"EXACT TIME, APPROXIMATE TIME. Exact time is the exact number of days while approximate time assumes 30 days per month. ADAY1, AAMONTH1 and AYEAR1 is first date and BDAY2, BBMONTH2 and BYEAR2 is the second or last date. Enter month as a number: Jan=1, Feb=2, March=3, April=4, May=5, June=6, July=7, Aug=8, Sept=9, Oct=10, Nov=11 and Dec=12. EDAYS is exact days between two dates (but not including last day, add 1 to including last day). ADAYS is approximate days. Forexample, April 20, 1993 is entered as AAMONTH=4, ADAY1=20, AYEAR1=1993. Type (F2) to return to helpfile."