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// $Id: VSLLib.h,v 1.12 1998/03/25 12:45:02 zeller Exp $
// The VSL Library
// Copyright (C) 1995 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
#ifndef _DDD_VSLLib_h
#define _DDD_VSLLib_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include <iostream.h>
#include "strclass.h"
#include "bool.h"
#include "VSEFlags.h"
#include "TypeInfo.h"
#include "StringBox.h"
#include "ListBox.h"
#include "TagBox.h"
#include "PrimitiveB.h"
class VSLDef;
class VSLDefList;
class VSLNode;
class VSLLib;
// Custom eval() arguments
// This is just a wrapper around a Box pointer with a few fancy conversions.
class VSLArg {
Box *_box;
Box *box() const { return _box; }
VSLArg(char *s)
:_box(new StringBox(s))
VSLArg(const string& s)
:_box(new StringBox(s))
VSLArg(int n)
:_box(new SquareBox(n))
VSLArg(unsigned n)
:_box(new SquareBox(n))
// When we are assigned a box, we take control over it
VSLArg(Box *box)
// When we are assigned a VSLArg, we establish another link...
VSLArg(const VSLArg& arg)
:_box(arg.box() ? arg.box()->link() : 0)
// ...since it will be destroyed when we leave.
if (_box)
// Assignment: just the same.
VSLArg& operator = (Box *box)
if (box != _box)
if (_box)
_box = box;
return *this;
VSLArg& operator = (const VSLArg& arg)
if (arg.box() != _box)
if (_box)
_box = arg.box() ? arg.box()->link() : 0;
return *this;
// Custom tagging function using VSLArgs
inline VSLArg tag(const VSLArg& arg, Data *data = 0, DataLink *link = 0)
// Prevent double unlink: from Box::tag() and ~VSLArg()
// Tag the box
return arg.box()->tag(data, link);
// Size of hash table (should be prime)
const int hashSize = 4001;
// Flags for optimizing (used internally)
const unsigned _ResolveDefs = (1 << 4);
const unsigned _ResolveSynonyms = (1 << 5);
const unsigned _FoldOps = (1 << 6);
const unsigned _FoldConsts = (1 << 7);
const unsigned _InlineFuncs = (1 << 8);
const unsigned _CountSelfReferences = (1 << 9);
const unsigned _Cleanup = (1 << 10);
// Public flags for optimizing
const unsigned ResolveDefs = _ResolveDefs;
const unsigned ResolveSynonyms = _ResolveDefs | _ResolveSynonyms;
const unsigned FoldOps = _ResolveSynonyms | _FoldOps;
const unsigned FoldConsts = _FoldConsts;
const unsigned InlineFuncs = _ResolveDefs | _InlineFuncs;
const unsigned CountSelfReferences = _CountSelfReferences;
const unsigned Cleanup = _CountSelfReferences | _Cleanup;
// Mask for building #iterations
const unsigned loopMask = (1 << 0 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 3);
const unsigned allOpts = ((unsigned)-1) & ~loopMask;
const unsigned stdOpt = allOpts | 2;
// The VSL library
class VSLLib {
friend class VSLDefList; // for VSLDefList::replace()
string _lib_name; // library name
VSLDefList *defs[hashSize]; // hash table containing definitions
VSLDef *_first; // linked list over definitions
VSLDef *_last; // last def in list
void initHash();
// Optimizing and post-processing
int bind(); // bind internal functions to references
int resolveNames(); // bind names to variables
int compilePatterns(); // compile call patterns
int resolveDefs(); // resolve unambiguous function calls
int resolveSynonyms(); // resolve synonyms
int foldOps(); // fold associative operators
int foldConsts(); // evaluate constants
int inlineFuncs(); // perform function inlining
int countSelfReferences(); // count references internal to functions
int cleanup(); // remove unreferenced functions
// Front-end for optimizing functions
void process(unsigned mode = stdOpt);
// Build function call with arglist as argument
VSLNode *_call(const string& func_name, VSLNode *arglist);
// Build function call with given args
VSLNode *call(const string& func_name);
VSLNode *call(const string& func_name,
VSLNode *arg1);
VSLNode *call(const string& func_name,
VSLNode *arg1,
VSLNode *arg2);
VSLNode *call(const string& func_name,
VSLNode *arg1,
VSLNode *arg2,
VSLNode *arg3);
// same, but with char *
VSLNode *call(char *func_name)
return call(string(func_name));
VSLNode *call(char *func_name,
VSLNode *arg1)
return call(string(func_name), arg1);
VSLNode *call(char *func_name,
VSLNode *arg1,
VSLNode *arg2)
return call(string(func_name), arg1, arg2);
VSLNode *call(char *func_name,
VSLNode *arg1,
VSLNode *arg2,
VSLNode *arg3)
return call(string(func_name), arg1, arg2, arg3);
// Add a new function
VSLDef *add(const string& func_name,
VSLNode *pattern,
VSLNode *expr = 0,
bool global = false,
const string& filename = "builtin",
int lineno = 0);
// Rename function
int override(const string& func_name);
// Remove definition
int replace(const string& func_name);
// Find function
VSLDefList *deflist(const string& func_name) const;
VSLDef *def(const string& func_name, Box *arg) const;
// The parse function generated by YACC -- this cannot be a C++ name
friend int VSLLib_parse();
VSLLib(const VSLLib&): _lib_name(), _first(0), _last(0) { assert(0); }
VSLLib& operator = (const VSLLib&) { assert(0); return *this; }
// Build
VSLLib(const string& lib_name, unsigned optimize = stdOpt);
VSLLib(istream& s, unsigned optimize = stdOpt);
// Read
VSLLib& read(const string& lib_name, unsigned optimize = stdOpt);
VSLLib& read(istream& s, unsigned optimize = stdOpt);
static int parse();
// Check if function is present
bool has(const string& func_name)
return deflist(func_name) != 0;
// Evaluate function with given argument list
const Box *eval(const string& func_name, ListBox *arg) const;
// Custom functions
const Box *eval(const string& func_name, VSLArg args[]) const;
const Box *eval(const string& func_name,
VSLArg arg0 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg1 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg2 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg3 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg4 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg5 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg6 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg7 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg8 = (Box *)0,
VSLArg arg9 = (Box *)0) const;
// Perform __output() function on arg if present
void output(Box *&arg);
// Destroy
virtual ~VSLLib();
// Message handling
static void echo(const string& s);
// Parsing messages
static void parse_echo(const string& s);
static void parse_error(const string& s);
static void parse_warning(const string& s);
// Evaluation messages
static void eval_echo(const string& s, const VSLDef *def = 0);
static void eval_error(const string& s, const VSLDef *def = 0);
static void eval_warning(const string& s, const VSLDef *def = 0);
// Debugging
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const VSLLib& lib);
void dumpTree(ostream& s) const;
VSLDef *lastdef() { return _last; }
VSLDef *firstdef() { return _first; }
// Background processing
static void (*background)();
// Representation invariant
virtual bool OK() const;
inline int VSLLib::parse()
return VSLLib_parse();