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358 lines
/* $Id: rxscan.L,v 1.72 1998/11/16 14:32:51 zeller Exp $ -*- C++ -*- */
/* DDD regexp scanner */
// Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
char rxscan_rcsid[] =
"$Id: rxscan.L,v 1.72 1998/11/16 14:32:51 zeller Exp $";
// Maximal length of a token when using LEX.
#define MAX_LEX_TOKEN_SIZE 8192
// I think that even a low limit of, say, 200 characters or less will
// make DDD work just fine. Please note that MAX_LEX_TOKEN_SIZE
// effectively limits the length of the input to be matched, so if you
// set it to 4000, only the first 4000 characters of GDB output will be
// matched; the remaining ones will be ignored (by the regexp matcher,
// not by DDD).
// In most cases, it does not matter whether the first 80 or 200 or 8192
// characters of some GDB output are matched by the regular expression.
// I have run DDD with a deliberately low limit of 80 characters, and run
// into no problems whatsoever, even if only the first 80 characters were
// ever matched. The reason is that most DDD regexps that go this far
// have the form `<something>.*', and it does not matter whether the
// trailing `.*' matches 80 or 8192 characters. So, in practice, raising
// or lowering the MAX_LEX_TOKEN_SIZE won't make a big difference unless
// you make it lower than 20 characters or so. (8192 is just to stay on
// the safe side; I don't have the time to verify all DDD regexps.)
static const char *the_prefix; // Prefix
static const char *the_text; // Pointer to next text character
static int the_length; // Number of characters to read
// Input routines
// The way FLEX wants input
#undef YY_INPUT
#define YY_INPUT(buf, result, max_size) \
int k = 0; \
while (*the_prefix != '\0' && k < max_size) \
buf[k++] = *the_prefix++; \
int len = min(max_size, the_length); \
if (len == 0) \
result = YY_NULL; \
else \
int j = 0;\
char *bb = buf + k;\
while (j < len) \
bb[j++] = *the_text++; \
the_length -= len; \
result = k + len; \
#define YY_NO_UNPUT
// Reset the scanner
static void reset_scanner() { yyrestart(yyin); }
#else // !defined(FLEX_SCANNER)
// Input routines for SUN lex and likewise
static char pushback[BUFSIZ];
static char *pushback_ptr = pushback;
inline int do_unput(char c)
if (c != 0)
*pushback_ptr++ = c;
return c;
static int do_input()
if (pushback_ptr != pushback)
return *--pushback_ptr;
if (*the_prefix != '\0')
return *the_prefix++;
if (the_length == 0)
return 0;
return *the_text++;
#ifdef input
#undef input
#define input do_input
#ifdef unput
#undef unput
#define unput do_unput
// Reset the scanner
static void reset_scanner() { pushback_ptr = pushback; }
#endif // !defined(FLEX_SCANNER)
extern "C" int yywrap()
return 1;
// Returning values
#define YY_DECL static const regex *yylex YY_PROTO(( void ))
#define RETURN(x) return x
// Ordinary LEX uses `int yylex()'
#define RETURN(x) return x ? 1 : 0
// Buffer size. FLEX can match tokens of arbitrary length (all praise
// FLEX!), but classical LEX has a limit of YYLMAX characters.
// Attempt to raise this to some larger value.
#if !defined(FLEX_SCANNER) && defined(YYLMAX)
#undef YYLMAX
// Anything not in the list is `not matched'
#ifdef ECHO
#undef ECHO
#define ECHO RETURN(0)
// #defining YY_BREAK to empty disables warnings about unreachable breaks.
#define DO_NOT_BREAK
#define BREAK break;
#endif // FLEX_SCANNER
/* Addresses -- in various formats */
A (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|0[0-9a-fA-F]+[hH]|H\'[0-9a-fA-F]+|00+|[(]nil[)]|NIL|null|@[0-9a-fA-F]+|16_[0-9a-f]+)
/* Simple prefix of address */
a [0H@]
/* Whitespace */
w [ \f\t]
/* Optional Whitespace */
_ [ \f\t]*
/* Non-empty sequence of Whitespace */
W [ \f\t]+
/* Digit */
d [0-9]
/* Non-empty sequence of digits */
D [0-9]+
/* Positive number */
P [1-9][0-9]*
/* Hex address */
x (0(0|x)[0-9a-f]+|[(]nil[)]|NIL|null)
/* An arbitrary character */
c (.|\n)
/* A sequence of arbitrary characters */
C (.|\n)*
/* `virtual table', in all variants */
V v(irtual{W})?t(a)?bl(e)?
/* A `standard' identifier. Also includes Perl identifiers. */
I ([A-Za-z_$@%][A-Za-z0-9_$]*|[$]([^ \n\t\f]|[0-9]+))
/* A Java class identifier */
J [A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$.]*
/* This lexer is quite huge. SunOS lex and AIX lex wants some extra sizes. */
%e 5000
%k 10000
%p 15000
%a 25000
%n 5000
%o 35000
01address{W}{A} RETURN(&rxaddr);
02{A} RETURN(&rxaddress);
03{A}{w}in{w} RETURN(&rxaddress_in);
04{a} RETURN(&rxaddress_start);
05[A-Za-z]+ RETURN(&rxalpha);
06[0-9A-Za-z]+ RETURN(&rxalphanum);
07[(][^0-9][^)]*[)] RETURN(&rxarglist);
08[)]?{d}*[1-9]-?{_}\,{_}{d}*[1-9]-?[(]?{W}ta{W}{C} RETURN(&rxat);
09{w}? RETURN(&rxblank);
10[ ]+ RETURN(&rxblanks);
11{W} RETURN(&rxblanks_or_tabs);
12{_}([th]*(b|bre|brea|break|b[a-z])|cl|cle|clea|clear|d[a-z]|info{W}(li|lin|line)|ignore|cond|condition|when|stop)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxbreak_cmd);
13{_}cd({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxcd_cmd);
14[^:]*:[^:]*:{_}{D}{C} RETURN(&rxcolons);
15{C}:{C}core{C} RETURN(&rxcore);
16{_}(attach|core(-file)?)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxcore_cmd);
17\r\r*\n RETURN(&rxcrlf);
18{_}[a-z ]*display({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxdata);
19[^ \t\n)}][^=\n]*{w}={w} RETURN(&rxdbx_begin_of_display);
20[(]{P}[)]{w} RETURN(&rxdbx_begin_of_display_info);
21[a-zA-Z_$0-9]*` RETURN(&rxdbx_scope);
22[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*[(]{C}[)]{C}([[]{C}[]]|\,{w}line{w}{C}) RETURN(&rxdbxframe);
23[a-zA-Z_$][^[]*:{_}{P}{W}{C} RETURN(&rxdbxfunc);
24{C}line{W}{P}{W}in{W}(file{W})?\"[^\"]*\"\n{C} RETURN(&rxdbxfunc2);
25[[][^\133]*:{P}[^\133]*[]]{C} RETURN(&rxdbxpos);
26dbx:{W}warning:.*option{W}only{W}recognized{W}for.*\n RETURN(&rxdbxwarn1);
27dbx:{W}warning:.*unknown{W}language.*\n RETURN(&rxdbxwarn2);
28{_}(debug|givenfile)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxdebug_cmd);
29{W}no{W}tnedneped{W} RETURN(&rxdep);
30{_}disable{W}display({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxdisable);
31{_}(disp(lay)?|plot)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxdisplay);
32{_}(disp(lay)?|plot){W} RETURN(&rxdisplay_cmd);
33{_}(disp(lay)?|plot){W}{C} RETURN(&rxdisplay_cmd_and_args);
34Do{_}n['o]t RETURN(&rxdont);
35\/[^/]*[^/.]\/[.][.]\/ RETURN(&rxdotdot);
36-?(({D}\.{d}*)|({D})|(\.{D}))([eE][+-]?{D})? RETURN(&rxdouble);
37{_}do(wn)?({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxdown_cmd);
38{_}enable{W}display({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxenable);
39[^{};,\n= ]+{W}={W}[^{}();,\n= ]+{W}={W}{C} RETURN(&rxeqeq);
40{_}file({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxfile_cmd);
41[^ "'`/]*\/ RETURN(&rxfilepath);
42{_}use{W}{C} RETURN(&rxuse_cmd);
43#{D}{W}{A} RETURN(&rxframe_addr);
44{_}(up|do|down|f|fra|fram|frame|suspend|resume|top|V)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxframe_cmd);
45[a-zA-Z0-9_$][(] RETURN(&rxfunction_call);
46{P}:{W}[^ ] RETURN(&rxgdb_begin_of_display);
47{P}:{w}{w}{w} RETURN(&rxgdb_begin_of_display_info);
48{P} RETURN(&rxgdb_disp_nr);
49{C}((class|interface)[(]{J}[)]|[(]{J}:{P}[)]) RETURN(&rxjdbpos);
50{_}graph{W}{C} RETURN(&rxgraph_cmd);
51{I} RETURN(&rxidentifier);
52[[]-?{D}]{C} RETURN(&rxindex);
53-?{D} RETURN(&rxint);
54([a-zA-Z]+{W}[a-zA-Z]+{C}|{C}[a-zA-Z]+{W}[a-zA-Z]+(\.|>)?)\n? RETURN(&rxinvalid_value);
55{_}(func|v){W}{C} RETURN(&rxlookup_cmd);
56[a-z]+ RETURN(&rxlowercase);
57\(\*{C}\*\){C} RETURN(&rxm3comment);
58{_}(sh{W}|!)?make({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxmake_cmd);
59members{w}of{w}.+:{w}?\n RETURN(&rxmembers_of_nl);
60\[-?{D}\.\.-?{D}\] RETURN(&rxmore_than_one);
61[^ ]+:{D}\n RETURN(&rxname_colon_int_nl);
62{W}\n{W} RETURN(&rxnl);
63\n[1-9] RETURN(&rxnl_int);
64\n{_}{A} RETURN(&rxnladdress);
65\n{_}{A}{w}in{w} RETURN(&rxnladdress_in);
66\n{c}[*] RETURN(&rxnlstar);
67no[nt][ -]?(0|zero|null) RETURN(&rxnonzero1);
68!={_}(0|zero|null) RETURN(&rxnonzero2);
69{_}(echo|help|show|info|where|shell|sh|x)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxnop_cmd);
70@{D}@ RETURN(&rxnum);
71{_}(info{W}line)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxop_cmd);
72-[bcdeiIopPrRsx] RETURN(&rxoptions);
73Line{W}number{W}{D}{W}is{W}out{W}of{W}range{W}for{W} RETURN(&rxout_of_range);
74{_}(dir|directory|path)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxpath_cmd);
75\$pc{_}={_}{A} RETURN(&rxpc);
76[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9 ]*[a-zA-Z0-9][[][1-9][0-9]*[]][ ] RETURN(&rxjdbprompt);
77[ ][]][0-9]*[1-9][[][a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9 ]*[a-zA-Z] RETURN(&rxjdbprompt_reverse);
78Process{W}{D}:{_} RETURN(&rxprocess1);
79Process{W}{D}: RETURN(&rxprocess2);
80[(][^ )]*db[^)]*[)]{w} RETURN(&rxprompt);
81{C}[(]END[)].* RETURN(&rxq);
82@{_}{x}{_}:{C} RETURN(&rxreference);
83{_}refresh({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxrefresh_cmd);
84{C}([(]press{W}RETURN[)]|Hit{W}RETURN{W}to{W}continue|Type{W}<return>{W}to{W}continue|More{W}[(]n{W}if{W}no[)][?]|{W}cont:{W}).* RETURN(&rxreturn);
85{_}(r|rer|rerun|ru|run|R)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxrun_cmd);
86{_}(r|ru|run|rer|rerun|c|cont|contin|continu|continue|sig|sign|signa|signal|u|unt|unti|until|s|si|step|stepi|n|ni|next|nexti|j|ju|jump|k|ki|kill|fin|fini|finis|finish|R|S)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxrunning_cmd);
87Select{w}one{w}of{w}\[{D}{w}-{w}{D}\]:{w} RETURN(&rxselect);
88;{_}[}] RETURN(&rxsemicolon_and_brace);
89[^-_a-zA-Z0-9] RETURN(&rxsep);
90{_}(set{W}var[a-z]*|assign|pq)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxset1_cmd);
91{_}(set|p|print|output){W}[^=]+=[^=]{C} RETURN(&rxset2_cmd);
92{_}set{W}args({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxset_args_cmd);
93{_}(set|dbxenv|O){W}{C} RETURN(&rxsetting_cmd);
94([][a-zA-Z0-9_$@%().`]|->|::)* RETURN(&rxsimple);
95{_}disp(lay){W}[^ ]+ RETURN(&rxsingle_display_cmd);
96{C}(--More--|line{w}{d}).* RETURN(&rxspace);
97Breakpoint{W}{P}\,{W}{A} RETURN(&rxstopped_addr);
98{x}?{_}([(]|[{]|record\n|RECORD\n|RECORD{w}|OBJECT{w}|struct|class|interface|union){C} RETURN(&rxstruct_begin);
99(>|[[][1-9][0-9]*[]])[ ] RETURN(&rxjdbprompt_nothread);
A0([)]|[}]|end\n|END\n|end;|END;) RETURN(&rxstruct_end);
A1{x}?{_}(record\n|RECORD\n|RECORD{w}|OBJECT{w}|struct|class|interface|union){C} RETURN(&rxstruct_keyword_begin);
A2([Tt]he{W})?[Pp]rogram{W}(exited|terminated|is{W}not{W}being{W}run|no{W}longer{W}exists){C} RETURN(&rxterminated);
A3{_}(thread|threadgroup|suspend|resume)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxthread_cmd);
A4{_}(delete{W}|un)display({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxundisplay);
A5{_}up({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxup_cmd);
A6[A-Z]+ RETURN(&rxuppercase);
A7{A}{W}<[^ \n>]*{W}{V}>[^{},]*[{]{C} RETURN(&rxvtable);
A8{D}{W}{V}{W}entries\, RETURN(&rxvtable_entries);
A9[ \n\t\r\v\f]+ RETURN(&rxwhite);
B0{C}Standard{W}input:{W}END{C} RETURN(&rxxdb);
B1[^ \t]*:.*:{w}{P}[: ]{C} RETURN(&rxxdbpos);
B2[<]repeats{W}{P}{W}times[>] RETURN(&rxrepeats);
B3(::|`)?{I}(([.]|->|::|`){I})* RETURN(&rxchain);
B4{W}ni{W}nehw{W}(ro{W}won{W})? RETURN(&rxwhen);
B5Breakpoint{W}{P}\,{W} RETURN(&rxstopped_func);
B6#{D}{W}{I}[^ \f\t\n]*{W}[(] RETURN(&rxframe_func);
B7{_}(define|document){W}{C} RETURN(&rxdefine_cmd);
B8{_}(l|li|lis|list)({W}{C})? RETURN(&rxlist_cmd);
B9{D}{_}\,{_}{D} RETURN(&rxlist_range);
C0[^:]*:{P} RETURN(&rxfilepos);
C1{_}{I}[^({\n=]*:[(] RETURN(&rxdbx_baseclass);
C2{_}[^=]+=[^=]{C} RETURN(&rxset3_cmd);
C3{_}DB<+[0-9]*>+{_} RETURN(&rxperlprompt);
C4[^(]*::[^(]*[(][^:]*:{P}[)]:.* RETURN(&rxperlpos);
C5{I}[(]{A}[)] RETURN(&rxperlref);
(.|\n) RETURN(0); // Anything else