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// $Id: LineGraphE.C,v 1.26 1998/08/03 12:59:26 zeller Exp $
// class LineGraphEdge
// Copyright (C) 1995 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
char LineGraphEdge_rcsid[] =
"$Id: LineGraphE.C,v 1.26 1998/08/03 12:59:26 zeller Exp $";
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "LineGraphE.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "pi.h"
#include "hypot.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include "GraphNode.h"
#include "LineGESI.h"
#include "printBox.h"
DEFINE_TYPE_INFO_1(LineGraphEdge, GraphEdge)
// Find the points to draw line at
// Clip point P to side SIDE of region B.
void LineGraphEdge::moveToSide(const BoxRegion& b, int side,
BoxPoint& p, const BoxPoint&)
assert(side == North || side == South || side == East || side == West);
p = b.origin();
// Fetch points
if (side & (North | South))
p[X] += b.space(X) / 2;
if (side & South)
p[Y] += b.space(Y);
if (side & (East | West))
p[Y] += b.space(Y) / 2;
if (side & East)
p[X] += b.space(X);
// Clip point P to side SIDE of region B centered around C.
void LineGraphEdge::clipToSide(const BoxRegion& b, int side,
BoxPoint& p, const BoxPoint& c)
assert(side == North || side == South || side == East || side == West);
BoxDimension d1, d2;
if (side & (North | South))
d1 = X, d2 = Y;
d1 = Y, d2 = X;
int offset;
if (side & (North | West))
offset = -1;
offset = 1;
if (c[d1] != p[d1] && c[d2] != p[d2])
p[d1] += offset * (b.space(d2) / 2) * (c[d1] - p[d1])
/ (c[d2] - p[d2]);
p[d2] += offset * b.space(d2) / 2;
// Clip point P to side SIDE of region B centered around C. Assume
// that B contains a circle.
void LineGraphEdge::clipToCircle(const BoxRegion& b, int /* side */,
BoxPoint& p, const BoxPoint& c)
// assert(side == North || side == South || side == East || side == West);
double radius = max(b.space(X), b.space(Y)) / 2;
if (radius > 0.0)
double hyp = hypot(c[X] - p[X], c[Y] - p[Y]);
p[X] += BoxCoordinate((radius * (c[X] - p[X])) / hyp);
p[Y] += BoxCoordinate((radius * (c[Y] - p[Y])) / hyp);
// Find line from region B1 centered around C1 to region B2 centered
// around C2. Resulting line shall be drawn from P1 to P2
void LineGraphEdge::findLine(const BoxPoint& c1, const BoxPoint& c2,
const BoxRegion& b1, const BoxRegion& b2,
BoxPoint& p1, BoxPoint& p2,
const GraphGC& gc)
// allow all sizes to begin
int side1 = North | South | East | West;
int side2 = North | South | East | West;
// exclude opposite side
if (c2[X] > c1[X]) { side1 &= ~West; side2 &= ~East; }
else { side1 &= ~East; side2 &= ~West; }
if (c2[Y] > c1[Y]) { side1 &= ~North; side2 &= ~South; }
else { side1 &= ~South; side2 &= ~North; }
// find edge cutting the line between the two center points c1, c2
BoxCoordinate dx = abs(c1[X] - c2[X]);
BoxCoordinate dy = abs(c1[Y] - c2[Y]);
if (b1.space(Y) * dx > b1.space(X) * dy) side1 &= ~(North | South);
else side1 &= ~(East | West);
if (b2.space(Y) * dx > b2.space(X) * dy) side2 &= ~(North | South);
else side2 &= ~(East | West);
p1 = c1;
p2 = c2;
// Select appropriate clipping procedure
typedef void (*ClipProc)(const BoxRegion& b, int side,
BoxPoint& p, const BoxPoint& c);
struct ClipMapRec {
EdgeAttachMode mode;
ClipProc proc;
static const ClipMapRec clipMap[] =
{Straight, LineGraphEdge::clipToSide},
{Circle, LineGraphEdge::clipToCircle},
{Centered, LineGraphEdge::moveToSide},
{Straight, 0}
for (int i = 0; clipMap[i].proc != 0; i++)
if (gc.edgeAttachMode == clipMap[i].mode)
clipMap[i].proc(b1, side1, p1, c2);
clipMap[i].proc(b2, side2, p2, c1);
// Draw
void LineGraphEdge::_draw(Widget w,
const BoxRegion& exposed,
const GraphGC& gc) const
if (from() == to())
drawSelf(w, exposed, gc);
drawLine(w, exposed, gc);
void LineGraphEdge::drawLine(Widget w,
const BoxRegion& exposed,
const GraphGC& gc) const
// Get node starting points
BoxPoint pos1 = from()->pos();
BoxRegion region1 = from()->region(gc);
if (from()->selected())
pos1 += gc.offsetIfSelected;
region1.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;
BoxPoint pos2 = to()->pos();
BoxRegion region2 = to()->region(gc);
if (to()->selected())
pos2 += gc.offsetIfSelected;
region2.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;
// If nodes overlap, don't draw the edge.
if (region1 <= region2)
// Get the line points
BoxPoint l1, l2;
findLine(pos1, pos2, region1, region2, l1, l2, gc);
// If there is no edge (adjacent nodes), don't draw it.
if (l1 == l2)
XDrawLine(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc.edgeGC,
l1[X], l1[Y], l2[X], l2[Y]);
// Draw annotation
BoxPoint anno_pos = annotationPosition(gc);
if (annotation() != 0 && anno_pos.isValid())
annotation()->draw(w, anno_pos, exposed, gc);
// Get arrow angle
double alpha = atan2(double(l1[Y] - l2[Y]), double(l1[X] - l2[X]));
// Draw arrow head at L2
drawArrowHead(w, exposed, gc, l2, alpha);
// Draw arrow head at POS
void LineGraphEdge::drawArrowHead(Widget w,
const BoxRegion& /* exposed */,
const GraphGC& gc,
const BoxPoint& pos,
double alpha) const
if (!gc.drawArrowHeads || to()->isHint())
const double offset = gc.arrowAngle * PI / 180; // Angle
const int length = gc.arrowLength; // Length
// Get coordinates
XPoint points[3];
points[0].x = pos[X];
points[0].y = pos[Y];
points[1].x = short(pos[X] + length * cos(alpha + offset / 2));
points[1].y = short(pos[Y] + length * sin(alpha + offset / 2));
points[2].x = short(pos[X] + length * cos(alpha - offset / 2));
points[2].y = short(pos[Y] + length * sin(alpha - offset / 2));
#if 0
clog << "\nangle = " << (alpha / (PI * 2.0)) * 360.0 << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
clog << "points[" << i << "] = "
<< BoxPoint(points[i].x, points[i].y) << "\n";
XFillPolygon(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc.edgeGC, points,
XtNumber(points), Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
// Region occupied by edge
BoxRegion LineGraphEdge::region(const GraphGC& gc) const
BoxRegion r;
if (gc.drawAnnotations && annotation() != 0)
BoxPoint anno_pos = annotationPosition(gc);
if (anno_pos.isValid())
BoxRegion anno_region = annotation()->region(anno_pos, gc);
if (r.origin().isValid())
r = r | anno_region;
r = anno_region;
if (from() == to())
BoxRegion region = from()->region(gc);
if (from()->selected())
region.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;
LineGraphEdgeSelfInfo info(region, gc);
BoxRegion self_region(info.arc_pos,
BoxSize(info.diameter, info.diameter));
if (r.origin().isValid())
r = r | self_region;
r = self_region;
return r;
// Draw self edge
void LineGraphEdge::drawSelf(Widget w,
const BoxRegion& exposed,
const GraphGC& gc) const
assert(from() == to());
// Get region
BoxRegion region = from()->region(gc);
if (from()->selected())
region.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;
LineGraphEdgeSelfInfo info(region, gc);
XDrawArc(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w), gc.edgeGC, info.arc_pos[X],
info.arc_pos[Y], info.diameter, info.diameter,
info.arc_start * 64, info.arc_extend * 64);
if (annotation() != 0)
// Draw annotation
annotation()->draw(w, info.anno_pos, exposed, gc);
// Find arrow angle
drawArrowHead(w, exposed, gc, info.arrow_pos, info.arrow_alpha);
void LineGraphEdge::printSelf(ostream& os, const GraphGC &gc) const
assert(from() == to());
// Get region
BoxRegion region = from()->region(gc);
if (from()->selected())
region.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;
LineGraphEdgeSelfInfo info(region, gc);
if (gc.printGC->isPostScript())
int start = (720 - info.arc_start - info.arc_extend) % 360 ;
int end = (720 - info.arc_start) % 360 ;
BoxCoordinate line_width = 1;
// Draw arc
os << start << " " << end << " "
<< info.radius << " " << info.radius << " "
<< info.arc_center[X] << " " << info.arc_center[Y] << " "
<< line_width << " arc*\n";
// Now draw the arrow head
int angle = (720 - info.arrow_angle) % 360;
os << gc.arrowAngle << " " << gc.arrowLength << " " << angle << " "
<< info.arrow_pos[X] << " " << info.arrow_pos[Y] << " arrowhead*\n";
else if (gc.printGC->isFig())
BoxCoordinate line_width = 1;
os << ARCARROWHEAD1 << line_width << ARCARROWHEAD2;
switch (gc.selfEdgeDirection)
case Clockwise:
case Counterclockwise:
<< float(info.arc_center[X]) << " "
<< float(info.arc_center[Y]) << " ";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
os << info.fig_pos[i][X] << " " << info.fig_pos[i][Y] << " ";
if (annotation() != 0)
// Print annotation
annotation()->_print(os, info.anno_pos, gc);
BoxPoint LineGraphEdge::annotationPosition(const GraphGC &gc) const
if (from() == to())
BoxRegion region = from()->region(gc);
if (from()->selected())
region.origin() += gc.offsetIfSelected;
LineGraphEdgeSelfInfo info(region, gc);
return info.anno_pos;
BoxPoint pos1 = from()->pos();
BoxRegion region1 = from()->region(gc);
BoxPoint pos2 = to()->pos();
BoxRegion region2 = to()->region(gc);
BoxPoint l1, l2;
findLine(pos1, pos2, region1, region2, l1, l2, gc);
if (from()->isHint() && to()->isHint())
// Between two hints -- don't draw anything
return BoxPoint();
if (to()->isHint())
// Draw at hint position
return to()->pos();
// Draw at mid-distance
return l1 + (l2 - l1) / 2;
void LineGraphEdge::_print(ostream& os, const GraphGC &gc) const
if (from() == to())
printSelf(os, gc);
GraphEdge::_print(os, gc);
// Print annotation
if (annotation() != 0)
BoxPoint anno_pos = annotationPosition(gc);
if (anno_pos.isValid())
annotation()->_print(os, anno_pos, gc);