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- Chapter 2
- Before you install
- Prior to installing UnixWare 7 on your system, you need to:
- + Read the Runtime Release Notes for late-breaking hardware and
- installation notes.
- + Obtain or locate your license. This might be a printed license
- included in the box by SCO or your software vendor, or a license you
- obtained from a web site when purchasing and downloading your
- software. The license contains data you must enter to successfully
- install the system.
- + If you are migrating from a previous SCO system, back up your entire
- system, including partitions containing other operating systems. If
- you are migrating data from SCO UnixWare 2.X, read the Upgrade Guide
- (available on the UnixWare 7 Installation CD-ROM at
- /info/upgrade/upgrade.htm) before proceeding.
- + Ensure that your hardware meets minimum system requirements for memory
- and disk space.
- + Verify that your hardware is supported.
- + Install and configure your hardware devices, if necessary.
- + Complete the appropriate installation checklists.
- System requirements
- SCO recommends that your system meet or exceed the following
- requirements:
- Processor
- At least one Intel Pentium, Intel Pentium II, or Intel Pentium
- Pro microprocessor, or a microprocessor that is 100% compatible
- with the same.
- The minimum processor supported is the Intel486DX processor.
- Intel486SX systems with math coprocessors are not supported.
- Architecture
- Conformance to the Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) (also
- called an AT bus), Extended Industry Standard Architecture
- (EISA), Micro Channel Architecture (MCA), Peripheral Component
- Interface (PCI), or Intelligent Input/Output (I2O) standards.
- Memory
- 32MB or more of RAM (Random Access Memory), or, for optimal CDE
- desktop performance, 64MB of RAM. Performance is enhanced as
- more RAM is added.
- Small Footprint installations can run on systems with only 16MB
- of RAM installed. All other installation types require a minimum
- 32MB of RAM.
- UnixWare 7 supports up to 4GB of RAM for general purpose usage
- and up to 64GB for use by the dynamic shared memory (DSHM) and
- fine-grained affinity shared memory (FGA-SHM) subsystems, which
- are licensed separately. See the Runtime Release Notes for
- information on configuring your system for DSHM and FGA-SHM.
- Disk size and partitions
- A hard disk of 1GB or larger is recommended.
- Small footprint installations can run on systems with 300MB or
- larger UNIX(r) partitions. Other installation types can run on a
- UNIX partition of 500MB or larger.
- The UNIX partition must begin below cylinder 1024 of the hard
- disk.
- In order to run large Java(TM) programs, like Java Workshop or
- Java Studio (on the UnixWare and OpenServer Development Kit CD-
- ROM), you need 350MB of swap space on disk. Please change the
- default size of the swap partition during installation to that
- value. You also need 64MB of RAM memory to run these large
- applications efficiently.
- Mouse A serial, bus, or PS/2-compatible mouse is recommended to access
- all graphical desktop functionality.
- Video A Super VGA monitor and video adapter capable of at least 800x600
- resolution is required to run the graphical desktop.
- Media devices
- A 3.5-inch diskette drive, for booting the UnixWare 7 system and
- installing additional software, is required.
- The system must also have either of the following installation
- media devices:
- + a CD-ROM drive
- + a supported network adapter, and a preconfigured network
- installation server
- Verifying supported hardware
- Your SCO software includes HBA (Host Bus Adapter) drivers for supported
- hardware. See the Runtime Release Notes and the Compatible Hardware Web
- Pages (http://www.sco.com/chwp) for help on determining whether your
- hardware is supported.
- HBA drivers are contained on the HBA diskette provided with UnixWare 7.
- Your hardware or software vendor might have provided you with one or more
- HBA additional diskettes to support the hardware you purchased. When
- prompted, you must load these drivers to successfully install the system.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- NOTE Any vendor-supplied disk must have been created specifically
- for the UnixWare 7 system; otherwise, the drivers will not
- successfully load.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- If you use drivers and peripherals which are not listed as supported,
- your peripherals might not work.
- Installing and configuring hardware devices
- Installing and configuring hardware consists of physically installing
- hardware controllers, running hardware setup programs, and configuring
- software controllers to support the new devices.
- For information on physically installing hardware and running setup
- programs before installing UnixWare 7, see steps 4-6 of ``Adding hardware
- controllers''.
- After the hardware is physically installed and configured, you are ready
- to install UnixWare 7. Software controllers for most hardware devices are
- configured automatically by the installation. If you need to manually
- configure software drivers, you can do so by entering the Device
- Configuration Utility (DCU) during the installation.
- For information on the DCU, see Appendix A, ``Configuring installation
- hardware''.
- Installation checklists
- Installation checklists show you what information you will need to
- install UnixWare 7 correctly. If you complete the checklists, the
- installation will go more quickly and you will have a written log of your
- responses, in case you ever need to troubleshoot or reinstall your
- system.
- Information relevant to all types of installations is contained in the
- general installation checklist. The following checklists might also
- apply to your environment:
- Hardware Complete this checklist to indicate hardware parameters for
- non-detected hardware. The UnixWare 7 installation detects
- most computer peripherals. However, if it does not detect a
- device needed for installation, you must enter the Device
- Configuration Utility (DCU) during the installation process
- to manually configure the device.
- Network Complete these checklists if you are configuring TCP/IP or
- IPX/SPX as part of the installation process. You must
- configure the network to install UnixWare 7 from an
- installation server.
- Partitions Complete this checklist if you want to customize partitions.
- If you do not, the installation uses the partition table
- already on your system, or creates a single partition using
- the entire disk for UnixWare 7.
- Filesystems Complete this checklist if you want to alter the default
- filesystem layout on your active UNIX partition, including
- changing filesystem types and sizes and enabling user
- filesystems.
- General installation checklist
- Complete this checklist for all installations.
- 1. Installation language [] English
- [] French
- [] German
- [] Spanish
- 2. Zone/Locale/Keyboard [] Americas
- These three interrelated (Latin-1)
- options determine your [] Eastern Europe
- keyboard choices and how (Latin-5)
- the system displays [] Central Europe
- currency, punctuation, (Latin-2)
- and other special [] Western Europe
- characters. (Latin-1)
- [] Northeast Asia
- If you do not know the [] Other
- correct zone, choose All [] All Locales
- Locales.
- Locale:
- Choose a locale that maps
- to your country or ____________________
- geographic region when
- the list is presented. Keyboard:
- If you choose the C or
- POSIX locales, special ____________________
- characters will not be
- displayable and sorting
- will be performed in
- ASCII order.
- 3. License Number/Code/Data License Number:
- Obtain your license
- information from a ____________________
- printed license shipped
- with your software, or License Code:
- from your vendor's
- licensing web page. ____________________
- If you choose to defer License Data:
- licensing, you are issued
- a 60-day evaluation ____________________
- license.
- License Data is only
- prompted for when
- required.
- 4. Additional Host Bus [] Yes [] No
- Adapter diskettes
- required?
- If your vendor supplied
- you with one or more
- additional HBA diskettes,
- check Yes here.
- 5. Manual hardware [] Yes [] No
- configuration required?
- The UnixWare 7
- installation auto-detects
- most common hardware
- devices. In some cases,
- such as when a device is
- not auto-detected or two
- devices share the same
- interrupt vector, you
- must manually configure
- the driver with the
- Device Configuration
- Utility. If so, check Yes
- here and complete the
- hardware checklist.
- 6. System node name ____________________
- The name must be unique,
- begin with a letter, and
- contain only lowercase
- letters, numbers, and the
- dash character. The
- maximum length is 63
- characters.
- 7. Installation type [] CD-ROM
- Choose to install from a [] SPX network
- CD-ROM or a network server
- installation server. [] TCP network
- server
- If you choose a network
- installation type, also
- complete the appropriate
- network checklists before
- installing the system.
- 8. Use whole disk for Disk One:
- installation? [] Use whole disk
- For both your primary and for UNIX
- secondary hard disks, you [] Customize disk
- can use the whole disk to partitions
- install UnixWare 7 or Disk Two:
- partition the disk. [] Use whole disk
- for UNIX
- If you choose to [] Customize disk
- customize partitions, partitions
- also complete the [] Do not modify
- partitions checklist
- before installing the
- system.
- 9. Configure filesystems on [] Use default
- active partition? filesystems
- You can configure [] Customize
- multiple filesystems on filesystems on the
- the active partition. active partition
- If you choose to
- customize filesystems,
- also complete the
- filesystems checklist
- before installing the
- system.
- 10. Configure special disk [] Do not configure
- operations? special disk
- You can analyze the disk operations
- surface, overwrite boot [] Configure
- code, or reset disk special disk
- geometry. These options operations
- might erase some or all
- of the data on your hard
- disk.
- _________________________
- NOTE If you
- installed a
- previous version of
- UnixWare, such as
- SCO(r) UnixWare(r)
- 2.1, you must
- choose to overwrite
- the boot code.
- _________________________
- 11. System profiles [] License-Based
- System profiles simplify Defaults
- the installation process [] Small Footprint
- by ensuring that the Server
- appropriate services and [] Full (All
- packages are installed on Packages)
- your system. [] Custom
- Configuration
- You can choose default
- software based on the
- license you entered, a
- small footprint server, a
- full installation, or you
- can create your own
- custom configuration.
- For a description of
- system profiles, see
- ``UnixWare 7 system
- profiles''.
- 12. System services ____________________
- If you choose to ____________________
- customize your ____________________
- configuration, list one ____________________
- or more system services ____________________
- to install or remove from
- the services list. A
- complete list of services
- appears in the Runtime
- Release Notes.
- 13. System packages ____________________
- If you configure ____________________
- services, you can select ____________________
- additional packages to ____________________
- install or remove from ____________________
- the packages list. A full
- package list appears in
- the Runtime Release
- Notes.
- 14. Date and time Continent:
- Select your location and ____________________
- time zone from the Geographic area:
- choices provided. ____________________
- Time zone name:
- ____________________
- 15. Security level [] Low
- Choose Low for systems [] Traditional
- not widely or publicly [] Improved (C2)
- accessed; Traditional to [] High (above C2)
- maintain compatibility
- with existing UNIX
- systems; or Improved if
- you require C2 security.
- Use High only on highly
- confidential systems
- which do not allow remote
- access (including telnet,
- rlogin, and ftp).
- 16. System owner Owner name:
- The system owner is an ____________________
- account with special Owner account name:
- privileges on the system. ____________________
- See ``The root account Owner user ID (UID):
- and system owner'' in the ____________________
- UnixWare 7 System Owner password:
- Handbook for more ____________________
- information.
- The owner password should
- not be shared with other
- users, and you may not
- want to record it here.
- 17. root password root password:
- The root account, or ____________________
- superuser, has unlimited
- privileges to view files
- and run programs on the
- installed system. The
- root password should not
- be shared with other
- users, and you may not
- want to record it here.
- 18. Save installation [] Yes [] No
- responses?
- After you answer
- installation prompts and
- before loading software,
- you can save your
- installation prompt
- responses to diskette for
- future use in
- reinstalling this system
- or another UnixWare 7
- system.
- 19. Mouse [] Bus mouse
- [] PS/2 compatible
- mouse
- [] Serial mouse
- [] No mouse
- Number of buttons
- [] 2 [] 3
- Installation hardware checklist
- To configure an installation device (CD-ROM or tape drive) that is not
- automatically detected by the installation, you must:
- 1. Load the appropriate hardware driver onto the system. In most
- instances, the driver loads automatically from the second
- installation diskette at the beginning of the installation. If the
- driver you want is on an additional, vendor-supplied, driver
- diskette, you will need to load it manually at step 9 of the
- installation.
- 2. Use the Device Configuration Utility (DCU) to activate the driver, if
- necessary (step 10 of the installation).
- 3. Use the DCU to configure the driver to support the device (step 10 of
- the installation).
- When you use the DCU to configure a driver, you must enter some or all of
- the following configuration information:
- 1. Device name ____________________
- The manufacturer's name
- of the device.
- 2. Driver name ____________________
- The driver name
- corresponding to the
- manufacturer's name.
- 3. Unit number ____________________
- An optional parameter
- that identifies a
- subdevice attached to a
- particular controller.
- In most cases, this value
- should be set to 0.
- 4. IPL ____________________
- The interrupt priority
- level. Set to 0 if
- interrupt priority
- handling is disabled for
- this device, or a value
- from 1 (lowest priority)
- to 7 (highest priority).
- 5. ITYPE ____________________
- The interrupt vector
- sharing type. Set to 0 if
- interrupt sharing is not
- supported or the device
- does not use interrupts;
- 1 if the device uses an
- IRQ that cannot be
- shared; 2 if the device
- uses an IRQ that can only
- be shared with another
- instance of the same
- module; 3 if the IRQ can
- be shared with any
- module; or 4 if the
- device uses an EISA
- level-sensitive IRQ that
- can be shared with any
- module.
- 6. IRQ ____________________
- The interrupt vector used
- by this device. Be sure
- the IRQ you select
- matches the setup
- (software or jumpers) of
- your hardware.
- 7. I/O start address ____________________
- The lowest I/O address
- through which the device
- communicates. This is a
- hexadecimal value from 0
- through FFFF.
- 8. I/O end address ____________________
- The highest I/O address
- through which the device
- communicates. This is a
- hexadecimal value from 0
- through FFFF.
- 9. Memory start address ____________________
- The lowest memory address
- through which the device
- communicates. This is a
- hexadecimal value from
- 10000 through FFFFFFFF.
- 10. Memory end address ____________________
- The highest memory
- address through which the
- device communicates. This
- is a hexadecimal value
- from 10000 through
- 11. DMA channel ____________________
- The direct memory access
- channel for this device.
- If this device has no DMA
- channel, set it to -1.
- 12. Bind CPU ____________________
- The CPU to which this
- device is bound. If the
- device is not CPU-
- specific, leave this
- value blank.
- These values should not conflict with the values for any other device on
- your system.
- Network checklists
- If you are configuring TCP/IP or IPX/SPX networking, or the Network
- Information Service (NIS), complete these checklists. The values you
- record here are used when you configure the system to pull UnixWare 7
- from an installation server, or when you configure your network after
- selecting software packages.
- Network adapter checklist
- If your network adapter is a ``smart'' bus adapter (for example, an EISA
- or PCI adapter), UnixWare 7 will detect and autoconfigure the appropriate
- network driver. If it is an ISA or PCMCIA/PC Card adapter, you must
- manually enter the configuration parameters prompted for during the
- installation. Parameters common to many adapters are listed in items 1-7.
- Use items 8-12 to list any additional parameters your adapter uses. See
- your network adapter's manual for the correct values.
- 1. Network adapter ____________________
- Vendor and model number.
- 2. Interrupt vector (IRQ) ____________________
- 3. I/O Address Range ____________________
- 4. ROM Address ____________________
- 5. DMA Channel ____________________
- 6. Memory (RAM) Address ____________________
- Range
- 7. RAM size ____________________
- 8. ____________________
- 9. ____________________
- 10. ____________________
- 11. ____________________
- 12. ____________________
- TCP/IP checklist
- 1. System IP Address. ____________________
- Four integers separated
- by periods (for example,
- 2. System Netmask ____________________
- If you are not
- configuring a subnetwork,
- accept the default value.
- 3. Broadcast Address ____________________
- This value is
- automatically computed by
- the installation based on
- the System Netmask.
- 4. Default Router ____________________
- This parameter is
- optional. Enter it if you
- know the IP address of
- another system that your
- system will use to route
- packets.
- 5. Server IP Address ____________________
- If you are configuring a
- network installation,
- specify the IP address of
- the TCP/IP Install Server
- to which you will
- connect.
- 6. Domain Name ____________________
- The name of your
- network's domain, such as
- sco.com.
- 7. Primary DNS Address ____________________
- This parameter is
- optional. Enter it if you
- know the IP address of
- the Domain Name Service
- server for your network.
- 8. Other DNS addresses ____________________
- These parameters are
- optional. Enter them if ____________________
- you know the IP address
- of alternate DNS servers
- on your network.
- 9. Frame Format ____________________
- Choose from the list
- displayed by the
- installation. The
- default is ETHERNET_II.
- IPX/SPX checklist
- 1. IPX Net Number ____________________
- If this is the first
- machine on a cable
- segment, enter the
- network number. Or, set
- this number to 0 to
- auto-detect a network
- number.
- 2. Frame Format ____________________
- Choose from the list
- detected by the
- installation. The most
- common frame format used
- by NetWare servers on
- Ethernet networks is
- ETHERNET_802.2.
- 3. Install Server ____________________
- Only prompted for when
- performing a networked
- installation. Specify a
- server name (not an IPX
- Net Number address).
- Network Information Server checklist
- If you install the Network Information Service (NIS), you can configure
- the following parameters during the installation process:
- 1. NIS system type [] Master
- [] Slave
- [] Client
- 2. NIS domain ____________________
- 3. NIS master server ____________________
- The master server for
- this slave or client.
- 4. NIS slave server(s) ____________________
- One or more slave servers ____________________
- for this master. ____________________
- Partitions and filesystems checklists
- When installing the UnixWare 7 operating system, you can define the
- partition(s) for the primary hard disk and an optional second hard disk.
- You can also modify filesystem types and sizes for active UNIX system
- partition.
- Read this section and complete the checklist below if you want to:
- + preserve the existing partitions and filesystems on your UnixWare(r)
- system, including data in non-root filesystems
- + configure multiple partitions on your primary hard disk, so that you
- can boot multiple operating systems
- + modify the filesystem types or layout on your active UNIX partition
- _________________________________________________________________________
- NOTE If you do not want to configure partitions and filesystems
- manually, the UnixWare 7 installation will set them up
- automatically. When prompted by the installation, choose to:
- + Use the whole disk for UNIX at the Disk Configuration window.
- + Accept default filesystems at the Default/Customized Slices
- window.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Partitions checklist and notes
- You can define up to four partitions for each hard disk during the
- installation.
- Primary hard disk partitions
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Partition Type % of disk Starting cylinder
- _________________________________________________________________________
- 1 ________ __________ ___________
- 2 ________ __________ ___________
- 3 ________ __________ ___________
- 4 ________ __________ ___________
- Secondary hard disk partitions
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Partition Type % of disk Starting cylinder
- _________________________________________________________________________
- 1 ________ __________ ___________
- 2 ________ __________ ___________
- 3 ________ __________ ___________
- 4 ________ __________ ___________
- Partition types are:
- UNIX System Use for SCO UnixWare, SCO OpenServer(TM), or other UNIX
- systems.
- Pre-5.0 DOS Use for DOS systems release 5.0 and earlier. This system
- must be loaded in partition 1 and start at block 0. You must
- install this system before installing UNIX. To boot a pre-
- 5.0 DOS partition, it must be smaller than 32MB and must
- start at cylinder 0.
- DOS Use for DOS systems after release 5.0. This system can be
- loaded onto any partition.
- Other Use for other operating systems, such as OS/2.
- System This partition contains autodetected hardware information.
- If this partition is listed, do not remove or reconfigure
- it. This partition contains information specific to your
- hardware setup.
- Remember these restrictions when filling out the partitions tables:
- + You must define an active UNIX partition, which must be at least 80MB
- in size. If you do not, the installation will not proceed until you
- create one.
- + Only one partition can be active at one time.
- If partitions already exist on your disk, but the active partition is
- not large enough to install UnixWare, the installation software
- informs you of this and requires that you either modify your
- partitions or cancel the installation.
- + Any change in the size, type, or cylinder position (location on the
- disk for the partition) of an existing partition results in the
- partition being removed and recreated. In this case, all data in the
- partition is lost.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- NOTE If you expand the size of one partition and, as a result,
- then need to change the cylinder location of a second, existing
- partition, the data in both partitions is lost.
- For any partition you are changing in this way, it is crucial
- that you back up your existing applications, files, and
- directories.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Filesystems checklist
- You can modify several default filesystems and ``slices'' (portions of
- the active partition with no kernel-managed filesystem defined) during
- the installation:
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- Name Filesystem (Default Type Size (Disk 1 or
- type) disk 2)
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- / Root filesystem vxfs vxfs ___(MB) 1
- /stand Boot filesystem bfs bfs ___(MB) 1
- /dev/swap Swap slice slice slice ___(MB) 1
- /dev/dump Dump slice off ______ ___(MB) 1
- /home User filesystem off ______ ___(MB) (1/2)
- /home2 2nd user filesystem off ______ ___(MB) (1/2)
- /var Installation filesystem off ______ ___(MB) (1/2)
- /tmp Temporary filesystem off ______ ___(MB) (1/2)
- /var/tmp Temporary filesystem off ______ ___(MB) (1/2)
- /dev/volprivate Private volume slice ______ ___(MB) 1
- ALTS TABLE Alt/Sector slice slice ______ ___(MB) 1
- ALTS TABLE Alt/Sector slice slice ______ ___(MB) 2
- Filesystems notes
- This section describes each of the filesystems you can configure.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- NOTE By default, each filesystem has a 64K inode limit. This
- limits the number of files and directories you can create in a
- given filesystem. You can remove this restriction in step 14 of the
- installation.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Root filesystem (/)
- Contains the bulk of the system, including files, commands, log
- files, and other data.
- This filesystem is required, and can be of type vxfs (default,
- recommended) or ufs.
- Boot filesystem (/stand)
- Contains all stand-alone programs and text files necessary to
- boot UnixWare 7.
- The filesystem type must be bfs, and the default size provided
- should be adequate for your system.
- Swap slice (/dev/swap)
- Used to swap processes into and out of memory.
- The default swap value is adequate for most systems; you may
- consider increasing its size if you are running large
- applications which consume system resources. If you increase the
- the swap slice size, you decrease the amount of space on your
- disk to store user data.
- _________________________________________________________________
- NOTE If you configure Large Physical Memory, read the
- section ``Configuring swap space for systems with large
- physical memory'' to determine the correct swap size.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Dump slice (/dev/dump)
- Stores a core image of the system should the system crash.
- This slice is not enabled by default, and in most cases is not
- necessary. If you create a dump slice, it should be as large as
- your system's RAM.
- _________________________________________________________________
- NOTE If you configure Large Physical Memory, read the
- section ``Configuring dump space for systems with large
- physical memory'' to determine the correct dump size.
- _________________________________________________________________
- User filesystems (/home, /home2)
- If enabled, contain user accounts and data.
- These filesystems should be configured as the same type you chose
- for the root filesystem. If you do not enable these filesystems,
- they are created as subdirectories of the root filesystem.
- Installation filesystem (/var)
- If enabled, contains installation data and administration files.
- This filesystem should be configured as the same type you chose
- for the root filesystem. If you do not enable this filesystem,
- /var is created as a subdirectory of the root filesystem.
- Temporary filesystem (/tmp)
- Contains files which might be removed at any time.
- This filesystem can be configured as memfs, in which case all
- files and directories are automatically flushed during each
- reboot, or as the same type you chose for the root filesystem.
- _________________________________________________________________
- NOTE If you want to make use of UnixWare 7 emergency
- recovery utilities, you must define /tmp as a memfs
- filesystem.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Installation temporary filesystem (/var/tmp)
- If enabled, /var/tmp is used when adding packages to your system.
- This filesystem must be configured as memfs. All files and
- directories are automatically flushed during each reboot. If you
- do not enable this filesystem, /var/tmp is created as a
- subdirectory of the root filesystem.
- Private volume (/dev/volprivate)
- Used by the Online Data Manager to ensure data recoverability.
- If you plan on installing the Online Data Manager, you should
- enable this volume as type slice with a size of 1MB.
- Alternate sector slice(s)
- These slices provide a mapping of bad blocks to good blocks for
- use by the disk driver.
- Some devices, such as SCSI hard drives, provide their own mapping
- scheme. If you have such a device, set each slice to a small
- size.
- Configuring swap space for systems with large physical memory
- The default size for the swap slice, as calculated during the
- installation, is based on the total amount of memory in the system. As
- system memory gets larger, the value of paging to swap diminishes, and,
- while it is possible to simply not configure a swap slice on a very large
- memory system, the swap slice actually provides utility even if the
- system never actually pages to it, due to the internal requirement to
- reserve "virtual swap" space.
- On a small system, as a rough estimate, swap space should be twice the
- size of non-dedicated memory. Larger amounts of swap space must be
- allocated for systems with larger RAM. The following table shows
- reasonable allocations of swap space for systems of different sizes
- (assuming no memfs):
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Size of system Size of swap space
- _________________________________________________________________________
- 16MB 32MB
- 64MB 75MB
- 256MB 200MB
- 1024MB 430MB
- 4096MB 1330MB
- If you intend to allocate a sizable amount of system memory for use as
- dedicated memory, more swap will be allocated, during installation, than
- is necessary. However, you can resize the swap space to a more
- reasonable value, and allocate the freed space to other slices or
- filesystems, during installation in the Customize Filesystems and Slices
- window.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- NOTE If you want to add a swap slice larger than 512K blocks (or
- 256MB) to a system, you will need to increase SEGKMEM_BYTES by a
- value equal to 0.4% of the swap space being added, then reboot.
- For example, if you are adding 1GB of swap space to a system,
- increase SEGKMEM_BYTES by 4MB (or 0x400000). (Use
- /etc/conf/bin/idtune -g SEGKMEM_BYTES to obtain the old value.)
- An attempt to use a swap slice larger than 512K blocks (or 256MB)
- can cause problems due to depletion of kernel virtual space. If
- you have not increased SEGKMEM_BYTES, as explained, then the
- attempt to add the swap space can fail. If the attempt succeeds,
- the result can be a poorly performing system, or even a system
- deadlock (hang).
- For complete information on performing this task, see ``Adding swap
- space'' in SCOhelp.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Configuring dump space for systems with large physical memory
- You can perform normal dumps, or selective dumps, on systems with any
- amount of memory, including those with more than 4GB of memory. In a
- normal dump, all of physical memory is dumped to disk and the system dump
- memory image can be examined using crash(1M).
- If you have experienced a system panic, the relevant information for
- diagnosis is usually in the kernel pages. On a system with large memory,
- it can be more practical to perform a selective dump (only the kernel
- mapped pages are dumped to disk). This means that the dump is quicker
- and smaller at the expense of certain information (user space pages). A
- selective dump is made at the time of the panic, but you must specify
- that you want a selective dump when the system is booted. Set the kernel
- tunable parameter SYSDUMP_SELECTIVE to 1 to obtain a selective dump. (For
- information on performing this task, see ``Changing tunable parameters
- with the System Tuner'' in SCOhelp).
- You might want to specify a selective dump if your system has a large
- amount of physical memory or if maximum use of disk space is required
- (keeping the swap/dump slice as small as possible to free up disk for
- filesystems). Use the following information to configure the swap/dump
- space for best results for the amount of memory on your system:
- full dump
- dump space should be equal to physical memory size (the dump will
- normally be less than this)
- selective dump
- dump space should be sized according to the following
- recommendations:
- + physical memory is less than or equal to 32MB:
- dump_space >= 16MB
- + physical memory is greater than 32MB, but less than 256MB:
- dump_space >= physical_memory_size/2
- + physical memory is greater than 256MB:
- dump_space >= 128MB + (physical_memory_size - 256MB)/4
- For example: a system with 16MB of physical memory should have 16MB
- dump space; a system with 64MB of physical memory should have 32MB
- dump space; a system with 512MB of physical memory should have 192MB
- dump space; and, a system with 1GB of physical memory should have
- 320MB dump space.