home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // $Id: AppData.h,v 1998/12/06 12:59:15 zeller Exp $ -*- C++ -*-
- // DDD application data
- // Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
- // Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
- //
- // This file is part of DDD.
- //
- // DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
- // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- // License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
- // If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- // 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- //
- // DDD is the data display debugger.
- // For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
- // `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
- // or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
- #ifndef _DDD_AppData_h
- #define _DDD_AppData_h
- #include <Xm/Xm.h>
- #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include "version.h"
- #include "OnOff.h"
- #include "BindingS.h"
- // The DDD application class name
- // For a documentation of these resources, see the `Ddd' app-resource
- // file or its original source, `Ddd.in.m4'.
- #define XtNsession "session"
- #define XtNinitialSession "initialSession"
- #ifndef XtCSessionID
- #define XtCSessionID "SessionID"
- #endif
- #define XtNdebugger "debugger"
- #define XtCDebugger "Debugger"
- #define XtNdebuggerCommand "debuggerCommand"
- #define XtCDebuggerCommand "DebuggerCommand"
- #define XtNautoDebugger "autoDebugger"
- #define XtCAutoDebugger "AutoDebugger"
- #define XtNopenSelection "openSelection"
- #define XtCOpenSelection "OpenSelection"
- #define XtNtrace "trace"
- #define XtCTrace "Trace"
- #define XtNplayLog "playLog"
- #define XtCPlayLog "PlayLog"
- #define XtNgdbInitCommands "gdbInitCommands"
- #define XtNgdbSettings "gdbSettings"
- #define XtNdbxInitCommands "dbxInitCommands"
- #define XtNdbxSettings "dbxSettings"
- #define XtNxdbInitCommands "xdbInitCommands"
- #define XtNxdbSettings "xdbSettings"
- #define XtNjdbInitCommands "jdbInitCommands"
- #define XtNjdbSettings "jdbSettings"
- #define XtNpydbInitCommands "pydbInitCommands"
- #define XtNpydbSettings "pydbSettings"
- #define XtNperlInitCommands "perlInitCommands"
- #define XtNperlSettings "perlSettings"
- #define XtNrestartCommands "restartCommands"
- #define XtCInitCommands "InitCommands"
- #define XtNsourceInitCommands "sourceInitCommands"
- #define XtCSourceInitCommands "SourceInitCommands"
- #define XtCSettings "Settings"
- #define XtNvslPath "vslPath"
- #define XtCVSLPath "VSLPath"
- #define XtNvslLibrary "vslLibrary"
- #define XtCVSLLibrary "VSLLibrary"
- #define XtNvslDefs "vslDefs"
- #define XtNvslBaseDefs "vslBaseDefs"
- #define XtCVSLDefs "VSLDefs"
- #define XtNdefaultFont "defaultFont"
- #define XtNvariableWidthFont "variableWidthFont"
- #define XtNfixedWidthFont "fixedWidthFont"
- #ifndef XtCFont
- #define XtCFont "Font"
- #endif
- #define XtNdefaultFontSize "defaultFontSize"
- #define XtNvariableWidthFontSize "variableWidthFontSize"
- #define XtNfixedWidthFontSize "fixedWidthFontSize"
- #define XtCFontSize "FontSize"
- #define XtNfontSelectCommand "fontSelectCommand"
- #define XtCFontSelectCommand "FontSelectCommand"
- #define XtNtabWidth "tabWidth"
- #define XtCTabWidth "TabWidth"
- #define XtNlinesAboveCursor "linesAboveCursor"
- #define XtCLinesAboveCursor "LinesAboveCursor"
- #define XtNlinesBelowCursor "linesBelowCursor"
- #define XtCLinesBelowCursor "LinesBelowCursor"
- #define XtNindentScript "indentScript"
- #define XtNindentSource "indentSource"
- #define XtNindentCode "indentCode"
- #define XtCIndent "Indent"
- #define XtNlineNumberWidth "lineNumberWidth"
- #define XtCLineNumberWidth "LineNumberWidth"
- #define XtNsourceEditing "sourceEditing"
- #define XtCSourceEditing "SourceEditing"
- #define XtNlineBufferedConsole "lineBufferredConsole"
- #define XtCLineBuffered "LineBuffered"
- #define XtNgdbDisplayShortcuts "gdbDisplayShortcuts"
- #define XtNdbxDisplayShortcuts "dbxDisplayShortcuts"
- #define XtNxdbDisplayShortcuts "xdbDisplayShortcuts"
- #define XtNjdbDisplayShortcuts "jdbDisplayShortcuts"
- #define XtNpydbDisplayShortcuts "pydbDisplayShortcuts"
- #define XtNperlDisplayShortcuts "perlDisplayShortcuts"
- #define XtCDisplayShortcuts "DisplayShortcuts"
- #define XtNconsoleButtons "consoleButtons"
- #define XtNsourceButtons "sourceButtons"
- #define XtNdataButtons "dataButtons"
- #define XtNtoolButtons "toolButtons"
- #define XtCButtons "Buttons"
- #define XtNlabelDelimiter "labelDelimiter"
- #define XtCLabelDelimiter "LabelDelimiter"
- #define XtNcommandToolBar "commandToolBar"
- #define XtNcommonToolBar "commonToolBar"
- #define XtCToolBar "ToolBar"
- #define XtNseparateDataWindow "separateDataWindow"
- #define XtNseparateSourceWindow "separateSourceWindow"
- #define XtNseparateExecWindow "separateExecWindow"
- #define XtCSeparate "Separate"
- #define XtNopenDataWindow "openDataWindow"
- #define XtNopenSourceWindow "openSourceWindow"
- #define XtNopenDebuggerConsole "openDebuggerConsole"
- #ifndef XtCWindow
- #define XtCWindow "Window"
- #endif
- #define XtNautoCloseDataWindow "autoCloseDataWindow"
- #define XtCAutoClose "AutoClose"
- #define XtNplotCommand "plotCommand"
- #define XtCPlotCommand "PlotCommand"
- #define XtNplotTermType "plotTermType"
- #define XtCPlotTermType "PlotTermType"
- #define XtNplotInitCommands "plotInitCommands"
- #define XtCPlotInitCommands "PlotInitCommands"
- #define XtNplot2dSettings "plot2dSettings"
- #define XtNplot3dSettings "plot3dSettings"
- #define XtCPlotSettings "PlotSettings"
- #define XtNplotWindowClass "plotWindowClass"
- #define XtCPlotWindowClass "PlotWindowClass"
- #define XtNplotWindowDelay "plotWindowDelay"
- #define XtCWindowDelay "WindowDelay"
- #define XtNtermCommand "termCommand"
- #define XtCTermCommand "TermCommand"
- #define XtNtermType "termType"
- #define XtCTermType "TermType"
- #define XtNuseTTYCommand "useTTYCommand"
- #define XtCUseTTYCommand "UseTTYCommand"
- #define XtNquestionTimeout "questionTimeout"
- #define XtCQuestionTimeout "QuestionTimeout"
- #define XtNpositionTimeout "positionTimeout"
- #define XtCPositionTimeout "PositionTimeout"
- #define XtNdisplayTimeout "displayTimeout"
- #define XtCDisplayTimeout "DisplayTimeout"
- #define XtNsynchronousDebugger "synchronousDebugger"
- #define XtCSynchronousDebugger "SynchronousDebugger"
- #define XtNterminateOnEOF "terminateOnEOF"
- #define XtCTerminateOnEOF "TerminateOnEOF"
- #define XtNpollChildStatus "pollChildStatus"
- #define XtCPollChildStatus "PollChildStatus"
- #define XtNdebuggerHost "debuggerHost"
- #define XtCDebuggerHost "DebuggerHost"
- #define XtNdebuggerRHost "debuggerRHost"
- #define XtCDebuggerRHost "DebuggerRHost"
- #define XtNdebuggerHostLogin "debuggerHostLogin"
- #define XtCDebuggerHostLogin "DebuggerHostLogin"
- #define XtNrHostInitCommands "rHostInitCommands"
- #define XtCRHostInitCommands "RHostInitCommands"
- #define XtNrshCommand "rshCommand"
- #define XtCRshCommand "RshCommand"
- #define XtNfilterFiles "filterFiles"
- #define XtCFilterFiles "FilterFiles"
- #define XtNlistExecCommand "listExecCommand"
- #define XtCListExecCommand "ListExecCommand"
- #define XtNlistSourceCommand "listSourceCommand"
- #define XtCListSourceCommand "ListSourceCommand"
- #define XtNlistCoreCommand "listCoreCommand"
- #define XtCListCoreCommand "ListCoreCommand"
- #define XtNlistDirCommand "listDirCommand"
- #define XtCListDirCommand "ListDirCommand"
- #define XtNuncompressCommand "uncompressCommand"
- #define XtCUncompressCommand "UncompressCommand"
- #define XtNpsCommand "psCommand"
- #define XtCPsCommand "PsCommand"
- #define XtNwwwPage "wwwPage"
- #define XtCWWWPage "WWWPage"
- #define XtNwwwCommand "wwwCommand"
- #define XtCWWWCommand "WWWCommand"
- #define XtNshowInvocation "showInvocation"
- #define XtCShowInvocation "ShowInvocation"
- #define XtNshowVersion "showVersion"
- #define XtCShowVersion "ShowVersion"
- #define XtNshowConfiguration "showConfiguration"
- #define XtCShowConfiguration "ShowConfiguration"
- #define XtNshowManual "showManual"
- #define XtCShowManual "ShowManual"
- #define XtNshowLicense "showLicense"
- #define XtCShowLicense "ShowLicense"
- #define XtNshowNews "showNews"
- #define XtCShowNews "ShowNews"
- #define XtNshowFonts "showFonts"
- #define XtCShowFonts "ShowFonts"
- #define XtNcheckConfiguration "checkConfiguration"
- #define XtCCheckConfiguration "CheckConfiguration"
- #define XtNprintCommand "printCommand"
- #define XtCPrintCommand "PrintCommand"
- #define XtNpaperSize "paperSize"
- #define XtCPaperSize "PaperSize"
- #define XtNeditCommand "editCommand"
- #define XtCEditCommand "EditCommand"
- #define XtNgetCoreCommand "getCoreCommand"
- #define XtCGetCoreCommand "GetCoreCommand"
- #define XtNpannedGraphEditor "pannedGraphEditor"
- #define XtCPannedGraphEditor "PannedGraphEditor"
- #define XtNfindWordsOnly "findWordsOnly"
- #define XtCFindWordsOnly "FindWordsOnly"
- #define XtNfindCaseSensitive "findCaseSensitive"
- #define XtCFindCaseSensitive "FindCaseSensitive"
- #define XtNgroupIconify "groupIconify"
- #define XtCGroupIconify "GroupIconify"
- #define XtNuniconifyWhenReady "uniconifyWhenReady"
- #define XtCUniconifyWhenReady "UniconifyWhenReady"
- #define XtNtransientDialogs "transientDialogs"
- #define XtCTransientDialogs "TransientDialogs"
- #define XtNglobalTabCompletion "globalTabCompletion"
- #define XtCGlobalTabCompletion "GlobalTabCompletion"
- #define XtNsaveHistoryOnExit "saveHistoryOnExit"
- #define XtCSaveHistoryOnExit "SaveHistoryOnExit"
- #define XtNcacheSourceFiles "cacheSourceFiles"
- #define XtCCacheSourceFiles "CacheSourceFiles"
- #define XtNcacheMachineCode "cacheMachineCode"
- #define XtCCacheMachineCode "CacheMachineCode"
- #define XtNsuppressWarnings "suppressWarnings"
- #define XtCSuppressWarnings "SuppressWarnings"
- #define XtNwarnIfLocked "warnIfLocked"
- #define XtCWarnIfLocked "WarnIfLocked"
- #define XtNcheckOptions "checkOptions"
- #define XtCCheckOptions "CheckOptions"
- #define XtNttyMode "ttyMode"
- #define XtNfullNameMode "fullNameMode"
- #define XtCTTYMode "TTYMode"
- #define XtNblockTTYInput "blockTTYInput"
- #define XtCBlockTTYInput "BlockTTYInput"
- #define XtNdisplayGlyphs "displayGlyphs"
- #define XtCDisplayGlyphs "DisplayGlyphs"
- #define XtNmaxGlyphs "maxGlyphs"
- #define XtCMaxGlyphs "MaxGlyphs"
- #define XtNcacheGlyphImages "cacheGlyphImages"
- #define XtCCacheGlyphImages "CacheGlyphImages"
- #define XtNglyphUpdateDelay "glyphUpdateDelay"
- #define XtCGlyphUpdateDelay "GlyphUpdateDelay"
- #define XtNdisplayLineNumbers "displayLineNumbers"
- #define XtCDisplayLineNumbers "DisplayLineNumbers"
- #define XtNdisassemble "disassemble"
- #define XtCDisassemble "Disassemble"
- #define XtNmaxDisassemble "maxDisassemble"
- #define XtCMaxDisassemble "MaxDisassemble"
- #define XtNuseSourcePath "useSourcePath"
- #define XtCUseSourcePath "UseSourcePath"
- #define XtNallRegisters "allRegisters"
- #define XtCAllRegisters "AllRegisters"
- #define XtNbuttonTips "buttonTips"
- #define XtNvalueTips "valueTips"
- #define XtCTips "Tips"
- #define XtNbuttonDocs "buttonDocs"
- #define XtNvalueDocs "valueDocs"
- #define XtCDocs "Docs"
- #define XtNstartupTips "startupTips"
- #define XtCStartupTips "StartupTips"
- #define XtNstartupTipCount "startupTipCount"
- #define XtCStartupTipCount "StartupTipCount"
- #define XtNstatusAtBottom "statusAtBottom"
- #define XtCStatusAtBottom "StatusAtBottom"
- #define XtNtoolbarsAtBottom "toolbarsAtBottom"
- #define XtCToolbarsAtBottom "ToolbarsAtBottom"
- #define XtNmaxDisplayTitleLength "maxDisplayTitleLength"
- #define XtNmaxPopupExprLength "maxPopupExprLength"
- #define XtNmaxValueTipLength "maxValueTipLength"
- #define XtNmaxValueDocLength "maxValueDocLength"
- #define XtCMaxLength "MaxLength"
- #define XtNbuttonTipDelay "buttonTipDelay"
- #define XtNvalueTipDelay "valueTipDelay"
- #define XtCTipDelay "TipDelay"
- #define XtNbuttonDocDelay "buttonDocDelay"
- #define XtNvalueDocDelay "valueDocDelay"
- #define XtCDocDelay "DocDelay"
- #define XtNclearDocDelay "clearDocDelay"
- #define XtNclearTipDelay "clearTipDelay"
- #define XtCClearDelay "ClearDelay"
- #define XtNblinkWhileBusy "blinkWhileBusy"
- #define XtCBlinkWhileBusy "BlinkWhileBusy"
- #define XtNbusyBlinkRate "busyBlinkRate"
- #define XtNcheckGrabs "checkGrabs"
- #define XtCCheckGrabs "CheckGrabs"
- #define XtNcheckGrabDelay "checkGrabDelay"
- #define XtCCheckGrabDelay "CheckGrabDelay"
- #define XtNgrabActionDelay "grabActionDelay"
- #define XtCGrabActionDelay "GrabActionDelay"
- #define XtNgrabAction "grabAction"
- #define XtCGrabAction "GrabAction"
- #define XtNdetectAliases "detectAliases"
- #define XtCDetectAliases "DetectAliases"
- #define XtNtypedAliases "typedAliases"
- #define XtCTypedAliases "TypedAliases"
- #define XtNdeleteAliasDisplays "deleteAliasDisplays"
- #define XtCDeleteAliasDisplays "DeleteAliasDisplays"
- #define XtNalign2dArrays "align2dArrays"
- #define XtCAlign2dArrays "Align2dArrays"
- #define XtNexpandRepeatedValues "expandRepeatedValues"
- #define XtCExpandRepeatedValues "ExpandRepeatedValues"
- #define XtNbumpDisplays "bumpDisplays"
- #define XtCBumpDisplays "BumpDisplays"
- #define XtNhideInactiveDisplays "hideInactiveDisplays"
- #define XtCHideInactiveDisplays "HideInactiveDisplays"
- #define XtNshowBaseDisplayTitles "showBaseDisplayTitles"
- #define XtNshowDependentDisplayTitles "showDependentDisplayTitles"
- #define XtCShowDisplayTitles "ShowDisplayTitles"
- #define XtNclusterDisplays "clusterDisplays"
- #define XtCClusterDisplays "ClusterDisplays"
- #define XtNstatusHistorySize "statusHistorySize"
- #define XtCHistorySize "HistorySize"
- #define XtNpopdownHistorySize "popsownHistorySize"
- #define XtNsortPopdownHistory "sortPopdownHistory"
- #define XtCSortPopdownHistory "SortPopdownHistory"
- #define XtNverifyButtons "verifyButtons"
- #define XtCVerifyButtons "VerifyButtons"
- #define XtNautoRaiseTool "autoRaiseTool"
- #define XtCAutoRaiseTool "AutoRaiseTool"
- #define XtNdecorateTool "decorateTool"
- #define XtCDecorate "Decorate"
- #define XtNstickyTool "stickyTool"
- #define XtCStickyTool "StickyTool"
- #define XtNtoolRightOffset "toolRightOffset"
- #define XtNtoolTopOffset "toolTopOffset"
- #define XtCToolOffset "ToolOffset"
- #define XtNbuttonImages "buttonImages"
- #define XtCButtonImages "ButtonImages"
- #define XtNbuttonCaptions "buttonCaptions"
- #define XtCButtonCaptions "ButtonCaptions"
- #define XtNbuttonCaptionGeometry "buttonCaptionGeometry"
- #define XtCButtonCaptionGeometry "ButtonCaptionGeometry"
- #define XtNbuttonImageGeometry "buttonImageGeometry"
- #define XtCButtonImageGeometry "ButtonImageGeometry"
- #define XtNflatToolbarButtons "flatToolbarButtons"
- #define XtNflatDialogButtons "flatDialogButtons"
- #define XtCFlatButtons "FlatButtons"
- #define XtNbuttonColorKey "buttonColorKey"
- #define XtNactiveButtonColorKey "activeButtonColorKey"
- #define XtNsplashScreenColorKey "splashScreenColorKey"
- #define XtCColorKey "ColorKey"
- #define XtNautoCommands "autoCommands"
- #define XtCAutoCommands "AutoCommands"
- #define XtNautoCommandPrefix "autoCommandPrefix"
- #define XtCAutoCommandPrefix "AutoCommandPrefix"
- #define XtNmaxBreakpointNumber "maxBreakpointNumber"
- #define XtNmaxDisplayNumber "maxDisplayNumber"
- #define XtCMaxNumber "MaxNumber"
- #define XtNsplashScreen "splashScreen"
- #define XtCSplashScreen "SplashScreen"
- #define XtNcolorWMIcons "colorWMIcons"
- #define XtCColorWMIcons "ColorWMIcons"
- #define XtNcutCopyPasteBindings "cutCopyPasteBindings"
- #define XtNselectAllBindings "selectAllBindings"
- #define XtCBindingStyle "BindingStyle"
- #define XtNmaxUndoDepth "maxUndoDepth"
- #define XtCMaxUndoDepth "MaxUndoDepth"
- #define XtNmaxUndoSize "maxUndoSize"
- #define XtCMaxUndoSize "MaxUndoSize"
- #define XtNdumpCore "dumpCore"
- #define XtCDumpCore "DumpCore"
- #define XtNdebugCoreDumps "debugCoreDumps"
- #define XtCDebugCoreDumps "DebugCoreDumps"
- #define XtNmaintenance "maintenance"
- #define XtCMaintenance "Maintenance"
- #define XtNlessTifVersion "lessTifVersion"
- #define XtCLessTifVersion "LessTifVersion"
- #define XtNdddinitVersion "dddinitVersion"
- #define XtNappDefaultsVersion "appDefaultsVersion"
- #define XtCVersion "Version"
- struct AppData {
- String session;
- String initial_session;
- String debugger;
- String debugger_command;
- Boolean auto_debugger;
- Boolean open_selection;
- Boolean trace;
- String play_log;
- String gdb_init_commands;
- String gdb_settings;
- String dbx_init_commands;
- String dbx_settings;
- String xdb_init_commands;
- String xdb_settings;
- String jdb_init_commands;
- String jdb_settings;
- String pydb_init_commands;
- String pydb_settings;
- String perl_init_commands;
- String perl_settings;
- String restart_commands;
- Boolean source_init_commands;
- String vsl_path;
- String vsl_library;
- String vsl_defs;
- String vsl_base_defs;
- String default_font;
- String variable_width_font;
- String fixed_width_font;
- Cardinal default_font_size;
- Cardinal variable_width_font_size;
- Cardinal fixed_width_font_size;
- String font_select_command;
- Cardinal tab_width;
- Cardinal lines_above_cursor;
- Cardinal lines_below_cursor;
- Cardinal indent_source;
- Cardinal indent_script;
- Cardinal indent_code;
- Cardinal line_number_width;
- Boolean source_editing;
- Boolean line_buffered_console;
- String gdb_display_shortcuts;
- String dbx_display_shortcuts;
- String xdb_display_shortcuts;
- String jdb_display_shortcuts;
- String pydb_display_shortcuts;
- String perl_display_shortcuts;
- String console_buttons;
- String source_buttons;
- String data_buttons;
- String tool_buttons;
- String label_delimiter;
- Boolean command_toolbar;
- Boolean common_toolbar;
- Boolean separate_data_window;
- Boolean separate_source_window;
- Boolean separate_exec_window;
- Boolean data_window;
- Boolean source_window;
- Boolean debugger_console;
- Boolean auto_close_data_window;
- String plot_command;
- String plot_term_type;
- String plot_window_class;
- Cardinal plot_window_delay;
- String plot_init_commands;
- String plot_2d_settings;
- String plot_3d_settings;
- String term_command;
- String term_type;
- Boolean use_tty_command;
- int question_timeout;
- int position_timeout;
- int display_timeout;
- Boolean synchronous_gdb;
- Boolean terminate_on_eof;
- Boolean poll_child_status;
- String debugger_host;
- String debugger_rhost;
- String debugger_host_login;
- String rhost_init_commands;
- String rsh_command;
- Boolean filter_files;
- String list_exec_command;
- String list_source_command;
- String list_core_command;
- String list_dir_command;
- String uncompress_command;
- String ps_command;
- String www_page;
- String www_command;
- Boolean show_invocation;
- Boolean show_version;
- Boolean show_configuration;
- Boolean show_manual;
- Boolean show_license;
- Boolean show_news;
- Boolean show_fonts;
- Boolean check_configuration;
- String print_command;
- String paper_size;
- String edit_command;
- String get_core_command;
- Boolean panned_graph_editor;
- Boolean find_words_only;
- Boolean find_case_sensitive;
- Boolean group_iconify;
- Boolean uniconify_when_ready;
- Boolean transient_dialogs;
- Boolean global_tab_completion;
- Boolean save_history_on_exit;
- Boolean cache_source_files;
- Boolean cache_machine_code;
- Boolean suppress_warnings;
- Boolean warn_if_locked;
- Cardinal check_options;
- Boolean tty_mode;
- OnOff block_tty_input;
- Boolean full_name_mode;
- Boolean display_glyphs;
- Cardinal max_glyphs;
- Boolean cache_glyph_images;
- Cardinal glyph_update_delay;
- Boolean display_line_numbers;
- Boolean disassemble;
- Cardinal max_disassemble;
- Boolean use_source_path;
- Boolean all_registers;
- Boolean button_tips;
- Boolean value_tips;
- Boolean button_docs;
- Boolean value_docs;
- Boolean startup_tips;
- int startup_tip_count;
- Boolean status_at_bottom;
- Boolean toolbars_at_bottom;
- Cardinal max_display_title_length;
- Cardinal max_popup_expr_length;
- Cardinal max_value_tip_length;
- Cardinal max_value_doc_length;
- Cardinal button_tip_delay;
- Cardinal value_tip_delay;
- Cardinal button_doc_delay;
- Cardinal value_doc_delay;
- Cardinal clear_doc_delay;
- Cardinal clear_tip_delay;
- Boolean blink_while_busy;
- Cardinal busy_blink_rate;
- Boolean check_grabs;
- Cardinal check_grab_delay;
- Cardinal grab_action_delay;
- String grab_action;
- Boolean detect_aliases;
- Boolean typed_aliases;
- Boolean delete_alias_displays;
- Boolean align_2d_arrays;
- Boolean expand_repeated_values;
- Boolean bump_displays;
- Boolean hide_inactive_displays;
- Boolean show_base_display_titles;
- Boolean show_dependent_display_titles;
- Boolean cluster_displays;
- Cardinal status_history_size;
- Cardinal popdown_history_size;
- Boolean sort_popdown_history;
- Boolean verify_buttons;
- Boolean auto_raise_tool;
- OnOff decorate_tool;
- Boolean sticky_tool;
- Position tool_right_offset;
- Position tool_top_offset;
- Boolean button_captions;
- Boolean button_images;
- String button_caption_geometry;
- String button_image_geometry;
- Boolean flat_toolbar_buttons;
- Boolean flat_dialog_buttons;
- String button_color_key;
- String active_button_color_key;
- String splash_screen_color_key;
- Boolean auto_commands;
- String auto_command_prefix;
- int max_breakpoint_number;
- int max_display_number;
- Boolean splash_screen;
- Boolean color_wm_icons;
- BindingStyle cut_copy_paste_bindings;
- BindingStyle select_all_bindings;
- int max_undo_depth;
- int max_undo_size;
- Boolean maintenance;
- Boolean dump_core;
- Boolean debug_core_dumps;
- int lesstif_version;
- String dddinit_version;
- String app_defaults_version;
- };
- extern AppData app_data;
- #endif // _DDD_AppData_h