PC World Komputer 1997 February
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INI File
137 lines
1=.\sounds\SWING.WAV<Straight swing with ball hit
2=.\sounds\PRACTICE.WAV<Practice swing
3=.\sounds\CHIP.WAV<Chip shot with ball hit
4=.\sounds\PUTT.WAV<Putt with ball hit
5=.\sounds\RATTLE.WAV<Ball falling into cup
6=.\sounds\SPLASH.WAV<Ball landing in water
7=.\sounds\SANDTHUD.WAV<Ball landing in sand
8=.\sounds\TREE2.WAV<Ball hitting tree
9=.\sounds\TREE1.WAV<Ball passing through tree branches
10=.\sounds\PINHIT.WAV<Ball hitting pin
11=<Duck hook sound #1
12=<Duck hook sound #1
13=<Background sound #1
14=<Background sound #2
15=<Background sound #3
16=<Background sound #4
17=<Background sound #5
18=<Background sound #6
19=<Background sound #7
20=<Background sound #8
21=<Background sound #9
22=<Background sound #10
23=<Background sound #11
24=<Background sound #12
25=<Background sound #13
26=<Background sound #14
27=<Background sound #15
28=<Background sound #16
29=.\sounds\Default\NCDRIVEM.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #1(M)
30=.\sounds\Default\NCDRIVEF.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #1(F)
31=.\sounds\Default\OUTAHERM.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #2(M)
32=.\sounds\Default\CRUSHEDF.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #2(F)
33=.\sounds\Default\NICEONEM.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #3(M)
34=.\sounds\Default\GTAHOLDF.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #3(F)
35=.\sounds\Default\THATSHTM.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #4(M)
36=.\sounds\Default\GOODSHTF.WAV<Off Tee, high power, Perfect snap #4(F)
37=.\sounds\Default\GETDOWNM.WAV<Pin in range, going long #1(M)
38=.\sounds\Default\BITEF.WAV<Pin in range, going long #1(F)
39=.\sounds\Default\TOMUCHM.WAV<Pin in range, going long #2(M)
40=.\sounds\Default\TSTRNGF.WAV<Pin in range, going long #2(F)
41=.\sounds\Default\SITDOWNM.WAV<Pin in range, going long #3(M)
42=.\sounds\Default\POWERF.WAV<Pin in range, going long #3(F)
43=.\sounds\Default\STRONGM.WAV<Pin in range, going long #4(M)
44=.\sounds\Default\DROPF.WAV<Pin in range, going long #4(F)
45=.\sounds\Default\GOHOLEM.WAV<Pin in range, stops close to pin #1(M)
46=.\sounds\Default\THATSNCF.WAV<Pin in range, stops close to pin #1(F)
47=.\sounds\Default\CLOSONEM.WAV<Pin in range, stops close to pin #2(M)
48=.\sounds\Default\BECLUBF.WAV<Pin in range, stops close to pin #2(F)
49=.\sounds\Default\CMONBABM.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #1(M)
50=.\sounds\Default\TOHOLEF.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #1(F)
51=.\sounds\Default\UPTHEREM.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #2(M)
52=.\sounds\Default\GETUPF.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #2(F)
53=.\sounds\Default\KEEPGOM.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #3(M)
54=.\sounds\Default\GETTHERF.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #3(F)
55=.\sounds\Default\GETLEGSM.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #4(M)
56=.\sounds\Default\KEEPGOF.WAV<Pin in range, stops short of pin #4(F)
57=.\sounds\Default\THERSHTM.WAV<In hole from 40-400 yards out (M)
58=.\sounds\Default\NICEONEF.WAV<In hole from 40-400 yards out (F)
59=.\sounds\<In hole less than 10 foot putt
60=.\sounds\<In hole 10-20 feet, scored eagle
61=.\sounds\<In hole 20-100 foot putt
62=.\sounds\Default\SOCLOSEM.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #1(M)
63=.\sounds\Default\NICETRYF.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #1(F)
64=.\sounds\Default\THATDOM.WAV<Tee shot to fairway, Par 4 or 5 #1(M)
65=.\sounds\Default\THPLAYF.WAV<Tee shot to fairway, Par 4 or 5 #1(F)
66=.\sounds\Default\SHORTSTM.WAV<Tee shot to fairway, Par 4 or 5 #2(M)
67=.\sounds\Default\SHRTSTFF.WAV<Tee shot to fairway, Par 4 or 5 #2(F)
68=.\sounds\Default\NICEPARM.WAV<Par, Less than 20 feet out (M)
69=.\sounds\Default\SMOOTHPF.WAV<Par, Less than 20 feet out (F)
70=.\sounds\Default\GRTPARM.WAV<Par, More than 20 feet out (M)
71=.\sounds\Default\GREATPRF.WAV<Par, More than 20 feet out (F)
72=.\sounds\Default\CALLBRDM.WAV<Birdie, Less than 20 feet out (M)
73=.\sounds\Default\NCBIRDYF.WAV<Birdie, Less than 20 feet out (F)
74=.\sounds\Default\GRTBIRDM.WAV<Birdie, More than 20 feet out (M)
75=.\sounds\Default\GREATBDF.WAV<Birdie, More than 20 feet out (F)
76=.\sounds\Default\EXCELNTM.WAV<Scored Eagle (M)
77=.\sounds\Default\GRTEAGLF.WAV<Scored Eagle (F)
78=.\sounds\Default\EXDEAGLM.WAV<Scored Double Eagle (M)
79=.\sounds\Default\GRTDUBEF.WAV<Scored Double Eagle (F)
80=.\sounds\Default\YESM.WAV<Scored a hole in one (M)
81=.\sounds\Default\ACEDITF.WAV<Scored a hole in one (F)
82=.\sounds\Default\NICEPUTM.WAV<Putt in, 15-25 feet, Under Par (M)
83=.\sounds\Default\NICEPUTF.WAV<Putt in, 15-25 feet, Under Par (F)
84=.\sounds\Default\THATPUTM.WAV<Putt in, over 25 feet, Under Par #1(M)
85=.\sounds\Default\PERFPUTF.WAV<Putt in, over 25 feet, Under Par #1(F)
86=.\sounds\Default\INTHEREM.WAV<Putt in, over 25 feet, Under Par #2(M)
87=.\sounds\Default\READRITF.WAV<Putt in, over 25 feet, Under Par #2(F)
88=.\sounds\Default\THERSHTM.WAV<Medium shot, lands near pin (M)
89=.\sounds\Default\NICSHOTF.WAV<Medium shot, lands near pin (F)
90=.\sounds\Default\ITSTHERM.WAV<Long shot, lands very close to pin (M)
91=.\sounds\Default\LOOKGDF.WAV<Long shot, lands very close to pin (F)
92=.\sounds\Default\PARTHATM.WAV<Putt in for par (M)
93=.\sounds\Default\GDSAVEF.WAV<Putt in for par (F)
94=.\sounds\Default\WHOTREEM.WAV<Ball hits tree, #1 (M)
95=.\sounds\Default\WHOTREEF.WAV<Ball hits tree, #1 (F)
96=.\sounds\Default\WASTREEM.WAV<Ball hits tree, #2 (M)
97=.\sounds\Default\HITTREEF.WAV<Ball hits tree, #2 (F)
98=.\sounds\Default\DANCINM.WAV<On green from over 100 yards out (M)
99=.\sounds\Default\ONGREENF.WAV<On green from over 100 yards out (F)
100=.\sounds\Default\YIKESM.WAV<Ball lands in Hazard or O.B. #1(M)
101=.\sounds\Default\OOPSOUTF.WAV<Ball lands in Hazard or O.B. #1(F)
102=.\sounds\Default\WAYOUTM.WAV<Ball lands in Hazard or O.B. #2(M)
103=.\sounds\Default\OUTTHERF.WAV<Ball lands in Hazard or O.B. #2(F)
104=.\sounds\Default\ONBEACHM.WAV<Ball lands in sand #1(M)
105=.\sounds\Default\INSANDF.WAV<Ball lands in sand #1(F)
106=.\sounds\Default\BUNKERM.WAV<Ball lands in sand #2(M)
107=.\sounds\Default\OOPSANDF.WAV<Ball lands in sand #2(F)
108=.\sounds\Default\OOPSANDM.WAV<Ball lands in sand #3(M)
109=.\sounds\Default\SANCITYF.WAV<Ball lands in sand #3(F)
110=.\sounds\Default\INROUGHM.WAV<Ball lands in rough #1(M)
111=.\sounds\Default\DEEPSTFF.WAV<Ball lands in rough #1(F)
112=.\sounds\Default\RUFSTUFM.WAV<Ball lands in rough #2(M)
113=.\sounds\Default\INROUGHF.WAV<Ball lands in rough #2(F)
114=.\sounds\Default\GOODBYEM.WAV<Ball lands in water #1(M)
115=.\sounds\Default\IDOTHATF.WAV<Ball lands in water #1(F)
116=.\sounds\Default\HAPPENSM.WAV<Ball lands in water #2(M)
117=.\sounds\Default\WETONEF.WAV<Ball lands in water #2(F)
118=.\sounds\Default\WETONEM.WAV<Ball lands in water #3(M)
119=.\sounds\Default\BYEBALLF.WAV<Ball lands in water #3(F)
120=.\sounds\Default\THATWETM.WAV<Ball lands in water #4(M)
121=.\sounds\Default\HAPPENSF.WAV<Ball lands in water #4(F)
122=.\sounds\Default\CLOSEM.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #2(M)
123=.\sounds\Default\WSCLOSEF.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #2(F)
124=.\sounds\Default\NICETR2M.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #3(M)
125=.\sounds\Default\SOCLOSEF.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #3(F)
126=.\sounds\Default\UPTHERM.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #4(M)
127=.\sounds\Default\WSCLOSEF.WAV<Stops within 18 inches of hole #4(F)
128=.\sounds\Default\RMT_UPM.WAV<Remote-Local player's turn to hit(M)
129=.\sounds\Default\CMONBALM.WAV<Remote-Player is prompting to hurry(M)
130=.\sounds\Default\YOURUPF.WAV<Remote-Local player's turn to hit(F)
131=.\sounds\Default\GOAHEADF.WAV<Remote-Player is prompting to hurry(F)