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- ' lsstr.lss Copyright (c) 1994 Lotus Development Corporation
- ' Compile Time Errors
- Public Const STR_SIMPLESYNTAX = "Unexpected: %s"
- Public Const STR_BINCHAR = "[%d]"
- Public Const STR_EOF = "End-of-file"
- Public Const STR_PARSESTACKOVERFLOW = "Compiler stack overflow at: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLEVENTNM = "Not an event name: %s"
- Public Const STR_PREVDECL = "Name previously declared: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLSUFF = "Illegal type suffix on name: %s"
- Public Const STR_SUFFTYPE = "Declaration may not contain type suffix and data type: %s"
- Public Const STR_SUFFMISMATCH = "Type suffix does not match data type: %s"
- Public Const STR_UNDEFNAME = "Class or type name not found: %s"
- Public Const STR_NAMETOOLONG = "Name too long: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLRANGE = "Illegal range specifier"
- Public Const STR_DUPRANGE = "Duplicate range specifier"
- Public Const STR_NOARRBDS = "Illegal specification of array bounds for: %s"
- Public Const STR_NUMERR = "Illegal numeric constant"
- Public Const STR_OVERFLOW = "Numeric overflow"
- Public Const STR_UNDERFLOW = "Numeric underflow"
- Public Const STR_PROPTYPE = "PROPERTY GET and SET must have same data type"
- Public Const STR_BADLEN = "Illegal string length constant for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLCONSTEXPR = "Illegal constant expression for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLARRBDS = "Illegal array bound for: %s"
- Public Const STR_DUPOPT = "Duplicate option"
- Public Const STR_ILLSTATIC = "Illegal STATIC on: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLBASEOPT = "Illegal value for OPTION BASE"
- Public Const STR_NODECL = "Variable not declared: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLREF = "Illegal parenthesized reference: %s"
- Public Const STR_ADTSUBCLS = "Cannot subclass: %s"
- Public Const STR_TOOMANYDIMS = "Maximum array dimensions (8) exceeded: %s"
- Public Const STR_WRONGNDIMS = "Wrong number of array subscripts for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLLISTREF = "Reference must contain exactly one subscript: %s"
- Public Const STR_SPROGPAR = "Illegal use of parentheses"
- Public Const STR_INVBYVAL = "Illegal BYVAL"
- Public Const STR_ILLLVALUE = "Variable required: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLRVALUE = "Illegal reference to: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLSUBCALL = "Not a sub or function name: %s"
- Public Const STR_PRIVDERV = "Derived class may not be PUBLIC when parent is PRIVATE: %s"
- Public Const STR_ARGSONSUB = "Arguments not legal in declaration of: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLSCOPE = "Illegal scope for PUBLIC or PRIVATE on: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLINSTNAME = "Not an instance name: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLMEMNAME = "Not a member: %s"
- Public Const STR_BADNUMARGS = "Wrong number of arguments for: %s"
- Public Const STR_BADBYVAL = "Illegal BYVAL on arguments to: %s"
- Public Const STR_MISMATCH = "Type mismatch on: %s"
- Public Const STR_MISSINGARG = "Missing argument for: %s"
- Public Const STR_NOTBYVAL = "Illegal pass by value: %s"
- Public Const STR_UNTERMREM = "Unterminated %REM block"
- Public Const STR_UNTERMSTR = "Unterminated multiline string"
- Public Const STR_DUPLABEL = "Duplicate label: %s"
- Public Const STR_LISTTAGARG = "LISTTAG argument is not a FORALL alias variable"
- Public Const STR_MISLABEL = "Undefined label: %s"
- Public Const STR_ITERINUSE = "FOR count variable already in use: %s"
- Public Const STR_MISITER = "Name does not match FOR count variable: %s"
- Public Const STR_CONSTUSE = "Illegal reference to named constant: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLTORANGE = "Illegal TO in reference to: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLSINGLEIF = "Illegal single-line IF"
- Public Const STR_ILLMODSTMT = "Statement is illegal outside of a subprogram"
- Public Const STR_ILLONERR = "Illegal ON ERROR statement"
- Public Const STR_ILLNEW = "Illegal use of NEW or DELETE"
- Public Const STR_OUTOFMEMORY = "Out of memory"
- Public Const STR_ILLEXIT = "Illegal EXIT %s"
- Public Const STR_CONSTREQ = "Error number must be INTEGER constant: %s"
- Public Const STR_INTREQ = "Error number must be INTEGER"
- Public Const STR_REDIMDIM = "Bounds must be specified in REDIM of: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLMODLABEL = "Label is illegal outside of a subprogram"
- Public Const STR_BADINCFIL = "Cannot open included file: %s"
- Public Const STR_FUNCATTR = "Storage class or visibility does not match forward declaration: %s"
- Public Const STR_FUNCRET = "Return type does not match forward declaration: %s"
- Public Const STR_FUNCARG = "Argument does not match forward declaration: %s"
- Public Const STR_FUNCNUMARGS = "Number of arguments does not match forward declaration: %s"
- Public Const STR_BADNEW = "Illegal use of NEW on array or list declaration: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLTYDCL = "Declaration not valid in TYPE scope: %s"
- Public Const STR_EOL = "End-of-line"
- Public Const STR_DATAOVFL = "Size of data cannot exceed 64K in this scope"
- Public Const STR_ILLRESERR = "Illegal RESUME statement"
- Public Const STR_ILLCARG = "Illegal external argument: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLPRODINST = "Named product class instance not valid here"
- Public Const STR_ILLFUNCRET = "Illegal function return type for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLARG = "Illegal data type for argument: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLANY = "Illegal ANY: %s"
- Public Const STR_TOOMANYARGS = "Too many arguments for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLITEROBJ = "Not an array, list, collection or variant: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLREDIM = "Illegal REDIM on: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLBIND = "Not a product class: %s"
- Public Const STR_NEWTYPE = "Illegal construction of type instance: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLPCONST = "Illegal product constant: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLPROPTYPE = "Illegal property type for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLERASEARG = "Illegal use of ERASE"
- Public Const STR_ILLADTINST = "Not a product class instance: %s"
- Public Const STR_ARRTOOBIG = "Array size exceeds maximum: %s"
- Public Const STR_PREVDCLMEM = "Member declared in a parent class: %s"
- Public Const STR_SIGMATCH = "Method signature does not match parent method: %s"
- Public Const STR_PREVDCLMETH = "Method was declared as something else in a parent: %s"
- Public Const STR_PREVDCLPROP = "Property was declared as something else in a parent: %s"
- Public Const STR_PROPMATCH = "Property type does not match parent property: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLPRIV = "Illegal PRIVATE declaration of: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLPUB = "Illegal PUBLIC declaration of: %s"
- Public Const STR_UNDEFSETP = "PROPERTY SET not defined for: %s"
- Public Const STR_UNDEFGETP = "PROPERTY GET not defined for: %s"
- Public Const STR_TYPENODATA = "TYPE declaration has no members"
- Public Const STR_SUBEXPR = "%s"
- Public Const STR_ARRDECLED = "Illegal OPTION BASE after array declaration"
- Public Const STR_INVALIDME = "ME not valid outside of class scope"
- Public Const STR_INVALIDDD = ".. not valid outside of class scope"
- Public Const STR_ILLFWD = "Name was forward declared as something else: %s"
- Public Const STR_ITERSUFF = "Illegal type suffix on FORALL alias variable: %s"
- Public Const STR_ITERDECL = "FORALL alias variable is not of same data type: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLITER = "Illegal reference to FORALL alias variable: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLSET = "SET may only be used on class instance assignments"
- Public Const STR_NEEDSET = "SET required on class instance assignment"
- Public Const STR_TYRECURS = "TYPE may not have instance of itself as a member: %s"
- Public Const STR_UNTERMBLK = "Unterminated %s block"
- Public Const STR_EXPECTED = "Expected: "
- Public Const STR_STATEMENT = "Statement"
- Public Const STR_EXPRESSION = "Expression"
- Public Const STR_VARIABLE = "Identifier"
- Public Const STR_OPERATOR = "Operator"
- Public Const STR_EOS = "End-of-statement"
- Public Const STR_DATATYPE = "Data type"
- Public Const STR_STRCONST = "String constant"
- Public Const STR_LABEL = "Label"
- Public Const STR_ZERO = "0"
- Public Const STR_ONE = "1"
- Public Const STR_ILLPRIVREF = "Not a PUBLIC member: %s"
- Public Const STR_MAXERRS = "Maximum number of errors reached"
- Public Const STR_ILLCONTINUE = "Illegal character after continuation character"
- Public Const STR_DUPPUBLIC = "Public symbol is declared in another module: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLDEFTYPE = "Illegal DEFtype statement after declaration"
- Public Const STR_UNKNOWNSTMT = "Unknown statement"
- Public Const STR_MODSTMT = "Statement is illegal in a subprogram"
- Public Const STR_STRINCFIL = "INCLUDE filename must be a string literal"
- Public Const STR_PRIVMEM = "Member of PUBLIC class or type is instance of a PRIVATE class or type: %s"
- Public Const STR_BADNUMCARGS = "Wrong number of arguments to constructor for class: %s"
- Public Const STR_ACTNOTBYVAL = "Illegal pass by value"
- Public Const STR_ILLARRUSE = "Illegal reference to array or list: %s"
- Public Const STR_SUFFKEYWORD = "Illegal type suffix on keyword: %s"
- Public Const STR_BINDNOCLASS = "Class not specified on BIND into: %s"
- Public Const STR_STMTSTACKOVERFLOW = "Compiler statement stack overflow at: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLCALL = "Illegal call to: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLDELETE = "DELETE not valid on: %s"
- Public Const STR_IOMANY = "Too many items specified in input/output statement"
- Public Const STR_GOTOMANY = "Too many labels specified in ON..GOTO statement"
- Public Const STR_ITERINUSEFA = "FORALL alias variable already in use: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLDDREF = "Class is not a parent of this class: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLDDMEMBER = "Member is not a subprogram: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLOPTPUB = "Illegal OPTION PUBLIC after declaration"
- Public Const STR_MODEXEC = "Illegal executable code at the module level"
- Public Const STR_PUBINST = "Illegal PUBLIC instance of PRIVATE class or type: %s"
- Public Const STR_ISELEMARG = "ISELEMENT argument is not a list or variant: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLCONSTR = "Illegal constructor clause on: %s"
- Public Const STR_NONEW = "Parent SUB NEW has arguments, SUB NEW is required for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLUSE = "Illegal USE or USELSX statement after declaration"
- Public Const STR_ILLHANDLER = "Event handler must be a LotusScript SUB: %s"
- Public Const STR_ITERPREVDECL = "FORALL alias variable was previously declared: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLOPTEXP = "Illegal OPTION DECLARE after implicit declaration"
- Public Const STR_ILLITERELEM = "Illegal use of array or list element as FORALL target"
- Public Const STR_EVENTARG = "Wrong data type for argument %s in event handler %s"
- Public Const STR_MAXINCLUDE = "Too many nested INCLUDEs"
- Public Const STR_NONEWMATCH = "SUB NEW arguments do not match parent's SUB NEW arguments"
- Public Const STR_PROPVIS = "PROPERTY GET and SET must have same storage class and visibility"
- Public Const STR_ILLTYSTMT = "Statement is illegal in TYPE block: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLCLSTMT = "Statement is illegal in CLASS block: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLOBJ = "Illegal name for class or type: %s"
- Public Const STR_DIMREQ = "DIM required on declarations in this scope"
- Public Const STR_MAXTOKEN = "Token is too long"
- Public Const STR_NOPUBLIC = "PUBLIC is not allowed in this module"
- Public Const STR_DUPFORWARD = "Duplicate forward declaration: %s"
- Public Const STR_FORSCALAR = "FOR count variable must be a scalar variable: %s"
- Public Const STR_EXPARG = "Expected expression before end of argument list for: %s"
- Public Const STR_INVPROP = "Illegal use of property: %s"
- Public Const STR_TOOMANYLINES = "File contains too many source lines"
- Public Const STR_ILLCLCDECL = "Declaration of external subprogram is not legal inside a class"
- Public Const STR_MAXCODESIZE = "Maximum allowable code size exceeded"
- Public Const STR_MAXHEAPSIZE = "Maximum allowable data size exceeded"
- Public Const STR_MAXSYMBSIZE = "Maximum allowable symbol table size exceeded"
- Public Const STR_CONSTANT = "Constant"
- Public Const STR_UNTERMSCONST = "Unterminated string constant"
- Public Const STR_ILLINCLUDE = "Illegal character after %INCLUDE directive"
- Public Const STR_NUMCONST = "Numeric constant"
- Public Const STR_DATASUBOVFL = "Size of data cannot exceed 32K in this scope"
- Public Const STR_UNTERMSQB = "Unterminated square bracket reference"
- Public Const STR_RELOP = "Relational operator"
- Public Const STR_CASEELSE = "CASE ELSE must be the last CASE in a SELECT statement"
- Public Const STR_BADDIR = "Illegal directive"
- Public Const STR_UNTERMIF = "Unterminated %IF, %ELSEIF or %ELSE directive"
- Public Const STR_TOKENAFTDIR = "Illegal character after directive"
- Public Const STR_ILLLIBNAME = "LIB name must be a string constant"
- Public Const STR_ILLUSECONST = "USE or USELSX name must be a string constant"
- Public Const STR_ILLEVALCONST = "EVALUATE argument must be a string constant"
- Public Const STR_ILLINDEX = "Illegal second parenthesized expression"
- Public Const STR_ILLSTRINGDECL = "Illegal use of UNICODE or LMBCS keyword"
- Public Const STR_ILLUNILMBCS = "UNICODE and LBMCS strings must be declared BYVAL"
- Public Const STR_ILLVARPARENS = "Empty parentheses not legal on: %s"
- Public Const STR_TOOMANYWITHS = "Too many nested WITHs"
- Public Const STR_ILLESCAPEID = "Illegal use of escape character in identifier: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLESCAPE = "Illegal use of escape character"
- Public Const STR_ILLMACRO = "Error in EVALUATE macro"
- Public Const STR_PREVREF = "Name previously referenced in this scope: %s"
- Public Const STR_BADNUMEVARGS = "Wrong number of arguments for event handler: %s"
- Public Const STR_ROPROP = "Property is read-only: %s"
- Public Const STR_MISSINGSUBSCRIPT = "Missing subscript or collection index for: %s"
- Public Const STR_MISSINGCARG = "Missing argument to constructor for: %s"
- Public Const STR_MISSINGBD = "Missing array bound for: %s"
- Public Const STR_UNSCLIARR = "Client variables holding arrays is not yet supported: %s"
- Public Const STR_VARREQ = "LEN argument must be a variable or a string expression"
- Public Const STR_MISSINGCOLLIDX = "Missing collection index for: %s"
- Public Const STR_ISELEMNOBD = "Missing list subscript for ISELEMENT argument: %s"
- Public Const STR_SETIDXCOLL = "Cannot assign into collection item"
- Public Const STR_CLTYPFWD = "Cannot forward declare CLASS or TYPE"
- Public Const STR_CLDECLMOD = "CLASS or TYPE declaration may not be inside a control block"
- Public Const STR_SUBDECLMOD = "Procedure declaration may not be inside a control block"
- Public Const STR_COLLITEMINST = "Collection item is not an instance: %s"
- Public Const STR_NOPRODNEW = "Product class does not have a New method: %s"
- Public Const STR_USELISTMOD = "Error processing use list module: %s"
- Public Const STR_ILLDECLSCOPE = "Illegal on declarations in this scope: %s"
- ' Client Errors
- ' Run Time LOI Errors
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_ArgOutofRange = "Argument out of range"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_BadPropertyName = "Property does not exist"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_BadMethodName = "Method does not exist"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_InvalidObject = "Invalid object reference"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_TypeMismatch = "Argument type mismatch"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_InvalidArgument = "Invalid argument value"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_PrintFailed = "Print operation failed"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_CouldNotLaunch = "Could not launch application"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_BadCoordinates = "Invalid window coordinates"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_FileNotCreated = "Cannot create file"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_CouldNotSave = "Could not save file"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_BadExecutable = "Executable image of wrong format"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_ClipboardEmpty = "Clipboard contains nothing to paste"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_DocumentReadOnly = "Document is read only"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_BadClipboardFormat = "Unknown clipboard format"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_InvocationError = "Error raised during method invocation"
- Public Const STR_ERRLOI_UnknownUnit = "Unknown unit of measure"
- ' Run Time Errors
- Public Const STR_RTE_USER = "User-defined error"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ReturnWithoutGoSub = "RETURN without GOSUB"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalFunctionCall = "Illegal function call"
- Public Const STR_RTE_Overflow = "Overflow"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OutOfMemory = "Out of memory"
- Public Const STR_RTE_SubscriptOutOfRange = "Subscript out of range"
- Public Const STR_RTE_DivisionByZero = "Division by zero"
- Public Const STR_RTE_TypeMismatch = "Type mismatch"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OutOfStringSpace = "Out of string space"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NoResume = "No RESUME"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ResumeWithoutError = "RESUME without error"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OutOfStackSpace = "Out of stack space"
- Public Const STR_RTE_SubOrFunctionNotDefined = "Sub, function or property not defined"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ErrorInLoadingDLL = "Error in loading DLL"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadDLLCallingConvention = "Bad DLL calling convention"
- Public Const STR_RTE_InternalError = "Internal error[%ld-%ld]"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadFileNameOrNumber = "Bad file name or number"
- Public Const STR_RTE_FileNotFound = "File not found"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadFileMode = "Bad file mode"
- Public Const STR_RTE_FileAlreadyOpen = "File already open"
- Public Const STR_RTE_DeviceIOError = "Device I/O error"
- Public Const STR_RTE_FileAlreadyExists = "File already exists"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadRecordLength = "Bad record length"
- Public Const STR_RTE_DiskFull = "Disk full"
- Public Const STR_RTE_InputPastEndOfFile = "Input past end of file"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadRecordNumber = "Bad record number"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadFileName = "Bad file name"
- Public Const STR_RTE_TooManyFiles = "Too many files"
- Public Const STR_RTE_DeviceUnavailable = "Device unavailable"
- Public Const STR_RTE_PermissionDenied = "Permission denied"
- Public Const STR_RTE_DiskNotReady = "Disk not ready"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CantRenameWithDifferent = "Cannot rename with different drive"
- Public Const STR_RTE_PathFileAccessError = "Path/file access error"
- Public Const STR_RTE_PathNotFound = "Path not found"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ObjectVariableNotSet = "Object variable not set"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ForLoopNotInitialized = "FOR loop not initialized"
- Public Const STR_RTE_InvalidPatternString = "Invalid pattern string"
- Public Const STR_RTE_InvalidUseOfNull = "Invalid use of null"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CannotDestroyActiveInst = "Cannot destroy active instance"
- Public Const STR_RTE_FileNotWritable = "File not writable"
- Public Const STR_RTE_FileNotReadable = "File not readable"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadFileNumber = "Illegal file number"
- Public Const STR_RTE_FileNotOpen = "File not open"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ConflictingFileModes = "Conflicting modes supplied"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OpenFailed = "Unable to open file"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalOperation = "Illegal operation for file mode"
- Public Const STR_RTE_DataTooBig = "Data too big for record"
- Public Const STR_RTE_BadAttribute = "Bad attribute"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CouldNotSetAttribute = "Cannot set attribute for file"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ListItemDoesNotExist = "List item does not exist"
- Public Const STR_RTE_LinkNoModule = "Cannot find module: %s"
- Public Const STR_RTE_LinkNoSymbol = "Cannot find external name: %s"
- Public Const STR_RTE_LinkBadSymbol = "Type mismatch on external name: %s"
- Public Const STR_RTE_Module_Exist = "Module already loaded"
- Public Const STR_RTE_Module_Not_Exist = "Module not found"
- Public Const STR_RTE_Module_Bad = "Invalid module file"
- Public Const STR_RTE_Compile = "Compiler error"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtCtrlFuncNotPresent = "ADT error: Control procedure missing"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtNamedObjectNonExist = "Named product object does not exist"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtUnknownClass = "Unknown class of product object returned"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtHandleChanged = "ADT error: Object handle changed"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CCallBadArg = "Bad argument to external function"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CCallUnsupportedArgType = "Unsupported argument type to external function"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CCallUnsupportedRetType = "Unsupported return type for external function"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CCallSubUnavail = "External function not found"
- Public Const STR_RTE_EventNotHooked = "Event handler not attached"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ModuleInUse = "Module in use"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ModuleOverRun = "Too many calls into module"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NotAListTag = "LISTTAG argument not a list element"
- Public Const STR_RTE_RedimFixedArray = "Illegal REDIM of fixed array"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ArraySizeTooBig = "Array size exceeds maximum limit"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalLikePattern = "Illegal LIKE pattern"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ArgOutOfRange = "Argument out of range"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CircularUse = "Illegal circular USE: %s"
- Public Const STR_RTE_DuplicatePublic = "Duplicate PUBLIC name %s in USE module %s"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ExprRange = "Expression out of range"
- Public Const STR_RTE_InvalidPowerOprand = "Invalid ^ operator operands"
- Public Const STR_RTE_LinkNoUseModule = "Error loading USE or USELSX module: %s"
- ' Last Of V2 Error Messages ; V3 Error Mesages Start
- Public Const STR_RTE_Underflow = "Underflow"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NoPlatSupport = "Operation not supported on this platform"
- Public Const STR_RTE_SuffixTypeMismatch = "Type suffix does not match actual data type"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NamedMemberNonExist = "Instance member does not exist"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NotAnObject = "Variant does not contain an object"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NotAContainer = "Variant does not contain a container"
- Public Const STR_RTE_WrongNumberOfArgs = "Wrong number of arguments for method"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NotAMethod = "Name used as a method is not a method"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalUseOfSub = "Illegal use of SUB"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalUseOfFunction = "Illegal use of FUNCTION"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalUseOfProp = "Illegal use of PROPERTY"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ReadOnlyProp = "Illegal use of read-only PROPERTY"
- Public Const STR_RTE_InvalidListIndex = "List reference must contain exactly one subscript"
- Public Const STR_RTE_InvalidIsElemArg = "ISELEMENT argument is not a list"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalDelete = "Illegal DELETE"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NotAProductObject = "Not a product object"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NamedEventNonExist = "Event does not exist"
- Public Const STR_RTE_EventHandlerArgType = "Event handler argument type mismatch"
- Public Const STR_RTE_EventHandlerArgCnt = "Event handler argument count mismatch"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NotaPublicMember = "Not a PUBLIC Member"
- Public Const STR_RTE_MissingArgument = "Missing argument"
- Public Const STR_RTE_UninitDynArray = "Attempt to access uninitialized dynamic array"
- Public Const STR_RTE_Disallowed = "Operation is disallowed in this session"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NeedSetAssign = "SET required on class instance assignment"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CollectItemError = "Invalid collection item"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CollectionIndex = "Wrong number of collection indices"
- Public Const STR_RTE_NotACollection = "Not a collection object"
- Public Const STR_RTE_CollectionItemNotFound = "Collection item not found"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OLEError = "Automation object error"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OLECantCreate = "Cannot create automation object"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OLEFileName = "Automation object file name error"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OLEMemberNotFound = "Automation object member not found"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OLEArgumentCount = "Wrong number of arguments for automation object"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OLEArgumentType = "Automation object argument type mismatch"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OLEException = "%s: %s"
- Public Const STR_RTE_ForallSource = "Forall container invalid or modified"
- Public Const STR_RTE_OutOfSysStack = "Out of system stack space"
- Public Const STR_RTE_IllegalRedim = "Illegal REDIM"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtCreateError = "Error creating product object"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtPropertyError = "Error accessing product object property"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtMethodError = "Error accessing product object method"
- Public Const STR_RTE_AdtError = "Error accessing product object"
- Public Const STR_RTE_EvaluateError = "Error in EVALUATE macro"
- ' Generic resourced strings
- ' Start of RID numbering
- ' Values for FORMAT intrinsic.
- ' Translate Yes, No, On, Off, True, False
- ' May also be translated in Asian languages if desired.
- Public Const STR_RID_AMUC = "AM"
- Public Const STR_RID_PMUC = "PM"
- Public Const STR_RID_AUC = "A"
- Public Const STR_RID_PUC = "P"
- Public Const STR_RID_AMLC = "am"
- Public Const STR_RID_PMLC = "pm"
- Public Const STR_RID_ALC = "a"
- Public Const STR_RID_PLC = "p"
- Public Const STR_RID_YES = "Yes"
- Public Const STR_RID_NO = "No"
- Public Const STR_RID_TRUE = "True"
- Public Const STR_RID_FALSE = "False"
- Public Const STR_RID_ON = "On"
- Public Const STR_RID_OFF = "Off"
- Public Const STR_RID_DECIMAL = "."
- Public Const STR_RID_THOUSAND = ","
- Public Const STR_RID_SDATE = "/"
- Public Const STR_RID_STIME = ":"
- Public Const STR_RID_TIME12 = "AM"
- Public Const STR_RID_TIME24 = "PM"
- Public Const STR_RID_CURRENCY = "$"
- Public Const STR_RID_SHORTDATE = "M/d/yy"
- Public Const STR_RID_LONGDATE = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
- ' Translate.
- ' DO NOT TRANSLATE for Asian languages (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, PRC)
- Public Const STR_RID_SUNDAY = "Sunday"
- Public Const STR_RID_MONDAY = "Monday"
- Public Const STR_RID_TUESDAY = "Tuesday"
- Public Const STR_RID_WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday"
- Public Const STR_RID_THURSDAY = "Thursday"
- Public Const STR_RID_FRIDAY = "Friday"
- Public Const STR_RID_SATURDAY = "Saturday"
- Public Const STR_RID_SUN = "Sun"
- Public Const STR_RID_MON = "Mon"
- Public Const STR_RID_TUE = "Tue"
- Public Const STR_RID_WED = "Wed"
- Public Const STR_RID_THU = "Thu"
- Public Const STR_RID_FRI = "Fri"
- Public Const STR_RID_SAT = "Sat"
- Public Const STR_RID_JANUARY = "January"
- Public Const STR_RID_FEBRUARY = "February"
- Public Const STR_RID_MARCH = "March"
- Public Const STR_RID_APRIL = "April"
- Public Const STR_RID_MAYLONG = "May"
- Public Const STR_RID_JUNE = "June"
- Public Const STR_RID_JULY = "July"
- Public Const STR_RID_AUGUST = "August"
- Public Const STR_RID_SEPTEMBER = "September"
- Public Const STR_RID_OCTOBER = "October"
- Public Const STR_RID_NOVEMBER = "November"
- Public Const STR_RID_DECEMBER = "December"
- Public Const STR_RID_JAN = "Jan"
- Public Const STR_RID_FEB = "Feb"
- Public Const STR_RID_MAR = "Mar"
- Public Const STR_RID_APR = "Apr"
- Public Const STR_RID_MAY = "May"
- Public Const STR_RID_JUN = "Jun"
- Public Const STR_RID_JUL = "Jul"
- Public Const STR_RID_AUG = "Aug"
- Public Const STR_RID_SEP = "Sep"
- Public Const STR_RID_OCT = "Oct"
- Public Const STR_RID_NOV = "Nov"
- Public Const STR_RID_DEC = "Dec"
- ' End of DO NOT TRANSLATE for Asian languages section
- ' Translate only for Asian languages section
- ' JAPAN, KOREA & CHINA only - 3 double byte char. weekday names
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- ' JAPAN & KOREA ONLY - 1 double byte char. weekday abbrev.
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_ASUN = "ASUN"
- Public Const STR_RID_AMON = "AMON"
- Public Const STR_RID_ATUE = "ATUE"
- Public Const STR_RID_AWED = "AWED"
- Public Const STR_RID_ATHU = "ATHU"
- Public Const STR_RID_AFRI = "AFRI"
- Public Const STR_RID_ASAT = "ASAT"
- ' JAPAN ONLY - era names, double-byte abbrev.
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA1DB = "MM"
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA2DB = "TT"
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA3DB = "SS"
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA4DB = "HH"
- ' JAPAN ONLY - full era name (in double byte).
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA1 = "MEIJI"
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA2 = "TAISHO"
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA3 = "SHOWA"
- Public Const STR_RID_JERA4 = "HEISEI"
- ' TAIWAN ONLY - db year prefix for "before Republic"
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_TERA1 = "BR"
- ' TAIWAN ONLY - db year prefix abbrev. "after Republic"
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_TERA2AB = "AR"
- ' TAIWAN ONLY - db year prefix name "after Republic"
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_TERA2N = "ARN"
- ' TAIWAN ONLY - db year prefix Christian name "after Republic"
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_TERA2CN = "ARCN"
- ' TAIWAN & PRC ONLY - day, month, year symbols
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_TCDAY = "D"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCMONTH = "M"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCYEAR = "Y"
- ' TAIWAN & PRC ONLY - numbers to create day, month, years
- ' The existing values in this group are just placeholders.
- Public Const STR_RID_TCZERO = "A"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCONE = "B"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCTWO = "C"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCTHREE = "D"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCFOUR = "E"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCFIVE = "F"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCSIX = "G"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCSEVEN = "H"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCEIGHT = "I"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCNINE = "J"
- Public Const STR_RID_TCTEN = "K"
- ' End of translate only for Asian languages section
- ' Names of SUB Initialize & Terminate (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
- ' Miscellaneous strings (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
- Public Const STR_RID_NULLVALUE = "#NULL#"
- Public Const STR_RID_MODLINE = "%s+%ld: "
- Public Const STR_RID_EXECUTE = "$EXECUTE$"
- Public Const STR_RID_NM_EMPTY = "EMPTY"
- Public Const STR_RID_NM_NULL = "NULL"
- Public Const STR_RID_NM_LONG = "LONG"
- Public Const STR_RID_NM_DATE = "DATE"
- Public Const STR_RID_NM_ERROR = "ERROR"
- Public Const STR_RID_NM_LIST = " LIST"
- Public Const STR_RID_NM_PAREN = "( )"
- ' For the Inspector, TARRAY is the displayed datatype
- ' for arrays, TLIST for lists. Should be the same as
- ' TYPENAME would print out...ARRAY and LIST are fallbacks.
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_TARRAY = "%s( )"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_TLIST = "%s LIST"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_ARRAY = "ARRAY"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_LIST = "LIST"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_FSTR = "STRING*%d"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_UNK = "UNKNOWN"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_ARRAYIDX = "[%d]"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_VOID = "VOID"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_CONST = "CONST %s"
- Public Const STR_RID_DBG_VTFORMAT = "[ %s ]"
- Public Const STR_RID_ENDREM = "ENDREM"
- ' JAPAN ONLY, Japanese era name letter abbrev. (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
- Public Const STR_RID_ERA1SB = "M"
- Public Const STR_RID_ERA2SB = "T"
- Public Const STR_RID_ERA3SB = "S"
- Public Const STR_RID_ERA4SB = "H"
- ' JAPAN ONLY - era dates. (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
- ' When new era begins, add start date here.
- ' Also update era name and abbreviation tables, above.
- ' Format of date is day.month.year.
- ' Last entry here should always be ERAEND "00"
- Public Const STR_RID_ERASTART = "08.09.1868."
- Public Const STR_RID_ERA1END = "30.07.1912."
- Public Const STR_RID_ERA2END = "25.12.1926."
- Public Const STR_RID_ERA3END = "08.01.1989."
- Public Const STR_RID_ERAEND = "00"
- ' %IF language define names (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
- Public Const STR_RID_WIN16 = "WIN16"
- Public Const STR_RID_WIN32 = "WIN32"
- Public Const STR_RID_WINNT = "WINNT"
- Public Const STR_RID_WIN95 = "WIN95"
- Public Const STR_RID_OS2 = "OS2"
- Public Const STR_RID_MAC = "MAC"
- Public Const STR_RID_MAC68K = "MAC68K"
- Public Const STR_RID_MACPPC = "MACPPC"
- Public Const STR_RID_HPUX = "HPUX"
- Public Const STR_RID_UNIX = "UNIX"
- Public Const STR_RID_OLE = "OLE"