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// $Id: std.vsl,v 1.6 1997/10/08 13:19:55 zeller Exp $
// VSL Standard Library
// Copyright (C) 1993 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of the DDD Library.
// The DDD Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// The DDD Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
// License along with the DDD Library -- see the file COPYING.LIB.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
#include <builtin.vsl>
// Version
std_version() = "$Id: std.vsl,v 1.6 1997/10/08 13:19:55 zeller Exp $";
// Constants
rulethickness() = 1;
whitethickness() = 2;
indentamount() = hspace(" ");
true = 1;
false = 0;
// Some Macros...
// Maximum, minimum
max(a) = a;
max(a, b, ...) = if a > b then max(a, ...) else max(b, ...) fi;
min(a) = a;
min(a, b, ...) = if a < b then min(a, ...) else min(b, ...) fi;
// Fillers
hfill() = vfix(fill());
vfill() = hfix(fill());
// Neutral elements
hnull() = vfill(); // neutral element for &
vnull() = hfill(); // neutral element for |
// Black and white lines
hrule(thickness) = rule() & vspace(thickness);
vrule(thickness) = rule() | hspace(thickness);
hwhite(thickness) = fill() & vspace(thickness);
vwhite(thickness) = fill() | hspace(thickness);
hrule() = hrule(rulethickness());
vrule() = vrule(rulethickness());
hwhite() = hwhite(whitethickness());
vwhite() = vwhite(whitethickness());
// Fixers
fix(a) = hfix(vfix(a));
space(a) = hspace(a) + vspace(a);
// Box
box(x) = x;
box(x,y) = hspace(x) + vspace(y);
// Alignments
halign(...) = (&)(...);
valign(...) = (|)(...);
talign(...) = (~)(...);
// Reverse alignments
hralign() = hnull();
hralign(head) = head;
hralign(head, ...) = hralign(...) & head;
tralign() = hnull();
tralign(head) = head;
tralign(head, ...) = tralign(...) ~ head;
vralign() = vnull();
vralign(head) = head;
vralign(head, ...) = vralign(...) | head;
// Lists
hlist(_) = hnull();
hlist(_, head) = head;
hlist(sep, head, ...) = head & sep & hlist(sep, ...);
tlist(_) = hnull();
tlist(_, head) = head;
tlist(sep, head, ...) = head ~ sep ~ tlist(sep, ...);
vlist(_) = vnull();
vlist(_, head) = head;
vlist(sep, head, ...) = head | sep | vlist(sep, ...);
hvlist(_) = vnull();
hvlist(sep, head) = head & sep;
hvlist(sep, head, ...) = head & sep | hvlist(sep, ...);
tvlist(_) = vnull();
tvlist(sep, head) = head ~ sep;
tvlist(sep, head, ...) = head ~ sep | tvlist(sep, ...);
vhlist(_) = vnull();
vhlist(sep, head) = head | sep;
vhlist(sep, head, ...) = (head | sep) & vhlist(sep, ...);
vtlist(_) = vnull();
vtlist(sep, head) = head | sep;
vtlist(sep, head, ...) = (head | sep) ~ vtlist(sep, ...);
commalist(...) = tlist(", ", ...);
semicolonlist(...) = tlist("; ", ...);
// Make size even
heven(box, align) = box ^ hspace(box + box % align);
veven(box, align) = box ^ vspace(box + box % align);
even(box, align) = heven(veven(box, align), align);
heven(box) = heven(box, 2);
veven(box) = veven(box, 2);
even(box) = heven(veven(box));
// Conversions
// Convert digit
digit(0) = "0";
digit(1) = "1";
digit(2) = "2";
digit(3) = "3";
digit(4) = "4";
digit(5) = "5";
digit(6) = "6";
digit(7) = "7";
digit(8) = "8";
digit(9) = "9";
digit(10) = "a";
digit(11) = "b";
digit(12) = "c";
digit(13) = "d";
digit(14) = "e";
digit(15) = "f";
digit(_) = fail("invalid digit() argument");
// Convert numbers
// Natural numbers
pnum(a, base) =
if a < base then
pnum(a / base, base) & pnum(a % base, base)
// Entire numbers
num(a, base) =
if a < 0 then "-" & pnum(0 - a, base) else pnum(a, base) fi;
num(a) = num(a, 10);
// Bases
dec(a) = num(a, 10);
oct(a) = num(a, 8);
bin(a) = num(a, 2);
hex(a) = num(a, 16);
// Lines with some space at the inner side
n_rule() = hrule() | hwhite();
w_rule() = vrule() & vwhite();
s_rule() = hwhite() | hrule();
e_rule() = vwhite() & vrule();
// Frames
whiteframe(box, thickness) =
| vwhite(thickness) & box & vwhite(thickness)
| hwhite(thickness);
whiteframe(box) = whiteframe(box, whitethickness());
ruleframe(box, thickness) =
| vrule(thickness) & box & vrule(thickness)
| hrule(thickness);
ruleframe(box) = ruleframe(box, rulethickness());
frame(box) = ruleframe(whiteframe(box));
doubleframe(box) = frame(frame(box));
thickframe(box) = ruleframe(frame(box));
// Centering
hcenter(box) = fill() & box & fill();
vcenter(box) = fill() | box | fill();
center(box) = hcenter(vcenter(box));
// Flushing
n_flush(box) = hcenter(box) | fill();
s_flush(box) = fill() | hcenter(box);
w_flush(box) = vcenter(box) & fill();
e_flush(box) = fill() & vcenter(box);
sw_flush(box) = fill() | (box & fill());
nw_flush(box) = (box & fill()) | fill();
se_flush(box) = fill() | (fill() & box);
ne_flush(box) = (fill() & box) | fill();
// Indentation
indent(box) = indentamount() & box;
// Underlines, Overlines, Crosslines
underline(box) = box | hrule();
overline(box) = hrule() | box;
crossline(box) = hfix(box ^ vcenter(hrule()));
// Poor Man's Bold
doublestrike(box) = box ^ (hspace(1) & box);
// Abbreviations
dquote() = "\"";
squote() = "'";
copyright() = "(c)";