PC World Komputer 1997 February
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Text File
321 lines
'// Types used in diagram scripts - defined here as work around to compiling gtscrpt.lss -> gtscrpt.lso
Type GoalsStruct
Position As Integer
Text As String
End Type
Type SegmentStruct
LeftPos As Integer
TopPos As Integer
Text As String
End Type
'// Strings used for all Agenda scripts
'// '<=' is markup sequence for carriage return,
Public Const BenefitsPlanAgndTxt = "Overview<=Health and Welfare<=Retirement Plans<=Work and Family<=" + _
"Miscellaneous<=Market Comparisons"
Public Const BusinessPlanAgndTxt = "Company Background<=Overview & Strategy<=Competition<=Risks<=" + _
"Business Team<=Funding Request<=Financial Statements"
Public Const BrainStormingAgndTxt = "Meeting Objectives<=Background<=Criteria for Solution<=" + _
"Brainstorm Alternatives<=Discuss Alternatives<=Next Steps"
Public Const BusinessReviewAgndTxt = "Executive Summary<=Goals and Accomplishments<=Performance<=" + _
"Business Outlook"
Public Const CompensationPlanAgndTxt = "Overview<=Current Compensation Plan<=Issues and Recommendations"
Public Const CompetitorAgndTxt = "Background<=Current Strategy<=Strategic Evaluation<=Anticipated Moves"
Public Const CorporateOverviewAgndTxt = "Company Overview<=Segment Overview<=Industry Overview<=" + _
"Competitor Landscape<=Summary and Outlook"
Public Const IndustryAgndTxt = "Background<=Customers<=Competitors<=Suppliers<=Trends<=Summary"
Public Const ITAgndTxt = "IT Strategy Development<=Corporate IT Strategy<=" + _
"Business Unit IT Strategy<=Technology Deliverables<=Conclusions"
Public Const MarketingMixAgndTxt = "Estimating the Marketing Planning Gap<=" + _
"Closing the Marketing Planning Gap<=Implementing the Marketing Plan"
Public Const MarketingPlanAgndTxt = "Business Orientation<=Customers and Products<=Marketing Challenges<=" + _
"Target Markets<=Marketing Campaigns"
Public Const MarketResearchAgndTxt = "Objectives<=Methods<=Results<=Recommendations"
Public Const MarketSegmentationAgndTxt = "Market Background<=Market Segmentation Development<=" + _
"Segment Targeting<=Segment Positioning Strategies"
Public Const MarketStrategyAgndTxt = "Describing the Business Vision<=" + _
"Estimating the Strategic Planning Gap<=" + _
"Closing the Strategic Planning Gap<=Implementing the Market Strategy"
Public Const NewMarketEntryAgndTxt = "Executive Summary<=Market Analysis<=Entry Strategy<=" + _
"Financial Summary<=Summary"
Public Const OrientationAgndTxt = "Corporate Overview<=Employee Information<=Corporate Practices<=" + _
"Other Information"
Public Const PositioningAgndTxt = "Our Current Position<=The Competition<=Our Desired Position<=" + _
Public Const ProductServiceBriefingAgndTxt = "Market<=Product/Service Review<=Positioning Strategy<=Next Steps"
Public Const ProductLaunchAgndTxt = "Product Overview<=Launch Objectives<=Launch Plans<=Summary<=Next Steps"
Public Const ProjectStatusReportAgndTxt = "Overview<=Current Status<=Going Forward<=Summary"
Public Const ProposalAgndTxt = "Introduction<=Proposal Overview<=Terms of the Proposal<=Qualifications" + _
Public Const StrategicAllianceAgndTxt = "Alliance Goals<=Competitive Advantages<=Alliance Proposal<=Next Steps"
Public Const SalesByKenWaxAgndTxt = "Key Factors in Your Purchasing Decision<=Overlooked Issues<=Current " + _
"Customers and Why They Buy<=Return on Investment<=Let's Summarize<=" + _
"Comments and Questions<=Next Steps"
Public Const SalesByZiglarAgndTxt = "Key Issues/Needs<=Criteria<=Solution Overview<=Solution Benefits<=" + _
"Terms and Conditions<=Investment Return<=Summary<=Next Steps"
Public Const TeamMeetingAgndTxt = "Company News<=Team Member Updates<=Other Discussion Topics<=" + _
"Current Events Discussion<=Action Items<=Summary"
Public Const TrainingAgndTxt = "Overview<=Objectives<=Session Summary<=" + _
"Sources and Additional Information"
'// Strings used for print script
Public Const PrintMessage = "This page will be printed on the default printer. Choose OK to continue or CANCEL " + _
"to cancel print."
Public Const PrintMsgTitle = "Print Current Page"
'// Strings used for goals and timeline scripts
Public Const ErrorMsg = "Error"
Public Const AddError = "Freelance Graphics cannot add any more items to this diagram."
Public Const DeleteError = "Freelance Graphics cannot delete any more items from this diagram."
Public Const InvalidDiagram = "This button is no longer active because the diagram associated with this button " + _
"has been deleted."
Public Const NULLSTR = ""
Public Const DiagramNote = "Note: Positions are numbered as follows:"
'// Strings used only in timeline script
Public Const TLAddQuestion = "Add a new event at position"
Public Const TLDelQuestion = "Delete an event at position"
Public Const TLDlgTitle = "Add or Delete an event"
'// String used only in goals script
Public Const ObjAddQuestion = "Add a new objective at position"
Public Const GoalAddQuestion = "Add a new goal at position"
Public Const ObjDelQuestion = "Delete an objective at position"
Public Const GoalDelQuestion = "Delete a goal at position"
Public Const ObjDlgTitle = "Add or Delete an objective"
Public Const GoalDlgTitle = "Add or Delete a goal"
'// String used in pyramid/segment script
Public Const SectionAddQuestion = "Add a new section at position"
Public Const SectionDelQuestion = "Delete a section at position"
Public Const SectionDlgTitle = "Add or Delete a section"
'// Strings used in Tips
Public Const ITStrategyMsg1 = "The IT Strategy - Gemini content topic provides you with a guide for " + _
"developing an Information Technology (IT) strategy that aligns the " + _
"information systems organization with the business, resulting in the " + _
"delivery of value."
Public Const ITStrategyMsg2 = "This approach to IT Strategy development is provided by Gemini Consulting. " + _
"Gemini specializes in helping clients define strategies, build more " + _
"effective organizations and shape successful futures. With 1,700 " + _
"professionals across five continents, Gemini brings together experts in " + _
"strategy, operations, organization and information technology."
Public Const ITStrategyTitle = "IT Strategy"
Public Const MarketStrategyMsg = "The Market Strategy content topic is the first step of the Kotler Marketing " + _
Public Const MarketStrategyTitle = "Market Strategy"
Public Const MarketSegmentationMsg = "The Market Segmentation content topic is step two of the Kotler Marketing " + _
Public Const MarketSegmentationTitle = "Market Segmentation"
Public Const MarketingMixMsg = "The Marketing Mix content topic is step three of the Kotler Marketing " + _
Public Const MarketingMixTitle = "Marketing Mix"
Public Const MarketingPlanMsg = "The Marketing Plan content topic is the final step of the Kotler Marketing " + _
Public Const MarketingPlanTitle = "Marketing Plan"
Public Const KotlerCommon1 = "The Kotler Marketing Plan collection is a set of four content topics " + _
"created to guide the analysis for preparing and presenting a marketing " + _
"plan to colleagues and management. Three of the content topics are " + _
"analytical tools designed to be used in sequence, and the fourth is a " + _
"presentation document designed to present the results of your analytical " + _
"work. In addition, the Marketing Plan may be used to present a plan " + _
"developed though other means."
Public Const KotlerCommon2 = "The analytical tools are based on an ""incremental impact methodology,"" " + _
"where each factor impacting marketing results is individually assessed " + _
"and quantified, and compared to a ""projected baseline."""
Public Const KotlerCommon3 = "The Kotler Marketing Group is a consulting organization headquartered in " + _
"Washington, D.C., with offices in Chicago and London. The firm " + _
"specializes in market driven business problems for Fortune 1000 companies " + _
"and non-profit organizations."
Public Const KotlerCommon4 = "The practice philosophy of the firm is embodied in the work of Dr. Phillip " + _
"Kotler, S.C. Johnson & Sons Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg " + _
"Graduate School of Marketing, Northwestern University, who is an expert on " + _
"the strategic practice of marketing."
Public Const MeetingMsg1 = "Use the Meeting Standard content topic to prepare for and conduct a " + _
"standard meeting"
Public Const MeetingMsg2 = "Follow these best practices for meetings:"
Public Const MeetingMsg3 = "1. Purpose: Make sure the meeting is necessary and requires all " + _
"participants. Could you achieve your goals through some other means " + _
"(phone, email, LOTUS Notes)?"
Public Const MeetingMsg4 = "2. Goals: Identify specific goals for the meeting."
Public Const MeetingMsg5 = "3. Agenda: Develop a realistic agenda and stick to it."
Public Const MeetingMsg6 = "4. Follow-Up: Identify action items resulting from the meeting. Assign " + _
"responsibility and deadlines for each action item."
Public Const MeetingTitle = "Meeting"
Public Const PositioningMsg1 = "The Positioning Proposal content topic is based on the methods used by " + _
"Trout & Ries in their strategic work. It follows the question and answer " + _
"format that they have found works best to solve most of the problems they " + _
Public Const PositioningMsg2 = "Jack Trout and Al Ries are internationally recognized marketing experts. " + _
"Their four books on marketing strategy are published in 18 languages."
Public Const PositioningTitle = "Positioning"
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg1 = "The Quality Improvement content topic follows the universal Quality " + _
"Improvement Process developed by Dr. Joseph Juran. Dr. Juran is a pioneer " + _
"of total quality management systems in organizations."
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg2 = "The Quality Improvement Process is a team-based approach to systematic " + _
"problem solving."
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg3 = "Through a series of structured activities and tasks, you can:"
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg4 = "- define your quality improvement mission,"
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg5 = "- diagnose possible causes of poor quality,"
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg6 = "- develop remedies for the problem, and"
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg7 = "- maintain the improvement."
Public Const QualityImprovementMsg8 = "The Quality Improvement Process content topic was developed in collaboration "+ _
"with the Juran Institute, consultants in quality management, located in " + _
"Wilton, Connecticut, USA."
Public Const QualityImprovementTitle = "Quality Improvement"
Public Const SalesByKenWaxMsg1 = "Ken Wax designed this competitive selling content topic for sales " + _
"situations where the audience must choose between you and your " + _
"competitor(s). The presentation frames the purchasing decision to " + _
"highlight your unique advantages, and can help your prospect embrace the " + _
"key issues which steer the decision in your direction."
Public Const SalesByKenWaxMsg2 = "Ken Wax is President of Total Quality Selling, Inc., a consulting and " + _
"training firm. He is a well-known speaker and writer on creativity in " + _
"selling, and conducts workshops across North America which teach how to " + _
"develop sales presentations to accelerate the customer creation process."
Public Const SalesByKenWaxTitle = "Sales"
Public Const SalesByZiglarMsg1 = "Use the Sales - Zig Ziglar content topic to prepare a sales presentation " + _
"adaptable to your client needs and the sales situation."
Public Const SalesByZiglarMsg2 = "This content topic is based on Zig Ziglar's powerful sales techniques. Zig " + _
"Ziglar is recognized internationally as an authority on sales training and " + _
"goal setting."
Public Const SalesByZiglarMsg3 = "The Zig Ziglar Corporation provides principle-based sales training which " + _
"produces long-term voluntary change in attitudes and behavior."
Public Const SalesByZiglarTitle = "Sales"
Public Const StrategicAllianceMsg1 = "Use the Strategic Alliance content topic to make an initial proposal to a " + _
"potential strategic partner."
Public Const StrategicAllianceMsg2 = "An alliance can take many forms: acquisition, technology licensing " + _
"coalition, supply agreements, marketing agreements, or distribution " + _
Public Const StrategicAllianceMsg3 = "An alliance can help you leverage the scope of your activities or simply " + _
"provide you access to additional resources. This can be achieved on a " + _
"local, regional, national, or global scale."
Public Const StrategicAllianceMsg4 = "A strategic alliance can help lower the barriers for entry in your market, " + _
"and raise the barriers to entry for a competitor. It can also help turn a " + _
"competitor into a partner."
Public Const StrategicAllianceTitle = "Strategic Alliance Tip"
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg1 = "The Strategic Plan content topic was designed by a team of practicing " + _
"strategic planners and management consultants who are members of the " + _
"Strategic Leadership Forum (SLF). The team included Gerard T. Soldner, " + _
"Erik G. Rule, Larry D. Goodson and Anne Lotz-Turner. The Strategic " + _
"Leadership Forum is an international not-for-profit organization " + _
"that provides over 6,000 members with leading-edge knowledge on " + _
"business strategy and implementation."
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg2 = "This presentation draws upon the best practices for developing strategy in " + _
"organizations of varying size and industry. The plan is built around five " + _
"key components:"
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg3 = "1. Examining changes in the external environment"
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg4 = "2. Assessing the competitive position of the company"
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg5 = "3. Setting strategies and action plans"
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg6 = "4. Forecast performance"
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg7 = "5. Evaluating key issues and risks"
Public Const StrategicPlanMsg8 = "For contact information on the Strategic Leadership Forum click on the " + _
"button on the last page of this content topic."
Public Const StrategicPlanTitle = "Strategic Plan"
Public Const TrainingMsg1 = "The Training content topic uses an activities-based learning methodology " + _
"that employs participatory learning activities to reinforce understanding."
Public Const TrainingMsg2 = "Before you create a presentation with this content topic, you will need to:"
Public Const TrainingMsg3 = "- Identify the benefits of the training"
Public Const TrainingMsg4 = "- Identify 1 to 4 specific training objectives"
Public Const TrainingMsg5 = "- Create participatory learning activities for each objective"
Public Const TrainingMsg6 = "Remember that the training process should be a two-way discussion. Be " + _
"prepared to accept and react to feedback. Utilize as many visual aids as " + _
"possible in the process."
Public Const TrainingTitle = "Training"
'// Strings for More Info Buttons
Public Const ITStrategyInfo = "You can contact Gemini Consulting at (201) 285-9000 (ask for Tom Berish)."
Public Const KotlerInfo = "You can contact Milton Kotler, President at the Kotler Marketing Group at " + _
"1-800-331-7677 (202-331-0555 in Washington, DC)."
Public Const PositioningInfo = "You can contact Jack Trout & Al Ries at 203-622-4312."
Public Const QualityImprovementInfo = "You can contact the Juran Institute at 1-800-829-1531."
Public Const SalesByKenWaxInfo = "You can contact Ken Wax at Total Quality Selling, Inc, (617) 237-7333."
Public Const SalesByZiglarInfo = "You can contact the Zig Ziglar Corporation at 1-800-527-0306 for information " + _
"about training opportunities and products."
Public Const StrategicPlanInfo1 = "For questions or membership information, contact the Strategic Leadership " + _
"Forum (formerly the Planning Forum) at:"
Public Const StrategicPlanInfo2 = "435 North Michigan Avenue"
Public Const StrategicPlanInfo3 = "Suite 1700"
Public Const StrategicPlanInfo4 = "Chicago, Illinois 60611-4067"
Public Const StrategicPlanInfo5 = "(312) 644-0829"
Public Const MoreInformationTitle = "For More Information:"
'// Strings used in two column fill scripts - <= is markup sequence for carriage return
'// Do not translate '<Level2>', this is markup for Steinbeck
Public Const StrengthsColumnText = "<>Strengths<=<Level2>"
Public Const WeaknessesColumnText = "<>Weaknesses<=<Level2>"
Public Const OpportunitiesColumnText = "<>Opportunities<=<Level2>"
Public Const ThreatsColumnText = "<>Threats<=<Level2>"
Public Const GoodNewsColumnText = "<>Good News<=<Level2>"
Public Const BadNewsColumnText = "<>Bad News<=<Level2>"
Public Const PaidColumnText = "Paid leave policies<=<Level2>"
Public Const UnpaidColumnText = "<>Unpaid leave policies<=<Level2>"
Public Const EntryColumnText = "<>Entry Barriers<=<Level2>"
Public Const ExitColumnText = "<>Exit Barriers<=<Level2>"
'// Strings used for create Agenda pages
Public Const CreateAgendaPagesMessage = "A page will be created for each agenda item you entered in the table. Press " + _
"OK to continue."
Public Const CreateAgendaPagesTitle = "Create Agenda Pages"
Public Const ColumnError1 = "Agenda pages can't be created because the columns in the table have been " + _
Public Const ColumnError2 = "To create agenda pages, click the New Page button, select the Agenda page " + _
"layout, then click this button again."
'// String used in filling in team members
Public Const TeamMembersText = "Leader:<=Recorder:<=Facilitator:<=Additional Team Members:"