"COMPOUND THIN LENSES, MAGNIFICATION, MICROSCOPE. S[I] ≡ Distance from lens #2 to rear image. M[T] ≡ Total magnification, M[T] = M[T1] * M[T2] FRONT_FO ≡ When S[I]=∞, distance in front of lens #1 BACK_FOC ≡ When S[O]=∞, distance behind lense #2 DIOPTRIC ≡ Dioptric power = 1/f1 + 1/f2 D ≡ Distance bewteen two thin mirrors. F1 ≡ Focal length of lens #1 in front of it. F2 ≡ Focal length of lens #2 behind it. S[O] ≡ Distance from lens #1 to front object. *** Answer(s) to problem *** (c) Copyright PCSCC, Inc., 1993 Variables are set to proper values at entry. (a) S[I]=-8. It is located 8 cm below the top lens. (b) Ant's image is virtual, inverted, 8 cm below top lens and magnified by 4 times. You may want to plot S[I] vs D. Remember S[I] must be in the 10 cm tube or -10<S[I]<0. To plot, type 'ina #dep (enter) then 'act s[i] (enter). Move cursor to D. Type P then (end esc) 1 to 8 (enter). Type any key to exit plot. ||A low cost microscope is fabricated out of a bottom lens of 2 cm focal length, a 10 cm cardboard tube and a top lens with a 8 cm focal length.(a) Locate the image of an ant 3 cm from the bottom lens. (b) Describe the ant. Type comma key to see answer. Type (F2) to return to application file."