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// $Id: DispValue.h,v 1.51 1998/11/24 09:56:30 zeller Exp $
// Read and store type and value of a displayed expression
// Copyright (C) 1995 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Dorothea Luetkehaus <luetke@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
#ifndef _DDD_DispValue_h
#define _DDD_DispValue_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
// A DispValue reads and stores type and value of a displayed expression
#include "strclass.h"
#include "bool.h"
#include "DispValueA.h"
#include "DispValueT.h"
#include "StringSA.h"
#include "Box.h"
class Agent;
class PlotAgent;
enum DispValueAlignment {Vertical, Horizontal};
class DispValue {
// General members
DispValueType mytype;
bool myexpanded;
bool myenabled;
string myfull_name; // Full name
string print_name; // Name relative to parent
string myaddr; // Address as found
bool changed;
int myrepeats; // Number of repetitions
// Type-dependent members
string _value; // Value of basic types
bool _dereferenced; // True iff pointer is dereferenced
DispValueArray _children; // Array or Struct members
int _index_base; // First index
bool _have_index_base; // True if INDEX_BASE is valid
DispValueAlignment _alignment; // Array alignment
bool _has_plot_alignment; // True if plotter set the alignment
// Plotting stuff
PlotAgent *_plotter; // Plotting agent
// Caching stuff
Box *_cached_box; // Last box
int _cached_box_change; // Last cached box change
static int cached_box_tics; // Counter
// Initialize from VALUE. If TYPE is given, use TYPE as type
// instead of inferring it.
void init(DispValue *parent, int depth,
string& value, DispValueType type = UnknownType);
// Delete helper
void clear();
// Assignment
void assign(DispValue& dv);
DispValue& operator = (const DispValue&)
assert(0); return *this;
// Helpers
static StringStringAssoc type_cache;
static int index_base(const string& expr, int dim);
static string add_member_name(const string& base,
const string& member_name);
// Plotting stuff
void _plot(PlotAgent *plotter, int ndim) const;
void plot1d(PlotAgent *plotter, int ndim) const;
void plot2d(PlotAgent *plotter, int ndim) const;
void plot3d(PlotAgent *plotter, int ndim) const;
bool can_plot1d() const;
bool can_plot2d() const;
bool can_plot3d() const;
static bool starts_number(char c);
static void PlotterDiedHP(Agent *, void *, void *);
// Update helper
DispValue *_update(DispValue *source,
bool& was_changed, bool& was_initialized);
// Clear cached box
void clear_cached_box()
if (_cached_box != 0)
_cached_box = 0;
_cached_box_change = 0;
int _links; // #references (>= 1)
// Array, Struct
// Expand/collapse single value
void _expand()
if (myexpanded)
myexpanded = true;
void _collapse()
if (!myexpanded)
myexpanded = false;
// True if more sequence members are coming
static bool sequence_pending(const string& value,
const DispValue *parent);
// Numeric value
string num_value() const;
// The DispValue type and address are determined from VALUE
DispValue (DispValue *parent,
int depth,
string& value,
const string& full_name,
const string& print_name,
DispValueType type = UnknownType);
// Parsing function
static DispValue *parse(DispValue *parent,
int depth,
string& value,
const string& full_name,
const string& print_name,
DispValueType type = UnknownType);
DispValue *parse_child(int depth,
string& value,
const string& full_name,
const string& _print_name,
DispValueType type = UnknownType)
return parse(this, depth + 1, value, full_name, _print_name, type);
DispValue *parse_child(int depth,
string& value,
const string& name,
DispValueType type = UnknownType)
return parse_child(depth, value, name, name, type);
// Copy constructor
DispValue (const DispValue& dv);
// Return a `normalized' prefix BASE for arrays and structs
string normalize_base(const string& base);
// Global settings
static bool expand_repeated_values;
// Parse VALUE into a DispValue tree
static DispValue *parse(string& value, const string& name)
return parse(0, 0, value, name, name);
// Duplicator
DispValue *dup() const
return new DispValue(*this);
// Destructor
virtual ~DispValue()
assert (_links == 0);
// Create new reference
DispValue *link()
assert(_links > 0);
return this;
// Kill reference
void unlink()
assert(_links > 0);
if (--_links == 0)
delete this;
// General resources
DispValueType type() const { return mytype; }
bool enabled() const { return myenabled; }
const string& full_name() const { return myfull_name; }
const string& name() const { return print_name; }
const string& addr() const { return myaddr; }
int repeats() const { return myrepeats; }
bool has_plot_alignment() const { return _has_plot_alignment; }
int& repeats() { clear_cached_box(); return myrepeats; }
string& full_name() { clear_cached_box(); return myfull_name; }
string& name() { clear_cached_box(); return print_name; }
bool& enabled() { clear_cached_box(); return myenabled; }
bool& has_plot_alignment() { return _has_plot_alignment; }
bool is_changed() const { return changed; }
bool descendant_changed() const;
bool expanded() const { return myexpanded; }
bool collapsed() const { return !expanded(); }
// Return height of entire tree
int height() const;
// Return height of expanded tree
int heightExpanded() const;
// Type-specific resources
// Simple or Pointer
const string& value() const { return _value; }
// Pointer
bool dereferenced() const { return _dereferenced; }
string dereferenced_name() const;
// Array, Struct, List, Sequence ...
int nchildren() const { return _children.size(); }
DispValue *child(int i) const { return _children[i]; }
int nchildren_with_repeats() const;
// General modifiers
// Expand/collapse entire tree. If DEPTH is non-negative, expand
// DEPTH levels only. If DEPTH is negative, expand all.
void collapseAll(int depth = -1);
void expandAll(int depth = -1);
// Custom calls
void collapse() { collapseAll(1); }
void expand() { expandAll(1); }
// Count expanded or selected nodes in tree
int expandedAll() const;
int collapsedAll() const;
// Type-specific modifiers
// Array
void set_alignment(DispValueAlignment alignment);
bool vertical_aligned() const { return _alignment == Vertical; }
bool horizontal_aligned() const { return _alignment == Horizontal; }
void align_vertical() { set_alignment(Vertical); }
void align_horizontal() { set_alignment(Horizontal); }
// Pointer
void dereference(bool set = true)
if (_dereferenced == set)
_dereferenced = set;
// Updating
// Update values from VALUE. Set WAS_CHANGED iff value changed;
// Set WAS_INITIALIZED iff type changed. If TYPE is given, use
// TYPE as type instead of inferring it. Note: THIS can no more
// be referenced after calling this function; use the returned
// value instead.
DispValue *update(string& value, bool& was_changed, bool& was_initialized,
DispValueType type = UnknownType);
// Update values from SOURCE. Set WAS_CHANGED iff value changed;
// Set WAS_INITIALIZED iff type changed. Note: Neither THIS nor
// SOURCE can be referenced after calling this function; use the
// returned value instead.
DispValue *update(DispValue *source,
bool& was_changed, bool& was_initialized);
// Return true iff SOURCE and this are structurally equal.
// If SOURCE_DESCENDANT (a descendant of SOURCE) is not 0,
// return its equivalent descendant of this in DESCENDANT.
bool structurally_equal(const DispValue *source,
const DispValue *source_descendant,
const DispValue *&descendant) const;
// Short version
bool structurally_equal(const DispValue *source) const
const DispValue *dummy = 0;
return structurally_equal(source, 0, dummy);
// Plotting
// Return 0 if we cannot plot; return number of required
// dimensions, otherwise (1, 2, or 3)
int can_plot() const;
// Plot value
void plot() const;
// Replot value
void replot() const;
// Current plot agent
PlotAgent *plotter() const { return _plotter; }
// Show plot state
void set_plot_state(const string& state = "") const;
// Background processing. PROCESSED is the number of characters
// processed so far. If this returns true, abort operation.
static bool (*background)(int processed);
// Clear cache of all types read so far
static void clear_type_cache();
// Hook for inserting previously computed DispValues
static DispValue *(*value_hook)(string& value);
// Box cache
Box *cached_box() const
return _cached_box;
// Verify if cached box is recent respective to children's caches
void validate_box_cache();
void set_cached_box(Box *value)
_cached_box = value->link();
_cached_box_change = cached_box_tics++;
// Print plots to FILENAME
void print_plots(const string& filename,
const PrintGC& gc = PostScriptPrintGC()) const;
// Return a title for NAME
static string make_title(const string& name);
#endif // _DDD_DispValue_h