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- SmartSuite 96 Edition for Windows 95 Release Notes (README.TXT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- This file contains information about installing and using the
- CD-ROM and disk versions of the SmartSuite 96 applications.
- Contents
- --------
- 1. Before You Install SmartSuite
- A. If You Are a Network Administrator
- B. New Default Directory Structure
- C. Making the Install Program Efficient
- D. Server and Distribution Install
- E. Installing SmartSuite 96 When Running Windows from a Server
- F. Installing SmartSuite 96 on Windows NT 3.51
- G. Multilingual Installation
- 2. During SmartSuite Install
- A. Installing SmartSuite 96
- B. Ignoring a Size Field
- 3. After You Install SmartSuite
- A. Reading Individual Application README Files
- 4. Extra Content on the CD
- A. 1-2-3 and Freelance Graphics File Translator
- B. Additional LotusScript Help Files for Word Pro 96
- C. Installing Additional Language Tools
- 5. Information for 1-2-3 Release 5 Users
- A. 123 .INI File Settings
- B. Hard-Disk Space Requirements
- C. Customized Sets of SmartIcons
- 6. Information for Organizer 2.1 Users
- A. Protecting Files with a Password
- B. Installing Organizer Group Scheduling Agents
- 7. Information for Word Pro 96 Users
- A. To Install over Ami Pro
- B. To Install over Word Pro
- 8. Information for Freelance Graphics 96 Users
- A. Default Installation
- 9. Information for Approach 96 Users
- A. Installing Approach from a Read-Only File Server Directory
- B. Installing to Directories Other than the Default
- 10. Uninstall
- A. How to Invoke Uninstall
- 11. Windows 95 Compatibility
- A. Long File Names
- B. Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
- 12. Cross-Application Information
- A. Using OLE Services
- B. OLE Automation
- 13. LotusScript Release Notes
- A. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- B. LotusScript Language
- C. Win16/Win32 Differences
- 14. Known Issues
- A. Organizer 2.1 and SmartCenter 96
- B. Displaying ScreenCam Movies
- C. Specifying Directories on a File Server
- D. Using the TCP Network Driver
- E. Using Internet Files
- F. Opening Windows 3.x Files
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- Before you try to install SmartSuite 96, you should close all
- Windows programs and shut down all anti-virus protection programs.
- Also, be sure to read "Exploring SmartSuite 96" to be sure your
- system meets all the hardware and software requirements.
- A. If You Are a Network Administrator
- -------------------------------------
- If you are a network administrator, see the READNET.TXT file on your
- CD-ROM (or on Disk 1 if you are installing from disk). READNET.TXT
- contains information about supported networks, performing server and
- node installs, running an automated Install, and other topics.
- B. New Default Directory Structure
- ----------------------------------
- SmartSuite 96 offers a new default directory structure. The new
- structure makes it easier to maintain and upgrade your products, since
- your work, backup, SmartMasters, samples, and other directories are
- independent of your main product directory. Lotus recommends that you
- install all of your Lotus products under this new directory structure.
- This diagram illustrates the new directory structure:
- LOTUS\ (Main Lotus product directory for all Lotus products)
- |
- |
- |---<main_prod_dir1>\ (Executables and other core
- | files for one Lotus product, e.g., \WORDPRO)
- |
- |---<main_prod_dir2>\ (Executables and other core
- | files for another Lotus product, e.g., \123)
- | .
- | . (other Lotus products here, for example:)
- |
- |---SMASTERS\ (SmartMasters for all Lotus products)
- | |
- | |--<prod1> (SmartMasters for Lotus product 1)
- | |
- | |--<prod2> (SmartMasters for Lotus product 2)
- |
- |---SAMPLES\ (Samples for all Lotus products)
- | |
- | |--<prod1> (Samples for Lotus product 1)
- | |
- | |--<prod2> (Samples for Lotus product 2)
- |
- |---WORK\ (Work directory for all Lotus products)
- | |
- | |--<prod1> (Work directory for Lotus product 1)
- | |
- | |--<prod2> (Work directory for Lotus product 2)
- |
- |---BACKUP\ (Backup directory for all Lotus products)
- | |
- | |--<prod1> (Backup directory for Lotus product 1)
- | |
- | |--<prod2> (Backup directory for Lotus product 2)
- |
- |---COMPNENT\ (Shared components for all Lotus products)
- C. Making the Install Program Efficient
- ---------------------------------------
- To maximize the efficiency of the SmartSuite Install program, you
- should perform the following procedure to reclaim lost clusters on
- your hard drive(s) before you run Install. You do not have to
- convert the lost clusters to files.
- On systems using Windows 95, complete the following steps:
- 1. Open Windows Explorer.
- 2. Right-click your hard-drive letter (for example, C:).
- 3. Choose Properties.
- 4. Click Tools.
- 5. Click Check Now under Error-checking status.
- D. Server and Distribution Install
- ----------------------------------
- Lotus recommends that you install the Server and Distribution versions
- of SmartSuite 96 in new or empty directories.
- E. Installing SmartSuite 96 When Running Windows from a Server
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- If you install Approach 96 as part of SmartSuite 96 while logged into
- a server with read/write privileges to a server-based Windows directory,
- the Install program copies some ODBC drivers for Oracle and MS SQL
- Server to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory on the server.
- To prevent this from happening, log into the server with read-only
- privileges to the Windows directory on the server. Then,
- * If you are installing SmartSuite as a server application, the
- Install program copies the ODBC driver files to the \LOTUS directory.
- * If you are installing SmartSuite as a standalone application, the
- Install program copies the ODBC driver files to your personal
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
- F. Installing SmartSuite 96 on Windows NT 3.51
- ----------------------------------------------
- If you plan to install SmartSuite 96 on a system running Windows NT 3.51
- or later, you should have administrator privileges on that system so
- that files that should be copied to \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 are updated if
- they are in use by another program. If you do not have administrator
- privileges, shut down all applications and restart Windows NT before
- you install SmartSuite 96.
- SmartCenter 96 uses Windows 95 functionality that is not available in
- Windows NT. Therefore, you cannot use SmartCenter 96 on a system
- running Windows NT. In addition, ScreenCam 2.1 will play, but not
- record, on systems running Windows NT.
- If you are using Notes 3.x, you cannot attach an Approach 96, Word Pro
- 96, or Freelance Graphics 96 file to mail, nor can you use TeamMail to
- route mail on systems running Windows NT. In addition, you cannot use
- Notes/FX between Word Pro 96, Freelance Graphics 96, Approach 96, and
- Notes 3.x.
- G. Multilingual Installation
- ----------------------------
- You can install copies of SmartSuite 96 in multiple languages. This
- capability is part of the Lotus strategy for multilingual computing.
- NOTE: SmartCenter 96, Word Pro 96, Freelance Graphics 96, and Approach
- 96 support this strategy of multilingual computing. You can run these
- applications in different languages at the same time. ScreenCam 2.1,
- DocOnline, Organizer 2.1, and 1-2-3 Release 5 do not support this
- feature. You can run these applications only in the language that
- was last installed.
- If you want to install SmartSuite 96 in more than one language, Lotus
- recommends that you install all of the SmartSuite 96 applications first.
- The first language you install becomes the default language. Then you
- can choose which applications to install in subsequent languages.
- To add an additional language version of SmartCenter 96, Word Pro 96,
- Freelance Graphics 96, or Approach 96, you must run SmartSuite Install
- again. The Install program informs you that you already have a copy of
- the application in a different language, and preserves the directory
- structure of the default language. Lotus recommends that you do not
- change this default directory.
- Remember to deselect ScreenCam 2.1, DocOnline, Organizer 2.1, and 1-2-3
- Release 5 before you begin to copy files in the secondary language,
- unless you want to overwrite these applications with the secondary
- language.
- When you install different language versions of SmartCenter 96, Install
- will create a folder for each language installed. For each language
- installed after the default language, the folder name will include
- a 2-character ISO tag to identify the language. If English is the
- default language, for example, then English applications will be in
- a folder called "Lotus Programs," and French applications will be in
- a folder called "Lotus Programs - FR." SuiteStart will only launch
- the default language.
- As you add additional language versions of SmartSuite 96, the Install
- program populates the Start menu with icons for the additional
- languages. For example, the icon for the German version of Word Pro
- 96 is labeled "Lotus Word Pro - Deutsch."
- We strongly recommend that you do not install more than one language
- of SmartSuite in a single server directory.
- ----------------------------
- ----------------------------
- A. Installing SmartSuite 96
- ---------------------------
- Follow these instructions to begin installing SmartSuite 96:
- 1. Insert Disk 1 or the CD-ROM into the appropriate drive.
- 2. (Windows 95) Choose Start - Run.
- (Windows NT(TM) 3.51) Choose File - Run from the Program Manager.
- 3. Enter X:\INSTALL in the Run dialog box, where X: is your disk
- drive or CD-ROM drive.
- 4. After Install is complete, restart Windows.
- Install consists of a series of dialog boxes that are generally
- self-explanatory. If you need more information when using a dialog
- box, choose Help by clicking Help or pressing ALT+H.
- B. Ignoring a Size Field
- ------------------------
- During SmartSuite Install, in the "Select SmartSuite Applications to
- Customize" dialog box, there is a list box that includes a size field.
- That field shows the default size of an application. If you customize
- an application and delete features, the dialog box does not update the
- size field, even though the application now requires less disk space.
- -------------------------------
- -------------------------------
- A. Reading Individual Application README Files
- ----------------------------------------------
- After you install SmartSuite, you can read the README files of the
- individual applications for more information. The README files reside
- in each application's directory (for example, C:\LOTUS\123\README.TXT).
- To access these files, select Start - Programs - Lotus User Assistance.
- --------------------------
- --------------------------
- Information in this section applies only if you are installing
- SmartSuite 96 from a CD-ROM.
- A. 1-2-3 and Freelance Graphics File Translator
- -----------------------------------------------
- The 1-2-3 and Freelance Graphics File Translator converts
- spreadsheet and presentation graphics files between the OS/2(R)
- and Windows file formats. You can convert to and from the 1-2-3
- WG2 and WK4 file formats, and to and from the Freelance PRS and
- PRE file formats.
- NOTE: This utility is only available with an English user interface.
- NOTE: The 1-2-3 and Freelance Graphics File Translator will not
- convert .PRZ files created using Freelance Graphics 96.
- For more information about installing and using the 1-2-3 and Freelance
- Graphics File Translator, refer to the WINTRANS.TXT file in the
- /EXTRA/TRANS directory on the SmartSuite 96 CD-ROM.
- B. Additional LotusScript Help Files for Word Pro 96
- ----------------------------------------------------
- If you received your copy of SmartSuite 96 on CD-ROM, Word Pro 96
- specific LotusScript Help was included but was not automatically
- installed. For more information about accessing these files, refer to
- the Word Pro 96 README file.
- C. Installing Additional Language Tools
- ----------------------------------------
- NOTE: This information applies only if you are installing
- SmartSuite 96 from CD-ROM.
- The SmartSuite 96 for Windows CD-ROM contains additional
- dictionary, hypenator, thesaurus and grammar checker files
- for Word Pro and other products. Installing these files will
- allow you to spell check and correct documents in other
- languages. These files are located in the \EXTRAS\LANGUAGE
- directory on the CD-ROM.
- The files contained in this directory are:
- File Name Description
- --------- -----------
- AUSSIE\LOTUSAU1.DIC Australian English Dictionary for use with other
- products
- AUSSIE\LOTUSAU2.DIC Australian English Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- CATALAN\LOTUSCT1.DIC Catalan Dictionary for use with other products
- CATALAN\LOTUSCT2.DIC Catalan Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- CATALAN\LOTUSCT2.THS Catalan Thesaurus
- CATALAN\LOTUSCT2.HYP Catalan Hyphenator
- CZECH\LOTUSCZ2.DIC Czech Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- CZECH\LOTUSCZ1.DIC Czech Dictionary for use with other products
- CZECH\LOTUSCZ2.HYP Czech Hyphenator
- DANISH\LOTUSDK2.DIC Danish Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- DANISH\LOTUSDA1.DIC Danish Dictionary for use with other products
- DANISH\LOTUSDK2.THS Danish Thesaurus
- DANISH\LOTUSDK2.HYP Danish Hyphenator
- DUTCH\LOTUSNL2.DIC Dutch Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- DUTCH\LOTUSDU1.DIC Dutch Dictionary for use with other products
- DUTCH\LOTUSNL2.THS Dutch Thesaurus
- DUTCH\LOTUSNL2.HYP Dutch Hyphenator
- DUTCH\LOTUSNL2.IPR Dutch International Proof Reader
- ENGLISH\LOTUSEN2.DIC British & American English Dictionary for use with
- Word Pro
- ENGLISH\LOTUSEN1.DIC British & American English Dictionary for use with
- Word Pro
- ENGLISH\LOTUSEN2.HYP British & American English Dictionary for use with
- Word Pro
- ENGLISH\LOTUSAM2.GCS American English Grammar Checker
- ENGLISH\LOTUSBR2.GCS British English Grammar Checker
- ENGLISH\LOTUSBR2.THS British English Thesaurus
- ENGLISH\LOTUSAM2.THS American English Thesaurus
- FINNISH\LOTUSFI2.DIC Finnish Dictionary (File 1) for use with Word Pro
- FINNISH\LOTUSFI2.DC2 Finnish Dictionary (File 2) for use with Word Pro
- FINNISH\LTSPFN02.DLL Finnish Dictionary (File 3) for use with Word Pro
- FINNISH\LOTUSFI1.DIC Finnish Dictionary for use with other products
- FINNISH\LOTUSFI2.THS Finnish Thesaurus
- FINNISH\LOTUSFI2.HYP Finnish Hyphenator
- FRENCH\LOTUSFR2.DIC French Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- FRENCH\LOTUSFR1.DIC French Dictionary for use with other products
- FRENCH\LOTUSFR2.HYP French Hyphenator
- FRENCH\LOTUSFR2.THS French Thesaurus
- FRENCH\LOTUSFR2.IPR French International Proof Reader
- GERMAN\LOTUSDE2.DIC German Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- GERMAN\LOTUSGE1.DIC German Dictionary for use with other products
- GERMAN\LOTUSDE2.HYP German Hyphenator
- GERMAN\LOTUSDE2.THS German Thesaurus
- GERMAN\LOTUSDE2.IPR German International Proof Reader
- ITALIAN\LOTUSIT2.DIC Italian Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- ITALIAN\LOTUSIT1.DIC Italian Dictionary for use with other products
- ITALIAN\LOTUSIT2.HYP Italian Hyphenator
- ITALIAN\LOTUSIT2.THS Italian Thesaurus
- ITALIAN\LOTUSIT2.IPR Italian International Proof Reader
- NORWEGIA\LOTUSNO2.DIC Norwegian Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- NORWEGIA\LOTUSNO1.DIC Norwegian Dictionary for use with other products
- NORWEGIA\LOTUSNO2.THS Norwegian Thesaurus
- NORWEGIA\LOTUSNO2.HYP Norwegian Hyphenator
- PORTUGUE\LOTUSPT2.DIC Portuguese Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- PORTUGUE\LOTUSPO1.DIC Portuguese Dictionary for use with other products
- PORTUGUE\LOTUSPT2.HYP Portuguese Hyphenator
- PORTUGUE\LOTUSIB2.THS Portuguese Iberian Spanish Thesaurus
- PORTUGUE\LOTUSPT2.THS Portuguese Thesaurus
- PORTUGUE\LOTUSPT2.IPR Portuguese International Proof Reader
- RUSSIAN\LOTUSRU2.DIC Russian Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- RUSSIAN\LOTUSRU1.DIC Russian Dictionary for use with other products
- RUSSIAN\LOTUSRU2.HYP Russian Hyphenator
- SPANISH\LOTUSES2.DIC Spanish Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- SPANISH\LOTUSSP1.DIC Spanish Dictionary for use with other products
- SPANISH\LOTUSES2.HYP Spanish Hyphenator
- SPANISH\LOTUSES2.THS Spanish Thesaurus
- SPANISH\LOTUSES2.IPR Spanish International Proof Reader
- SWEDISH\LOTUSSE2.DIC Swedish Dictionary for use with Word Pro
- SWEDISH\LOTUSSW1.DIC Swedish Dictionary for use with other products
- SWEDISH\LOTUSSE2.HYP Swedish Hyphenator
- SWEDISH\LOTUSSE2.THS Swedish Thesaurus
- To install the WordPro Hyphenator, Thesaurus, or Proof Reader file(s),
- you should copy the .HYP, .THS and .IPR file(s) you want into the
- LOTUS\WORDPRO directory on your hard disk. To install the dictionary
- file(s) for any component, you should copy the .DIC file(s)
- you want into the directory on your hard disk where the existing
- dictionaries for this component are located.
- (For 16-bit components this directory will normally be \WINDOWS\LOTUSAPP\SPELL
- but for 32-bit applications it will normally be \LOTUS\COMPNENT\SPELL).
- You should then follow the instructions from relevant component's
- documentation to configure the component to use the new language
- tool(s) you have just installed.
- ----------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------
- A. 123 .INI File Settings
- -------------------------
- If you install 1-2-3 Release 5 on a system that contains a version
- of 1-2-3 that is earlier than Release 4, you must install Release 5
- to a new directory (Lotus recommends that you install Release 5 to
- LOTUS\123). The old directory remains intact and none of the 123W.INI
- settings carry over to Release 5.
- If you install 1-2-3 Release 5 on a system that contains 1-2-3
- Release 4 or 4.01, you can install the application in a new directory
- or over the existing version. Regardless of your choice, certain
- settings that exist in the 123R4W.INI file automatically carry over
- into the new 123R5W.INI file. These settings are:
- driver=
- DefaultPrt=
- beep=
- undo=
- autoexec=
- B. Hard-Disk Space Requirements
- -------------------------------
- If you install 1-2-3 Release 5 in a directory that contains a
- previous release of 1-2-3 for Windows, you may need as much as 19MB
- of available hard-disk space, depending on the options you choose to
- install.
- If your Windows 95 directory is on a different drive from your 1-2-3
- directory, the drive that contains your Windows directory should have
- 2MB to 4MB of available hard-disk space.
- C. Customized Sets of SmartIcons
- --------------------------------
- If you modified any of the sets of SmartIcons in a previous release
- of 1-2-3 for Windows, and have not yet installed Release 5, follow
- these steps to ensure your icon sets display the same in Release 5:
- 1. Create a temporary directory on an available drive.
- 2. Copy the .SMI files for the sets of SmartIcons you have customized
- from the icon directories 123R4W\PROGRAMS\SHEETICO,
- 123R4W\PROGRAMS\GRAPHICO, and so on, to the temporary directory.
- 3. Install 1-2-3 Release 5.
- 4. Copy the .SMI files into the 1-2-3 Release 5 icons directories.
- If you have already installed 1-2-3 Release 5, but have not yet deleted
- your previous version of 1-2-3 for Windows, follow steps 2 and 4 in the
- preceding procedure.
- --------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------
- A. Protecting Files with a Password
- -----------------------------------
- You can set passwords on your Organizer 2.1 files so that others can
- view, but not change, your schedule, names and addresses, and other
- information. When your files are password-protected, SmartCenter 96
- prompts you for the password when you first open the calendar and
- address drawers, and when you change or add information.
- If you mistype your password, SmartCenter 96 displays a blank copy of
- your calendar or address drawer. To restore these drawers, simply close
- and then reopen the drawer.
- You may want to turn off the password protection for your local copy of
- your calendar and addresses, so that you are not prompted for a password
- each time you change information.
- B. Installing Organizer Group Scheduling Agents
- -----------------------------------------------
- To use group scheduling, talk to your network administrator. Before
- installing Organizer 2.1 with group scheduling on a local area network,
- network administrators need to review the Organizer Release 2.1
- Administrator's Guide.
- If you are installing from disk, you can get the Organizer
- Administrator's Guide and the Agent Disks by contacting Lotus Customer
- Support. If you are installing from CD-ROM, the Organizer Release 2.1
- Administrator's Guide is included as part of the SmartSuite DocOnline.
- The Agent software is available on the SmartSuite CD-ROM in the
- The Lotus Organizer Release 2.1 Administrator's Guide is intended for
- administrators who use Organizer mail-based or single-server scheduling.
- It is not intended for Organizer Personal Information Manager (PIM)
- users.
- If you are installing the agent software from disk, use the INSTALL.EXE
- file located on the Agent Disk for your operating system. If you are
- installing from the SmartSuite CD-ROM, use INSTALL.EXE located in the
- \ENGLISH\WINAGENT directory (if you use Windows 95) or in the
- \ENGLISH\OS2AGENT directory (if you use OS/2).
- NDEPLOY.WRI and CDEPLOY.WRI are Windows 95 Write files that answer
- common deployment questions for administrators who use Organizer group
- scheduling with Lotus Notes or cc:Mail, respectively. The files are
- not intended for administrators who use Organizer 2.1 for single-server
- scheduling, or who do not use group scheduling. The files are located
- in the \LOTUS\ORGANIZE\ADMIN directory after installation from
- SmartSuite.
- TECHNOTE.OR2 provides information for Organizer 2.1 administrators and
- advanced users. The file is located in the \LOTUS\WORK\ORGANIZE
- directory after installation from SmartSuite.
- ------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------
- A. To Install over Ami Pro
- --------------------------
- By default, Word Pro 96 is installed into a LOTUS\WORDPRO directory. It
- will not overwrite any Ami Pro program files. To make editing of your
- existing Ami Pro files easier, copy all the style sheets in your
- \AMIPRO\STYLES directory to the LOTUS\SMASTERS\WORDPRO directory once
- you complete the installation.
- B. To Install over Word Pro
- ---------------------------
- If you have a copy of Word Pro for Windows 3.1 on your system, Install
- asks whether you want to remove the previous release. If you choose to
- remove it, Install asks if you want it to create a backup copy of your
- SmartMaster sets and if you want the files in the WORK directory of
- the previous release moved to the WORK directory for the new release.
- ----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------
- A. Default Installation
- -----------------------
- The following features are not installed during a default
- installation of Freelance Graphics 96:
- * Foreign language spell-check dictionaries
- * LotusScript Help files (LotusScript, Chart LotusScript, and
- Freelance Graphics LotusScript)
- * Import filters: DXF, PICT, Micrografx DRW, HGL, GAL, RND,
- GIF(filter and .INI), TGA (filter and .INI), and
- WPG (two filters and two .INI files).
- * Export filters: TGA (filter and .INI), MET (filter and .INI),
- AI & EPS (EMPS-32.FLT and .INI), and
- WPG (two filters and two .INI files).
- * Sound files
- * The Freelance Graphics Presentation and Review Library
- * 64 GoldDisk movie files
- * 60 SmartMaster looks
- * 1 diagram
- You can install all these features by selecting Custom when you
- install Freelance Graphics 96. If Freelance Graphics 96 is already
- installed, you can run Install again, select Custom, and choose
- only those features you did not previously install.
- ------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------
- A. Installing Approach from a Read-Only File Server Directory
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- If you install Approach 96 to a file server, and then make the
- Approach directory on the file server read-only for Approach users,
- problems may occur when they run the Tour and Help demos. If you
- must make the server directory read-only for the users, make the
- following directories read-write to prevent problems:
- * <drive path>\LOTUS\APPROACH\TOUR
- B. Installing to Directories Other than the Default
- ---------------------------------------------------
- If you install Lotus Approach 96 to a directory with a name that
- contains a hyphen (-), you will not be able to use the Uninstall
- program to remove this installation of Approach 96.
- -------------
- -------------
- The Uninstall program allows you to remove all files associated with a
- selected Lotus application that were copied to your system when the
- application was installed. It also removes all program folders or
- groups, shortcut icons, icons, and Windows registry entries.
- NOTE: In SmartSuite 96, you can use the Uninstall feature to uninstall
- SmartCenter 96, Word Pro 96, Approach 96, and Freelance Graphics 96.
- You cannot use Uninstall to remove ScreenCam 2.1, DocOnline, Organizer
- 2.1, or 1-2-3 Release 5. In addition, you cannot use Uninstall to
- remove files added when you installed a second or subsequent language.
- Uninstall displays messages and prompts you before it removes any user-
- modified file, so you can decide whether to remove the file. You can
- rerun Uninstall until all files associated with the application are
- removed.
- Uninstall also creates an output log and displays error messages, so
- you can track and review the entire process. Uninstall overwrites the
- output log each time it is run, so you may want to rename this file if
- you want to save it. Ask your network administrator where Uninstall
- saves this file.
- Uninstall does not delete files in your WORK or personal directories,
- or other files that were changed since they were installed. It will
- not delete a directory until all directories and files are removed from
- that directory. In addition, Uninstall will not remove files copied to
- a file server during a Server Install.
- Uninstall displays a prompt before it removes many files, in case you
- do not want to remove a specific file. If you decide not to remove a
- file and the product is not removed completely, then Uninstall will
- also leave the files it needs to run again, including the product .INF
- and CINSTALL.INI files. If you want to run Uninstall again, do not
- remove these files manually.
- In addition, Uninstall will not remove files needed by another Lotus
- product. Be careful not to remove these shared files manually, or
- other Lotus applications will not run correctly. Uninstall will remove
- these files when it removes the last Lotus application.
- A. How to Invoke Uninstall
- --------------------------
- Uninstall is available to users from the Start menu (Windows 95) or
- the Program Manager (Windows NT 3.51).
- Windows 95 users can run Uninstall by completing these steps:
- 1. Choose Start - Settings - Control Panel.
- 2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- 3. Select the program to be removed.
- 4. Click Remove.
- Windows NT 3.51 users can invoke Uninstall by clicking the Uninstall
- icon for the product to be removed.
- ----------------------------
- 11. Windows 95 Compatibility
- ----------------------------
- A. Long File Names
- ------------------
- ScreenCam 2.1, DocOnline, 1-2-3 Release 5, and Organizer 2.1 file names
- maintain the DOS 8-character naming convention. These applications do
- not support the Windows 95 long file name feature.
- * If you save a file with a long file name in another application,
- and then open it in 1-2-3 Release 5 or Organizer 2.1, the file name
- changes to its DOS equivalent, which displays in the Open File
- dialog box. For example, in Notepad, "this is a long file name"
- becomes "THISIS~1.TXT" when you open the file in 1-2-3 Release 5.
- Notice that Windows 95 resolves the differences between DOS names
- by adding a tilde (~) and numbers.
- * In Windows Explorer, if you double-click one of these application's
- files with a long file name, the application opens the file with
- its DOS-equivalent name, which displays in the application's title
- bar. The same is true if you rename an existing file in Windows
- Explorer.
- B. Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
- ------------------------------------
- The Windows Universal Naming Convention (UNC) isn't supported by
- ScreenCam 2.1, DocOnline, 1-2-3 Release 5, or Organizer 2.1. These
- applications cannot be installed to a UNC path. If you try to install
- them to a UNC path (for example, \\SERVER\DRIVE:LOTUS\123), an error
- message is displayed. To correct the problem, map a network drive to
- the UNC path and set it to reconnect at login.
- ---------------------------------
- ---------------------------------
- A. Using OLE Services
- ---------------------
- Word Pro 96 OLE services may have been disabled during installation if
- 8MB of RAM or less were available. If so, you cannot use OLE drag &
- drop, copy the OLE formats of data to the Clipboard from Word Pro 96,
- or embed or link from another application to a Word Pro 96 object via
- the Clipboard. To enable Word Pro 96 OLE, select File - User Setup -
- Word Pro Preferences and deselect "OLE until needed" from the Disable
- box on the General tab.
- B. OLE Automation
- -----------------
- Approach 96, Freelance Graphics 96, and Word Pro 96 support OLE
- Automation. Refer to the LotusScript IDE Help for more information
- about OLE Automation.
- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- For detailed information on the LotusScript 3.0 language and
- programming environment, see the following documentation:
- * LotusScript Language Help (available from the Help menu in
- Word Pro 96, Approach 96, and Freelance Graphics 96)
- * LotusScript IDE Help (available from the Help menu in Word
- Pro 96, Approach 96, and Freelance Graphics 96)
- * LotusScript Programmer's Guide (return the coupon found in
- the SmartSuite 96 package to receive this document)
- A. Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- -------------------------------------------
- Whenever you make substantial changes to your script in the IDE, such
- as adding many lines of code or correcting errors, be sure to press F2
- to recompile the script; this ensures that you are seeing the most
- recent set of error messages.
- When writing scripts in the IDE, you may encounter the following
- limitations:
- * The IDE browser may crash when you are expanding a method
- belonging to a class that is defined in an LSX containing a lengthy
- argument list.
- * The Inspector doesn't display properties for native classes.
- * While debugging a script, you cannot step into a class destructor,
- an %INCLUDEd file, or a USEd module.
- * The Undo command is disabled when you navigate to another section
- of your script.
- * When you import a procedure, comments appearing before that
- procedure are moved to the declarations section. To ensure that
- the comments remain with the procedure, relocate them within the
- procedure's definition before importing the procedure into the
- IDE.
- * If you change a class to a property, the associated methods
- become module-level procedures.
- * Directives are not evaluated until you compile your script.
- * The Inspector does not display complete information about Variants
- containing OLE objects.
- * If you use a ReDim statement within a loop, the Debugger may
- generate an error when you step to that statement, even though the
- code runs correctly outside of the Debugger.
- B. LotusScript Language
- -----------------------
- You may encounter the following limitations while programming in the
- LotusScript language:
- * If a run-time error occurs within a class constructor's parameter
- expression, the class constructor halts execution. After the
- error occurs, the object is deleted, and LotusScript will attempt
- to execute the class destructor. This may cause another run-time
- error if the destructor relied on the action of the constructor.
- * Circular structures are not properly destroyed by LotusScript, and
- the memory for those structures is not released until you end
- the session.
- * Errors occurring within a class destructor must be handled within
- that procedure; error-handling routines outside of the destructor
- cannot trap errors occurring within the destructor.
- * Converting between decimal numbers and strings:
- For converting between decimal numbers and strings, the conversion
- functions CDbl and CStr should be used in favor of Val and Str.
- CDbl and CStr honor the Windows setting for the decimal symbol,
- while Val and Str do not.
- For example, if the decimal symbol is comma (,), the number one-
- and-five-tenths is represented as the string "1,5". The code
- shows how to convert this string to its numeric form:
- Dim x As Double
- x = CDbl( "1,5" )
- X now contains the decimal value of one-and-five-tenths. The CStr
- function is used to convert it to a string containing the regional
- digit separator:
- Dim y As String
- Dim y As Double
- x = 1.5
- y = CStr( X )
- results in y containing the string "1,5" (again assuming the
- specified decimal symbol is the comma).
- NOTE: Although CDbl will always work, you may want to use CSng or
- CCur instead, depending on the desired data type of the result,
- or the magnitude of the number being converted. This is especially
- important for international users.
- * The UBound function sometimes returns incorrect data when used with
- a dynamic array that is passed as an argument to a procedure.
- C. Win16/Win32 Differences
- --------------------------
- * On Win32, ChDir "C:" and ChDir " " do nothing; on Win16 they
- generate the error "Path not found."
- * On Win32, you can use Name to rename a file using the same name
- (Name myFile As myFile); on Win16 this generates the error
- "Permission denied."
- * On Win32, ChDrive "A:" with no disk in the drive generates the
- error "Device unavailable"; on Win 16, it does nothing.
- ----------------
- ----------------
- A. Organizer 2.1 and SmartCenter 96
- -----------------------------------
- If you run a Node Install for Organizer 2.1 and then install
- SmartCenter 96, the Address and Calendar drawers may not be able to
- detect your Organizer files. Ask your Network Administrator to copy
- the following files from the local SmartCenter directory to the
- Organizer directory on the network file server.
- * ORG16.DLL
- * ORG32.DLL
- B. Displaying ScreenCam Movies
- ------------------------------
- The ScreenCam movies provided with SmartSuite 96 may not display
- properly if you are using large fonts. To view the movies correctly,
- choose Display Properties - Settings - Font size and select Small
- fonts.
- C. Specifying Directories on a File Server
- ------------------------------------------
- If you want to perform a Distribution Install or manually copy the disks
- or CD-ROM to a file server, do not specify a directory name that
- includes a space (for example, \SMARTSUITE 96).
- D. Using the TCP Network Driver
- -------------------------------
- If TCP is set as a port for Lotus Notes Release 3.x, the SmartSuite
- application may crash when you attach a file from Approach 96, Word
- Pro 96, or Freelance Graphics 96 to mail. To prevent the application
- from crashing, disable the TCP port in Notes.
- E. Using Internet Files
- -----------------------
- The .URL files shipped with SmartSuite 96 should work with any Web
- Browser. If you encounter any problems, contact your Internet vendor.
- F. Opening Windows 3.x Files
- ----------------------------
- If you open a Windows 3.1 application immediately after you install
- SmartSuite 96, an error message may appear when you choose either
- File - Open or File - Save, saying that the selected drive cannot be
- accessed. To make this drive accessible, follow these steps:
- 1. Click Cancel until all dialog boxes are closed.
- 2. Minimize the application.
- 3. Choose Start - Accessories - Notepad.
- 4. Switch back to the application.
- 5. Choose File - Open or File - Save.