4 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create application window.
5 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create DirectDraw object.\nPlease make sure DirectX 6 or later is installed.
6 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create DirectDraw4 object.\nPlease make sure DirectX 6 or later is installed.
7 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't set application cooperative level.
8 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create a Direct3D object.
9 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't find a Direct3D hardware device. \nMost likely your hardware can not do 3D\nacceleration at the selected resolution and/or\nbit depth.
10 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nYour hardware does not have the required\n3D acceleration capabilities.
11 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create DirectDraw surface.
12 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create DirectDraw clipper.
13 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't set selected display mode.\nPossibly not enough video memory.\nTry using a lower resolution display mode.
14 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't find a suitable Z buffer format.
15 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create Z buffer surface.\nPossibly not enough video memory.\nTry using a lower resolution display mode.
16 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't attach Z buffer.
17 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create Direct3D rendering device.
18 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't create viewport.
19 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't add viewport.
20 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't set viewport.
21 ERROR: Unable to initialize graphics.\nCouldn't find suitable texture format(s).\nYour hardware does not have the required\n3D acceleration capabilities.
22 ERROR: Ran out of memory.
23 ERROR: Unable to initialize input.\nCouldn't create DirectInput object.\nPlease make sure DirectX 6 or later is installed.
24 ERROR: Unable to initialize input.\nCouldn't find a suitable input device.
25 ERROR: Unable to create one or more textures.\nPossibly not enough video or system memory.
26 \n\nF1 Toggle this Help Screen\nF2 Toggle Observer Mode\nF3 Toggle Paused Time\nF4 Toggle FPS Display\nF5 Toggle "Show Triangles"\nF6 Toggle God Mode\nF9 Run Benchmark\nF10 Quit\nF11 Screen Shot
28 ERROR: An unknown error caused the game to exit.
29 FPS %i
30 ERROR: Unable to initialize game controller(s).
31 Time Paused
32 ERROR: Unable to initialize networking.\nCouldn't create DirectPlayLobby object.
33 ERROR: Unable to initialize networking.\nCouldn't create DirectPlay object.
34 ERROR: Unable to initialize networking.\nCouldn't open connection.