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- September 05, 1996
- *****************************************************************************
- * YEAH! COOL!! Check out the promotion!! What a Great Deal!! *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * The unlimited version is only US$100 more. Order today before too late!!! *
- *****************************************************************************
- * The subscription is also available: just $40 in addition to the price. *
- *****************************************************************************
- DO CHECK OUT THIS SECTION: [NEW & HOT - Special promotion until ...]
- ============
- *****************************************************************
- *****************************************************************
- You should find a registration form in the package. Please do take few
- minutes to complete the form and register the product.
- Please fax or email us your registration form which should include:
- - name
- - company name
- - address
- - phone#
- - fax#
- - registration# shown in the program
- - email address
- - registration or change of registration information
- - misc. questions
- After you register your copy, your email address will be added to our
- auto-email list. If there is a change to your email address, please
- notify us immediately to update our auto-email database. Please do
- include the above information.
- If there is a major change to the shared DRIVERs which may make your copy
- incompatible with upcoming SPYs. You will receive the update via email
- of the same product for the same platform absolutely free of charge.
- If you purchase the subscription, your subscription will not start until
- you register the product. After the registration, you will receive the
- most recent update of the product quarterly.
- Send in your registration today.
- FAX: 1-630-372-2469
- CompuServe: 71670,176
- Internet: prudens@pcweb.dpliv.com
- If you have any question (technical or nontechnical):
- . for emergency, please use fax
- . for general questions, please use email.
- ============
- Some products are registered shareware. You may register them via
- CompuServe. GO SWREG.
- Or send your order and payment (check or money orders only) to
- 100 Borris Circle
- Streamwood, IL 60107
- Some products have different versions for different platforms (Windows 3.x,
- Windows 95, or Windows NT). Please make sure you clearly indicate:
- - product name &
- - platform (version)
- If you order the subscription, you will receive quarterly update of that
- product.
- Thank you very much.
- NEW & HOT - Special promotion until ...
- =======================================
- ************************************************************
- * Please note: *
- *----------------------------------------------------------*
- * if you register via CompuServe, you will not get the *
- * discount since CIS does not handle it for us and you *
- * will be charged the full price. *
- ************************************************************
- A. SMM for Windows 95
- The promotion is only $895.95 (regular US$1,299,95)
- B. SPYs
- Check out the promotion price for each SPY
- C. Corporate unlimited version
- Act now. It is only US$100 more. Check the price out.
- D. New release: these products are just in town
- 2. ComSpy3x
- 3. ComSpy95
- E. Upcoming:
- 1. ResSpy3x
- 2. ResSpy95
- 3. MemSpy3x
- 4. MemSpy95
- *******************************************************************************
- * D E V E L O P E R S & GURUS G A L A R Y *
- *******************************************************************************
- Who says SYSTEM-WIDE hook is impossible in 32 bit environment.
- We have developed technology to install system-wide hooks (which can hook
- into any APIs directly), the technology to create share memory (allocate
- memory to share among any 32bit or 16bit application), and the technology
- to create patch patching into Windows KERNEL. All these technologies are
- used in any of our SPYs products. You may not see it visually but it is
- there ... Check all Windows 3x/95 SPYs out youself.
- The Windows 95 version reports you both 32 bit and 16 bit activilities,
- including undocumented/unexported functions which deal with actual module
- loading, inserting into module reference list in the process database,
- and unloading/removing from the process database.
- Let SPYs open a window to Windows 3x or Windows 95 for you ...
- We update the trial versions of SPYs and other products on many CompuServe
- (for example, WinUtil, WinUser, MSWIN32, and more) libraries periodically.
- You can down the lastest trial version from CompuServe...
- ********************************************************************
- * The reduced price shown in this section is valid only in this *
- * promoting period. Order today !!!!! *
- ********************************************************************
- ********************************************************************
- * The subscription is also available: w/flat $40 more, you receive *
- * the most recent version every quarter for one year. Act now. *
- ********************************************************************
- A. ExeSpy - Powerful program monitor for Windows 3x and Windows 95
- Nightmare #1:
- 'many existing 16 bit applications broken after upgrading
- to Windows 95 or Windows NT'
- Nightmare #2:
- 'Program can not start... one or more components are missing ...
- Please reinstall the application ...'
- As an end-user or a system administrator, do you really reinstall the whole
- package. Or you will first try to find out what exactly has been lost or has failed?
- Let ExeSpy help. ExeSpy can pinpoint which components (DLLs/Exes/Drvs/VBXes)
- that Windows is looking for, Just locate these missing things and copy them
- to the system!! ExeSpy also provides you the information if the application
- can not start because of failing to create a window.
- For Windows 3.x:
- US$ 49.95 - single user license (SW#8410)
- US$ 149.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $349.95)
- For Windows 95:
- US$ 79.95 - Single user license (SW#12134) (reduced from $129.95)
- US$ 179.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $495.95)
- For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- B. IniSpy - Powerful Registry and INI file tracer for Windows 95
- - Powerful INI file tracer for Windows 3.x
- Nightmare #3:
- 'which ini files are accessed by the program and where they are"
- INI Spy allows you to monitor read and write activity by any 16-bit
- Windows application against all INI-style files in your system. It
- reports the values read and retrieved from INI files and attaches to
- the log the date and time the activity took place. You can spy on
- specific initialization files or select all INI-style files. The
- Windows 95 version also traces all Registration Database calls!
- For Windows 3.x:
- US$ 49.00 - Single user license (SW#9141)
- US$ 149.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $349.95)
- For Windows 95: (2 in 1: INISpy95+RegSpy95)
- US$ 79.95 - Single user license (SW#12135) (reduced from $129.95)
- US$ 179.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $495.95)
- For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- C. DLLCheck - Powerful module tracer for Windows
- DLLCheck reports all loaded modules and their relationship. It also
- traps any loading of a module.
- For Windows 3.x: (free with ExeSpy)
- For Windows 95:
- US$ 79.95 - Single user license (SW#12137) (reduced from $129.95)
- US$ 179.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $495.95)
- For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- D. ComSpy - COMM port Monitor
- Check it out. When you connect to CompuServe or American Online, how the
- data is transferred. What get sent out? And what is received? You can
- capture all data to a file and do whatever you want to it. When you connect
- to internet, ever wonder if the vendors have done anything you don't like.
- Just have ComSpy capture all data for you.
- Note: The 16 bit version monitors COMM APIs (ReadComm, WriteComm, etc)
- The 32 bit version monitors both COMM APIs and WinSock 32.
- For Windows 3x:
- US$ 69.95 - Single user license (SW#8599) (reduced from $ 99.95)
- US$ 169.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $395.95)
- For Windows 95:
- US$ 99.95 - Single user license (SW#12851) (reduced from $149.95)
- US$ 199.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $595.95)
- For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- E. PEBrowse - browse any PE format executable
- If you are a developer you surely will love this utility. This utility
- gives you a map of what are in a PE file. It reports you all included
- sections (idata, rdata, etc), view modules linked and the APIs imported,
- view APIs exports, view all resources, and more. Try it yourself.
- For Windows 95/NT:
- US$ 20.00 - Single user license
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- F. ResSpy95 - Resource Monitor for Windows 95
- For Windows 3x:
- US$ 69.95 - Single user license (reduced from $ 99.95)
- US$ 169.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $395.95)
- For Windows 95:
- US$ 79.95 - Single user license (SW#12324) (reduced from $129.95)
- US$ 179.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $495.95)
- For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- G. MemSpy
- Monitor on Windows APIs related to memory allocation and deallocation.
- For Windows 3.x, it monitors on Global and Local memory activities.
- For Windows 95, it monitors on Global/Local, Heap, and Virtual memory.
- MemSpy setups a counter for each process/task detected. For memory
- allocation, it adds the size value to the counter. For deallocation, it
- substract the size value from the counter. This is a tool that can help
- you to track down the memory leaking.
- For Windows 3.x: (Beta)
- US$ 99.95 - Single user license (reduced from $149.95)
- US$ 199.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $595.95)
- For Windows 95: (Beta)
- US$ 99.95 - Single user license (reduced from $149.95)
- US$ 199.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $595.95)
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- H. RegSpy - Registry Monitor for Windows 3.x
- Find out what happen to your Registry. Find out how an application access
- the registry, what to retrieve, what to update, etc.
- RegSpy monitors any activities on Registry REAL TIME.
- For Windows 3.x:
- US$ 49.95 - Single user license (SW#9661)
- US$ 149.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $349.95)
- For Windows 95:
- Note: there is no separate RegSpy for Windows 95. RegSpy is merged with
- INISpy under Windows 95. Purchase INISpy95, you receive two SPYs
- at a time, double the value of your money.
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- I. MorePath - Powerful PATH extender
- Nightmare #4:
- 'Limited PATH length but you just have so many things needs to
- be in the searh path?'
- MorePath alters and extends the search strategy employed by 16-bit
- Windows 3.x applications whenever a module needs to be loaded into
- the system or a file needs to be found and opened. Specifically,
- MorePath intercepts Windows LoadModule, ShellExecute, and
- OpenFile API calls and then replaces their normal searches of
- your DOS and network defined paths with the one created by you using
- the MorePath interface.
- For Windows 3.x:
- US$ 49.95 - Single user license (SW#9142)
- US$ 149.95 - Corporate unlimited users (reduced from $349.95)
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- *******************************************************************************
- * D E V E L O P E R S & G U R U S L I B R A R I E S *
- *******************************************************************************
- A. FUNCHOOK - SYSTEM-WIDE Hook Manager (with limited source code)
- - The Only SYSTEM-WIDE API Hook SDK for Windows 95 in Town
- Everyone says "it is impossible to setup SYSTEM-WIDE hook under Windows 95".
- We want to tell you: it is absolutely wrong. Just check out what our SPYs
- can do for you. All SPYs setup SYSTEM-WIDE hooks to monitor the activities
- of a specific area, such as,
- EXESPY95 on program execution,
- INISPY95 on INI files and Registry,
- DLLCHK95/DLLSPY95 on module loading & uploading,
- COMSPY95 on COM port,
- RESSPY95 on verious GDI objects,
- and more SPYs (are coming soon from us or maybe from YOU).
- PRUDENS, the only one in the world, tells you - you certainly can setup
- SYSTEM-WIDE hooks. And it is available now. This library targets on all
- topmost software developers in the world.
- Develop your own SPY on the area you are interested in. This is the only
- library available.
- Oh! By the way, the package comes with both 16bit and 32bit support. You
- can use 16bit portion alone to spy APIs under Windows 3.x. Or you can
- setup SYSTEM-WIDE hook on both 32 bit side and 16 bit side under Windows 95.
- Besides you receive SMM95 and WUTL95 for free.
- And it is royalty free.
- For Windows 95/Windows 3x : US$2,495.95 w/6 month free tech-support
- For Windows NT/Windows 3x : under development
- (S&H: US$10 for US and Canada, US$15 all others)
- Limited Source Code: The source code which includes
- FUNCHOOK - 16bit hook manager
- FH95 - 32bit hook manager
- SMM95 - share memory/heap manager
- WUTL95 - utilities collection
- EXESPY95 - serve as example
- except
- the source code for the VXD (excluded).
- **********************************************************************
- * The subscription is also available: only $199.95 more, you receive *
- * the most recent update every quarter for one year. Act now. *
- **********************************************************************
- Note: Download TASKMON from most CompuServ forums.
- (a simplified ExeSpy which hooks into CreateProcess/ExitProcess only)
- B. SMM95 - Shared Memory Manager (with limited source code)
- - The Only SYSTEM-WIDE SHARED Memory Manager for Windows 95 in Town
- "There is no simple way to share memory among 32 under Windows 95..."
- "One way is to use memory mapped files ..."
- "Or you can try to pass data through clipboard or file ..."
- "No way, except WM_COPYDATA/clipbrd/file, to share data among 32/16 app. ..."
- SMM proves and provides a way, the easiest way to share memory among
- 32/32 or 32/16 applications. Simply allocating memory through SMM's APIs,
- you can have all of your 32 and 16 programs share the same memory ...
- Find it out for yourself. Contact us for the trial/lite version.
- For Windows 95: US$1,295.95 w/6 month free tech-support (SW#12136)
- For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development
- (S&H: US$10 for US and Canada, US$15 all others)
- Limited Source Code: The source code which includes all SMM modules except
- the source code for the VXD.
- **********************************************************************
- * The subscription is also available: only $149.95 more, you receive *
- * the most recent update every quarter for one year. Act now. *
- **********************************************************************
- Note: SMM Lite is available for evaluation.
- Email to 71670,176 to request it.
- C. WUTL95 - Utility Collection for Windows 95
- Make local variables sharable by any 32/16 bit programs.
- Retrieve pointer to process database.
- Map process id to process name.
- and more... New APIs are added almost everyday.
- For Windows 95: US$ 295.95 w/3 free tech-support (SW#12323)
- For Windows NT 3.x/4.x: under development
- (S&H: US$7 for US and Canada, US$12 all others)
- **********************************************************************
- * The subscription is also available: only $99.95 more, you receive *
- * the most recent update every quarter for one year. Act now. *
- **********************************************************************
- Note: WUTL95 Lite is available for evaluation.
- Email to 71670,176 to request it.
- (c) Copyright 1995-96 by PRUDENS INC. All rights reserved.