'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66
Option Public
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
Declare Sub displayBlock(txt As String, start As Double, finish As Double, roomName As String)
Declare Sub readBlock(d As String)
Declare Sub clearDisplay
Declare Sub displayRooms
Declare Function modifySchedule(d As String, roomName As String, txt As String, start As Double, finish As Double, note As String, modType As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub modifyRoomsArray(modifyType As Integer)
Declare Sub fillRoomsArray
Declare Function modifyRooms
Declare Sub deleteScheduledRemovedRooms
Declare Sub string_sort(array() As String)
Declare Function isScheduled(d As String, roomName As String, t As Double) As Integer
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:10
Dim rooms() As String
Dim deletedRooms() As String
Dim GlobDateDisplay As String
Dim GlobStartTime As String
Dim GlobEndTime As String
Dim GlobRoom As String
Dim GlobReservedBy As String
Dim GlobNote As String
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:displayBlock:1:8
Sub displayBlock(txt As String, start As Double, finish As Double, roomName As String)
Dim tt As textbox
Dim h As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To Ubound(rooms)
If rooms(i) = roomName Then
t = i
i = Ubound(rooms)
End If
t = 1635 + (330 * t)
Set tt = New textbox(currentview.body)
tt.text = " " + txt + " "
tt.font.size = 8
tt.border.style = $ltsBorderStyleNone
tt.border.left = True
tt.border.right = True
tt.border.top = False
tt.border.bottom = False
tt.border.width = $apr1point
tt.border.color.setrgb color_ultramarine
tt.background.color.setrgb color_50_gray
tt.height = 325
tt.top = t
tt.left = (((start - 8) * 750) + 960)
tt.width = (750 * (finish - start))
tt.name = "tt" + Str$(tt.top) + Str$(tt.left)
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:readBlock:1:8
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:clearDisplay:1:8
Sub clearDisplay
Dim f As form
Dim cl As collection
Set f = currentdocument.Schedule~ Display
Set cl = f.objectlist
Forall i In cl
If Left$(i.name, 2) = "tt" Then
Delete i
End If
End Forall
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:displayRooms:1:8
Sub displayRooms
Dim roomText As textbox
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To Ubound(rooms)
Set roomText = New textbox(currentdocument.Schedule~ Display.body)
roomText.name = "tt"+Str$(i)
roomText.Top = 1650 + (330 * i)
roomText.text = rooms(i)
roomText.width = 750
roomText.height = 300
roomText.left = 160
roomText.font.size = 8
roomText.border.style = $ltsBorderStyleNone
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:1:modifySchedule:1:8
Function modifySchedule(d As String, roomName As String, txt As String, start As Double, finish As Double, note As String, modType As Integer) As Integer
Q.SQL = "SELECT * FROM """+Q.Tablename+""" "+ tname + " WHERE (("+ tname + ".""Date Reserved"" = '"+d+"') AND ("+ tname + ".""Room Name/Number"" = '"+roomName+"'))"
Elseif modType < 0 Then
Q.SQL = "SELECT * FROM """+Q.Tablename+""" "+ tname + " WHERE (("+ tname + ".""Date Reserved"" = '"+d+"') AND ("+ tname + ".""Room Name/Number"" = '"+roomName+"') AND ("+ tname + ".""Start Time"" = '"+Trim$(Str$(start))+"') AND ("+ tname + ".""End Time"" = '"+Trim$(Str$(finish))+"'))"
End If
Set RS.Query = Q
If (RS.Execute)Then
If (RS.numrows) Then
End If
modifySchedule = True
If modType < 0 Then
If RS.numrows Then
modifySchedule = False
End If
If (RS.numrows) Then
If start <= RS.getvalue("Start Time") And finish > RS.getvalue("Start Time") Then
Print rs.getvalue("Start Time")
modifySchedule = False
Elseif finish <= RS.getvalue("End Time") And finish > RS.getvalue("Start Time") Then
modifySchedule = False
Elseif start < RS.getvalue("End Time") And start >= RS.getvalue("Start Time") Then
modifySchedule = False
End If
Loop While (RS.nextrow And modifySchedule = True)
End If
If modifySchedule = True Then
RS.setvalue "Start Time", start
RS.setvalue "End Time", finish
RS.setvalue "Reserved By", txt
RS.setvalue "Date Reserved", d
RS.setvalue "Room Name/Number", roomName
RS.setvalue "Note", note
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:modifyRoomsArray:1:8
Sub modifyRoomsArray(modifyType As Integer)
Dim fbx As fieldbox
Dim lbx As listbox
Dim btn As button
Dim i As Integer
Dim ret As Integer
Dim roomExists As Integer
Dim newRoomName As String
Dim tempRooms() As String
Dim numRooms As Integer
Dim badname As Integer
If ((Ubound(rooms) + 1) = 20) And (modifyType > 0)Then
Messagebox "Cannot add anymore rooms. Maximum number of rooms is 20."
Set fbx = currentview.body.fbxRoomName
Set lbx = currentview.body.lbxRooms
Set btn = currentview.body.btnDone
If modifyType > 0 Then
roomExists = False
newRoomName = fbx.text
If fbx.text = "" Then
badname = True
End If
For i = 0 To Ubound(rooms)
If Ucase$(rooms(i)) = Ucase$(newRoomName) Then
roomExists = True
i = Ubound(rooms) + 1
End If
If (roomExists = False And badname = False) Then
If Ubound(rooms) = 0 And rooms(0) = "" Then
rooms(0) = newRoomName
Redim Preserve rooms(Ubound(rooms) + 1)
rooms(Ubound(rooms)) = newRoomName
End If
lbx.setlist rooms
fbx.text = ""
btn.enabled = True
Elseif badname = False Then
Messagebox "A room named """ + Ucase$(newRoomName) + """ already exists"
End If
ret = Messagebox( "Are you sure you want to delete this room? Deleting this room will also delete any scheduled conferences for this room.", 4, "Delete Room")