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INI File | 1996-09-08 | 6.0 KB | 233 lines |
- ;// cubic player 1.666 configuration file
- [general]
- link=pmodtype ;// these objects will be loaded at startup. don't change it!
- guspatchpath= ;// the gus patches AND the DEFAULT.CFG are located here.
- ; datapath= ;// path to cp's pictures and animations.
- ;// this is the default configuration
- ;// if you want to make different configurations you can copy this section
- ;// and rename it. select that configuration with commandline switch -c...
- ;// see the example below
- [defaultconfig]
- ;// names of the sections to be used in this configiuration
- soundsec=sound
- screensec=screen
- fileselsec=fileselector
- ;// these objects will be preloaded at startup
- ;// add some loaders for faster access
- ;// loaders are: loadmod, loadxm, loads3m, loadptm, load669, loadokt
- ;// loadams, loadult, loaddmf, loadmdl, loadmtm
- link=loadmod loadxm loads3m
- [sound]
- ;// these drivers will be loaded at startup. change parameters at the
- ;// sections for the devices.
- ;// take those drivers out of the list, you will not need, because it
- ;// will speed up the loading process and require less memory
- ;// you can also add new devices by copying the section and renaming it.
- ;// (8 chars only)
- playerdevices=devpSB devpWSS devpPAS devpNone devpDisk
- samplerdevices=devsSB devsGUS devsWSS devsNone
- wavetabledevices=devwGUS devwAWE devwMix
- rate=44100 ;// -sr44100
- rate32=48000 ;// use this rate for 32 channels (for slow cpus)
- 16bit=on ;// -s8-
- stereo=on ;// -sm-
- bufsize=1 ;// 0: small, 1:large, 2:full
- midichan=24 ;// number of channels used for midi playback
- cdsamplelinein=off ;// if you turn this one on, cp will sample line in
- ;// instead of cd in when playing cdaudio
- bigmodules=devwMix ;// this wavetable device will be used if a module
- ;// was tagged "big" with alt-b in the fileselector.
- ;// (use if wavetable ram is not enough by far)
- amplify=100 ;// -va100
- volume=100 ;// -vv100
- balance=0 ;// -vb0
- panning=100 ;// -vp100
- reverb=0 ;// -vr0
- chorus=0 ;// -vc0
- surround=off ;// -vs-
- filter=6 ;// -vf6 (AOI)
- echo=0 ;// -ve0
- [screen]
- ;// these pics have to be 640*384*208 TGAs, first 48 colors must not be used.
- ;// header must read: 00 01 01 00 00 00 01 18 00 00 00 00 80 02 80 01 08 20
- ;// if your pic is not loaded, convert it to TGA with GWS.
- usepics=cppic000.tga cppic001.tga
- compomode=off ;// compomode will remove all texts and display
- ;// fileselector comment as the name (put compo # there!)
- screentype=0 ;// screenmode
- startupmode=i ;// mode (instruments)
- analyser=off
- pattern=off
- instrtype=2
- channeltype=2
- ;//eXtended mode:
- ;// screentype=7
- ;// startupmode=t
- ;// analyser=on
- ;// pattern=on
- ;// instrtype=3
- ;// channeltype=3
- [fileselector]
- ;// files with these extensions will be scanned by the fileselector
- ;// you might add 001 002 003 004 if you are a fan of imphobia :)
- screentype=0
- typecolors=on
- editwin=on
- writeinfo=on
- scanmdz=on
- scaninarcs=on
- scanmnodinfo=on
- scanarchives=on
- playonce=on ;// -fr+
- randomplay=on ;// -fo-
- loop=on ;// -fl+
- path=. ;// path at startup
- ;//device configuration:
- ;//[handle]
- ;// link=... (internal) link drivers
- ;// drivername=... (internal) driver name
- ;// handle=... handle
- ;// subtype=... subtype
- ;// port=... primary port (hex)
- ;// port2=... secondary port (hex)
- ;// irq=... primary irq
- ;// irq2=... secondary irq
- ;// dma=... primary dma
- ;// dma2=... secondary dma
- ;// bypass=... bypass detect on/off
- [devpSB]
- link=devpsb
- drivername=_plrSoundBlaster
- handle=1
- ;// subtype: 1:sb 1.x, 2:sb 2.x, 3:sb pro, 4:sb16
- [devpWSS]
- link=devpwss
- drivername=_plrWinSoundSys
- handle=3
- ;// subtype: 0:wss, 1:gus daughterboard, 2:gusmax
- [devpPAS]
- link=devppas
- drivername=_plrProAudioSpectrum
- handle=4
- [devpDisk]
- link=devpdisk
- drivername=_plrDiskWriter
- handle=17
- [devpNone]
- link=devpnone
- drivername=_plrNone
- handle=16
- [devsSB]
- link=devssb
- drivername=_smpSoundBlaster
- handle=1
- [devsGUS]
- link=devsgus
- drivername=_smpUltraSound
- handle=2
- [devsWSS]
- link=devswss
- drivername=_smpWinSoundSys
- handle=3
- [devsNone]
- link=devsnone
- drivername=_smpNone
- handle=16
- [devwGUS]
- link=devwgus
- drivername=_mcpUltraSound
- handle=2
- gusSlowUpload=off
- gusSystemTimer=off
- ;// subtype: 0:gus, 1:double gus 2d, 2:double gus 3d
- [devwAWE]
- ;// SoundBlaster AWE
- link=devwsb
- drivername=_mcpSoundBlaster
- handle=1
- [devwMix]
- link=devwmix
- drivername=_mcpMixer
- handle=32
- mixResample=off
- ;// archiver configuration
- [arcZIP]
- get=pkunzip
- delete=pkzip -d
- [arcARJ]
- get=arj e -jyo
- delete=arj d
- [arcRAR]
- get=rar e -std
- delete=rar d -std
- ;;// this is an example configuration for gus
- ;;// uncomment this and type cp -cgus to use it
- ;
- ;[gus]
- ; soundsec=soundgus
- ; screensec=screen
- ; fileselsec=fileselector
- ; link=loadmod loadxm loads3m
- ;
- ;
- ;[soundgus]
- ; playerdevices=devpNone
- ; samplerdevices=devsGUS
- ; wavetabledevices=dwmygus
- ; midichan=24
- ; cdsamplelinein=off
- ; bigmodules=
- ; amplify=100
- ; volume=100
- ; balance=0
- ; panning=100
- ; filter=6
- ;
- ;[dwmygus]
- ; link=devwgus
- ; drivername=_mcpUltraSound
- ; handle=64
- ; gusSlowUpload=on
- ; gusSystemTimer=on
- ; port=220
- ; irq=5
- ; irq2=5
- ; dma=7
- ; dma2=7