName = SaAutoRefreshGetState - get current auto refresh state
SubName = SaAutoRefreshGetInterval - get current auto refresh interval
SubName = SaAutoRefreshSetInterval - set auto refresh interval
SubName = SaAutoRefreshLoad - load auto refresh interval values
SubName = SaAutoRefreshStore - store auto refresh interval values
SubName = SaAutoRefreshCalled - return whether refresh was called by service or application
SubName = SaAutoRefreshIntervalCB - present interface for setting refresh interval
Title = SaCharmSetMaxFormDimensions(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaCharmSetMaxFormDimensions - expand CHARM SCO Visual Tcl form to maximum dimensions on the current character display
Title = SaDisplay(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaDisplay: SaDisplayErrorStacks, SaDisplayErrorInfo, SaDisplayNoAuths, SaDisplayNotRoot - SCO Visual Tcl interface for displaying error stacks and other common errors
SubName = SaDisplayErrorStacks - display full error stack
SubName = SaDisplayErrorInfo - display simple text string rather than full error stack
SubName = SaDisplayNotRoot - display error indicating invoker must be root
Title = SaHelpGetOptionsList(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaHelpGetOptionsList - get a standard list of help pulldown menu options
Title = SaHost(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaHost: SaHostGetLocalName, SaHostGetManagedName, SaHostExtractSystemName, SaHostExtractDomain, SaHostsGet, SaHostCheck, SaHostRemoteOsaAccessible - host name management for SCOadmin applications
SubName = SaHostGetLocalName - get local host name
SubName = SaHostGetManagedName - get name of host being managed
SubName = SaHostExtractSystemName - extract host name from fully qualified host name
SubName = SaHostExtractDomain - extract domain from fully qualified host name
SubName = SaHostCheck - determine if host is known to name service of local host
SubName = SaHostsGet - use the local host name service to obtain list of hosts
SubName = SaHostRemoteOsaAccessible - test if remote services are available
Title = SaListShowSelectedItem(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaListShowSelectedItem, SaDrawnListShowSelectedItem - SCO Visual Tcl interface for bringing selected list items into view
Title = SaMakeObjectCall(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaMakeObjectCall - perform object calls returing a list of BMIP responses
Title = SaOpenHost(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaOpenHost: SaOpenHostCB, SaOpenHostDialog, SaOpenHostInvokeManager, SaOpenHostManagerRunning - SCO Visual Tcl interface for the managing a remote host
SubName = SaOpenHostCB - interface for selecting host to manage
SubName = SaOpenHostInvokeManager - start manager for managed host
SubName = SaOpenHostManagerRunning - checks if application is running locally and managing remote host
Title = SaPrint(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaPrint - SCOadmin interface for printing support
Title = SaPrinter(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaPrinter: SaPrintersGet, SaPrinterGetDefault, SaPrinterGetClasses, SaPrinterGetQueues - SCOadmin interfaces for querying the print subsystem
SubName = SaPrintersGet - get list of printers on host machine
SubName = SaPrinterGetDefault - get default printer on host machine
SubName = SaPrinterGetClasses - get list of printer classes on host machine
SubName = SaPrinterGetQueues - get list of printer queues on host machine
Title = SaRunLevel(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaRunLevel: SaRunLevelGet, SaRunLevelIsSingleUser - determine system run level
SubName = SaRunLevelGet - returns run level
SubName = SaRunLevelIsSingleUser - determines if system is in single user mode
Title = SaScreenPolicy(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaScreenPolicy: SaScreenPolicyGet, SaScreenPolicySet - save/restore configurable application variables for SCOadmin clients
SubName = SaScreenPolicyGet - get stored user preferences for manager
SubName = SaScreenPolicySet - store user preferences for manager
Title = SaSelectHost(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaSelectHost: SaSelectHostText, SaSelectHostDialog, SaSelectHostGetText, SaSelectHostGetSelection, SaSelectHostGetTextWidget, SaSelectHostGetButtonWidget - SCO Visual Tcl interface for graphical host browsing and selection
SubName = SaSelectHostText - launches form for selecting host
SubName = SaSelectHostDialog - directly launches dialog for browsing host list
SubName = SaSelectHostGetText - get user input for host dialog
SubName = SaSelectHostGetSelection - get user input for host dialog
SubName = SaSelectHostGetTextWidget - get user input for host dialog
SubName = SaSelectHostGetButtonWidget - get user input for host dialog
Title = SaSetFocus(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaSetFocus: SaSetTabGroups, SaSetFocusList, SaSetFocus - control focus order of SCO Visual Tcl widgets during user traversal of a form
SubName = SaSetTabGroups - configure tab group for a form
SubName = SaSetFocusList - establish sequence of widget focus used for navigation
SubName = SaSetFocus - advance focus to specified widget
Title = SaShortHelp(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaShortHelp: SaShortHelpCB, SaShortHelpMenuOptions, SaShortHelpSetState, SaShortHelpGetState, SaShortHelpLoad, SaShortHelpStore - SCO Visual Tcl interface for graphical point (short) help
SubName = SaShortHelpCB - standard point help interface
SubName = SaShortHelpMenuOptions - attach point help menu options to pulldown menu widget
SubName = SaShortHelpSetState - enable/disable point help
SubName = SaShortHelpGetState - determine current state of point help
SubName = SaShortHelpLoad - load user point help preference
SubName = SaShortHelpStore - store user point help preference
Title = SaStatusBar(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaStatusBar: SaStatusBar, SaStatusBarSet, SaStatusBarClear, SaStatusBarGet - SCO Visual Tcl interface for graphical status bars on forms
SubName = SaStatusBar - create status bar
SubName = SaStatusBarSet - displays text string in status bar
SubName = SaStatusBarClear - clear status bar
SubName = SaStatusBarGet - get text string from status bar
Title = SaToolbar(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaToolbar: SaToolbar, SaToolbarButtonSetSensitive, SaToolbarGetKeys, SaToolbarMenuOptions, SaToolbarGet, SaToolbarLoad, SaToolbarStore - SCO Visual Tcl interface for graphical toolbars
SubName = SaToolbarGetKeys - return list of the current set of tool bar keys
SubName = SaToolbarMenuOptions - attach standard toolbar menu options to pulldown menu
SubName = SaToolbarGet - load variables with current toolbar values for storage
SubName = SaToolbarLoad - load user tool bar values
SubName = SaToolbarStore - store user tool bar values
Title = SaTwoList(3tlib)
Version = 1.0
Name = SaTwoList: SaTwoList, SaTwoListAddItems, SaTwoListDeleteItems, SaTwoListGetItems, SaTwoListSelectItems, SaTwoListGetTabList, SaTwoListSetFocus - SCO Visual Tcl interface for a two-list widget form
SubName = SaTwoList - create a two-list form widget
SubName = SaTwoListAddItems - add items to a two-list
SubName = SaTwoListDeleteItems - delete items from a two-list
SubName = SaTwoListGetItems - get items from a two-list
SubName = SaTwoListSelectItems - select items from a two-list