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- # $Id: lesstif-0.83.patch,v 1.1 1998/03/20 12:08:33 zeller Exp $
- This file contains a variety of patches for lesstif-0.83. Although
- none of them is really serious, we suggest that these patches be
- applied (using `patch -l < lesstif-0.83.patch') before building
- LessTif and running DDD with LessTif.
- Subject: LessTif 0.83: Modifiers cause XBell on read-only Text, and a patch
- To: lesstif@hungry.com (LessTif Mailing List)
- Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 17:43:52 +0100 (MET)
- Hi!
- The following problem occurs in LessTif 0.83 and earlier:
- * Pressing a modifier while the pointer is over a read-only Text
- widget causes the X bell to be rung.
- The enclosed patch fixes this.
- Thanks for your work,
- --
- Andreas Zeller Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany
- mailto:zeller@acm.org http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/~zeller/
- *** lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TextIn.c.orig Sun Mar 15 17:33:39 1998
- --- lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TextIn.c Sun Mar 15 17:35:20 1998
- ***************
- *** 543,552 ****
- --- 543,558 ----
- if (len <= 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- + if (!Text_Editable(w))
- + {
- + VerifyBell(w);
- + return;
- + }
- +
- (*Text_Output(w)->DrawInsertionPoint) (w, Text_CursorPos(w), off);
- blockrec.ptr = XtMalloc(len + 1);
- blockrec.length = len;
- blockrec.format = XmFMT_8_BIT;
- ***************
- *** 1889,1904 ****
- KeySym keysym;
- int len, status;
- DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, w, "SelfInsert"));
- -
- - if (!Text_Editable(w))
- - {
- - VerifyBell((XmTextWidget)w);
- - return;
- - }
- len = XmImMbLookupString((Widget)w, (XKeyPressedEvent *)ev, buf, INSERTCHARBUFSIZ, &keysym, &status);
- if (XdbInDebug(__FILE__, w))
- {
- --- 1895,1904 ----
- *** lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TextF.c.orig Fri Mar 13 18:43:10 1998
- --- lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TextF.c Sun Mar 15 17:39:23 1998
- ***************
- *** 2714,2723 ****
- --- 2714,2734 ----
- }
- static void
- DoInsert(XmTextFieldWidget w, XEvent *ev, char *buf, int len)
- {
- + if (len <= 0)
- + {
- + return;
- + }
- +
- + if (!TextF_Editable(w))
- + {
- + VerifyBell(w);
- + return;
- + }
- +
- if (XdbInDebug(__FILE__, (Widget)w))
- {
- char *tmp;
- /* buf is not necessarily NULL terminated!!!! */
- ***************
- *** 4029,4047 ****
- KeySym keysym;
- int len, status;
- DBGW("self_insert");
- -
- - if (!TextF_Editable(tfw))
- - {
- - if (TextF_VerifyBell(tfw))
- - {
- - beep((Widget)tfw, ev, params, num_params);
- - }
- - return;
- - }
- len = XmImMbLookupString((Widget)tfw,
- (XKeyPressedEvent *)ev, buf,
- &keysym,
- --- 4040,4049 ----
- Subject: XmTrackingEvent() bugs in LessTif 0.83, and a patch
- To: lesstif@hungry.com (LessTif Mailing List)
- Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:39:23 +0100 (MET)
- Hi!
- I reported two bugs in LessTif 0.83 XmTrackingEvent(); the enclosed
- patch fixes them.
- > In XmTrackingEvent(), a KeyRelease event causes the tracking to be
- > finished right away. This has a disadvantage: if I invoke
- > XmTrackingEvent using some key (say, F1), the tracking is finished
- > as soon as the key is released. In M*tif, AFAIK, tracking is not
- > influenced by key events. Suggestion: check for ButtonRelease
- > events only.
- The patch modifies XmTrackingEvent() such that the tracking is
- finished only if a key is first pressed, then released, in accordance
- with the Motif 1.2 spec.
- > In LessTif 0.83 (TrackLoc.c), XmTrackingEvent() does not return
- > anything in event_return.
- The patch fixes this problem, too.
- The patch also fixes the following improvements:
- * If the pointer grab fails, issues an error message
- * Use XtLastTimestampProcessed() instead of CurrentTime for grabs
- Happy hacking,
- --
- Andreas Zeller Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany
- mailto:zeller@acm.org http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/~zeller/
- *** lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TrackLoc.c.orig Tue Mar 17 12:09:15 1998
- --- lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TrackLoc.c Tue Mar 17 12:25:21 1998
- ***************
- *** 34,43 ****
- --- 34,45 ----
- XmTrackingEvent(Widget widget, Cursor cursor,
- Boolean confine_to, XEvent *event_return)
- {
- Window confine_to_this;
- XEvent ev;
- + Boolean key_pressed = False;
- + Time time;
- if (confine_to)
- {
- confine_to_this = XtWindow(widget);
- }
- ***************
- *** 46,75 ****
- confine_to_this = None;
- }
- DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, widget, "XmTrackingEvent: XtGrabPointer()\n"));
- ! XtGrabPointer(widget,
- ! True,
- ! ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask,
- ! GrabModeAsync,
- ! GrabModeAsync,
- ! confine_to_this,
- ! cursor,
- ! CurrentTime);
- while (True)
- {
- XtAppNextEvent(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), &ev);
- ! if (ev.xbutton.type == KeyRelease ||
- ! (ev.xbutton.type == ButtonRelease && ev.xbutton.button == 1))
- {
- DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, widget,
- "XmTrackingEvent: XtUngrabPointer()\n"));
- ! XtUngrabPointer(widget, CurrentTime);
- /* If the button was clicked outside of this programs windows,
- * the widget that grabbed the pointer will get the event. So,
- * we check the bounds of the widget against the coordinates of
- * the event. If they're outside, we return NULL. Otherwise we
- --- 48,88 ----
- confine_to_this = None;
- }
- DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, widget, "XmTrackingEvent: XtGrabPointer()\n"));
- ! time = XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(widget));
- ! if (XtGrabPointer(widget, True,
- ! ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask,
- ! GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
- ! confine_to_this, cursor, time) != GrabSuccess)
- ! {
- ! _XmWarning(widget, "XmTrackingEvent: Could not grab pointer");
- ! return NULL;
- ! }
- while (True)
- {
- XtAppNextEvent(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(widget), &ev);
- + time = XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(widget));
- ! if (ev.xbutton.type == KeyPress)
- {
- + /* Avoid exiting upon releasing the key that caused
- + XmTrackingEvent() to be invoked */
- + key_pressed = True;
- + }
- + else if ((ev.xbutton.type == KeyRelease && key_pressed) ||
- + (ev.xbutton.type == ButtonRelease && ev.xbutton.button == 1))
- + {
- + if (event_return != NULL)
- + *event_return = ev;
- +
- DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, widget,
- "XmTrackingEvent: XtUngrabPointer()\n"));
- ! XtUngrabPointer(widget, time);
- /* If the button was clicked outside of this programs windows,
- * the widget that grabbed the pointer will get the event. So,
- * we check the bounds of the widget against the coordinates of
- * the event. If they're outside, we return NULL. Otherwise we
- Subject: An XmCvtXmStringToText() implementation
- To: lesstif@hungry.com (LessTif Mailing List)
- Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 15:23:39 +0100 (MET)
- Hi!
- I want to contribute an implementation of the XmCvtXmStringToText()
- function - a XmString -> String converter. Among others, this
- converter is useful in creating the titles of tear-off menus (see
- second mail).
- Greetings,
- --
- Andreas Zeller Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany
- mailto:zeller@acm.org http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/~zeller/
- *** lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/ResConvert.c.orig Tue Mar 17 15:18:35 1998
- --- lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/ResConvert.c Tue Mar 17 15:16:42 1998
- ***************
- *** 908,919 ****
- Boolean
- XmCvtXmStringToText(Display *display, XrmValuePtr args,
- Cardinal *num_args, XrmValue *from_val, XrmValue *to_val,
- XtPointer *converter_data)
- {
- ! DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, NULL, "XmCvtXmStringToText\n"));
- ! return False;
- }
- /*
- * Compare two strings to see if they're equivalent. This one is used
- * whenever comparing motif constants with resource string values. The
- --- 908,980 ----
- Boolean
- XmCvtXmStringToText(Display *display, XrmValuePtr args,
- Cardinal *num_args, XrmValue *from_val, XrmValue *to_val,
- XtPointer *converter_data)
- {
- ! char *value = strdup("");
- ! XmString m = (XmString)from_val->addr;
- ! XmStringContext c;
- ! XmStringComponentType t = XmSTRING_COMPONENT_UNKNOWN;
- !
- ! if (*num_args != 0)
- ! {
- ! XtWarningMsg("wrongParameters", "XmCvtXmStringToText",
- ! "XtToolkitError",
- ! "XmString to String conversion needs no extra arguments",
- ! (String *)NULL, (Cardinal *)NULL);
- ! }
- !
- ! XmStringInitContext(&c, m);
- !
- ! while (t != XmSTRING_COMPONENT_END)
- ! {
- ! char *s_text = NULL;
- ! XmStringCharSet s_cs = NULL;
- ! XmStringDirection d = XmSTRING_DIRECTION_DEFAULT;
- ! XmStringComponentType u = XmSTRING_COMPONENT_UNKNOWN;
- ! unsigned short ul = 0;
- ! unsigned char *s_uv = NULL;
- ! char *text = NULL;
- !
- ! t = XmStringGetNextComponent(c, &s_text, &s_cs, &d, &u, &ul, &s_uv);
- !
- ! switch (t)
- ! {
- ! text = s_text;
- ! break;
- !
- ! text = "\n";
- ! break;
- !
- ! default:
- ! /* Unknown component */
- ! text = NULL;
- ! break;
- ! }
- !
- ! if (text != NULL)
- ! {
- ! value = XtRealloc(value, strlen(value) + strlen(text) + 1);
- ! strcat(value, text);
- ! }
- !
- ! XtFree(s_text);
- ! XtFree(s_cs);
- ! XtFree((char *)s_uv);
- ! }
- !
- ! to_val->addr = value;
- ! to_val->size = strlen(value); /* FIXME: should this be sizeof(value)? */
- !
- ! DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, NULL,
- ! "XmCvtXmStringToText(%p) => %s\n",
- ! from_val->addr, to_val->addr));
- !
- ! return True;
- }
- /*
- * Compare two strings to see if they're equivalent. This one is used
- * whenever comparing motif constants with resource string values. The
- Subject: An improved method for determining tear-off titles
- To: lesstif@hungry.com (LessTif Mailing List)
- Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 15:26:41 +0100 (MET)
- Hi!
- The default implementation of tear-off menus uses XmStringGetLtoR() to
- copy the label string to the tear-off menu title. This fails on a
- number of occasions - if the label does not use a standard font, or
- uses accelerators, for example. The included patch makes tear-off
- menus use the XmCvtXmStringToText() converter instead; an
- implementation is given in a second mail.
- Greetings,
- --
- Andreas Zeller Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany
- mailto:zeller@acm.org http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/~zeller/
- *** lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TearOff.c.orig Tue Mar 17 15:18:21 1998
- --- lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/TearOff.c Tue Mar 17 15:16:34 1998
- ***************
- *** 352,378 ****
- sprintf(to_shell_name, "%s%s",
- RC_CascadeBtn(w) ? XtName(RC_CascadeBtn(w)) : "",
- {
- ! XmString string;
- ! unsigned char type;
- if ( RC_Type(w) != XmMENU_POPUP)
- {
- XtVaGetValues(RC_CascadeBtn(w),
- XmNlabelString, &string,
- XmNlabelType, &type,
- NULL);
- if (type == XmSTRING)
- {
- ! XmStringGetLtoR(string, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, &to_shell_title);
- XmStringFree(string);
- }
- else
- {
- ! to_shell_title = strdup("");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- to_shell_title = strdup("");
- --- 352,394 ----
- sprintf(to_shell_name, "%s%s",
- RC_CascadeBtn(w) ? XtName(RC_CascadeBtn(w)) : "",
- {
- ! XmString string;
- ! unsigned char type;
- if ( RC_Type(w) != XmMENU_POPUP)
- {
- XtVaGetValues(RC_CascadeBtn(w),
- XmNlabelString, &string,
- XmNlabelType, &type,
- NULL);
- if (type == XmSTRING)
- {
- ! /* Invoke XmString -> String converter */
- ! Cardinal zero = 0;
- ! XrmValue from;
- ! XrmValue to;
- ! from.addr = (char *)string;
- !
- ! if (XmCvtXmStringToText(XtDisplay(w), NULL, &zero,
- ! &from, &to, NULL))
- ! {
- ! to_shell_title = to.addr;
- ! }
- ! else
- ! {
- ! /* converter failed - use simple fallback */
- ! XmStringGetLtoR(string, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG,
- ! &to_shell_title);
- ! }
- XmStringFree(string);
- }
- else
- {
- ! to_shell_title = strdup("");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- to_shell_title = strdup("");
- Subject: Button3 popup menus are insensitive the first time they pop up,
- and a patch
- To: lesstif@hungry.com (LessTif Mailing List)
- Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 12:49:58 +0100 (MET)
- Hi!
- In LessTif 0.83, a popup menu bound to Button3 is insensitive the
- first time they pop up - the menu is not placed in drag mode, as it
- should be. The enclosed patch to RowColumn.c:_XmPostPopupMenu() fixes
- this problem; in the long run, one should care to pass a correct event
- structure to _XmPostPopupMenu().
- This was the last outstanding problem with DDD and LessTif 0.83. You
- guys surely have done a great work.
- Happy hacking,
- --
- Andreas Zeller Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany
- mailto:zeller@acm.org http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/~zeller/
- *** lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/RowColumn.c.orig Fri Mar 13 23:25:33 1998
- --- lesstif-0.83/lib/Xm/RowColumn.c Fri Mar 20 13:06:51 1998
- ***************
- *** 3050,3060 ****
- DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, wid, "PostPopupMenu()\n"));
- time = XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(wid));
- if (type == 0)
- {
- ! type = KeyPress;
- }
- state->RC_ButtonEventStatus.waiting_to_be_managed = False;
- state->RC_ButtonEventStatus.time = time;
- --- 3050,3066 ----
- DEBUGOUT(XdbDebug(__FILE__, wid, "PostPopupMenu()\n"));
- time = XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(wid));
- if (type == 0)
- {
- ! /* Was KeyPress in LessTif 0.83, but this makes button3 popup
- ! menus insensitive the first time they pop up - they are not
- ! placed in drag mode.
- ! - Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>
- ! FIXME: Don't know whether this breaks keypress popup menus. */
- !
- ! type = ButtonPress;
- }
- state->RC_ButtonEventStatus.waiting_to_be_managed = False;
- state->RC_ButtonEventStatus.time = time;