"RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR. Centered about X_MEAN with range from X_MEAN-OFFSET to X_MEAN+OFFSET. Set A=-1 to initialize, Then set A=1 to generate sequential random numbers as RAND_NUM by typing C repeatedly. N is thenumber of values used to calculate X_AVE. Ideally, as N increases X_AVE approaches X_MEAN. (c) Copyright PCSCC, Inc., 1993*** Answer(s) to problem *** (a) Set OFFSET=15, X_MEAN=0.0 and then A=-1 to initialize. Next set A=1 and type C to generate new numbers. First five numbers are: -14.061, 9.176, 12.275,6.286, 14.987. (b) Continue to type C until average X_AVE is less than 0.1 for 5or so additions. The number is about 150. Type any key to exit. ||Calculate 5 random numbers with offsets of ±15 about a mean value of 0.0. (b) How many random numbers with this offset and mean must be added together such that their average value is within 10% of the mean of 0.0? Type comma key to see answer. Type (F2) to return to application file. "