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// $Id: strclass.h,v 1.31 1998/11/26 09:31:22 zeller Exp $
// A string class (based on `String' from GNU libg++-2.3)
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
written by Doug Lea (dl@rocky.oswego.edu)
This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// Differences to GNU String class:
// - class name is `string' instead of `String'
// - string length is `unsigned int' instead of `short'
// - extra constructor string::string(ostrstream&)
// - extra assignment string::operator=(ostrstream&)
// - output to stream issues *all* characters, including '\0'
// - extra functions for `char *' provided (besides `const char *')
// - `cat' with 4 arguments is not supported
// Here's the libg++ documentation of Doug Lea, adapted for this class:
// The string class
// ****************
// The `string' class is designed to extend GNU C++ to support string
// processing capabilities similar to those in languages like Awk. The
// class provides facilities that ought to be convenient and efficient
// enough to be useful replacements for `char*' based processing via the C
// string library (i.e., `strcpy, strcmp,' etc.) in many applications.
// Many details about string representations are described in the
// Representation section.
// A separate `subString' class supports substring extraction and
// modification operations. This is implemented in a way that user
// programs never directly construct or represent subStrings, which are
// only used indirectly via string operations.
// Another separate class, `regex' is also used indirectly via string
// operations in support of regular expression searching, matching, and the
// like. The regex class is based entirely on the GNU Emacs regex
// functions. *See Syntax of Regular Expressions: (emacs.info)regexps,
// for a full explanation of regular expression syntax. (For
// implementation details, see the internal documentation in files
// `rxclass.h' and `rxclass.C'.)
// Constructors
// ============
// Strings are initialized and assigned as in the following examples:
// `string x; string y = 0; string z = "";'
// Set x, y, and z to the nil string. Note that either 0 or "" may
// always be used to refer to the nil string.
// `string x = "Hello"; string y("Hello");'
// Set x and y to a copy of the string "Hello".
// `string x = 'A'; string y('A');'
// Set x and y to the string value "A"
// `string u = x; string v(x);'
// Set u and v to the same string as string x
// `string u = x.at(1,4); string v(x.at(1,4));'
// Set u and v to the length 4 substring of x starting at position 1
// (counting indexes from 0).
// `string x("abc", 2);'
// Sets x to "ab", i.e., the first 2 characters of "abc".
// `string x = dec(20);'
// Sets x to "20". As here, strings may be initialized or assigned
// the results of any `char*' function.
// There are no directly accessible forms for declaring subString
// variables.
// The declaration `regex r("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*");' creates a
// compiled regular expression suitable for use in string operations
// described below. (In this case, one that matches any C++ identifier).
// The first argument may also be a string. Be careful in distinguishing
// the role of backslashes in quoted GNU C++ char* constants versus those
// in regexes. For example, a regex that matches either one or more tabs
// or all strings beginning with "ba" and ending with any number of
// occurrences of "na" could be declared as `regex r =
// "\\(\t+\\)\\|\\(ba\\(na\\)*\\)"' Note that only one backslash is needed
// to signify the tab, but two are needed for the parenthesization and
// virgule, since the GNU C++ lexical analyzer decodes and strips
// backslashes before they are seen by regex.
// As a convenience, several regexes are predefined and usable in any
// program. Here are their declarations from `rxclass.h'.
// extern regex rxwhite; // = "[ \n\t]+"
// extern regex rxint; // = "-?[0-9]+"
// extern regex rxdouble; // = "-?\\(\\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)\\|
// // \\([0-9]+\\)\\|
// // \\(\\.[0-9]+\\)\\)
// // \\([eE][---+]?[0-9]+\\)?"
// extern regex rxalpha; // = "[A-Za-z]+"
// extern regex rxlowercase; // = "[a-z]+"
// extern regex rxuppercase; // = "[A-Z]+"
// extern regex rxalphanum; // = "[0-9A-Za-z]+"
// extern regex rxidentifier; // = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
// Examples
// ========
// Most `string' class capabilities are best shown via example. The
// examples below use the following declarations.
// string x = "Hello";
// string y = "world";
// string n = "123";
// string z;
// char* s = ",";
// string lft, mid, rgt;
// regex r = "e[a-z]*o";
// regex r2("/[a-z]*/");
// char c;
// int i, pos, len;
// double f;
// string words[10];
// words[0] = "a";
// words[1] = "b";
// words[2] = "c";
// Comparing, Searching and Matching
// =================================
// The usual lexicographic relational operators (`==, !=, <, <=, >, >=')
// are defined. A functional form `compare(string, string)' is also
// provided, as is `fcompare(string, string)', which compares strings
// without regard for upper vs. lower case.
// All other matching and searching operations are based on some form
// of the (non-public) `match' and `search' functions. `match' and
// `search' differ in that `match' attempts to match only at the given
// starting position, while `search' starts at the position, and then
// proceeds left or right looking for a match. As seen in the following
// examples, the second optional `startpos' argument to functions using
// `match' and `search' specifies the starting position of the search: If
// non-negative, it results in a left-to-right search starting at position
// `startpos', and if negative, a right-to-left search starting at
// position `x.length() + startpos'. In all cases, the index returned is
// that of the beginning of the match, or -1 if there is no match.
// Three string functions serve as front ends to `search' and `match'.
// `index' performs a search, returning the index, `matches' performs a
// match, returning nonzero (actually, the length of the match) on success,
// and `contains' is a boolean function performing either a search or
// match, depending on whether an index argument is provided:
// `x.index("lo")'
// returns the zero-based index of the leftmost occurrence of
// substring "lo" (3, in this case). The argument may be a string,
// subString, char, char*, or regex.
// `x.index("l", 2)'
// returns the index of the first of the leftmost occurrence of "l"
// found starting the search at position x[2], or 2 in this case.
// `x.index("l", -1)'
// returns the index of the rightmost occurrence of "l", or 3 here.
// `x.index("l", -3)'
// returns the index of the rightmost occurrence of "l" found by
// starting the search at the 3rd to the last position of x,
// returning 2 in this case.
// `pos = r.search("leo", 3, len, 0)'
// returns the index of r in the `char*' string of length 3, starting
// at position 0, also placing the length of the match in reference
// parameter len.
// `x.contains("He")'
// returns nonzero if the string x contains the substring "He". The
// argument may be a string, subString, char, char*, or regex.
// `x.contains("el", 1)'
// returns nonzero if x contains the substring "el" at position 1.
// As in this example, the second argument to `contains', if present,
// means to match the substring only at that position, and not to
// search elsewhere in the string.
// `x.contains(rxwhite);'
// returns nonzero if x contains any whitespace (space, tab, or
// newline). Recall that `rxwhite' is a global whitespace regex.
// `x.matches("lo", 3)'
// returns nonzero if x starting at position 3 exactly matches "lo",
// with no trailing characters (as it does in this example).
// `x.matches(r)'
// returns nonzero if string x as a whole matches regex r.
// `int f = x.freq("l")'
// returns the number of distinct, nonoverlapping matches to the
// argument (2 in this case).
// Substring extraction
// ====================
// Substrings may be extracted via the `at', `before', `through',
// `from', and `after' functions. These behave as either lvalues or
// rvalues.
// `z = x.at(2, 3)'
// sets string z to be equal to the length 3 substring of string x
// starting at zero-based position 2, setting z to "llo" in this
// case. A nil string is returned if the arguments don't make sense.
// `x.at(2, 2) = "r"'
// Sets what was in positions 2 to 3 of x to "r", setting x to "Hero"
// in this case. As indicated here, substring assignments may be of
// different lengths.
// `x.at("He") = "je";'
// x("He") is the substring of x that matches the first occurrence of
// it's argument. The substitution sets x to "jello". If "He" did not
// occur, the substring would be nil, and the assignment would have
// no effect.
// `x.at("l", -1) = "i";'
// replaces the rightmost occurrence of "l" with "i", setting x to
// "Helio".
// `z = x.at(r)'
// sets string z to the first match in x of regex r, or "ello" in this
// case. A nil string is returned if there is no match.
// `z = x.before("o")'
// sets z to the part of x to the left of the first occurrence of
// "o", or "Hell" in this case. The argument may also be a string,
// subString, or regex. (If there is no match, z is set to "".)
// `x.before("ll") = "Bri";'
// sets the part of x to the left of "ll" to "Bri", setting x to
// "Brillo".
// `z = x.before(2)'
// sets z to the part of x to the left of x[2], or "He" in this case.
// `z = x.after("Hel")'
// sets z to the part of x to the right of "Hel", or "lo" in this
// case.
// `z = x.through("el")'
// sets z to the part of x up and including "el", or "Hel" in this
// case.
// `z = x.from("el")'
// sets z to the part of x from "el" to the end, or "ello" in this
// case.
// `x.after("Hel") = "p";'
// sets x to "Help";
// `z = x.after(3)'
// sets z to the part of x to the right of x[3] or "o" in this case.
// `z = " ab c"; z = z.after(rxwhite)'
// sets z to the part of its old string to the right of the first
// group of whitespace, setting z to "ab c"; Use gsub(below) to strip
// out multiple occurrences of whitespace or any pattern.
// `x[0] = 'J';'
// sets the first element of x to 'J'. x[i] returns a reference to
// the ith element of x, or triggers an error if i is out of range.
// `common_prefix(x, "Help")'
// returns the string containing the common prefix of the two strings
// or "Hel" in this case.
// `common_suffix(x, "to")'
// returns the string containing the common suffix of the two strings
// or "o" in this case.
// Concatenation
// =============
// `z = x + s + ' ' + y.at("w") + y.after("w") + ".";'
// sets z to "Hello, world."
// `x += y;'
// sets x to "Helloworld"
// `cat(x, y, z)'
// A faster way to say z = x + y.
// `y.prepend(x);'
// A faster way to say y = x + y.
// `z = replicate(x, 3);'
// sets z to "HelloHelloHello".
// `z = join(words, 3, "/")'
// sets z to the concatenation of the first 3 strings in string array
// words, each separated by "/", setting z to "a/b/c" in this case.
// The last argument may be "" or 0, indicating no separation.
// Other manipulations
// ===================
// `z = "this string has five words"; i = split(z, words, 10, rxwhite);'
// sets up to 10 elements of string array words to the parts of z
// separated by whitespace, and returns the number of parts actually
// encountered (5 in this case). Here, words[0] = "this", words[1] =
// "string", etc. The last argument may be any of the usual. If
// there is no match, all of z ends up in words[0]. The words array
// is *not* dynamically created by split.
// `int nmatches x.gsub("l","ll")'
// substitutes all original occurrences of "l" with "ll", setting x
// to "Hellllo". The first argument may be any of the usual,
// including regex. If the second argument is "" or 0, all
// occurrences are deleted. gsub returns the number of matches that
// were replaced.
// `z = x + y; z.del("loworl");'
// deletes the leftmost occurrence of "loworl" in z, setting z to
// "Held".
// `z = reverse(x)'
// sets z to the reverse of x, or "olleH".
// `z = upcase(x)'
// sets z to x, with all letters set to uppercase, setting z to
// "HELLO"
// `z = downcase(x)'
// sets z to x, with all letters set to lowercase, setting z to
// "hello"
// `z = capitalize(x)'
// sets z to x, with the first letter of each word set to uppercase,
// and all others to lowercase, setting z to "Hello"
// `x.reverse(), x.upcase(), x.downcase(), x.capitalize()'
// in-place, self-modifying versions of the above.
// Reading, Writing and Conversion
// ===============================
// `cout << x'
// writes out x.
// `cout << x.at(2, 3)'
// writes out the substring "llo".
// `cin >> x'
// reads a whitespace-bounded string into x.
// `x.length()'
// returns the length of string x (5, in this case).
// `s = (const char*)x'
// `s = x.chars()'
// can be used to extract the `char*' char array. This coercion is
// useful for sending a string as an argument to any function
// expecting a `const char*' argument (like `atoi', and
// `File::open'). This operator must be used with care, since the
// conversion returns a pointer to `string' internals without copying
// the characters: The resulting `(char *)' is only valid until the
// next string operation, and you must not modify it. (The
// conversion is defined to return a const value so that GNU C++ will
// produce warning and/or error messages if changes are attempted.)
// Special stuff
// =============
// A string S can be put into `consuming' mode by invoking
// s.consuming(true)
// While in `consuming' mode, the (physical) location of S does not change;
// the only assignment operations allowed are assignments of substrings
// at the end of S, as in
// s = s.from(...); s = s.after(...)
// Furthermore, pointers to S stay constant; it is safe to refer to an
// earlier value of S via a pointer:
// char *s0 = s;
// s = s.after(...);;
// // S0 still points to original S here
// This feature is used in DDD to speed up several loops.
#ifndef _ICE_strclass_h
#define _ICE_strclass_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include <iostream.h>
#include <strstream.h>
#include "rxclass.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "bool.h"
#include "assert.h"
// Internal string representations
struct strRep
unsigned int len; // String length
unsigned int allocated; // Allocated space
char *s; // Start of string; points into
char mem[1]; // Start of memory
// (at least 1 char for trailing null)
// Allocated & expanded via non-public fcts
// Primitive ops on strReps -- nearly all string fns go through these.
strRep* string_Salloc(strRep*, const char*, int, int);
strRep* string_Scopy(strRep*, strRep*);
strRep* string_Scat(strRep*, const char*, int, const char*, int);
strRep* string_Scat(strRep*, const char*, int,
const char*,int, const char*,int);
strRep* string_Sprepend(strRep*, const char*, int);
strRep* string_Sreverse(strRep*, strRep*);
strRep* string_Supcase(strRep*, strRep*);
strRep* string_Sdowncase(strRep*, strRep*);
strRep* string_Scapitalize(strRep*, strRep*);
// These classes need to be defined in the order given
class string;
class subString;
class subString
friend class string;
string& S; // The string I'm a subString of
unsigned int pos; // Starting position in S's rep
unsigned int len; // Length of subString
void assign(strRep*, const char*, int = -1);
subString(string& x, int p, int l);
subString(const string& x, int p, int l);
// Note there are no public constructors. subStrings are always
// created via string operations
// This one should be protected, but KCC keeps complaining about this
subString(const subString& x);
subString& operator = (const string& y);
subString& operator = (const subString& y);
subString& operator = (const char* t);
subString& operator = (char* t);
subString& operator = (char c);
// Return true iff target appears anywhere in subString
bool contains(char c) const;
bool contains(const string& y) const;
bool contains(const subString& y) const;
bool contains(const char* t) const;
bool contains(char* t) const;
bool contains(const regex& r) const;
// Return true iff target matches entire subString
bool matches(const regex& r) const;
// I/O
friend inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const subString& x);
// Status
unsigned int length() const;
int empty() const;
const char* chars() const;
bool OK() const;
class string
friend class subString;
strRep* rep; // Strings are pointers to their representations
bool consume; // If true, check that we're only consuming
// Some helper functions
int search(int, int, const char*, int = -1) const;
int search(int, int, char) const;
int match(int, int, int, const char*, int = -1) const;
int _gsub(const char*, int, const char* ,int);
int _gsub(const regex&, const char*, int);
subString _substr(int, int);
const subString _substr(int, int) const;
// Don't get constructed or assigned from int
string(int) : rep(0)
, consume(false)
error("init from int");
string& operator = (int) { error("int assign"); return *this; }
// Constructors and assignment
string(const string& x);
string(const subString& x);
string(const char* t);
string(const char* t, int len);
string(char c);
string(ostrstream& os); // should be const
void consuming(bool set);
bool consuming() const;
string& operator = (const string& y);
string& operator = (const char* y);
string& operator = (char* y);
string& operator = (char c);
string& operator = (const subString& y);
string& operator = (ostrstream& os);
// Concatenation
string& operator += (const string& y);
string& operator += (const subString& y);
string& operator += (const char* t);
string& operator += (char* t);
string& operator += (char c);
string& prepend(const string& y);
string& prepend(const subString& y);
string& prepend(const char* t);
string& prepend(char* t);
string& prepend(char c);
// Procedural versions:
// Concatenate first 2 args, store result in last arg
friend inline void cat(const string&, const string&, string&);
friend inline void cat(const string&, const subString&, string&);
friend inline void cat(const string&, const char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(const string&, char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(const string&, char, string&);
friend inline void cat(const subString&, const string&, string&);
friend inline void cat(const subString&, const subString&, string&);
friend inline void cat(const subString&, const char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(const subString&, char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(const subString&, char, string&);
friend inline void cat(const char*, const string&, string&);
friend inline void cat(const char*, const subString&, string&);
friend inline void cat(const char*, const char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(const char*, char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(const char*, char, string&);
friend inline void cat(char*, const string&, string&);
friend inline void cat(char*, const subString&, string&);
friend inline void cat(char*, const char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(char*, char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(char*, char, string&);
friend inline void cat(char, const string&, string&);
friend inline void cat(char, const subString&, string&);
friend inline void cat(char, const char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(char, char*, string&);
friend inline void cat(char, char, string&);
// Searching & matching
// Return position of target in string or -1 for failure
int index(char c, int startpos = 0) const;
int index(const string& y, int startpos = 0) const;
int index(const subString& y, int startpos = 0) const;
int index(const char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
int index(char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
int index(const regex& r, int startpos = 0) const;
// Return 1 if target appears anyhere in string; else 0
bool contains(char c) const;
bool contains(const string& y) const;
bool contains(const subString& y) const;
bool contains(const char* t) const;
bool contains(char* t) const;
bool contains(const regex& r) const;
// Return 1 if target appears anywhere after position pos
// (or before, if pos is negative) in string; else 0
bool contains(char c, int pos) const;
bool contains(const string& y, int pos) const;
bool contains(const subString& y, int pos) const;
bool contains(const char* t, int pos) const;
bool contains(char* t, int pos) const;
bool contains(const regex& r, int pos) const;
// Return 1 if target appears at position pos in string; else 0
bool matches(char c, int pos = 0) const;
bool matches(const string& y, int pos = 0) const;
bool matches(const subString& y, int pos = 0) const;
bool matches(const char* t, int pos = 0) const;
bool matches(char* t, int pos = 0) const;
bool matches(const regex& r, int pos = 0) const;
// Return number of occurences of target in string
int freq(char c) const;
int freq(const string& y) const;
int freq(const subString& y) const;
int freq(const char* t) const;
int freq(char* t) const;
// subString extraction
// Note that you can't take a subString of a const string, since
// this leaves open the possiblility of indirectly modifying the
// string through the subString
subString at(int pos, int len);
subString operator() (int pos, int len); // synonym for at
subString at(const string& x, int startpos = 0);
subString at(const subString& x, int startpos = 0);
subString at(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString at(char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString at(char c, int startpos = 0);
subString at(const regex& r, int startpos = 0);
subString before(int pos);
subString before(const string& x, int startpos = 0);
subString before(const subString& x, int startpos = 0);
subString before(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString before(char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString before(char c, int startpos = 0);
subString before(const regex& r, int startpos = 0);
subString through(int pos);
subString through(const string& x, int startpos = 0);
subString through(const subString& x, int startpos = 0);
subString through(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString through(char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString through(char c, int startpos = 0);
subString through(const regex& r, int startpos = 0);
subString from(int pos);
subString from(const string& x, int startpos = 0);
subString from(const subString& x, int startpos = 0);
subString from(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString from(char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString from(char c, int startpos = 0);
subString from(const regex& r, int startpos = 0);
subString after(int pos);
subString after(const string& x, int startpos = 0);
subString after(const subString& x, int startpos = 0);
subString after(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString after(char* t, int startpos = 0);
subString after(char c, int startpos = 0);
subString after(const regex& r, int startpos = 0);
// Const versions
const subString at(int pos, int len) const;
const subString operator() (int pos, int len) const; // synonym for at
const subString at(const string& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString at(const subString& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString at(const char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString at(char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString at(char c, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString at(const regex& r, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString before(int pos) const;
const subString before(const string& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString before(const subString& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString before(const char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString before(char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString before(char c, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString before(const regex& r, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString through(int pos) const;
const subString through(const string& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString through(const subString& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString through(const char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString through(char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString through(char c, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString through(const regex& r, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString from(int pos) const;
const subString from(const string& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString from(const subString& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString from(const char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString from(char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString from(char c, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString from(const regex& r, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString after(int pos) const;
const subString after(const string& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString after(const subString& x, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString after(const char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString after(char* t, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString after(char c, int startpos = 0) const;
const subString after(const regex& r, int startpos = 0) const;
// Deletion
// Delete len chars starting at pos
void del(int pos, int len);
// Delete the first occurrence of target after startpos
void del(const string& y, int startpos = 0);
void del(const subString& y, int startpos = 0);
void del(const char* t, int startpos = 0);
void del(char* t, int startpos = 0);
void del(char c, int startpos = 0);
void del(const regex& r, int startpos = 0);
// Global substitution: substitute all occurrences of PAT with REPL
int gsub(const string& pat, const string& repl);
int gsub(const subString& pat, const string& repl);
int gsub(const char* pat, const string& repl);
int gsub(const char* pat, const char* repl);
int gsub(const char* pat, char* repl);
int gsub(char* pat, const string& repl);
int gsub(char* pat, const char* repl);
int gsub(char* pat, char* repl);
int gsub(const regex& pat, const string& repl);
// Friends & utilities
// Split string into array RES at SEPARATORS; return number of elements
friend int split(const string& x, string *res, int maxn,
const string& sep);
friend int split(const string& x, string *res, int maxn,
const regex& sep);
friend string common_prefix(const string& x, const string& y,
int startpos = 0);
friend string common_suffix(const string& x, const string& y,
int startpos = -1);
// friend string replicate(char c, int n);
friend string replicate(const string& y, int n);
friend string join(string *src, int n, const string& sep);
// Simple builtin transformations
friend inline string reverse(const string& x);
friend inline string upcase(const string& x);
friend inline string downcase(const string& x);
friend inline string capitalize(const string& x);
// In-place versions of above
void reverse();
void upcase();
void downcase();
void capitalize();
// Element extraction
// Some C++ compilers cannot properly disambiguate here,
// so we supply prototypes for all integral types.
char& operator [] (char i);
char& operator [] (short i);
char& operator [] (unsigned short i);
char& operator [] (int i);
char& operator [] (unsigned int i);
char& operator [] (long i);
char& operator [] (unsigned long i);
char operator [] (char i) const;
char operator [] (unsigned short i) const;
char operator [] (short i) const;
char operator [] (int i) const;
char operator [] (unsigned int i) const;
char operator [] (long i) const;
char operator [] (unsigned long i) const;
char elem(int i) const;
char firstchar() const;
char lastchar() const;
// Conversion
operator const char*() const;
operator char*() const;
const char* chars() const;
// I/O
friend inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const string& x);
friend inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const subString& x);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, string& x);
friend int readline(istream& s, string& x,
char terminator = '\n',
int discard_terminator = 1);
// Status
unsigned int length() const;
int empty() const;
// Preallocate some space for string
void alloc(int newsize);
// Report current allocation (not length!)
int allocation() const;
void error(const char* msg) const;
bool OK() const;
#if 0
typedef string strTmp; // for backward compatibility
// Other externs
int compare(const string& x, const string& y);
int compare(const string& x, const subString& y);
int compare(const string& x, const char* y);
int compare(const subString& x, const string& y);
int compare(const subString& x, const subString& y);
int compare(const subString& x, const char* y);
int compare(const char *x, const string& y);
int compare(const char *x, const subString& y);
int fcompare(const string& x, const string& y); // ignore case
extern strRep _nilstrRep;
extern string _nilstring;
// Status reports, needed before defining other things
inline unsigned int string::length() const { return rep->len; }
inline int string::empty() const { return rep->len == 0; }
inline const char* string::chars() const { return rep->s; }
inline int string::allocation() const { return rep->allocated; }
inline unsigned int subString::length() const { return len; }
inline int subString::empty() const { return len == 0; }
inline const char* subString::chars() const { return S.rep->s + pos; }
// Resources
inline void string::consuming(bool set)
consume = set;
(void) set;
inline bool string::consuming() const
return consume;
return false;
// Constructors
inline string::string()
: rep(&_nilstrRep)
, consume(false)
inline string::string(const string& x)
: rep(string_Scopy(0, x.rep))
, consume(false)
inline string::string(const char* t)
: rep(string_Salloc(0, t, -1, -1))
, consume(false)
inline string::string(const char* t, int tlen)
: rep(string_Salloc(0, t, tlen, tlen))
, consume(false)
inline string::string(const subString& y)
: rep(string_Salloc(0, y.chars(), y.length(), y.length()))
, consume(false)
inline string::string(char c)
: rep(string_Salloc(0, &c, 1, 1))
, consume(false)
// For HAVE_PLACEMENT_NEW, if using placement new, use operator
// delete instead of vector delete.
// According to Robert Wiegand <wiegand@kong.gsfc.nasa.gov>, Purify
// was flagging this and it does result in undefined behavior.
inline void string_DeleteRep(strRep *rep)
operator delete(rep);
delete[] (char *) rep;
inline string::~string()
if (rep != &_nilstrRep) string_DeleteRep(rep);
inline subString::subString(const subString& x)
:S(x.S), pos(x.pos), len(x.len) {}
inline subString::subString(string& x, int first, int l)
:S(x), pos(first), len(l) {}
inline subString::subString(const string& x, int first, int l)
:S((string &)x), pos(first), len(l) {}
inline subString::~subString() {}
// String Assignment
inline string& string::operator = (const string& y)
rep = string_Scopy(rep, y.rep); return *this;
inline string& string::operator = (const char* t)
if (t >= rep->s && t < rep->s + rep->len)
// Assignment of self-substring
int len = t - rep->s;
rep->len -= len;
rep->s = (char *)t;
else if (t >= &(rep->mem[0]) && t < rep->s)
// Assignment of older base mem
int len = (rep->s - t);
rep->len += len;
rep->s = (char *)t;
rep = string_Salloc(rep, t, -1, -1);
return *this;
inline string& string::operator = (char *t)
return operator = ((const char *)t);
inline string& string::operator = (const subString& y)
if (y.chars() >= &(rep->mem[0]) &&
y.chars() < &(rep->mem[0]) + rep->allocated)
// Assignment of self-substring
rep->s = (char *)y.chars();
rep->len = y.length();
rep->s[rep->len] = '\0';
rep = string_Salloc(rep, y.chars(), y.length(), y.length());
return *this;
inline string& string::operator = (char c)
rep = string_Salloc(rep, &c, 1, 1); return *this;
inline string& string::operator = (ostrstream& os)
// No need to freeze the stream, since the string is copied right away
int frozen = os.frozen();
const char *str = os.str();
// In the SGI C++ I/O library, accessing os.str() *increases*
// os.pcount() by 1. We could compensate this in a
// machine-independent way by fetching pcount() before str(), but
// this will cause trouble when os is assigned the next time.
rep = string_Salloc(rep, str, os.pcount() - 1, os.pcount() - 1);
rep = string_Salloc(rep, str, os.pcount(), os.pcount());
return *this;
inline string::string(ostrstream& os)
: rep(&_nilstrRep)
, consume(false)
// Substring assignments
inline subString& subString::operator = (const char* ys)
assign(0, ys); return *this;
inline subString& subString::operator = (char* ys)
assign(0, ys); return *this;
inline subString& subString::operator = (char ch)
assign(0, &ch, 1); return *this;
inline subString& subString::operator = (const string& y)
assign(y.rep, y.chars(), y.length()); return *this;
inline subString& subString::operator = (const subString& y)
assign(y.S.rep, y.chars(), y.length()); return *this;
// Zillions of cats...
inline void cat(const string& x, const string& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(const string& x, const subString& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(const string& x, const char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
inline void cat(const string& x, char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
inline void cat(const string& x, char y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
inline void cat(const subString& x, const string& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(const subString& x, const subString& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(const subString& x, const char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
inline void cat(const subString& x, char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), y, -1);
inline void cat(const subString& x, char y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x.chars(), x.length(), &y, 1);
inline void cat(const char* x, const string& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(const char* x, const subString& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(const char* x, const char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y, -1);
inline void cat(const char* x, char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y, -1);
inline void cat(const char* x, char y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, &y, 1);
inline void cat(char* x, const string& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(char* x, const subString& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(char* x, const char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y, -1);
inline void cat(char* x, char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, y, -1);
inline void cat(char* x, char y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, x, -1, &y, 1);
inline void cat(char x, const string& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, &x, 1, y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(char x, const subString& y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, &x, 1, y.chars(), y.length());
inline void cat(char x, const char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, &x, 1, y, -1);
inline void cat(char x, char* y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, &x, 1, y, -1);
inline void cat(char x, char y, string& r)
r.rep = string_Scat(r.rep, &x, 1, &y, 1);
// Operator versions
inline string& string::operator += (const string& y)
cat(*this, y, *this); return *this;
inline string& string::operator += (const subString& y)
cat(*this, y, *this); return *this;
inline string& string::operator += (const char* y)
cat(*this, y, *this); return *this;
inline string& string::operator += (char* y)
cat(*this, y, *this); return *this;
inline string& string:: operator +=(char y)
cat(*this, y, *this); return *this;
// Constructive concatenation
inline string operator + (const string& x, const string& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const string& x, const subString& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const string& x, const char* y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const string& x, char* y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const string& x, char y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const subString& x, const string& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const subString& x, const subString& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const subString& x, const char* y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const subString& x, char* y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const subString& x, char y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const char* x, const string& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (const char* x, const subString& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (char* x, const string& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (char* x, const subString& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (char x, const string& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string operator + (char x, const subString& y) return r;
cat(x, y, r);
inline string reverse(const string& x) return r;
r.rep = string_Sreverse(x.rep, r.rep);
inline string upcase(const string& x) return r;
r.rep = string_Supcase(x.rep, r.rep);
inline string downcase(const string& x) return r;
r.rep = string_Sdowncase(x.rep, r.rep);
inline string capitalize(const string& x) return r;
r.rep = string_Scapitalize(x.rep, r.rep);
#else /* ! defined(NAMED_RETURN_VALUES) */
inline string operator + (const string& x, const string& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const string& x, const subString& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const string& x, const char* y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const string& x, char* y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const string& x, char y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const subString& x, const string& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const subString& x, const subString& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const subString& x, const char* y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const subString& x, char* y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const subString& x, char y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const char* x, const string& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (const char* x, const subString& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (char* x, const string& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (char* x, const subString& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (char x, const string& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string operator + (char x, const subString& y)
string r; cat(x, y, r); return r;
inline string reverse(const string& x)
string r; r.rep = string_Sreverse(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
inline string upcase(const string& x)
string r; r.rep = string_Supcase(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
inline string downcase(const string& x)
string r; r.rep = string_Sdowncase(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
inline string capitalize(const string& x)
string r; r.rep = string_Scapitalize(x.rep, r.rep); return r;
#endif /* ! defined(NAMED_RETURN_VALUES) */
// prepend
inline string& string::prepend(const string& y)
rep = string_Sprepend(rep, y.chars(), y.length()); return *this;
inline string& string::prepend(const char* y)
rep = string_Sprepend(rep, y, -1); return *this;
inline string& string::prepend(char* y)
rep = string_Sprepend(rep, y, -1); return *this;
inline string& string::prepend(char y)
rep = string_Sprepend(rep, &y, 1); return *this;
inline string& string::prepend(const subString& y)
rep = string_Sprepend(rep, y.chars(), y.length());return *this;
// Misc transformations
inline void string::reverse()
rep = string_Sreverse(rep, rep);
inline void string::upcase()
rep = string_Supcase(rep, rep);
inline void string::downcase()
rep = string_Sdowncase(rep, rep);
inline void string::capitalize()
rep = string_Scapitalize(rep, rep);
// Element extraction
inline char& string::operator [] (unsigned int i)
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (i >= length()) error("invalid index");
return rep->s[i];
inline char string::operator [] (unsigned int i) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (i >= length()) error("invalid index");
return rep->s[i];
inline char& string::operator [] (int i)
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char string::operator [] (int i) const
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char& string::operator [] (char i)
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char string::operator [] (char i) const
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char& string::operator [] (short i)
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char string::operator [] (short i) const
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char& string::operator [] (unsigned short i)
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char string::operator [] (unsigned short i) const
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char& string::operator [] (long i)
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char string::operator [] (long i) const
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char& string::operator [] (unsigned long i)
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char string::operator [] (unsigned long i) const
return string::operator [] ((unsigned int) i);
inline char string::elem (int i) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (((unsigned)i) >= length()) error("invalid index");
return rep->s[i];
inline char string::firstchar() const
return elem(0);
inline char string::lastchar() const
return elem(length() - 1);
// Searching
inline int string::index(char c, int startpos) const
return search(startpos, length(), c);
inline int string::index(const char* t, int startpos) const
return search(startpos, length(), t);
inline int string::index(char* t, int startpos) const
return search(startpos, length(), t);
inline int string::index(const string& y, int startpos) const
return search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
inline int string::index(const subString& y, int startpos) const
return search(startpos, length(), y.chars(), y.length());
inline int string::index(const regex& r, int startpos) const
int unused; return r.search(chars(), length(), unused, startpos);
inline bool string::contains(char c) const
return search(0, length(), c) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const char* t) const
return search(0, length(), t) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(char* t) const
return search(0, length(), t) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const string& y) const
return search(0, length(), y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const subString& y) const
return search(0, length(), y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(char c, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 0, &c, 1) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const char* t, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 0, t) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(char* t, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 0, t) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const string& y, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 0, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const subString& y, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 0, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const regex& r) const
int unused; return r.search(chars(), length(), unused, 0) >= 0;
inline bool string::contains(const regex& r, int p) const
return r.match(chars(), length(), p) >= 0;
inline bool string::matches(const subString& y, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 1, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool string::matches(const string& y, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 1, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool string::matches(const char* t, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 1, t) >= 0;
inline bool string::matches(char* t, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 1, t) >= 0;
inline bool string::matches(char c, int p) const
return match(p, length(), 1, &c, 1) >= 0;
inline bool string::matches(const regex& r, int p) const
int l = (p < 0)? -p : length() - p;
return r.match(chars(), length(), p) == l;
inline bool subString::contains(const char* t) const
return S.search(pos, pos+len, t) >= 0;
inline bool subString::contains(char* t) const
return S.search(pos, pos+len, t) >= 0;
inline bool subString::contains(const string& y) const
return S.search(pos, pos+len, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool subString::contains(const subString& y) const
return S.search(pos, pos+len, y.chars(), y.length()) >= 0;
inline bool subString::contains(char c) const
return S.search(pos, pos+len, 0, c) >= 0;
inline bool subString::contains(const regex& r) const
int unused; return r.search(chars(), len, unused, 0) >= 0;
inline bool subString::matches(const regex& r) const
return unsigned(r.match(chars(), len, 0)) == len;
inline int string::gsub(const string& pat, const string& r)
return _gsub(pat.chars(), pat.length(), r.chars(), r.length());
inline int string::gsub(const subString& pat, const string& r)
return _gsub(pat.chars(), pat.length(), r.chars(), r.length());
inline int string::gsub(const regex& pat, const string& r)
return _gsub(pat, r.chars(), r.length());
inline int string::gsub(const char* pat, const string& r)
return _gsub(pat, -1, r.chars(), r.length());
inline int string::gsub(char* pat, const string& r)
return _gsub(pat, -1, r.chars(), r.length());
inline int string::gsub(const char* pat, const char* r)
return _gsub(pat, -1, r, -1);
inline int string::gsub(const char* pat, char* r)
return _gsub(pat, -1, r, -1);
inline int string::gsub(char* pat, const char* r)
return _gsub(pat, -1, r, -1);
inline int string::gsub(char* pat, char* r)
return _gsub(pat, -1, r, -1);
// `char *' => `const char *' wrappers
inline subString string::after(char* t, int startpos)
return after((const char *)t, startpos);
inline subString string::at(char* t, int startpos)
return at((const char *)t, startpos);
inline subString string::before(char* t, int startpos)
return before((const char *)t, startpos);
inline void string::del(char* t, int startpos)
del((const char *)t, startpos);
inline int string::freq(char* t) const
return freq((const char *)t);
inline subString string::from(char* t, int startpos)
return from((const char *)t, startpos);
inline subString string::through(char* t, int startpos)
return through((const char *)t, startpos);
inline int compare(const subString& x, char* y)
return compare(x, (const char*)y);
inline int compare(const string& x, char* y)
return compare(x, (const char*)y);
inline int compare(char *x, const subString& y)
return compare((const char*)x, y);
inline int compare(char *x, const string& y)
return compare((const char*)x, y);
inline int compare(const string& x, char y)
return x.length() == 1 ? *x.chars() - y : x.length() - 1;
inline int compare(char x, const string& y)
return -compare(y, x);
inline int compare(const subString& x, char y)
return x.length() == 1 ? *x.chars() - y : x.length() - 1;
inline int compare(char x, const subString& y)
return -compare(y, x);
// Const wrappers
inline const subString string::at(int pos, int len) const
return ((string *)this)->at(pos, len);
inline const subString string::operator() (int pos, int len) const
return ((string *)this)->operator()(pos, len);
inline const subString string::at(const string& x, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->at(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::at(const subString& x, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->at(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::at(const char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->at(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::at(char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->at(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::at(char c, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->at(c, startpos);
inline const subString string::at(const regex& r, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->at(r, startpos);
inline const subString string::before(int pos) const
return ((string *)this)->before(pos);
inline const subString string::before(const string& x, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->before(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::before(const subString& x, int startpos)
return ((string *)this)->before(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::before(const char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->before(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::before(char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->before(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::before(char c, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->before(c, startpos);
inline const subString string::before(const regex& r, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->before(r, startpos);
inline const subString string::through(int pos) const
return ((string *)this)->through(pos);
inline const subString string::through(const string& x, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->through(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::through(const subString& x, int startpos)
return ((string *)this)->through(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::through(const char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->through(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::through(char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->through(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::through(char c, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->through(c, startpos);
inline const subString string::through(const regex& r, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->through(r, startpos);
inline const subString string::from(int pos) const
return ((string *)this)->from(pos);
inline const subString string::from(const string& x, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->from(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::from(const subString& x, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->from(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::from(const char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->from(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::from(char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->from(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::from(char c, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->from(c, startpos);
inline const subString string::from(const regex& r, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->from(r, startpos);
inline const subString string::after(int pos) const
return ((string *)this)->after(pos);
inline const subString string::after(const string& x, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->after(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::after(const subString& x, int startpos)
return ((string *)this)->after(x, startpos);
inline const subString string::after(const char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->after(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::after(char* t, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->after(t, startpos);
inline const subString string::after(char c, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->after(c, startpos);
inline const subString string::after(const regex& r, int startpos) const
return ((string *)this)->after(r, startpos);
// I/O
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const string& x)
s.write(x.chars(), x.length()); return s;
inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const subString& x)
s.write(x.chars(), x.length()); return s;
// A zillion comparison operators - for every combination of char,
// char *, const char *, string, and subString.
#define string_COMPARE(op, t1, t2) \
inline int operator op(t1 x, t2 y) \
{ \
return compare(x, y) op 0; \
#define string_COMPARE_ALL(t1, t2) \
string_COMPARE(==, t1, t2) \
string_COMPARE(!=, t1, t2) \
string_COMPARE(<, t1, t2) \
string_COMPARE(>, t1, t2) \
string_COMPARE(<=, t1, t2) \
string_COMPARE(>=, t1, t2)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const string&, const string&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const string&, const subString&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const string&, const char *)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const string&, char *)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const string&, char)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const subString&, const string&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const subString&, const subString&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const subString&, const char *)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const subString&, char *)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const subString&, char)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const char *, const string&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(const char *, const subString&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(char *, const string&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(char *, const subString&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(char, const string&)
string_COMPARE_ALL(char, const subString&)
#undef string_COMPARE
#undef string_COMPARE_ALL
// A helper needed by at, before, etc.
inline subString string::_substr(int first, int l)
if (first < 0 || (unsigned)(first + l) > length())
return subString(_nilstring, 0, 0);
return subString(*this, first, l);
inline const subString string::_substr(int first, int l) const
if (first < 0 || (unsigned)(first + l) > length())
return subString(_nilstring, 0, 0);
return subString(*this, first, l);
#endif // _ICE_strclass_h