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// $Id: DataDisp.h,v 1.109 1998/11/30 09:38:04 zeller Exp $
// Data Display
// Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Dorothea Luetkehaus <luetke@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
#ifndef _DDD_DataDisp_h
#define _DDD_DataDisp_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
// The `DataDisp' class creates the data display and provides the
// necessary callback functions.
// Name conventions used:
// ...CB : Callback function.
// ...DCB : Dialog callback function.
// ...CD : Create dialog.
// ...Act : Action function.
// ...SQ : calls gdb->send_question().
// ...OQC : needed in on_question_completion; see `GDBAgent.h'.
// ...OQAC: needed in on_question_array_completion; see `GDBAgent.h'.
// ...HP : HandlerProc. See `HandlerL.h'
// Motif includes
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
// DDD includes
#include "ArgField.h"
#include "BoxSize.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include "Delay.h"
#include "ExitCB.h"
#include "GDBAgent.h"
#include "GraphEdit.h"
#include "HelpCB.h"
#include "IntArray.h"
#include "MString.h"
#include "MakeMenu.h"
#include "StringA.h"
#include "VSEFlags.h"
#include "VSLLib.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "strclass.h"
#include "string-fun.h"
extern GDBAgent *gdb;
extern ArgField *source_arg;
enum DeferMode {
DeferAlways, // Defer display creation
DeferIfNeeded, // Defer display creation if needed
DeferNever // Create display now
class NewDisplayInfo;
class DispGraph;
class DispNode;
class DispBox;
class DispValue;
class RegionGraphNode;
class DataDisp {
friend class DataDispCount;
// Callbacks
static void dispCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
// Button callbacks
static void dereferenceCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void dereferenceArgCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void dereferenceInPlaceCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void toggleDetailCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void toggleRotateCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void toggleDisableCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void rotateCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void newCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void enableCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void disableCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void showDetailCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void showMoreDetailCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void hideDetailCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void dependentCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void displayArgCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void plotArgCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void plotHistoryCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void setCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void shortcutCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void deleteArgCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void clusterSelectedCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void unclusterSelectedCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void toggleClusterSelectedCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
// Popup menu callbacks
static void popup_new_argCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void popup_newCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void new_displayDCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
// Callbacks of the display editor
static void UpdateGraphEditorSelectionCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void UpdateDisplayEditorSelectionCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void PreLayoutCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void PostLayoutCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void DoubleClickCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
// Graph callbacks
static bool bump(RegionGraphNode *node, const BoxSize& newSize);
// Timers and timer callbacks
static void RefreshGraphEditCB(XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id);
static void RefreshArgsCB (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id);
static void RefreshAddrCB (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id);
static XtIntervalId refresh_args_timer;
static XtIntervalId refresh_graph_edit_timer;
static XtIntervalId refresh_addr_timer;
// Sorting nodes for layout
static void CompareNodesCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
// Create dialogs
static void new_displayCD (Widget w, BoxPoint box_point = BoxPoint());
// Set sensitivity
static void no_displaysHP (void*, void*, void*);
// Helpers
static bool lose_selection;
static void set_args(BoxPoint p = BoxPoint(),
SelectionMode mode = SetSelection);
static void refresh_display_list(bool silent = false);
static DispValue *selected_value();
static DispNode *selected_node();
static void open_data_window();
static void close_data_window();
static DispNode *new_data_node(const string& name, const string& scope,
const string& answer, bool plotted);
static DispNode *new_user_node(const string& name, const string& scope,
const string& answer, bool plotted);
static DispNode *new_deferred_node(const string& expr, const string& scope,
const BoxPoint& pos,
const string& depends_on,
bool clustered, bool plotted);
static int getDispNrAtPoint(BoxPoint point);
static string numbers(IntArray& a);
static bool all_data_displays(IntArray& numbers);
static void show(Widget dialog, int depth, int more);
static Widget create_display_dialog(Widget parent, String name,
NewDisplayInfo& info);
static void toggle_rotate(DispValue *dv, bool all = false);
static void select_node(DispNode *dn, int src = 0);
// Setting values
static void setDCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void DeleteSetInfoCB(Widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer);
static void SetDone(const string& answer, void *qu_data);
// Builtin user displays
static bool is_builtin_user_command(const string& cmd);
static string builtin_user_command(const string& cmd, DispNode *dn = 0);
static void refresh_builtin_user_displays();
// DispNode properties
static bool needs_refresh(DispNode *dn);
static bool selected(DispNode *dn);
// Actions
static XtActionsRec actions [];
static void graph_selectAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_select_or_moveAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_extendAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_extend_or_moveAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_toggleAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_toggle_or_moveAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_popupAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_dereferenceAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_detailAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_rotateAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void graph_dependentAct (Widget, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal*);
static void call_selection_proc(Widget, String, XEvent*, String*, Cardinal,
SelectionMode mode);
// Menus
static MMDesc graph_popup[];
static MMDesc node_popup[];
static MMDesc shortcut_popup1[];
static MMDesc shortcut_popup2[];
static MMDesc display_area[];
static MMDesc plot_menu[];
static MMDesc detail_menu[];
static MMDesc shortcut_menu[];
static MMDesc rotate_menu[];
static MMDesc delete_menu[];
static const int shortcut_items;
// Array of shortcut expressions
static StringArray shortcut_exprs;
static StringArray shortcut_labels;
static void add_shortcut_expr(const string& expr);
// Menus - public such that we can chain them in a toolbar
static MMDesc graph_cmd_area[];
// Send queries to GDB and process answers
// Create a new display for DISPLAY_EXPRESSION.
// SCOPE is the name of the current function (must match backtrace
// output) or a scope to be reached; see DEFERRED, below.
// If POS is set, the new display is created at this position.
// If DEPENDS_ON is set, the new display is made dependent on
// DEPENDS_ON (a display number or name).
// If DEFERRED is set, defer creation until SCOPE is reached.
// If CLUSTERED is set, cluster display.
// If PLOTTED is set, plot display.
// If ORIGIN is set, the last origin is set to ORIGIN.
static void new_displaySQ(string display_expression,
string scope,
BoxPoint *pos = 0,
string depends_on = "",
DeferMode deferred = DeferAlways,
bool clustered = false,
bool plotted = false,
Widget origin = 0,
bool verbose = true,
bool prompt = true);
// Refresh displays. Sends `info display' and `display' to GDB.
static void refresh_displaySQ(Widget origin = 0,
bool verbose = true,
bool prompt = true);
// Disable displays given in DISPLAY_NRS. Sends `disable display' to GDB.
static void disable_displaySQ(IntArray& display_nrs,
bool verbose = true,
bool prompt = true);
// Enable displays given in DISPLAY_NRS. Sends `enable display' to GDB.
static void enable_displaySQ(IntArray& display_nrs,
bool verbose = true,
bool prompt = true);
// Delete displays given in DISPLAY_NRS. Sends `delete display' to GDB.
static void delete_displaySQ(IntArray& display_nrs,
bool verbose = true,
bool prompt = true);
// Same, but return the appropriate command
static string new_display_cmd(const string& display_expression,
BoxPoint *pos = 0,
const string& depends_on = "",
bool clustered = false,
bool plotted = false);
static string refresh_display_cmd();
static string disable_display_cmd(IntArray& display_nrs);
static string enable_display_cmd(IntArray& display_nrs);
static string delete_display_cmd(IntArray& display_nrs);
static string delete_display_cmd(const string& name);
// Same, but use the GDB_COMMAND interface for enqueing commands
static void new_display(string display_expression,
BoxPoint *pos = 0,
string depends_on = "",
bool clustered = false,
bool plotted = false,
Widget origin = 0)
string c = new_display_cmd(display_expression, pos,
depends_on, clustered, plotted);
gdb_command(c, origin);
static void refresh_display(Widget origin = 0)
gdb_command(refresh_display_cmd(), origin);
static void disable_display(IntArray& display_nrs, Widget origin = 0)
if (display_nrs.size() > 0)
gdb_command(disable_display_cmd(display_nrs), origin);
static void enable_display(IntArray& display_nrs, Widget origin = 0)
if (display_nrs.size() > 0)
gdb_command(enable_display_cmd(display_nrs), origin);
static void delete_display(IntArray& display_nrs, Widget origin = 0)
if (display_nrs.size() > 0)
gdb_command(delete_display_cmd(display_nrs), origin);
static void delete_display(const string& name, Widget origin = 0)
gdb_command(delete_display_cmd(name), origin);
// Process 'info display' output in INFO_DISPLAY_ANSWER. If
// DEFER_DELETED is set, defer displays that have been deleted.
static void process_info_display (string& info_display_answer,
bool defer_deleted = true);
// Process `display' output in DISPLAY_ANSWER. Remaining
// (non-display) output is returned. If DISABLING_OCCURRED is set
// after the call, some displays have been disabled and a
// `display' command must be re-sent to GDB.
static string process_displays(string& display_answer,
bool& disabling_occurred);
// Process user-defined command output in ANSWERS.
static void process_user(StringArray& answers);
// Process data output in ANSWERS.
static void process_addr(StringArray& answers);
// Process current scope
static void process_scope(const string& scope);
static bool need_scope();
// Set shortcut menu to expressions EXPRS
static void set_shortcut_menu(const StringArray& exprs,
const StringArray& labels);
// Return current shortcut menu items
static void get_shortcut_menu(StringArray& exprs,
StringArray& labels);
// Refresh argument buttons
static void refresh_args(bool update_arg = false);
// Call me back again
static void again_new_displaySQ (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id);
// Tons of helpers
static void new_data_displayOQC (const string& answer, void* data);
static void new_data_display_extraOQC(const string& answer, void* data);
static void new_data_displaysSQA (string display_expression,
void *data);
static void new_data_displaysOQAC (const StringArray& answers,
const VoidArray& qu_datas,
void* data);
static void new_user_displayOQC (const string& answer, void* data);
static void refresh_displayOQC (const string& answer, void* data);
static void refresh_displayOQAC (const StringArray& answers,
const VoidArray& qu_datas,
void* data);
static void disable_displayOQC (const string& answer, void* data);
static void enable_displayOQC (const string& answer, void* data);
static void delete_displayOQC (const string& answer, void* data);
static void deletion_done(IntArray& display_nrs, bool do_prompt);
static void add_aliases(IntArray& a);
static bool sort_and_check(IntArray& a);
static void select_with_all_descendants(GraphNode *node);
static void select_with_all_ancestors(GraphNode *node);
// Get display number and name from ANSWER; store them in NR and NAME
static void read_number_and_name(string& answer, string& nr, string& name);
// Data
static DispGraph *disp_graph;
static Delay *delay;
static Widget last_origin;
static Time last_select_time;
static int next_ddd_display_number;
static int next_gdb_display_number;
static bool detect_aliases;
static bool cluster_displays;
static bool arg_needs_update;
static Widget graph_popup_w;
static Widget node_popup_w;
static Widget shortcut_popup_w;
static Widget edit_displays_dialog_w;
static Widget display_list_w;
// Origin handling
static void ClearOriginCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void set_last_origin(Widget origin);
// Alias checking
static bool check_aliases();
static void sort_last_change(IntArray& disp_nrs);
static int last_change_of_disp_nr(int disp_nr);
// True iff aliases are to be checked regardless of address changes
static bool force_check_aliases;
// Merge displays in DISPLAYS. Set CHANGED iff changed. Set
// SUPPRESSED if displays were suppressed.
static void merge_displays(IntArray displays,
bool& changed, bool& suppressed);
// Unmerge display DISP_NR; return true iff change
static bool unmerge_display(int disp_nr);
static Widget graph_form_w;
static int alias_display_nr(GraphNode *node);
// State stuff
static void write_frame_command(ostream& os, int& current_frame,
int target_frame);
static void write_restore_scope_command(ostream& os,
int& current_frame,
const StringArray& scopes,
DispNode *dn,
bool& ok);
static bool get_state(ostream& os,
bool restore_state,
bool include_position,
const StringArray& scopes,
int target_frame);
static void get_node_state(ostream& os, DispNode *dn,
bool include_position);
// Reset done
static void reset_done(const string& answer, void *data);
// Clustering stuff
static void insert_data_node(DispNode *dn, int depend_nr,
bool clustered, bool plotted);
static int new_cluster();
static int current_cluster();
static DispValue *update_hook(string& value);
static Widget graph_edit;
static Widget graph_cmd_w;
static Widget graph_selection_w;
static ArgField *graph_arg;
static bool bump_displays;
// Constructor
DataDisp(Widget parent, Widget& data_buttons_w);
void create_shells();
static int count_data_displays();
static void get_all_display_numbers(IntArray& numbers);
static void get_all_clusters(IntArray& numbers);
static void refresh_graph_edit (bool silent = false);
static Widget graph_form() { return graph_form_w; }
// Refresh address of NODE (0: all nodes)
static void refresh_addr(DispNode *node = 0);
// Command(s) to re-print all displays; return # of commands
static int add_refresh_data_commands(StringArray& cmds);
static int add_refresh_user_commands(StringArray& cmds);
static int add_refresh_addr_commands(StringArray& cmds, DispNode *dn = 0);
// Callbacks for menu bar
static void EditDisplaysCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void refreshCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void selectAllCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void unselectAllCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void deleteCB(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
// Helpers for user displays
static bool have_user_display(const string& name);
static void new_user_display(const string& name);
static void delete_user_display(const string& name);
// Callbacks for language changes
static void language_changedHP(Agent *source, void *client_data,
void *call_data);
// Set whether aliases are to be detected
static void set_detect_aliases(bool value);
// Set whether displays are to be clustered
static void set_cluster_displays(bool value);
// True iff we have some selection
static bool have_selection();
// Write current selection as DDD commands to OS
// Return true iff all went well
static bool get_selection(ostream& os, bool include_position = false);
// The maximum display number when saving states
static int max_display_number;
// Return DDD commands to restore current state (displays, etc.)
// Return true iff all went well. SCOPES are obtained via
// GET_SCOPES (see below). TARGET_FRAME indicates final frame.
static bool get_state(ostream& os, const StringArray& scopes,
int target_frame = 0);
static bool get_scopes(StringArray& scopes);
// Return true if a core dump is needed to restore displays
static bool need_core_to_restore();
// Return documentation string for shortcut menu item W.
// Returns 0 if W is no shortcut menu item.
static MString shortcut_help(Widget w);
// Select a specific value. Plotter uses this.
static void select(DispValue *dv);
// Reset all
static void reset();
// True if the selection was lost
static void SelectionLostCB(Widget = 0, XtPointer = 0, XtPointer = 0);
// Get number(s) of display NAME
static int display_number(const string& name, bool verbose = false);
static void get_display_numbers(const string& name, IntArray& numbers);
// Refresh titles after change in APP_DATA
static void refresh_titles();
// Update and activate displays manually (from undo)
static void update_displays(const StringArray& names,
const StringArray& values,
const StringArray& addrs);
// Restore sane state
static void make_sane();
inline bool DataDisp::get_selection(ostream& os, bool include_position)
StringArray dummy;
return get_state(os, false, include_position, dummy, 0);
inline bool DataDisp::get_state(ostream& os, const StringArray& scopes,
int target_frame)
return get_state(os, true, true, scopes, target_frame);
inline void DataDisp::get_shortcut_menu(StringArray& exprs,
StringArray& labels)
exprs = shortcut_exprs;
labels = shortcut_labels;
#endif // _DDD_DataDisp_h