PC World Komputer 1997 February
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;VeRsIoN=2.10 Novell Client 32 Install Help Contents
;CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
:Base setupnw.hlp>nwc32
:Title NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 Help
:Index Client 32 Overview Help=NWOVER95.HLP
:Index Client 32 Configuration Help=NWCFG95.HLP
:Index Client 32 Tips Help=NWTIPS95.HLP
:Index Client 32 Login Help=LOGINW95.HLP
:Index Client 32 Troubleshooting Help=NWTSG95.HLP
:Index Client 32 System Messages Help=NWMSG95.HLP
:Index Using Client 32 Help=NWUSE95.HLP
:include nwover95.cnt
2 Installing
3 Overview=Installation_Overview
4 Different Methods of Installation
4 What Happens During Installation
; The following topic is logically a "2" but is coded as a "1" to
; outsmart a bug in WinHelp 4.0.
3 Preparing for Installation
4 Preparing Your Workstation Hardware=Preparing_Your_Workstation_Hardware
4 Preparing Your Workstation Software=Preparing_Your_Workstation_Software
4 Preparing NetWare Servers
5 Overview=Preparing_NetWare_Servers_Overview
5 NetWare 4.1 Servers=Prepare_NetWare_4.1_Servers
5 NetWare 3.11 Servers=Prepare_NetWare_3.11_Servers
5 Add Name Space Notes=Add_Name_Space_Notes
; Following 3 should be 4.
3 Making Diskettes=Make_Diskettes
3 Option 1: MSBATCH Setup
4 Overview=Server_based_Setup_Overview
4 Procedure=Installing_with_Windows_95
4 Step 1: Run Server-based Setup=Running_NETSETUP.EXE
4 Step 2: Put Files in a Directory=Putting_Files_in_a_Directory
4 Step 3: Remove INF Files=Removing_INF_Files
4 Step 4: Copy INF Files=Copying_the_INF_Files
4 Step 5: Create an MSBATCH.INF File
5 Procedure=Creating_MSBATCH.INF
5 Details about Removing Network Options=Removing_Network_Options
5 Details about Changing the Installation Options=Changing_Installation_Options
; The following topic should be a "3."
3 Step 6: Run the INF Installer=Running_the_INF_Installer
4 Step 7: Check the MSBATCH.INF File
5 Instructions=Checking_MSBATCH.INF
5 Note about Express=Express_1
5 Note about EBD=EBD_0
5 Note about DevicePath=DevicePath_0
5 Note about ComputerName=ComputerName_Sample
5 Note about Workgroup=Workgroup_Sample_Group
5 Note about Description=Description_Computer
5 Note about Protocols=Protocols_NWLINK__NOVELLIPX32
5 Note about Clients=Clients_NOVELL32
5 Note about IgnoreDetectedNetCards=IgnoreDetectedNetCards
5 Note about NetCards=NetCards
5 Note about [MSTCP]=_MSTCP_
; The following two topics should be "4"s.
3 Step 8: Copy NETDEF.INF=Copying_NETDEF.INF
3 Step 9: Run Windows 95 Setup=Running_Windows_95_Setup
; The following four topics are logically "3"s but are coded as "2"s to
; outsmart a bug in WinHelp 4.0.
2 Option 2: Installing on a Workstation that Already Has Windows 95 Installed=Setting_Up
2 Option 3: Installing Using Custom Windows 95 Setup=Option_3_Custom_Win95_Setup
; Upgrading an Existing Netware Client=Upgrading_an_Existing_NetWare_Client
3 Option 4: Automatic Client Upgrade
4 Overview=Automatic_Client_Upgrade_Overview
4 What the User Sees=What_the_User_Sees
4 Creating an ACU Install Folder=Create_an_ACU_Install_Folder
4 Modifying the Login Script=Modify_the_Login_Script
4 Using the Microsoft Client=Use_the_Microsoft_Client
4 Forcing an Upgrade=Force_an_Upgrade
3 Installing Additional Protocols and Optional Features
4 Overview=Overview_Installing_Additional_Features
4 Installing the Host Resources MIB=Setting_Up_the_Host_Resources_MIB
4 Installing NetWare/IP=Setting_Up_NetWare_IP
4 Installing NMR=Setting_Up_NMR
4 Installing SNMP=Setting_Up_SNMP
4 Integrating Help
5 Overview=Integrating_Client_32_Help__Overview
5 How to=Integrate_Client_32_Help__How_To
3 Smart Defaults
4 Overview=Smart_Defaults
4 Administrator Defaults=Administrator_Defaults
4 NET.CFG Requirements for Smart Defaults=NET.CFG_Requirements
3 Client 32 Files
4 Alphabetical List of Files=Files_Alphabetical_List
4 LAN Driver Files=Files_LAN_Driver
4 Third-Party LAN Drivers=Third_Party_LAN_Drivers
3 Removing
4 Overview=Overview_Removing_Client_32
4 Client 32=Remove_Client_32
4 Additional Protocols and Optional Features=Removing_Optional_Features
:include nwcfg95.cnt
:include nwtsg95.cnt
:include nwmsg95.cnt
:include nwtips95.cnt
:include nwuse95.cnt
; Use an NWC32OEM.CNT file to Snap-In to Client 32 Help
:include nwc32oem.cnt