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- MS-DOS 386/486 Installation Guide for SIMIC Program
- ---------------------------------------------------
- **** IMPORTANT - In order for the SIMIC program to operate properly,
- you cannot disable EMS. For example, if you are using EMS386,
- do not use the NOEMS option.
- Overview - Installing SIMIC Version 1.0
- ---------------------------------------
- The SIMIC program uses the DPMI memory management scheme for virtual memory.
- A test program TESTENV.EXE is provided to determine whether your
- configuration is compatible with this version.
- The QEMM manager supports a QDPMI driver extension that allows both memory
- management schemes to coexist well together. To run the DPMI version under
- Desqview (or Desqview/X) the QDPMI driver extension must be
- installed, and the Desqview utility NODESQ.COM must be run prior to
- running SIMIC.
- If the test program TESTENV shows that your configuration is incompatible
- with the DPMI version, then you must change the configuration.
- Installing the DPMI version
- ---------------------------
- The DPMI version is found in the DPMI directory, along with any supporting
- programs for this version.
- (1) Run the TESTENV program. If no errors occur, then continue to Step
- (2), otherwise see TESTENV description below to determine the
- course of action. You may delete TESTENV.EXE and TESTPENV.EXE from
- your hard disk as they are no longer needed.
- (2) If you plan to run SIMIC under windows and do not have a floating
- point coprocessor, you must install the floating point emulator,
- VEMD.386. Add this device to the system.ini windows file. For
- example:
- device=c:\simic\vemd.386
- You must then re-start windows to complete installation. You must
- also create the appropriate .pif file for SIMIC.
- Configuration Tests (TESTENV.EXE)
- --------------------------------
- Intel provides configuration tests to verify that your current system
- configuration is compatible with the C Code Builder run-time environment.
- If the tests show that you have an incompatible processor or coprocessor,
- we recommend replacing the component.
- To run the configuration tests, enter the following command at the DOS
- prompt:
- Do not execute the TESTPENV.EXE file directly; the TESTENV program calls
- the TESTPENV program for some of the tests.
- You also can run the tests under Windows 3.0 in 386 enhanced mode,
- although some tests are skipped.
- By default, TESTENV displays an abbreviated listing of the test results.
- To get extended reporting of tests and test results, use the /e control
- as follows:
- To force tests to run that ordinarily are skipped, use the /f control:
- You can use both controls at once and save the output in a file:
- TESTENV /e /f > testres.txt
- It has been found that TESTENV does not run properly under QDPMI Version
- 1.00. However, SIMIC seems to run correctly under this configuration.
- If configuration changes cannot be undertaken to correct any problems
- shown by TESTENV, then the VCPI version must be used.
- Virtual Memory Usage
- -------------------
- The maximum linear (virtual) accessible address space (region size) for
- SIMIC is 256 megabytes, in any combination of physical extended memory
- and swap file space. The maximum physical extended memory is 32 megabytes.
- When loading under a DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) host such as
- Windows, the DPMI host provides the virtual memory management services
- rather than the DOS extender.
- SIMIC, by default, creates the swap file: "\xmswap.tmp", if needed. You
- may change the name (and location) of this file by assigning the SWAP
- environment variable to the desired name. For example:
- This is usually done in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- If a large SWAP space is needed, it will take SIMIC a little time to
- initialize the SWAP file. You may generate a permanent swap file to
- significantly reduce this overhead (see VMADJUST below). The available
- SWAP space size is defined by the region size and SWAP file size. If
- SIMIC does not have enough swap space then an Out of Memory message
- will be displayed. In this event, you may increase the SWAP size as
- described below.
- Utility for Manipulating the Region Size and Swap File (VMADJUST.EXE)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Genashor provides the VMADJUST utility to modify the region size of the
- SIMIC program, or to modify the size of the swap file for executing under
- stand-alone DOS.
- The virtual memory manager uses a disk file (swap file) as an extension
- to physical memory. (If you are running under Windows 3.0, see your
- Windows documentation for information about modifying Windows' swap
- file with the Windows 3.0 "swapfile" utility.)
- To modify the region size of SIMIC, invoke the utility as follows:
- The VMADJUST program is menu-driven.
- Be certain that the device on which the swap file is allocated is not
- corrupted; run the DOS "chkdsk" program from time to time to verify the
- integrity of the device.
- You should remove extended-memory resident utilities such as VDISK to
- free up more extended memory, if necessary.
- Using Ctrl-C Under Windows
- -------------------------
- If you want to use Ctrl-C to terminate the SIMIC program when executing
- under Windows, be sure to use a batch file (.bat) or a program information
- file (.pif) for SIMIC. See Chapter 12 in the Microsoft Windows Graphical
- Environment User's Guide for how and why to use .pif files.