PC World Komputer 1997 February
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SIMIC is a full-featured logic verification simulator. It has been
demonstrated that SIMIC can uncover a number of critical design errors
that other simulators miss. SIMIC has shown superior accuracy and
throughput when compared to competitive products. Here are some
of SIMIC's important features:
- Mixed-mode simulation allows the free intermixture of true
bilateral switches (ideal and resistive), gate, plus functional level
built-in and user defined primitives.
- A wide variety of output, whose detail, content and format are, to
large extent, user defined.
- A large repetoire of simulation options and controls that can be
applied interactively, or in batch operation, and simplify
trouble-shooting of your design.
- Automated Test equipment emulation, allows debugging test programs
using SIMIC troubleshooting techniques.
- Sophisticated hazard analysis including: Spike, Pulse, Conflict,
Oscillation, Setup, Hold, Pulse-width, Near (what-if)
detection, among others. Hazard propagation is also supported.
- Fast and accurate fault sensitization analysis and fault simulation.
The student version of SIMIC is limited to a maximum of 500 elements
(parts). In all other respects it is the same program as the
commercial offering. The PC student version requires a 386 or better
and at least 2 Meg of memory. SIMIC is also available on Sun and other
Important: In order for DPMI to work properly, you must NOT
disable EMS (in EMS386 do not use the NOEMS option).
The PC Student Version manifest:
READ.ME - This file
INSTALL.DOC - Installation notes on installing SIMIC
VMADJUST.EXE - Virtual memory allocation adjustment program
VEMD.386 - Windows 387 emulator driver
SIMIC.EXE - The SIMIC executable
SIMIC.REL - Release Notes for this version of SIMIC
In the TESTENV directory, there are some routines to check compatability:
TESTENV.EXE - 386 Protected mode environment test shell
TESTPENV.EXE - 386 Protected mode test program
In the EXAMPLES directory, there are a number of demonstration files:
DEMOS.DOC - Text describing each demo
SNL.DOC - Text briefly describing SNL network description language
BUSHOLD.NET - Network description for Bus-hold circuit demo
BUSHOLD.RUN - Run command file for Bus-hold circuit demo
CONFLICT.NET - Network description for Wire-tie conflict demo
CONFLICT.RUN - Run command file for Wire-tie conflict demo
DIV7.NET - Network description for trouble-shooting demo
DIV7.RUN - Run command file for trouble-shooting demo
DYNAMIC.NET - Network description for dynamic delay demo
DYNAMIC.RUN - Run command file for dynamic delay demo
FCOUNT.NET - Network description for the fault simulation demo
FCOUNT.RUN - Run command file for the fault simulation demo
FTV.NET - Network description for functional timing verification demo
FTV.RUN - Run command file for functional timing verification demo
MAJORITY.NET - Network description for sensitization analysis demo
MAJORITY.RUN - Run command file for sensitization analysis demo
OSCIL.NET - Network description for oscillation detection demo
OSCIL.RUN - Run command file for oscillation detection demo
PARALLEL.NET - Network description for paralleled gate demo
README.TXT - Description file.
ENGGUIDE.PS - 27 Page Engineering Guide (in PostScript Format)
USRGUIDE.PS - 418 Page User's Guide (in PostScript Format)
PSPAGE.EXE - Program to split a Postscript file for printing.
All SIMIC software and documentation is Copyrighted by Genashor Corp.
The student version of SIMIC, as well as any documentation can be freely
distributed, and reproduced, provided the following conditions are met:
1) You may not attempt to decipher or decompile the SIMIC computer
program and other computer programs offered by Genashor Corp
and their documentation, or knowingly allow others to do so.
2) SOFTWARE and documentation must be distributed in its entirety, and
must include the appropriate copyright information.
Genashor Corp retains all right not expressly granted. Nothing in
this document constitutes a waiver of rights of Genashor Corp under
the U.S. copyright laws or any other Federal or State law.
For Further information about this or other products from Genashor, contact:
Genashor Corp
9 Piney Woods Drive
Belle Mead, NJ 08502
Phone: (908) 281-0164
Fax: (908) 281-9607