home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- OPTION DECLARE '// force explicit delcaration of variables
- Use "gtscrpt2"
- '//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// Goals script
- '//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// sets new coordinates for GoalInfo (for dgm's that have
- '// text shapes positioned vertically) - does not store text
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Public SUB FindTopDownTextShapes(GoalInfo() As GoalsStruct, ScriptID As Integer)
- Dim Index As Integer, _
- Count As Integer, _
- i As Integer, _
- ArraySize As Integer
- If(ScriptID = ObjectivesScript) Then
- ArraySize = MaxObjectives
- ElseIf(ScriptID = PyramidScript) Then
- ArraySize = MaxPyramidEvents
- End If
- For i = 1 To (ArraySize) '// zero out all position information
- GoalInfo(i).Position = 0 '// in case it has info about old diagrams
- Next i
- Count = 0
- ForAll Object in Selection.SelectedObjects
- If(Object.IsText) Then '// sorts by left coordinate of each text shape found
- Index = Count
- If(Count <> 0) Then
- While((GoalInfo(Index).Position < Object.Top) AND (Index > 0))
- GoalInfo(Index+1).Position = GoalInfo(Index).Position
- Index = Index - 1
- Wend
- End If
- GoalInfo(Index+1).Position = Object.Top
- Count = Count + 1
- End If
- End ForAll
- '// Finds specified goal among currently selected DrawObject's
- Public FUNCTION SelectLevel(index As Integer, GoalInfo() As GoalsStruct) AS DrawObject
- ForAll Object in Selection.SelectedObjects
- If(Object.isText AND Object.top = GoalInfo(index).position) Then
- set SelectLevel = Object
- Exit ForAll
- End If
- End ForAll
- '// Finds specified goal among currently selected DrawObject's
- PRIVATE FUNCTION SelectGoal(index As Integer, GoalInfo() As GoalsStruct) AS DrawObject
- ForAll Object in Selection.SelectedObjects
- If(Object.isText AND Object.top = GoalInfo(index).position) Then
- set SelectGoal = Object
- Exit ForAll
- End If
- End ForAll
- '// Initializes array of objectives, fills array with text, also used by Send Email script
- '// InPuts:
- '// OutPuts: GoalInfo() - array of GoalsSruct's filled in with position and text of each objective
- '// Count - Number of Objectives found
- '// NumGoals - Number of calculated Objectives (based upon grouping assumptions of diagrams in branch.dgm)
- '// Returns: DrawObject
- '//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PUBLIC FUNCTION InitGoalsInfo(GoalInfo() As GoalsStruct, Count As Integer, _
- DefaultButton As Integer, NumGoals As Integer) As _
- DrawObject
- Dim i As Integer, _
- Index As Integer, _
- x As Integer, _
- Temp As DrawObject, _
- Goals As DrawObject
- For x = 1 to MaxObjectives '// Init array of GoalsStruct's
- GoalInfo(x).position = 0
- GoalInfo(x).Text = ""
- Next x
- Set Temp = CurrentPage.FindObject(GoalsDgmName) '// find goals diagram
- Set Goals = Temp.Replicate() '// take dgm out of pb to ungroup
- Temp.Cut '// delete dgm in pb
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Goals.Ungroup '// ungroup dgm copied - not in pb
- If(Selection.SelectionCount < 3 OR Selection.SelectionCount > 12) Then
- MessageBox InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg '// Check for invalid diagram
- EndScript
- End If
- SELECT CASE(Selection.SelectionCount) '// Find number of goals
- Case 3: NumGoals = 2
- Case 4: NumGoals = 3
- Case 5: NumGoals = 4
- Case 6: NumGoals = 5
- Case 7: NumGoals = 6
- Case 8: NumGoals = 7
- If(NumGoals = MaxObjectives) Then '// if 7 goals default radio button for delete to be selected
- DefaultButton = 1
- Else '// otherwise default to add
- DefaultButton = 0
- End If
- Count = 0
- ForAll Obj in Selection.SelectedObjects '// finds text shapes and stores text
- If(Obj.IsText) Then '// sorts by top coordinate of each text shape found
- Index = Count
- If(Count <> 0) Then
- While((GoalInfo(Index).Position < Obj.Top) AND (Index > 0))
- GoalInfo(Index+1) = GoalInfo(Index)
- Index = Index - 1
- Wend
- End If
- GoalInfo(Index+1).Position = Obj.Top
- GoalInfo(Index+1).Text = Obj.Text
- Count = Count + 1
- For x = 1 to Count
- print GoalInfo(x).text, GoalInfo(x).position
- next x
- print "------------"
- End If
- End ForAll
- print "count=",count
- Set InitGoalsInfo = Selection.Group()
- Public SUB Objectives(bSAlliance As Integer)
- Dim PackedVal As Long, _
- DgmPath As String, _
- x As Integer, _
- i As Integer, _
- j As Integer, _
- Count As Integer, _
- NumToAdd As Integer, _
- NumToDel As Integer, _
- NumGoals As Integer, _
- DefaultButton As Integer, _
- MaxSpinnerVal As Integer, _
- Temp As DrawObject, _
- Goals As DrawObject, _
- GoalInfo(MaxObjectives) As GoalsStruct
- Set Goals = InitGoalsInfo(GoalInfo(), Count, DefaultButton, NumGoals)
- If(Count > NumGoals) Then '// if diagram has incorrect layout, too much text
- MESSAGEBOX InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg
- Else
- DgmPath = [Freelance].Preferences.TemplateDir + BranchDgmFileName
- If(NumGoals = MaxObjectives) Then
- MaxSpinnerVal = MaxObjectives
- Else
- MaxSpinnerVal = NumGoals + 1
- End If
- '// Strategic Alliance needs different wording, so depending on flag launch dlg appropriately
- If(bSAlliance = 0) Then
- PackedVal = CurrentDocument.RunDialog(1, ObjDlgTitle, DiagramNote, ObjAddQuestion, _
- ObjDelQuestion, DefaultButton, NULLSTR, _
- NULLSTR, "1", STR$(MaxSpinnerVal), 1, _
- NumGoals)
- Else
- PackedVal = CurrentDocument.RunDialog(1, GoalDlgTitle, DiagramNote, GoalAddQuestion, _
- GoalDelQuestion, DefaultButton, NULLSTR, _
- NULLSTR, "1", STR$(MaxSpinnerVal), 1, _
- NumGoals)
- End If
- If((PackedVal AND BitField9) = BitField9) Then '// User ok'd dlg
- If((PackedVal AND BitField8) <> BitField8) Then '// ADD Goal
- NumToAdd = PackedVal AND BitFields0To7
- If((NumToAdd > 0) AND (NumToAdd <= 7)) Then
- If(NumGoals = MaxObjectives) Then '// too many objectives, can't add
- MESSAGEBOX AddError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Goals.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID)
- Goals.name = GoalsDgmName '// so we can find it later
- Else
- Goals.Cut '// delete old diagram
- set Goals = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, NumGoals)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Goals.Ungroup
- FindTopDownTextShapes GoalInfo(), ObjectivesScript '// Find coordinates for each objective and sort
- x = NumGoals + 1 '// add new objective in array
- WHILE(x > NumToAdd)
- GoalInfo(x).Text = GoalInfo(x-1).Text
- x = x - 1
- GoalInfo(NumToAdd).Text = "" '// not necessary since not used, but
- '// just to be safe
- For x = 1 TO (NumToAdd -1) '// re-insert old objectives
- set Temp = SelectGoal(x, GoalInfo())
- If(StrCompare(GoalInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace with Null String,
- Temp.Text = GoalInfo(x).Text '// removes prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- For x = (NumToAdd+1) TO (NumGoals+1)
- set Temp = SelectGoal(x, GoalInfo())
- If(StrCompare(GoalInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace with Null String,
- Temp.Text = GoalInfo(x).Text '// removes prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- set Goals = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Goals.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID)
- Goals.name = GoalsDgmName '// so we can find it later
- End If
- End If
- Else '// delete an objective
- NumToDel = PackedVal AND BitFields0To7
- If(NumGoals = MinObjectives) Then
- MESSAGEBOX DeleteError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Goals.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// restore objective in pb
- Goals.name = GoalsDgmName '// so we can find it later
- ElseIf((NumToDel <= NumGoals) AND (NumToDel > 0)) Then
- Goals.Cut
- set Goals = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, NumGoals-2)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Goals.Ungroup
- FindTopDownTextShapes GoalInfo(), ObjectivesScript '// Find coordinates for each objective and sort
- For x = NumToDel TO (NumGoals - 1) '// delete objective in array of GoalStruct's
- GoalInfo(x).Text = GoalInfo(x+1).Text
- Next x
- GoalInfo(NumGoals).Text = "" '// clear last item in array
- For x = 1 TO (NumGoals - 1) '// re-insert old objectives
- set Temp = SelectGoal(x, GoalInfo())
- If(StrCompare(GoalInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace with Null String,
- Temp.Text = GoalInfo(x).text '// removes prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- Set Goals = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Goals.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID)
- Goals.name = GoalsDgmName '// so we can find later
- End If
- End If
- Else '// user canceled out of dlg
- Goals.PutIntoPlacementBlock(101) '// so we can find it later
- Goals.name = GoalsDgmName '// restore goal in pb
- End If
- Selection.ClearSelection
- End If
- Public Sub Goals()
- Objectives(0)
- End Sub
- '// wrapper so we know if we've been called from Strategic Alliance, in which case 'objectives' need to be 'goals'
- '// Don't want ot changed API because then we would have to re-attach all scripts
- Public Sub SA_Goals()
- Objectives(1)
- End Sub
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// Pyramid script
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PUBLIC SUB Pyramid()
- Dim PackedVal As Long, _
- DgmPath As String, _
- NumLevels As Integer, _
- MaxSpinnerVal As Integer, _
- Count As Integer, _
- DefaultButton As Integer, _
- x As Integer, _
- NumToAdd As Integer, _
- NumToDel As Integer, _
- i As Integer, _
- Index As Integer, _
- Pyrmd As DrawObject, _
- Temp As DrawObject, _
- GoalInfo(MaxPyramidEvents) As GoalsStruct
- For x = 1 to MaxPyramidEvents '// Init array of GoalsStruct's
- GoalInfo(x).position = 0
- GoalInfo(x).Text = ""
- Next x
- Set Temp = CurrentPage.FindObject(PyramidDgmName) '// find goals diagram
- Set Pyrmd = Temp.Replicate() '// take dgm out of pb to ungroup
- Temp.Cut '// delete dgm in pb
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Pyrmd.Ungroup '// ungroup dgm copied - not in pb
- If(Selection.SelectionCount < 4 OR Selection.SelectionCount > 10) Then
- MessageBox InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg
- EndScript
- End If '// Checking for invalid diagram
- SELECT CASE(Selection.SelectionCount) '// Find number of Pyrmd
- Case 4: NumLevels = 2
- Case 6: NumLevels = 3
- Case 8: NumLevels = 4
- Case 10: NumLevels = 5
- If(NumLevels = MaxPyramidEvents) Then '// if max sections default radio button for delete
- DefaultButton = 1
- Else '// otherwise default to add
- DefaultButton = 0
- End If
- Count = 0
- ForAll Obj In Selection.SelectedObjects '// finds text shapes and stores text
- If(Obj.IsText) Then '// sorts by top coordinate of each text shape found
- Index = Count
- If(Count <> 0) Then
- While((GoalInfo(Index).Position < Obj.Top) AND (Index > 0))
- GoalInfo(Index+1) = GoalInfo(Index)
- Index = Index - 1
- Wend
- End If
- GoalInfo(Index+1).Position = Obj.Top
- GoalInfo(Index+1).Text = Obj.Text
- Count = Count + 1
- For x = 1 to Count
- print GoalInfo(x).text, GoalInfo(x).position
- next x
- print "------------"
- End If
- End ForAll
- print "count=",count
- set Pyrmd = Selection.Group()
- If(Count > NumLevels) Then '// if diagram has incorrect layout, too much text
- MESSAGEBOX InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg
- Else
- DgmPath = [Freelance].Preferences.TemplateDir + PyramidDgmFileName
- If(NumLevels = MaxPyramidEvents) Then
- MaxSpinnerVal = MaxPyramidEvents
- Else
- MaxSpinnerVal = NumLevels + 1
- End If
- PackedVal = CurrentDocument.RunDialog(1, SectionDlgTitle, DiagramNote, SectionAddQuestion, SectionDelQuestion, _
- DefaultButton, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, "1", STR$(MaxSpinnerVal), 1, NumLevels)
- If((PackedVal AND 512) = 512) Then '// User ok'd dlg
- If((PackedVal AND 256) <> 256) Then '// ADD Goal
- NumToAdd = PackedVal AND 255
- If((NumToAdd > 0) AND (NumToAdd <= 7)) Then
- If(NumLevels = MaxPyramidEvents) Then '// too many Pyrmd, can't add
- MESSAGEBOX AddError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Pyrmd.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// restore section in pb
- Pyrmd.Name = PyramidDgmName '// so we can find it later
- Else '// add goal
- Pyrmd.Cut '// remove old dgm
- Set Pyrmd = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, NumLevels)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Pyrmd.Ungroup
- FindTopDownTextShapes GoalInfo(), PyramidScript '// Find coordinates for each section
- '// and sort
- x = NumLevels + 1 '// add new section in array
- WHILE(x > NumToAdd)
- GoalInfo(x).Text = GoalInfo(x-1).Text
- x = x - 1
- GoalInfo(NumToAdd).Text = "" '// not necessary since not used, but
- '// just to be safe
- For x = 1 TO (NumToAdd -1) '// re-insert old sections
- Set Temp = SelectLevel(x, GoalInfo())
- If(StrCompare(GoalInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace with Null String,
- Temp.Text = GoalInfo(x).Text '// removes prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- For x = (NumToAdd+1) TO (NumLevels+1)
- Set Temp = SelectLevel(x, GoalInfo())
- If(StrCompare(GoalInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace with Null String,
- Temp.Text = GoalInfo(x).Text '// removes prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- set Pyrmd = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Pyrmd.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// assume pb has id of 101
- Pyrmd.Name = PyramidDgmName '// so we can find it later
- End If
- End If
- Else '// delete goal
- NumToDel = PackedVal AND 255
- If(NumLevels = MinPyramidEvents) Then
- MESSAGEBOX DeleteError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Pyrmd.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// restore goal in pb
- Pyrmd.Name = PyramidDgmName '// so we can find it later
- ElseIf ((NumToDel <= NumLevels) AND (NumToDel > 0)) Then
- Pyrmd.Cut
- Set Pyrmd = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, NumLevels-2)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Pyrmd.Ungroup
- FindTopDownTextShapes GoalInfo(), PyramidScript '// Find coordinates for each section
- '// and sort
- For x = NumToDel TO (NumLevels - 1) '// delete goal in array of Pyrmdtruct's
- GoalInfo(x).Text = GoalInfo(x+1).Text
- Next x
- GoalInfo(NumLevels).Text = "" '// clear last item in array
- For x = 1 TO (NumLevels - 1) '// re-insert old Pyrmd
- Set Temp = SelectLevel(x, GoalInfo())
- If(StrCompare(GoalInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace with Null String,
- Temp.Text = GoalInfo(x).Text '// removes prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- Set Pyrmd = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Pyrmd.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID)
- Pyrmd.Name = PyramidDgmName '// so we can find later
- End If
- End If
- Else
- Pyrmd.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// user canceled out of dlg
- Pyrmd.Name = PyramidDgmName '// restore dgm in pb
- End If
- Selection.ClearSelection
- End If
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// Used by section scripts to find a particular section
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Public FUNCTION SelectSegment(index As Integer, GoalInfo() As SegmentStruct) AS DrawObject
- ForAll Object in Selection.SelectedObjects
- If(Object.isText AND Object.Left = GoalInfo(index).LeftPos _
- AND Object.Top = Goalinfo(index).TopPos) Then
- set SelectSegment = Object
- Exit ForAll
- End If
- End ForAll
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// used by two column section scripts to sort array of sections
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// sets new coordinates for Level - does not store text
- Public SUB FindSegmenttextShapes(GoalInfo() As SegmentStruct)
- Dim Index As Integer, _
- Count As Integer, _
- i As Integer, _
- x as integer
- For x = 1 To MaxSegments
- GoalInfo(x).TopPos = 0
- GoalInfo(x).LeftPos = 0
- Next x
- Count = 0
- ForAll Object in Selection.SelectedObjects
- If(Object.IsText) Then
- Index = Count
- If(Count <> 0) Then
- While((Index > 0) AND (GoalInfo(Index).TopPos < Object.Top))
- print "Index=",Index
- GoalInfo(Index+1).TopPos = GoalInfo(Index).TopPos
- GoalInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = GoalInfo(Index).LeftPos
- Index = Index - 1
- Wend
- If(GoalInfo(Index).LeftPos > Object.Left) Then '// set to correct column
- GoalInfo(Index+1).TopPos = GoalInfo(Index).TopPos
- GoalInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = GoalInfo(Index).LeftPos
- Index = Index - 1
- End If
- End If
- GoalInfo(Index+1).TopPos = Object.Top
- GoalInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = Object.Left
- Count = Count + 1
- For x = 1 to Count
- print GoalInfo(x).Text, GoalInfo(x).leftpos, GoalInfo(x).TopPos
- next x
- print "------------"
- End If
- End ForAll
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// Two column Segment script
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PUBLIC SUB Segment()
- Dim PackedVal As Long, _
- DgmPath As String, _
- MaxSpinnerVal As Integer, _
- MaxObjectCount As Integer, _
- MinObjectCount As Integer, _
- NumSections As Integer, _
- Count As Integer, _
- DefaultButton As Integer, _
- x As Integer, _
- NumToAdd As Integer, _
- NumToDel As Integer, _
- i As Integer, _
- Index As Integer, _
- MaxDeleteVal As Integer, _
- Section As DrawObject, _
- Temp As DrawObject, _
- SectionInfo(MaxSegments) As SegmentStruct
- MaxObjectCount = MaxSegments + 1
- MinObjectCount = MinSegments + 1
- For x = 1 to MaxSegments '// Init array of SegmentStruct's
- SectionInfo(x).LeftPos = 0
- SectionInfo(x).TopPos = 0
- SectionInfo(x).Text = ""
- Next x
- Set Temp = CurrentPage.FindObject(SegmentDgmName) '// find Section diagram
- Set Section = Temp.Replicate() '// take dgm out of pb to ungroup
- Temp.Cut '// delete dgm in pb
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Section.Ungroup '// ungroup dgm copied - not in pb
- If(Selection.SelectionCount < MinObjectCount OR Selection.SelectionCount > MaxObjectCount) Then
- MessageBox InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg
- EndScript
- End If '// Checking for invalid diagram
- SELECT CASE(Selection.SelectionCount) '// Find number of segments
- Case 5: NumSections = 4
- Case 7: NumSections = 6
- Case 9: NumSections = 8
- Case 11: NumSections = 10
- Case 13: NumSections = 12
- If(NumSections = MaxSegments) Then '// if max number of segments, default to delete
- DefaultButton = 1
- Else '// otherwise default to add
- DefaultButton = 0
- End If
- Count = 0
- ForAll Obj In Selection.SelectedObjects '// finds text shapes and stores text
- If(Obj.isText) Then
- Index = Count
- If(Count <> 0) Then
- While((Index > 0) AND (SectionInfo(Index).TopPos < Obj.Top)) '// find a SectionInfo on same level
- SectionInfo(Index+1) = SectionInfo(Index)
- Index = Index - 1
- Wend
- If(SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos > Obj.Left) Then '// set to correct column
- SectionInfo(Index+1) = SectionInfo(Index)
- Index = Index - 1
- End If
- End If
- SectionInfo(Index+1).TopPos = Obj.Top
- SectionInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = Obj.Left
- SectionInfo(Index+1).Text = Obj.Text
- Count = Count + 1
- For x = 1 to Count
- print SectionInfo(x).Text, SectionInfo(x).leftpos, SectionInfo(x).TopPos
- next x
- print "------------"
- End If
- End ForAll
- Set Section = Selection.Group()
- If(Count > NumSections) Then '// if diagram has incorrect layout, too much text
- MESSAGEBOX InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg
- Else
- DgmPath = [Freelance].Preferences.TemplateDir + SectionDgmFileName
- If(NumSections = MaxSegments) Then
- MaxSpinnerVal = (MaxSegments/2) - 1
- Else
- MaxSpinnerVal = (NumSections/2)
- End If
- MaxDeleteVal = (NumSections/2)-1
- PackedVal = CurrentDocument.RunDialog(1, SectionDlgTitle, DiagramNote, SectionAddQuestion, SectionDelQuestion, _
- DefaultButton, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, _
- "1", STR$(MaxSpinnerVal), 1, MaxDeleteVal)
- print numsections
- If((PackedVal AND BitField9) = BitField9) Then '// User ok'd dlg
- If((PackedVal AND BitField8) <> BitField8) Then '// ADD section
- NumToAdd = PackedVal AND BitFields0To7
- If((NumToAdd > 0) AND (NumToAdd <= 7)) Then
- If(NumSections = MaxSegments) Then '// too many Section, can't add
- MESSAGEBOX AddError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// restore dgm in pb
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find it later
- Else '// add goal
- Section.Cut '// remove old dgm
- Set Section = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, (NumSections/2)+16)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Section.Ungroup
- FindSegmentTextShapes SectionInfo() '// Find coordinates for each section and sort
- x = NumSections + 2 '// clear one more for a whole level
- While(x > ((NumToAdd)*2)+1)
- SectionInfo(x).Text = SectionInfo(x-2).Text
- x = x - 1
- Wend
- SectionInfo((NumToAdd*2)+1).Text = "" '// not necessary since not used, but just to be safe
- SectionInfo((NumToAdd*2)+2).Text = ""
- For x = 1 TO ((NumToAdd)*2) '// re-insert old Section
- Set Temp = SelectSegment(x, SectionInfo())
- If(StrCompare(SectionInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace text if No text, this will
- Temp.Text = SectionInfo(x).Text '// keep prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- For x = ((NumToAdd*2)+3) TO (NumSections+2)
- Set Temp = SelectSegment(x, SectionInfo())
- If(StrCompare(SectionInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace text if No text, this will
- Temp.Text = SectionInfo(x).Text '// keep prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- set Section = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// assume pb has id of 101
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find it later
- End If
- End If
- Else '// delete segment
- NumToDel = PackedVal AND BitFields0To7
- If(NumSections = MinSegments) Then
- MESSAGEBOX DeleteError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// restore segment in pb
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find it later
- ElseIf ((NumToDel <= NumSections) AND (NumToDel > 0)) Then
- Section.Cut
- Set Section = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, (NumSections/2)+14)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Section.Ungroup
- FindSegmentTextShapes SectionInfo() '// Find coordinates for each section and sort
- For x = ((NumToDel*2)+1) TO (NumSections-2) '// delete segment in array of Sectiontruct's
- SectionInfo(x).Text = SectionInfo(x+2).Text
- Next x
- SectionInfo(NumSections-1).Text = ""
- SectionInfo(NumSections).Text = "" '// clear last item in array
- For x = 1 TO (NumSections-2) '// re-insert old Section
- Set Temp = SelectSegment(x, SectionInfo())
- If(StrCompare(SectionInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace text if No text, this will
- Temp.Text = SectionInfo(x).Text '// keep prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- Set Section = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID)
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find later
- End If
- End If
- Else
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// user canceled out of dlg
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// restore dgm in pb
- End If
- Selection.ClearSelection
- End If
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// Three column Segment script
- '//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '// sets new coordinates for Level - does not store text
- PRIVATE SUB Find3ColSection(SectionInfo() As SegmentStruct)
- Dim Index As Integer, _
- Count As Integer, _
- i As Integer, _
- x as integer
- For x = 1 To MaxSegments
- SectionInfo(x).TopPos = 0
- SectionInfo(x).LeftPos = 0
- Next x
- Count = 0
- ForAll Object in Selection.SelectedObjects
- If(Object.IsText) Then
- Index = Count
- If(Count <> 0) Then
- While((Index > 0) AND (SectionInfo(Index).TopPos < Object.Top))
- SectionInfo(Index+1).TopPos = SectionInfo(Index).TopPos
- SectionInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos
- Index = Index - 1
- Wend
- If(SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos > Object.Left AND SectionInfo(Index).TopPos <= Object.Top) Then
- SectionInfo(Index+1).TopPos = SectionInfo(Index).TopPos
- SectionInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos
- Index = Index - 1
- End If
- If(SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos > Object.Left AND SectionInfo(Index).TopPos <= Object.Top) Then
- SectionInfo(Index+1).TopPos = SectionInfo(Index).TopPos
- SectionInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos
- Index = Index - 1
- End If
- End If
- SectionInfo(Index+1).TopPos = Object.Top
- SectionInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = Object.Left
- Count = Count + 1
- For x = 1 to Count
- print SectionInfo(x).Text, SectionInfo(x).leftpos, SectionInfo(x).TopPos
- next x
- print "------------"
- End If
- End ForAll
- PUBLIC SUB ThreeColumnSection()
- Dim PackedVal As Long, _
- DgmPath As String, _
- MaxSpinnerVal As Integer, _
- MaxObjectCount As Integer, _
- MinObjectCount As Integer, _
- NumSections As Integer, _
- Count As Integer, _
- DefaultButton As Integer, _
- x As Integer, _
- NumToAdd As Integer, _
- NumToDel As Integer, _
- i As Integer, _
- Index As Integer, _
- MaxDeleteVal As Integer, _
- Section As DrawObject, _
- Temp As DrawObject, _
- SectionInfo(Max3ColSections) As SegmentStruct
- MaxObjectCount = Max3ColSections + 1
- MinObjectCount = Min3ColSections + 1
- For x = 1 to Max3ColSections '// Init array of SegmentStruct's
- SectionInfo(x).LeftPos = 0
- SectionInfo(x).TopPos = 0
- SectionInfo(x).Text = ""
- Next x
- Set Temp = CurrentPage.FindObject(SegmentDgmName) '// find Section diagram
- Set Section = Temp.Replicate() '// take dgm out of pb to ungroup
- Temp.Cut '// delete dgm in pb
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Section.Ungroup '// ungroup dgm copied - not in pb
- If(Selection.SelectionCount < MinObjectCount OR Selection.SelectionCount > MaxObjectCount) Then
- MessageBox InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg
- EndScript
- End If '// Checking for invalid diagram
- SELECT CASE(Selection.SelectionCount) '// Find number of segments
- Case 7: NumSections = 6
- Case 10: NumSections = 9
- Case 13: NumSections = 12
- Case 16: NumSections = 15
- Case 19: NumSections = 18
- If(NumSections = Max3ColSections) Then '// if max number of segments, default to delete
- DefaultButton = 1
- Else '// otherwise default to add
- DefaultButton = 0
- End If
- Count = 0
- ForAll Obj In Selection.SelectedObjects '// finds text shapes and stores text
- If(Obj.isText) Then
- Index = Count
- If(Count <> 0) Then
- While((Index > 0) AND (SectionInfo(Index).TopPos < Obj.Top)) '// find a SectionInfo on same level
- SectionInfo(Index+1) = SectionInfo(Index)
- Index = Index - 1
- Wend
- If(SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos > Obj.Left AND SectionInfo(Index).TopPos <= Obj.Top) Then
- SectionInfo(Index+1) = SectionInfo(Index) '// set to correct column
- Index = Index - 1
- End If
- If(SectionInfo(Index).LeftPos > Obj.Left AND SectionInfo(Index).TopPos <= Obj.Top) Then
- SectionInfo(Index+1) = SectionInfo(Index)
- Index = Index - 1
- End If
- End If
- SectionInfo(Index+1).TopPos = Obj.Top
- SectionInfo(Index+1).LeftPos = Obj.Left
- SectionInfo(Index+1).Text = Obj.Text
- Count = Count + 1
- For x = 1 to Count
- print SectionInfo(x).Text, SectionInfo(x).leftpos, SectionInfo(x).TopPos
- next x
- print "------------"
- End If
- End ForAll
- Set Section = Selection.Group()
- If(Count > NumSections) Then '// if diagram has incorrect layout, too much text
- MESSAGEBOX InvalidDiagram, 0, ErrorMsg
- Else
- DgmPath = [Freelance].Preferences.TemplateDir + SectionDgmFileName
- If(NumSections = Max3ColSections) Then
- MaxSpinnerVal = (Max3ColSections/3) - 1
- Else
- MaxSpinnerVal = (NumSections/3)
- End If
- print "Section Count = ",numsections
- print "MaxSpinnerVal = ",maxspinnerval
- MaxDeleteVal = (NumSections/3) - 1
- PackedVal = CurrentDocument.RunDialog(1, SectionDlgTitle, DiagramNote, SectionAddQuestion, SectionDelQuestion, _
- DefaultButton, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, _
- "1", STR$(MaxSpinnerVal), 1, MaxDeleteVal)
- If((PackedVal AND BitField9) = BitField9) Then '// User ok'd dlg
- If((PackedVal AND BitField8) <> BitField8) Then '// ADD section
- NumToAdd = PackedVal AND BitFields0To7
- If((NumToAdd > 0) AND (NumToAdd <= 5)) Then
- If(NumSections = Max3ColSections) Then '// too many Section, can't add
- MESSAGEBOX AddError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// restore dgm in pb
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find it later
- Else '// add goal
- Section.Cut '// remove old dgm
- Set Section = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, (NumSections/3)+21)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Section.Ungroup
- Find3ColSection SectionInfo() '// Find coordinates for each section and sort
- x = NumSections + 3 '// clear one more for a whole level
- While(x > ((NumToAdd)*3)+3)
- SectionInfo(x).Text = SectionInfo(x-3).Text
- print SectionInfo(x).text
- x = x - 1
- Wend
- SectionInfo((NumToAdd*3)+1).Text = "" '// not necessary since not used, but just to be safe
- SectionInfo((NumToAdd*3)+2).Text = ""
- SectionInfo((NumToAdd*3)+3).Text = ""
- For x = 1 TO ((NumToAdd)*3) '// re-insert old Section
- Set Temp = SelectSegment(x, SectionInfo())
- If(StrCompare(SectionInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace text if no text, to keep
- Temp.Text = SectionInfo(x).Text '// prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- For x = ((NumToAdd*3)+4) TO (NumSections+3)
- Set Temp = SelectSegment(x, SectionInfo())
- If(StrCompare(SectionInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace text if no text, to keep
- Temp.Text = SectionInfo(x).Text '// prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- set Section = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// assume pb has id of 101
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find it later
- End If
- End If
- Else '// delete segment
- NumToDel = PackedVal AND BitFields0To7
- If(NumSections = Min3ColSections) Then
- MESSAGEBOX DeleteError, 0, ErrorMsg
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// restore segment in pb
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find it later
- ElseIf ((NumToDel <= NumSections) AND (NumToDel > 0)) Then
- Section.Cut
- Set Section = CurrentPage.CreateSymbol(DgmPath, (NumSections/3)+19)
- Selection.ClearSelection
- Section.Ungroup
- Find3ColSection SectionInfo() '// Find coordinates for each section and sort
- For x = ((NumToDel*3)+1) TO (NumSections-3) '// delete segment in array of Sectiontruct's
- SectionInfo(x).Text = SectionInfo(x+3).Text
- Next x
- SectionInfo(NumSections-1).Text = ""
- SectionInfo(NumSections-1).Text = ""
- SectionInfo(NumSections).Text = "" '// clear last item in array
- For x = 1 TO (NumSections-3) '// re-insert old Section
- Set Temp = SelectSegment(x, SectionInfo())
- If(StrCompare(SectionInfo(x).Text, NULLSTR)) Then '// Don't replace text if no text, to keep
- Temp.Text = SectionInfo(x).Text '// prompt text
- End If
- Next x
- Set Section = Selection.Group() '// put pieces back together
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID)
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// so we can find later
- End If
- End If
- Else
- Section.PutIntoPlacementBlock(DgmPBID) '// user canceled out of dlg
- Section.Name = SegmentDgmName '// restore dgm in pb
- End If
- Selection.ClearSelection
- End If