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// $Id: LetNode.C,v 1.12 1998/11/23 17:43:27 zeller Exp $
// LET..IN construct in VSL
// Copyright (C) 1995 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
char LetNode_rcsid[] =
"$Id: LetNode.C,v 1.12 1998/11/23 17:43:27 zeller Exp $";
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "assert.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <strstream.h>
#include "VSLLib.h"
#include "VSLNode.h"
#include "CallNode.h"
#include "LetNode.h"
#include "ArgNode.h"
#include "VSLDef.h"
#include "MatchBox.h"
#include "ListBox.h"
#include "VSEFlags.h"
DEFINE_TYPE_INFO_1(LetNode, CallNode)
DEFINE_TYPE_INFO_1(WhereNode, LetNode)
// LetNode
// Dump Let
void LetNode::dump(ostream& s) const
s << "let " << *node_pattern() << " = " << *args()
<< "\n in " << *body();
// Dump where
void WhereNode::dump(ostream& s) const
s << *body()
<< "\n where " << *node_pattern() << " = " << *args();
// ...as tree
void LetNode::_dumpTree(ostream& s) const
s << ", ";
s << ", ";
// Evaluate
const Box *LetNode::_eval(ListBox *arglst) const
const Box *result = 0;
if (arglst)
assert(int(_base) == arglst->length());
// Create arguments for pattern
const Box *patternArgs = args()->eval(arglst);
// Create new argument list
ListBox *moreArgs = arglist(patternArgs);
if (moreArgs)
ListBox *attach = 0;
// If needed, append new arg list to existing one
if (arglst && !(arglst->isEmpty()))
attach = arglst->cons(moreArgs);
moreArgs = (ListBox *)arglst->link();
result = body()->eval(moreArgs);
// Remove new arg list
if (attach)
VSLLib::eval_error("invalid arguments");
((Box *)patternArgs)->unlink();
return result;
// Pattern matching
const int max_instances = 256; // Max number of args
// Pattern matching with boxes
static Box *box_instances[max_instances];
static void box_matches(int data, const Box *box)
box_instances[data] = (Box *)box;
// Check if definition is conformant to argument A;
// store matched values from arg in box_instances
bool LetNode::domatch(const Box *a) const
bool ret = false;
// While comparing, for all X, MatchBox == X holds.
MatchBoxFunc oldCB = MatchBox::matchCallback;
MatchBox::matchCallback = box_matches;
MatchBox::matchesAll = true;
if (_box_pattern == 0)
if (_box_pattern)
ret = (*_box_pattern == *a);
MatchBox::matchesAll = false;
MatchBox::matchCallback = oldCB;
return ret;
// Pattern matching with nodes
static VSLNode *node_instances[max_instances];
// Check if definition is conformant to argument A;
// store matched values from arg in node_instances
static void node_matches(int data, const VSLNode *node)
node_instances[data] = (VSLNode *)node;
bool LetNode::domatch(const VSLNode *a) const
// While comparing, for all X, ArgNode == X holds.
ArgNodeFunc oldCB = ArgNode::matchCallback;
ArgNode::matchCallback = node_matches;
bool oldFlag = ArgNode::matchesAll;
ArgNode::matchesAll = true;
bool ret = (*_node_pattern == *a);
ArgNode::matchCallback = oldCB;
ArgNode::matchesAll = oldFlag;
return ret;
// Return nodes matched against A
VSLNode **LetNode::nodelist(const VSLNode *a) const
for (unsigned i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
node_instances[i] = 0;
bool ok = domatch(a);
if (!ok)
return 0;
return node_instances;
// Convert argument list into a format suitable for ArgNode instances.
ListBox* LetNode::arglist(const Box *a) const
if (_straight)
assert (a->isListBox());
return (ListBox *)((Box *)a)->link();
unsigned i;
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
box_instances[i] = 0;
bool ok = domatch(a);
if (!ok)
return (ListBox *)0;
ListBox *list = new ListBox;
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
assert(box_instances[i] != 0); // cannot isolate arg
(*list) += box_instances[i];
return list;
// Convert node_pattern into box_pattern
void LetNode::compilePatterns(VSLDef *cdef) const
// Compile args first
// Protect against patterns like f(f(a)) = ...
if (being_compiled)
VSLLib::eval_error("recursive pattern", cdef);
// Use a list of match boxes as argument
ListBox *list = new ListBox;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
MatchBox *m = new MatchBox(i);
(*list) += m;
((LetNode *)this)->being_compiled = true;
const Box *result = node_pattern()->eval(list);
((LetNode *)this)->being_compiled = false;
// Check if valid
if (result == 0)
VSLLib::eval_error("cannot evaluate pattern", cdef);
// Each MatchBox must be used exactly once
int *instances = new int [_base + _nargs];
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
instances[i] = 0;
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
if (instances[i] == 0)
ostrstream os;
os << "invalid pattern: arg" << i << " is never instantiated";
if (instances[i] > 1)
ostrstream os;
os << "invalid pattern: arg" << i
<< " is instantiated several times";
delete[] instances;
((LetNode *)this)->_box_pattern = (Box *)result;
// Resolve function names
int LetNode::_resolveNames(VSLDef *cdef, unsigned base)
if (_nargs == 0)
VSLLib::eval_warning("pattern without variables", cdef);
// First apply to body and pattern args
// Within body, increase the base: While evaluating the body,
// we have _nargs more variables.
int changes = 0;
changes += args()->resolveNames(cdef, base);
changes += body()->resolveNames(cdef, base + _nargs);
// Now replace all NameNodes in the pattern by equivalent ArgNodes.
string s = "";
unsigned offset = 0;
while ((s = node_pattern()->firstName(), s) != "")
// Replace in body
int ch = body()->resolveName(cdef, &body(), s, base + offset);
if (ch == 0)
VSLLib::eval_warning("`" + s + "' is unused", cdef);
changes += ch;
// Replace in pattern
ch = node_pattern()->resolveName(cdef, &node_pattern(), s,
base + offset);
assert(ch > 0);
if (ch > 1)
VSLLib::eval_error("`" + s + "' is used several times", cdef);
assert(offset == _nargs);
return changes;
// Optimization
// inlineFuncs: Replace pattern vars by function body
// Example: Replace `let a = 45 in a + a' by `45 + 45'
int LetNode::inlineFuncs(VSLDef *cdef, VSLNode **node)
assert (this == *node);
int changes = 0;
// Apply to all args
changes += CallNode::inlineFuncs(cdef, node);
// Create instance list: abort if ambiguous
VSLNode **values = nodelist(args());
if (values == 0)
return changes;
// Create instance counter
int *instances = new int [_base + _nargs];
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
instances[i] = 0;
// Count how often the variables are used
body()->countArgNodes(cdef, instances, _base, _nargs);
// Check if each instantiation is defined
bool fail = false;
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
if (instances[i] > 0 && values[i] == 0)
ostrstream os;
os << "cannot isolate arg" << i;
VSLLib::eval_warning(os, cdef);
fail = true;
// Each instance must be used only once (efficiency)
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
if (values[i] && instances[i] > 1)
// However, if we replace an arg by a constant or another
// arg, the arg may be instantiated multiple times.
if (!values[i]->isConstNode() && !values[i]->isArgNode())
fail = true;
delete[] instances;
if (fail)
return changes;
// Now perform inlining.
// Copy function body
VSLNode *newbody = body()->dup();
// The arg nodes in BODY refer to EXPR; not to the function of
// this DefCallNode. We must replace them by the arguments of
// this DefCallNode.
newbody->instantiateArgs(cdef, &newbody, values, _base, _nargs);
// Remaining arg nides in BODY refer to LET constructs. If the
// current funtion and NEWBODY have a different number of args,
// we'll get into trouble. So, renumber the arg nodes.
newbody->reBase(cdef, _base);
// Here's the actual replacement
*node = newbody;
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "\n" << cdef->longname() << ": inlineFuncs: replacing\n"
<< *this << "\nby " << **node << '\n';
delete this;
return ++changes;
// Set a new base
int LetNode::_reBase(VSLDef *cdef, unsigned newBase)
int changes = 0;
// Rename all LET variables: arg_i -> arg_(i + offset):
int offset = newBase - _base;
if (offset == 0)
return changes;
// Apply to pattern args
args()->reBase(cdef, newBase);
// If offset > 0, rename in body first (to prevent collisions)
if (offset > 0)
changes = body()->reBase(cdef, newBase + _nargs);
VSLNode **argnodes = new VSLNode *[_base + _nargs];
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _base; i++)
argnodes[i] = 0;
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
argnodes[i] = new ArgNode(i + offset);
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "\n" << cdef->longname() << ": reBase: replacing\n" << *this;
// Rename vars in body
body()->instantiateArgs(cdef, &body(), argnodes, _base, _nargs);
// Rename vars in pattern
node_pattern()->instantiateArgs(cdef, &node_pattern(),
argnodes, _base, _nargs);
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "\nby " << *this << "\n";
for (i = _base; i < _base + _nargs; i++)
delete argnodes[i];
delete[] argnodes;
// If offset < 0, now rename vars in body
if (offset < 0)
changes = body()->reBase(cdef, newBase + _nargs);
// Recompile pattern
_base = newBase;
return ++changes;
// Debugging
// Representation invariant
bool LetNode::OK() const
EmptyListNode empty;
assert (CallNode::OK());
// Arg must be list of length 2
assert (arg() && arg()->isListNode());
assert (_args() && _args()->tail() && _args()->tail()->isListNode());
assert (_body() && _body()->tail() && *(_body()->tail()) == empty);
// All list elems must exist
assert (args());
assert (body());
assert (node_pattern());
return true;