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LHA.EXE ver 2.55
Last revised: January 10,1996
Revision history of assembler version
ver 2.55e (by Hitoshi Ozawa) Jan.10,1996
- Translate documents to English.
- Rearchive file to make English a default language.
ver 2.55 Nov.15,1992
- Fix wild card handling routine bug.
- Fix to delete temporary files when Ctrl+C is pressed.
ver 2.54 Oct.04,1992
- Fix -lh0- option bug in self-extraction file.
- Extend wild card character support (LSI C-86 like).
- Change -i option.
- All algorithm to find unused temporary file name.
ver 2.53 Sep.11,1992
- Fix bug that prevented recognition of illegal MS-DOS file names.
ver 2.52 Sep.07,1992
- Fix bug that deleted files when 'f' command specified.
- Fix bug that did not properly display file extraction progress.
- Change algorithm to decrease time to copy file.
ver 2.51 Aug.10,1992
- Add -f option not to check remaining resource.
- Add -d option (equivalent to -r2x1a2) to archive directory names.
ver 2.50 Test version Jul.26,1992
- Able to extract file (including self-extracting file) as is
described in DJ magazine.
ver 2.14 Test version Mar.03,1992
- Archive directory name with -r2x1a1 option.
- Do not display file name with 'p' command when -n[1|2] specified.
- Fix to properly display file name when extracting files.
- Fix 'f' command bug.
- Fix 'm' command bug that terminated process during file deletion.
- Allow path name including '\0' code to be 128 bytes long.
(MS-DOS 5.0 compatible)
- Refer to environmental variable TEMP when TMP not defined.
(MS-DOS 5.0 compatible)
ver 2.13 Jul.20,1991
- Fix bug that changes file name when -m2 option is specified and
file already exists.
ver 2.13c Test version Jul.13,1991
- Empty keyboard buffer when prompting [Y/N].
- Add -s option to suppress 'Skipped FILENAME.EXT newer or..'
- Add routine to able VZ editor to output messages to console
when -i0 option is specified.
ver 2.12b Test Version Jul.03,1991
- Fix bug in not recognizing file name with kanji code.
- Fix to recognize Ctrl+C while 'Copying TMP to ARC....'.
- Change unable to create file return code to 1.
- Change to return 0 when there is no error.
ver 2.12a Test Version Apr.15,1991
- Fix to prevent '_.' being recognized as parent directory, '..'.
- Support -i2 option to archive files with '_' file name.
ver 2.12 Mar.21,1991
- Extend -- option to only recognize character '@' as the first
character of batch file name.
- Fix to proper handle when there are more than 64 environmental
- Fix to display initialize progress when extracting files
specified with wild card characters.
- Fix to display error message when terminating self-extracting
archive file.
- Add support and -a option explanation in LHA.DOC.
ver 2.11 Mar.03,1991
- Change all file compression/extraction program to LHA.
- Fix LHA from terminating when file name with wild card
character is specified and unmatched file is detected with
'e', 'x', 'p', and 's' commands.
- Fix to always change temporary file name (LHTMP)1(.LZH) to
archive name when disk full is detected during file extraction.
- Fix file name with kanji characters to properly display when
extracting with -i0 option.
- Fix program to terminate properly after executing auto-execution
file in self-extracting file.
ver 2.10 Feb.24,1991
- Initial general release.
- Fix to convert all directory name to upper case characters with
-i0 option.
- Fix to disable prompt when 's' command when -m1 option specified.
- Warn when extraneous data detected in archive file with 't'
- Support achiving of uncompress file using -z option.
ver 2.06 Feb.24,1991
- Allow file to remain as self-extraction file even after file
is added/deleted from it.
- Support full file name with more than 1 period. (eg. FILE.TAR.Z)
- Fix format of 'u' and 'm' commands.
- Fix to abort when file can not be compressed.
- Fix to prevent FAT allocation error when disk full.
ver 2.05b Feb.07,1991
- Fix self-extraction file creation bug.
ver 2.05a Feb.06,1991
- Correct environmental parameter setting to LHA instead of LH.
- Fix to ignore extra codes appended to end of archive file.
- Fix format of 'u', 'm', and Skipped display.
- Support modification date to year 2038. (However, still does not
support illegal date.)
- Change -@ option to --.
- Fix -a file extraction option.
- Pre-test if new archive file could be created.
- If file to be archived could not found, return error code.
- Warn if file not used. (ERRORLEVEL=1)
- Fix APPEND command.
ver 2.05 Jan,01,1991
- Change program file name to LHA.EXE.
- Fix compression routine bug.
- Fix memory management bug with 4K dictionary.
- Improve end of archive file checking algorithm.
- Improve corrupt file checking algorithm.
- Support '-@' option.
- Initial release of English version.
- Display which file is being processed when -l option specified.
ver 2.04a Jan.20,1991
- Fix progress display routine bug with -o option.
- Fix CRC bug.
- Reduce time needed to compress file.
ver 2.04 Jan.18,1991
- Display compression/extraction progress.
- Support -l option.
- Change '@' character in batch file name not to be recognized
as part of a file name.
- Fix temporary files from being erased when error occurs.
- Change temporary file names to LHTMP)1(.LZH and LHTMP)2(.LZH.
- Fix not to abort when reading level 2 header.
- Fix p command bug displaying several files.
- Fix free disk space calculation on MS-DOS v2.xx.
- Increase buffer size to reduce disk I/O.
ver 2.03a Jan.04,1991
- Fix self-extraction archive file bug.
ver 2.03 Jan.03,1991
- Support self-extraction archive file.
ver 2.02f Dec.29,1990
- Fix error handling routine when file can not be compressed.
ver 2.02e Dec.27,1990
- Fix compression routine bug.
- Prevent system error when compression information is broken.
- Change stack size to default LSI C-86 compiler default
ver 2.02d Dec.25,1990
- Support ^C (when ^C is detected, end process).
- Fix *.lzs extraction routine.
- Change how files are handled when -a0 option specified.
- Fix f command bug.
ver 2.02c Dec.03,1990
- Fix free disk space checking routine bug.
- Made x command equivalent to e -x1m1 option.
ver 2.02b Nov.21,1990
- C Magazine publication version. Change routine to suppress
extraneous ^M codes when redirected.
ver 2.02a Nov.18,1990
- Initial assembler version release. Support self-verification
NIFTY-Serve SDI00506 | PFF00253 Haruyasu Yoshizaki
ASCII-pcs pcs02846 Yoshi
PC-VAN FEM12376 Haruyasu Yoshizaki
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