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// $Id: Agent.h,v 1.19 1998/08/21 10:21:48 zeller Exp $
// Three-Channel Agent Interface
// Copyright (C) 1995 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
#ifndef _DDD_Agent_h
#define _DDD_Agent_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
Agent(p) opens a three-channel communication interface to a process p
(called an "agent"). The calling process can write to the agent's stdin
and can read from the agent's stdout and stderr.
The process is started using start(). The pipe is closed
using shutdown(), sending an EOF to the agent's stdin, on
which the agent should terminate. shutdown() does not wait
for the agent to terminate.
Upon destruction ~Agent() or terminate(), the pipe is closed;
the calling process waits for the agent to terminate.
If it agent has not terminated after hangupTimeOut (default: 5) seconds,
the agent is sent a SIGHUP signal.
If it has not terminated after terminateTimeOut (default: 10) seconds,
the agent is sent a SIGTERM signal.
If it has not terminated after killTimeOut (default: 15) seconds,
the agent is sent a SIGKILL signal.
Signals are sent only if the appropriate timeout is >= 0.
Each Agent can be associated with handlers for these events:
Agent::Panic -- a serious I/O error occured
Agent::Started -- the agent was started (is now running)
Agent::Stopped -- the agent was stopped (is no more running)
Agent::InputEOF -- EOF on input channel detected
Agent::ErrorEOF -- EOF on error channel detected
Agent::Died -- the agent died
Agent::_Died -- the agent has a new status (called asynchronously)
A handler takes the form
void handler(Agent *source, void *client_data, void *call_data)
where source is the agent causing the event and client_data is arbitrary
data passed to addHandler() when the handler was added.
In Agent::Panic, char *s = (char *)call_data is the I/O error message,
In Agent::Died, char *s = (char *)call_data is the reason for the
agent to die (in plain text). lastStatus() gives the status itself.
In Agent::_Died, int status = (int)call_data is the new agent state.
Note that Agent::_Died is invoked asynchronously from signal();
thus the event handlers must not call any non-reentrant routines.
For Agent writers, an alternative interface is provided with the
constructor Agent(FILE *in = stdin, FILE *out = stdout).
No process is started and no pipe is created; instead,
the interface listens to <in> as it would to the stdandard
output of a child process and calls appropriate handlers.
<out> defaults to stdout; output via this interface is also
logged using the standard handlers. The default parameters are chosen
so that they need not be specified by standard agents.
For Client writers, a third interface is provided with the
constructor Agent(bool dummy). This is used for in-process
communication. No inter-process communication ever takes place.
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <strstream.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
extern "C" char *strerror(int errno);
#include "strclass.h"
#include "bool.h"
#include "AgentM.h"
#include "HandlerL.h"
#include "UniqueId.h"
#include "SignalB.h"
#include "TypeInfo.h"
typedef void (*AgentHandlerProc)(class Agent *source, void *client_data,
void *call_data);
// Event types
const unsigned Panic = 0; // I/O error occurred
const unsigned Strange = Panic + 1; // Strange I/O condition occurred
const unsigned Started = Strange + 1; // Process started
const unsigned Stopped = Started + 1; // Process stopped
const unsigned InputEOF = Stopped + 1; // EOF on input detected
const unsigned ErrorEOF = InputEOF + 1; // EOF on error detected
const unsigned Died = ErrorEOF + 1; // Process died
const unsigned _Died = Died + 1; // New Status (async call)
const unsigned Agent_NTypes = _Died + 1; // number of events
const int READ = 0; // constants for pipe indexing
const int WRITE = 1;
class Agent {
friend class AgentManager;
pid_t _pid; // process id (0: not running, <0: no process)
FILE *_inputfp; // read from child
FILE *_outputfp; // write to child
FILE *_errorfp; // read errors from child
bool _running; // flag: is child still running?
bool _beingTerminated; // flag: is child just being terminated?
int _lastStatus; // Status after exiting
int _terminateTimeOut; // terminate TimeOut (in s)
int _hangupTimeOut; // hangup TimeOut (in s)
int _killTimeOut; // kill TimeOut (in s)
HandlerList handlers; // error handlers
int to_child[2]; // pipes
int to_parent[2];
int to_parent_error[2];
Agent *next; // used in agent manager
Agent& operator = (const Agent&) { assert(0); return *this; }
// call Handlers
void callHandlers(int type, void *call_data = 0)
handlers.call(type, this, call_data);
// dito, but delayed
virtual void callHandlersWhenIdle(int type, void *call_data = 0)
callHandlers(type, call_data);
// check if agent is dead
void checkIfDead();
// set new states for _running
void setRunning();
void unsetRunning();
// start new process
void startChildProcess();
// Handle status change
static void childStatusChange(int sig);
// generic error report function
void _raise(string msg,
int handler,
bool system_error,
bool check_if_running)
if (system_error)
msg += string(": ") + strerror(errno);
char *s = msg;
callHandlers(handler, (void *)s);
if (check_if_running)
string _path; // process path
// custom error report functions
// Msg invokes error handler, Warning invokes warning handler
// IO means include system error, _ means don't check if running.
void _raiseMsg(string msg) { _raise(msg, Panic, false, false); }
void _raiseWarning(string msg) { _raise(msg, Strange, false, false); }
void _raiseIOMsg(string msg) { _raise(msg, Panic, true, false); }
void _raiseIOWarning(string msg) { _raise(msg, Strange, true, false); }
void raiseMsg(string msg) { _raise(msg, Panic, false, true); }
void raiseWarning(string msg) { _raise(msg, Strange, false, true); }
void raiseIOMsg(string msg) { _raise(msg, Panic, true, true); }
void raiseIOWarning(string msg) { _raise(msg, Strange, true, true); }
// Terminator
virtual void waitToTerminate(); // wait until agent dead
// Terminator 2
virtual void abort(); // inhibit further communication
// default handler
static void defaultHandler(Agent *source,
void *client_data,
void *call_data);
void addDefaultHandler(unsigned type);
// restore I/O for parent
virtual void restoreParentIO();
// setup I/O
virtual void activateIO() {}
virtual void deactivateIO() {}
// hooks for alternative communication schemes
virtual int setupCommunication();
virtual int setupChildCommunication();
virtual int setupParentCommunication();
// hook for alternative child execution (never return)
virtual void executeChild();
// hook for channel closing
virtual void closeChannel(FILE *fp);
// EOF handlers
virtual void inputEOF(); // EOF on input detected
virtual void errorEOF(); // EOF on error detected
// Check if we're on a terminal
bool inputIsTerminal()
return inputfp() != 0 && isatty(fileno(inputfp()));
bool outputIsTerminal()
return outputfp() != 0 && isatty(fileno(outputfp()));
bool onTerminal()
return inputIsTerminal() && outputIsTerminal();
// all running agents
static AgentManager runningAgents;
// Constructor for Agent users
Agent(const string& pth, unsigned nTypes = Agent_NTypes):
_pid(0), _inputfp(0), _outputfp(0), _errorfp(0),
_running(false), _beingTerminated(false), _lastStatus(-1),
_terminateTimeOut(10), _hangupTimeOut(5), _killTimeOut(15),
handlers(nTypes), next(0), _path(pth)
addDefaultHandler(Panic); // report errors
addDefaultHandler(Strange); // report warnings
addDefaultHandler(Died); // report death
// Constructor for Agent writers
Agent(FILE *in = stdin, FILE *out = stdout, FILE *err = 0,
unsigned nTypes = Agent_NTypes):
_pid(-pid_t((unsigned long)UniqueId())), _inputfp(in), _outputfp(out),
_errorfp(err), _running(false), _beingTerminated(false),
_lastStatus(-1), _terminateTimeOut(-1), _hangupTimeOut(-1),
_killTimeOut(-1), handlers(nTypes), next(0), _path("this")
addDefaultHandler(Panic); // report errors only
// "Dummy" Constructor without any communication
Agent(bool, unsigned nTypes = Agent_NTypes):
_pid(-pid_t((unsigned long)UniqueId())), _inputfp(0), _outputfp(0),
_errorfp(0), _running(false), _beingTerminated(false),
_lastStatus(-1), _terminateTimeOut(-1), _hangupTimeOut(-1),
_killTimeOut(-1), handlers(nTypes), next(0), _path("this")
// no need to report anything
// Duplicator
Agent(const Agent& c);
virtual Agent *dup() const { return new Agent(*this); }
// Destructor
virtual ~Agent();
// Start agent
virtual void start();
// File access
FILE *inputfp() const { return _inputfp; }
FILE *outputfp() const { return _outputfp; }
FILE *errorfp() const { return _errorfp; }
// Shutdown agent (sending EOF)
virtual void shutdown();
// Wait until terminated
virtual void wait();
// High-Level Terminator (using signals)
virtual void terminate(bool onExit = false);
// Low-Level Terminators
void _kill(int sig = SIGKILL); // send signal
void _hangup() { _kill(SIGHUP); } // send Hangup signal
void _terminate() { _kill(SIGTERM); } // send Terminate signal
// Hook to be called when handler list has changed
virtual void handlerChange() {}
// Add event handler
void addHandler(unsigned type,
AgentHandlerProc proc,
void *client_data = 0)
SignalBlocker sb(SIGCHLD);
handlers.add(type, (HandlerProc)proc, client_data);
void addHandler(const Agent& a)
SignalBlocker sb(SIGCHLD);
// Remove event handler
void removeHandler(unsigned type, AgentHandlerProc proc,
void *client_data = 0)
SignalBlocker sb(SIGCHLD);
handlers.remove(type, (HandlerProc)proc, client_data);
// Remove all event handlers
void removeAllHandlers(unsigned type)
SignalBlocker sb(SIGCHLD);
// Remove all handlers for all event types
void removeAllHandlers()
SignalBlocker sb(SIGCHLD);
// Check if we have a handler
bool hasHandler(unsigned type) const
return handlers.has(type);
// inform agent about new status
void hasNewStatus(int status);
// Resources
string path() const { return _path; }
pid_t pid() const { return _pid; }
int& terminateTimeOut() { return _terminateTimeOut; }
int& hangupTimeOut() { return _hangupTimeOut; }
int& killTimeOut() { return _killTimeOut; }
int terminateTimeOut() const { return _terminateTimeOut; }
int hangupTimeOut() const { return _hangupTimeOut; }
int killTimeOut() const { return _killTimeOut; }
bool beingTerminated() const { return _beingTerminated; }
int lastStatus() const { return _lastStatus; }
string name() const
ostrstream os;
os << path();
if (pid() > 0)
os << " [" << pid() << "]";
return string(os);
// Check if still running
bool running();
// Commit pending changes
virtual void commit()
// default: do nothing
// Debugging
virtual bool OK() const
return true;
#endif // _DDD_Agent_h