home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 203 Spacer
- 204 View draft
- 205 Create frame manually
- 207 Zoom to Full Page
- 209 Print
- 210 Reset to style
- 211 Bold
- 212 Italics
- 213 Underline
- 214 Word underline
- 215 Double underline
- 216 Superscript
- 217 Subscript
- 218 Show / Hide Ruler
- 219 Check Spelling
- 220 Thesaurus
- 221 Insert the current Date
- 222 Import a Picture
- 223 Insert footnotes
- 224 Create Drawing
- 225 Create Chart
- 226 Create Table
- 227 Go To
- 229 Delete
- 230 Create a New Document
- 231 Open a Document
- 232 Save the current Document
- 233 Cut to the Clipboard
- 234 Copy to the Clipboard
- 235 Paste the Clipboard contents
- 236 Insert comment note
- 237 Mark text for Index
- 239 Show / Hide pictures
- 241 Find and Replace
- 242 Connect selected cells in a table
- 245 View Preferences
- 246 Align to the left
- 247 Align to the right
- 248 Center
- 249 Justify
- 251 Insert power fields
- 252 Go To next power field
- 253 Go To previous power field
- 254 Show / Hide power fields
- 255 Update selected power fields
- 256 Update all power fields
- 257 Undo the last command or action
- 258 Tile open windows diagonally
- 259 Tile open windows left and right
- 261 Sort
- 262 Delete selected columns in a table
- 263 Delete selected rows in a table
- 264 Insert row in a table
- 265 Insert column in a table
- 266 Printer setup
- 270 Edit formula in a table cell
- 272 Create Equation
- 273 Bring frame to front
- 274 Send frame to back
- 276 Glossary
- 278 Capitalize text
- 280 Close the current document or active window
- 281 Scale a picture
- 282 Exit Lotus Word Pro
- 283 Merge Assistant
- 285 Insert a floating header / footer
- 286 Insert a page break
- 287 Insert a page number
- 288 Generate Index
- 289 Generate Table of Contents
- 292 Insert column or row
- 293 Delete column or row
- 294 Table lines and colors
- 298 Show / Hide vertical ruler
- 299 Show / Hide comment notes
- 300 Show / Hide tabs and returns
- 301 Toggle Script record start/stop
- 302 TeamConsolidate
- 303 Play back Script
- 304 Play back a quick Script
- 305 Toggle quick Script record start/stop
- 306 Toggle Group / Ungroup Frames
- 309 Indent all lines of paragraph
- 310 Indent first line of paragraph
- 311 Indent all but first line of paragraph
- 312 Exit Clean screen
- 313 Fast Format text
- 314 Change font, size, and color
- 315 Check Grammar
- 317 Select the next set of SmartIcons
- 318 Delete Table
- 319 Insert date/time
- 320 Create Envelope
- 321 View Clean screen
- 322 Tour
- 328 Cycle through typeface options
- 329 Cycle through alignment options
- 330 Cycle through attribute options
- 331 Cycle through bullet options
- 332 Cycle through indent options
- 333 Table Cell InfoBox
- 334 Frame InfoBox
- 335 Text InfoBox
- 336 Column InfoBox
- 337 Check Format
- 338 Redefine style
- 339 Create Parallel Columns
- 340 Add lines around a frame
- 341 Modify frame background color
- 342 Frame Anchor options
- 343 Align Frame to the left
- 344 Center Frame
- 345 Add a caption for a frame
- 378 Toggle highlighter on/off
- 379 Highlight and create a comment note
- 380 Find the next comment note
- 381 Create a comment note
- 382 Find the previous comment note
- 383 Mark up edits
- 384 Review Marked Edits
- 385 Open all comment notes
- 386 Close all comment notes
- 387 Show initials
- 389 Mark up options for current editor
- 390 Create a table grid
- 391 Remove all highlighting in document
- 392 Cycle through numbering options
- 393 Cycle through paragraph style options
- 394 Cycle through font size options
- 395 Zoom to 100%
- 400 Zoom to Margin Width
- 401 Zoom to Page Width
- 402 View Page Sorter
- 403 Footer InfoBox
- 404 Header InfoBox
- 405 Page InfoBox
- 406 Import / Export
- 407 Show / Hide Outline
- 408 TeamSecurity
- 409 View Versions
- 410 Help topics
- 411 Ask the Expert
- 412 Document Properties
- 413 Show / Hide Headers and Footers on page
- 414 Show / Hide Misspelled Words
- 415 Show / Hide Table Grid Lines
- 416 Show / Hide Table Headings
- 417 Show / Hide Parallel Column Guides
- 418 Show / Hide Margin Guides
- 419 Show / Hide Page Gauge
- 420 Show All Marks
- 421 Hide All Marks
- 422 Table InfoBox
- 423 Show / Hide InfoBox
- 424 Tile open windows top and bottom
- 425 Save As new file
- 426 Send to Next Stop
- 427 Edit Route
- 428 TeamReview Assistant
- 429 Choose Another SmartMaster
- 430 Division Properties
- 431 Section Properties
- 432 Lotus Word Pro Preferences
- 433 CycleKey Setup
- 434 SmartFill Setup
- 435 Paste Special
- 436 SmartCorrect
- 437 Undo / Redo Special
- 438 Manage Links
- 439 Object
- 440 Show Script Editor
- 441 Open Recent File 1
- 442 Open Recent File 2
- 443 Open Recent File 3
- 444 Open Recent File 4
- 445 Open Recent File 5
- 446 Zoom to 75%
- 447 Zoom to 150%
- 448 Zoom to 200%
- 449 Zoom to Custom Setting
- 450 Zoom to Other Settings
- 451 Show/Hide SmartIcons
- 452 Set Startup Scripts
- 453 Create Custom Dialog
- 454 Review and Comment Tools
- 455 Special Views
- 456 Split Left-Right
- 457 Split Top-Bottom
- 458 Clear All Splits
- 459 Create Division
- 460 Create Section
- 461 Table of Authorities
- 462 Create Footnote / Endnote
- 463 Create Click Here Block
- 464 Create New Version
- 465 Insert Object
- 466 New Window
- 467 Close Window
- 468 Close All Windows
- 469 Bullets & Numbers
- 470 Lines
- 471 Create New Style
- 472 Apply Style
- 473 Manage Style
- 474 Reduce Text
- 475 Outdent
- 476 Promote in outline level
- 477 Demote in outline level
- 478 Move Up in outline
- 479 Move Down in outline
- 480 Expand
- 481 Collapse
- 482 Expand All
- 483 Collapse All
- 484 Insert Row in Parallel Column
- 485 Delete Row in Parallel Column
- 486 Delete Row/Columns in Parallel Column
- 487 Collapse to level 1
- 488 Collapse to level 2
- 489 Collapse to level 3
- 490 Collapse to level 4
- 491 Collapse to level 5
- 492 Collapse to level 6
- 493 Collapse to level 7
- 494 Collapse to level 8
- 495 Collapse to level 9
- 496 Collapse to none
- 497 Outline Styles
- 498 Insert Column Break
- 499 Insert Merge Field
- 500 Mark Text As a TOC Entry
- 501 Select Word
- 502 Select Sentence
- 503 Select Paragraph
- 504 Select Entire Division
- 505 Lines and Color
- 506 Right Align Frame
- 507 Span Frame Margin to Margin
- 508 Span Frame Top to Bottom
- 509 Top Align Contents of Frame
- 510 Center Align Contents of Frame
- 511 Bottom Align Contents of Frame
- 512 Delete Frame
- 513 Lines and Fill Color
- 514 Size Row/Column
- 515 Center Align Contents of Cell
- 516 Top Align Contents of Cell
- 517 Bottom Align Contents of Cell
- 518 Connect Table Row
- 519 Mark as Repeated Heading
- 520 Insert SmartSum of Column
- 521 Insert SmartSum of Row
- 522 Select Cell Contents
- 523 Select Row Contents
- 524 Select Column Contents
- 525 Select Entire Table
- 526 Select Entire Table Contents
- 527 Select Cells
- 528 New Message
- 530 Create OLE Division
- 531 Show unfilled Click Here Block prompts
- 532 Skip Bullet / number
- 533 Mark word as Skipped
- 534 Mark as Skip All
- 535 Add word to User Dictionary
- 536 Show / Hide Bubble Help
- 537 New Plain Document
- 538 Show / Hide Frame Anchors
- 539 Insert a Quick Center Tab
- 540 Insert a Quick Right Tab
- 541 View next Version
- 542 View current Version
- 543 View oldest Version
- 544 Setup SmartIcons
- 545 Insert Page Break
- 546 Insert Page Layout
- 547 Bring forward one
- 548 Send back one
- 549 Split Entire Table
- 550 Create Master Document
- 551 Create frame
- 552 Redo edits
- 553 Open document from the Internet
- 554 Save current document to the Internet
- 555 Internet options
- 556 Create Click Here Link
- 557 Edit Click Here Link
- 2000 Draw InfoBox
- 2003 Extract properties
- 2004 Apply properties
- 2005 Rotate draw object
- 2007 Flip object top to bottom
- 2008 Flip object side to side
- 2009 Snap draw objects to grid
- 2010 Hide/show grid
- 2012 Select all draw objects
- 2013 Group selected draw objects
- 2014 Ungroup selected draw objects
- 2016 Send the object to the front
- 2017 Send the object one forward
- 2018 Send the object to the back
- 2019 Send the object one back
- 2021 Align the objects to the left
- 2022 Align the objects to the right
- 2023 Align the objects at the top
- 2024 Align the objects to the bottom
- 2025 Select draw objects
- 2026 Crop entire drawing
- 2027 Draw a line
- 2028 Draw a polyline
- 2029 Draw a polygon
- 2030 Draw a rectangle
- 2031 Draw a rounded rectangle
- 2032 Draw an oval
- 2033 Draw an arc
- 2034 Create a draw-text object
- 2035 Align the objects vertically
- 2036 Align the objects horizontally
- 2037 Align the objects to their centers
- 2038 Import Drawing
- 2039 Save as Drawing
- 2040 Curved Text
- 10200 Set Chart Type
- 10201 Horizontal Grid On/Off
- 10202 Vertical Grid On/Off
- 10203 Show/Edit Chart Data
- 10204 Show Chart Note
- 10205 Hide Chart Note
- 10206 Show Chart Legend
- 10207 Hide Chart Legend
- 10208 Show Chart Table
- 10209 Hide Chart Table
- 10210 Hide Chart Title
- 10211 Show Chart Title
- 10212 Vertical Bar Chart Type
- 10213 Vertical Stacked Bar Chart Type
- 10214 Horizontal Bar Chart Type
- 10215 Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart Type
- 10216 Line Chart Type
- 10217 Area Chart Type
- 10218 Mixed Bar/Line Chart Type
- 10219 Pie Chart Type
- 10220 Multiple Pie Chart Type
- 10221 Vertical Bar With Depth Chart Type
- 10222 Vertical Stacked Bar With Depth Chart Type
- 10223 Horizontal Bar With Depth Chart Type
- 10224 Horizontal Stacked Bar With Depth Chart Type
- 10225 Line With Depth Chart Type
- 10226 Area With Depth Chart Type
- 10227 Mixed Bar/Line With Depth Chart Type
- 10228 3D Pie Chart Type
- 10229 3D Multiple Pie Chart Type
- 10230 3D Vertical Bar Chart
- 10232 3D Line Chart Type
- 10233 3D Area Chart Type
- 10234 3D Mixed Bar/Line Chart Type
- 10235 Set/Save Chart Style
- 10236 Table Chart Type
- 10237 High/Low Open/Close Chart Type
- 10238 X-Y/Scatter Plot Chart Type
- 10239 Radar Chart Type
- 30000 Insert fraction template
- 30001 Insert radical template
- 30002 Insert parenthesized input box
- 30003 Revise current object
- 30004 Insert superscript input box
- 30005 Insert subscript input box
- 30006 Math to Text mode toggle
- 30007 Text to Math mode toggle
- 30008 Insert big operator dialog
- 30009 Insert brackets dialog
- 30010 Insert function dialog
- 30011 Insert decorated input box dialog
- 30012 Insert matrix dialog
- 30013 Insert spaces dialog
- 30014 Insert binomial dialog
- 30015 Greek letters panel
- 30016 Operators panel
- 30017 Relations panel
- 30018 Negated relations panel
- 30019 Arrows panel
- 30020 Miscellaneous symbols panel
- 30021 Delimiters symbol panel
- 30022 Accented characters panel
- 30023 Insert bracketed input box
- 30024 Insert Summation operator
- 30025 Insert Integral operator
- 30026 Insert alpha
- 30027 Insert beta
- 30028 Insert gamma
- 30029 Insert theta
- 30030 Insert pi
- 30031 Insert psi
- 30032 Insert Delta
- 30033 Insert binary operator plus minus
- 30034 Insert binary operator times
- 30035 Insert binary operator divide
- 30036 Insert binary operator centered dot
- 30037 Insert binary relation in
- 30038 Insert binary relation greater equal
- 30039 Insert binary relation less equal
- 30040 Insert negated relation not equal
- 30041 Insert negated relation not in
- 30042 Insert left arrow
- 30043 Insert right arrow
- 30044 Insert partial
- 30045 Insert infinity
- 30046 Insert forall
- 30047 Insert exists