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Makefile | 1998-11-24 | 7.4 KB | 259 lines |
- # $Id: Makefile.in,v 1.31 1998/11/24 16:43:48 zeller Exp $
- # DDD top-level Makefile.
- # Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
- # Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
- #
- # This file is part of DDD.
- #
- # DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
- # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- # License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
- # If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- #
- # DDD is the data display debugger.
- # For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
- # `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
- # or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
- ### CUSTOMIZATION SECTION --- Please check the settings below.
- # Typical values are enclosed in ().
- ## The shell to use. (/bin/sh)
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- ## The source directory. (.)
- srcdir = @srcdir@
- VPATH = @srcdir@
- ## Subdirectories. (libiberty termcap ddd)
- SUBDIRS = @subdirs@
- ## Architecture.
- # The host we were compiled on. (CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM)
- host_canonical = @host@
- # The target we were compiled for. (CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM)
- target_canonical = @target@
- ### You shouldn't need to change anything below this line.
- ## Some programs
- # The make program, if not predefined. ()
- # The autoconf program. (autoconf)
- # The aclocal program. (aclocal)
- ## Default target: build all
- default: all
- @:
- .PHONY: default
- ## Recursive targets
- "host_canonical=$(host_canonical)"\
- "target_canonical=$(target_canonical)"
- # distclean, realclean -- must cleanup top-level directory
- DISTCLEAN_TARGETS = distclean realclean
- @target=$@; \
- rootme=`pwd`; export rootme; \
- srcroot=`cd $(srcdir); pwd`; export srcroot; \
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \
- rm -f ./$$i/config.cache ./$$i/config.log; \
- if [ -f ./$$i/Makefile ]; then \
- echo "==> Making $$target in ./$$i..."; \
- if (cd ./$$i; $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $${target}); then true; \
- else exit 1; fi; \
- else true; fi; \
- done
- rm -f config.status config.cache config.log Makefile MakeOut .gdbhist
- # other recursive targets
- OTHER_TARGETS = all clean mostlyclean TAGS
- @target=$@; \
- rootme=`pwd`; export rootme; \
- srcroot=`cd $(srcdir); pwd`; export srcroot; \
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \
- if [ -f ./$$i/Makefile ]; then \
- echo "==> Making $$target in ./$$i..."; \
- if (cd ./$$i; $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $${target}); then true; \
- else exit 1; fi; \
- else true; fi; \
- done
- ## DDD-only targets
- love check debug it depend strip dvi ps man html tags \
- install install-prog install-lib install-man install-info \
- install-c++-lib install-c++-includes \
- uninstall uninstall-prog uninstall-lib uninstall-man uninstall-info \
- uninstall-c++-lib uninstall-c++-includes picsclean
- @target=$@; \
- rootme=`pwd`; export rootme; \
- srcroot=`cd $(srcdir); pwd`; export srcroot; \
- echo "==> Making $$target in ./ddd..."; \
- cd ./ddd; $(MAKE) $${target}
- ## Dummy targets
- .PHONY: scratch
- scratch: clean all depend it
- @:
- ### Distribution stuff
- # Build a DDD distribution.
- .PHONY: dist
- dist: diststuff disttouch distclean snapshot picsdist
- # Create architecture-independent files in DDD subdirectory.
- .PHONY: diststuff
- diststuff:
- @cd $(srcdir); \
- target=$@; \
- rootme=`pwd`; export rootme; \
- srcroot=`cd $(srcdir); pwd`; export srcroot; \
- echo "==> Making $@ in ddd..."; \
- ( cd ./ddd; $(MAKE) diststuff )
- # Touch `configure' files souch that they don't get re-created.
- .PHONY: disttouch
- disttouch:
- @cd $(srcdir); \
- for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \
- if test -f ./$$i/Makefile && test -f ./$$i/configure; then \
- echo "==> Making configure in $$i..."; \
- if (cd ./$$i; $(MAKE) configure); then true; \
- else exit 1; fi; \
- if (cd ./$$i; touch configure); then true; \
- else exit 1; fi; \
- else true; fi; \
- done
- # Create a snapshot distribution from the current DDD development tree.
- .PHONY: snapshot
- snapshot:
- rm -fr proto-toplev; mkdir proto-toplev
- ( \
- srcroot=`cd $(srcdir); pwd`; export srcroot; \
- ddd=`sed -n < $(srcdir)/ddd/configure.in 's/^ddd *= *//p'`; \
- VER=`sed -n < $(srcdir)/ddd/configure.in 's/^VERSION *= *//p'`; \
- VER=`echo $$VER | sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9][^ ]*\) .*/\1/'`; \
- echo "==> Making $$ddd-$$VER.tar.gz"; \
- rm -f $$ddd-$$VER.tar.gz; \
- ln -s $$srcroot proto-toplev/$$ddd-$$VER; \
- find $(srcdir) -name RCS -prune \
- -o -name CVS -prune \
- -o -name PICS -prune \
- -o -name proto-toplev -prune \
- -o -name etc -prune \
- -o -name tests -prune \
- -o -name '.gdbinit.in' -print \
- -o -name '.[a-zA-Z0-9]*' -prune \
- -o -name '*.o' -prune \
- -o -name '*.a' -prune \
- -o -name '*~' -prune \
- -o -name '*#' -prune \
- -o \( -name "$$ddd" -type l \) -prune \
- -o -name "$$ddd-$$VER-*" -prune \
- -o -name "userinfo" -prune \
- -o -name "huffencode" -prune \
- -o -name "ctest" -prune \
- -o -name "cxxtest" -prune \
- -o -name "stringify" -prune \
- -o -name "sun" -prune \
- -o -name "linux" -prune \
- -o -type f -print -o -type l -print | \
- sed "s,^$(srcdir)/,$$ddd-$$VER/," | sort \
- > proto-toplev/FILES; \
- ( cd proto-toplev; gtar --create --dereference \
- --verbose --files-from FILES \
- --file - ) | gzip -v -9 > $$ddd-$$VER.tar.gz; \
- )
- rm -fr proto-toplev
- # Create a picture distribution.
- .PHONY: picsdist
- picsdist:
- rm -fr proto-toplev; mkdir proto-toplev
- ( \
- srcroot=`cd $(srcdir); pwd`; export srcroot; \
- ddd=`sed -n < ddd/configure.in 's/^ddd *= *//p'`; \
- VER=`sed -n < ddd/configure.in 's/^VERSION *= *//p'`; \
- VER=`echo $$VER | sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9][^ ]*\) .*/\1/'`; \
- echo "==> Making $$ddd-$$VER-pics.tar.gz"; \
- rm -f $$ddd-$$VER-pics.tar.gz; \
- ln -s $$srcroot proto-toplev/$$ddd-$$VER; \
- find $(srcdir)/ddd/PICS -name RCS -prune \
- -o -name CVS -prune \
- -o -name proto-toplev -prune \
- -o -name '.[a-zA-Z0-9]*' -prune \
- -o -name '*.o' -prune \
- -o -name '*.a' -prune \
- -o -name '*~' -prune \
- -o -name '*#' -prune \
- -o -type f -print -o -type l -print | \
- sed "s,^$(srcdir)/,$$ddd-$$VER/," | sort \
- > proto-toplev/FILES; \
- ( cd proto-toplev; gtar --create --dereference \
- --verbose --files-from FILES \
- --file - ) | gzip -v -9 > $$ddd-$$VER-pics.tar.gz; \
- )
- rm -fr proto-toplev
- ## Configuration stuff.
- Makefile: Makefile.in config.status
- CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
- $(srcdir)/configure: $(srcdir)/ddd/aclocal.m4 $(srcdir)/configure.in
- -cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF) -l $(srcdir)/ddd
- $(srcdir)/ddd/aclocal.m4: $(srcdir)/ddd/acinclude.m4 $(srcdir)/configure.in
- -cd $(srcdir)/ddd && $(ACLOCAL)
- config.status: $(srcdir)/configure
- -$(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck || $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/configure -v
- .PRECIOUS: Makefile configure config.status
- ## FORCE target
- @: